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Hi I'm home!!!


What a day! I'm mentally drained- this is just too much thinking for this tired brain! LOL


Vicki- Congrats to DD on her dark green belt! And thanks for sharing the pics- she looks like she was really concentrating and I'm so happy for her!! Not sure whose pitching tonight and I wish it wasn't on at 8 (my time) - we'll see how long I last!!!


LeaAnne- The Relay for Life sounds awesome- glad you all had a good time


LeeAnn- I was just thinking that I need to start a big project- I seem to do better with those even though they take longer, it is easier for me to keep going on something rather than figure out what to start. But those potholders are really easy and I don't have to think at all doing them!!


The painter was here while I was at work and I came home to a fixed ceiling and it looks great. I am pleased that I don't have to look at the water mark and the piece that was peeling. It looks good as new! And the price was right and well worth it! This is a painter we have used for years- he always does such neat work, and his prices are very good. I hate painting and DH isn't the best at it, so to me it is worth every penny!!!


Well, time to figure out what to eat- not much in the house since I've been working so much, so it just may be eggs and toast or pancakes tonight!


have a good evening everyone!

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Joanne-so glad that the painter visited and fixed your ceiling, I am a messy painter, good thing dh is so good at it. ;-) Get some rest and hope you feel rested for another day. Hugs dear friend!

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:hi everyone! What a day!!!! :eek At 8:00 am we were getting ready for church when DH told me his back was spasming. You may recall DH was off work for almost 5 mos last year due to a back injury. :(:ohdear So, DD and I went to church while he lay down. Shortly after that I went out for milk and a couple essentials (the stores are all closed here tomorrow). A few minutes after I got home the phone rang and our friend needed help. Her DH was in the Emergency Room with chest pain and needed someone to help move his car from temporary parking, so I went to the hospital to help with the car moving. The friend has now been tested and he's fine. :whew Not too long after that DD and I went out swimming (you gotta have some fun in your day). A few minutes after getting home her little friend's mom called to see if she could come over for a short play date, so out I went to deliver her to that. An hour later I picked her up and then we went for take out (you can't really expect me to cook between all these outings). After supper we all went out (DH is managing alright by this point) to check on MIL's house while she's away. It was crazy!!! On top of all that I got 2 loads of laundry done and dried on the clothesline, the dishwasher filled/run/unloaded and filled again.


So, this weekend hasn't been quite what I'd planned. I had hoped to get to the nursery to buy a new tree or shrub or two, but now I have no one to dig the holes so there is not much point. :rolleyes


LeeAnn - Your day sounds very nice (especially the buying yarn part :wink).


LeaAnne - WTG on doing the Relay. My mom and dad did it for years when my mom was working and I gather it is a very emotional, moving event.


Joanne - Keep going, girl, you can do it :cheer:cheer:cheer Just keep your mind on next weekend. Glad the painter did a good job. Enjoy your crochet time.


Vicki - I love the pics of your DD working so hard and congrats to her on getting her belt.


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed the visit with your BIL (although I'm not sure if they ever got there :think).


Shannon - Thinking of you and hoping your sister's graduation went well.


Beth - Happy Birthday Eve. Please know I'm thinking about you and, just in case tomorrow is anything like today, I am wishing you a very happy birthday :manyheart


:hi to everyone else. I hope you are having a good day.

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:bday:birthday:bday:birthday:bday Beth!! Hope you have an awesome day!!!


I went upstairs last evening around 6:15 to take a nap and woke up at 5AM! Do you think maybe I needed some sleep?:lol


Colleen- Sounds like you had a whirlwind day- and hope that DHs back will be ok. Happy that your friends DH is ok too! Enjoy Victoria Day. I am counting down till next weekend- which is Memorial Day weekend- so three days off!!!!!


Well, all, time to get ready for another day at the office.!


Vicki- just checked online and see the Mets beat the Yankees again---what is up with THAT???? :lol


Make it a good one everybody!!!


Cya later!:hug

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here's my rest of my post...


Joanne - congrats on your 5,000th post!!!! wow! Have a great day at work today... you are on the homestretch, friend!:cheer


Colleen - Yikes! that's quite a day you had! I hope you get some down time today, and :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheerfor excercise! I was thinking of you guys yesterday... when does the LIME Green start?


LeeAnn - Your haul at HL sounds divine! :drool:drool ... I LOVE new yarn! There are few things better for the soul than that:U:wink. Are you all through with that job? I hope you have a great day!


Vicki - WTG on DD's new dark green belt! that's wonderful news! ...and :lol:lol about the lime green 'ghan...kids are something, aren't they?


Shannon - how was graduation for Sissy? I hope your family had a wonderful time:U:hug Congrats to her!!!


:hug:hug:hugto Stacy, Mary, Scooby, and Sarah, and any friends I didn't mention here... I hope that life is treating you well.


...and once again: :birthday, Beth! :manyheart:hug


Have a Fantabulous day, all! I am off to get the chickens to school, then am off to work... I have 3 more weeks until my job ends, and I am not sure how I feel about that.

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:birthdayBeth!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

I did not feel the best yesterday afternnon. My stomach was bothering me, so I didn't get a lot done. I did get the laundry done and the pasta salad made to go with dinner. It was yummy! Ad yes, Joanne, what is up with the Mets beating the Yankees AGAIN!?! They are in a world of hurt!

Anyhoo, the chicken is defrosting for dinner and we only have 7 days left of school! That is it! I don't know where the year went but it needs to hurry up and end!

Colleen - WOW! You had a very busy day! I hope today you get to put your feet up a little and relax! What have you been working on lately? Anything good?

LeeAnn - How may more days for you until the old job ends and the new job starts?

LeaAnne - How were the games this weekend? How did hte chickens do in them?

Shannon - How was graduation? Did you get good pictures?

Mary - I hope the family visit is going well!

Joanne - you are on the home stretch! You can do it! You only hve 4 more sleeps and then you have a 3 day weekend!

I need to get going. One of my teachers is out so I need go hand in her sub note that she e-mailed to me.


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:bday:bday:birthday dear Be-etthhh, :bday!!! I hope your day is filled with family, laughter and love! :hug:hug


Thank you all for the hugs, love and support. You have no idea how much it means to me. You all are the best group of friends ever!


My sister says thank you for all the congrats, too! Her graduation went well. We had a very nice time. And no, Vicki, I didn't get any good pics. But my dad did, so it's all good!:)


I hope to be back later. We have a busy day ahead of us, so I'll just have to see how it goes. Know that I love you all and think about you guys all the time. We really need to schedule a chat soon. They're good for my soul! :manyheart

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Happy Happy Birthday dear Beth! Huggers and warmest of wishes for the bestest day ever!:bday:cake:party:jumpyay:birthday

Colleen-yesterday sounded super busy, so glad to hear that your friend is feeling better and that all will be well soon. Is your dh feeling better?:hug

Joanne-you can do it!:cheerhere's a few cups of :coffee:coffeeto help you! I only have 4 more days!!!! Yipps skippy! I will count down with you.

Vicki-7 more days? Not too bad! WTG!!! My kiddos finish school this Wednesday, they are super excited! I can't wait!

LeaAnne-do you have lots of big plans for the week?

Stacy-how ya doing today? How was your weekend?

Mary-are your gk with you? I am sure that you are having an amazing time.

Shannon-Congratulations to your sister! you have been a busy gal! :hug

All my other friends, hope today is special and wonderful for you!

I have to work till 5:30, but sooo glad that I can come home and relax and :hook. I decided to make the hexagon longer, it is wide enough but needed more length, so back to making more hexagons, I am about half way there with them, then need to connect them.....sooo many projects....so little time! I have so many projects floating in my mind,:juggle they are clogging up my brain!:lol talk to you all soon!:hug:flower:bheart

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:bday:bday:birthday Dear BEETTTTHHH!:bday Happy Birthday Beth!:flower I hope you have a wonderful day!


:hi everyone! Happy Monday! DH is getting around okay. He is just a bit stiff today, so we are grateful that this isn't as bad as the last time. :xfin


For those who asked I'm still working on my RR. It is coming along and I hope to get some :crocheting time today. We slept in a bit, I baked muffins, went for my walk and that is about all I've accomplished so far. It is VERY hot here today (28 degrees C) and sunny, sunny, sunny. I hate to do it, but we put on our AC.


Have a great day everyone. I'm going to go post the June song in the Christmas Carol CAL :D

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Hi Ladies

Well it is :hot:hot:hot here today and it is suppose to get hotter as the week goes on.

Vicki congrats to DD on the new belt.

Joanne Iam counting the days down with you, I know you can do it.

Colleen what a day yesterday, I think today should be a crochet day for you. Oh and I think I will be going to DD's sometime soon, I will let you know.

LeaAnne how did the chickens do in baseball this weekend?

Leeann I am counting the days with you also.

Shannon congrats to your sis on grad. WTG SIS :cheer

Stacy how are you doing on making stuff for your store? it sounds so exciting

Scooby how are things with you?

Beth I hope you have a great day. Did you get any yarn for your birthday?

I hope everyone has a great day

Lots of Love


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:bday:bday:birthday Dear Beth!!!:bday:hug:hug:hug


And Mary!! It's so wonderful to see that red writing. :hug:hug:hug I hope you are feeling better now that your darling kiddos and grandkids are there.


Shannon, glad to hear Sister had a wonderful graduation. We should definitely schedule another chat soon! I've missed the last few. :hug:hug


Colleen, what a busy weekend you've had! I'm so happy to hear your friend is okay. I hope your dh feels better quickly. Why can't you dig the holes? :think (Although, I probably wouldn't do it, either! :rofl) Hope you get to work on your rr again soon. :hug


Leanne, Leeann, Joanne, Vicki, Scooby- here are lots of :hug:hug:hug for you all! Take what you need and share the rest. :wink


I have a killer headache because stupid George is prolonging his arrival. This weekend was okay. BIL ended up arriving yesterday morning. I made a big breakfast because I thought they were coming over, and then they called to invite us out to brunch. Of course, we had to go. :angry Oh, well- I guess I have breakfast for the next few days. Yesterday was relatively uneventful, aside from that. They came over and we watched some movies. I made a few hexagons while we watched but my arm started hurting so I couldn't make as many as I had hoped. I also finished half of a hippo ami. Hopefully I can get the rest done today or tomorrow. With stupid George on the way, I just want to go back to bed.


Love and hugs to all! I'll try to check in later, if I don't curl up and hide somewhere. :yes



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Hi all,


We got out of work early today- around 2 so I stopped at the grocery store on my way home- Our cupboards were pretty bare!!! Got home, and put the groceries away and started a load of laundry. Cleaned the bathrooms and also organized yarn. I think that the good night's sleep I had last night gave me lots of energy!!


Mary- Good to see you! And it is getting humid here- but I am trying not to put the AC on- it seems to be ok with some windows open. How are the GK's?


Stacy- Stupid George- hope he comes and visits already and then leaves really quick!!


Shannon- Chat soon sounds good!


Vicki- 7 more days and you are off for the summer- I'm so jealous!!!!


LeeAnn- Thanks for counting down with me! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and a 3 day weekend is looking mighty good!!!!


LeaAnne- Seems like you just started working and it's almost summer vacation time! I'm sure you have mixed feelings!


Beth- HAPPY Birthday again- hope it was a most spendiferous-ness day!!!


Colleen- Glad to hear that DH's back isn't as bad as last time and that he is good as new soon. I'm going to head over to the Christmas CAL in a minute.


Hope everyone has a great evening!! Time to get the clothes out of the dryer and fold them!

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Hi friends!


Joanne, you got a lot done today! How nice that you got out at 2. Wanna come fold my laundry after yours is finished? :lol Oh, I keep forgetting to tell you- Trader Joe's has gourmet chicken meatballs with sun-dried tomato and provolone- all I can say is :drool :drool!!! The first time I made them, we also had cheese tortellini and veggies drizzled with olive oil. Tonight I am making them with spaghetti and vodka cream sauce, and asparagus on the side. :c9


I did some shopping at Target after dropping Mia off at school. Finished 2 hexagons afterward, while waiting for her. I went to drop off her kinder registration and the school nurse insisted that she had to wait another month to have her TB test because the dr. nurse gave her an MMR vaccine when she shouldn't have received it- or something. I called the pediatrician and she said that it would be fine for her to get it because it has been 6 weeks since she received the MMR. So we will go on with that as scheduled for Wednesday, and by Tuesday (because they have a 4-day weekend) she will be registered for kinder! I am so sad to see her leave the old school, but it is what makes the most sense. :yes


Anyway, I better scoot and get dinner going. Jorge has class tonight, so it will be me and the girls. I am planning to put a movie on for them and :crocheting away. That's the plan anyway- but it almost never works out. :lol We'll see!

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Thanks for the new item to add to my TJ's list STacy!!! They sound yummy- and DH loves Joe's O's cereal- I'll be heading back to TJ's first thing Saturday morning!!!!


Hope you get some crocheting done


I am putting together some purple and green squares tonight- should be big enough for a lapghan- we'll see when I'm done!


Night all!!!

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:hi everyone! I feel kinda behind with everyone, but a couple things I meant to catch up on.


Shannon - I would LOVE a chat! It has been too long. How is Tuesday or Wednesday evening? 9:30 EST?


Stacy - You are right, I can dig the holes by myself. :oops I thought of that after I posted it. Sometimes I don't think beyond the obvious :lol


LeaAnne - DD's soccer starts in 2 weeks and this year we have a new colour....it's FOREST green. She's excited :clap


Joanne - I'm so glad you got out early today. You deserve it!


Beth - I hope you had a great birthday! Was there cake?


It was so hot and summery here today. I crocheted a bit in the backyard. Still plugging away at my RR, but it's getting there. We went out for supper :c9 That was nice! DD had a friend over this evening.


It is tradition to have fireworks for Victoria day and last night there were people letting them off about ...oh...100 feet behind our house for 2 hours :grumpy I hear they've started again tonight, although not as close to our house :whewLuckily DD sleeps through it.


Have a great evening. I'm going to work on my RR.

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Good evening!

Feels like I would never be able to post, I have been trying to for about 2 hours. :lol either the phone rings or the kiddos or dh need something.

I actually had a good day at work:eek I know......I know....that's wierd.:lol We had 2 ladies that were observing my class, it was wonderful! I was able to chat with them, they work for the migrant program and have done observations while I was teaching preschool, it was so pleasurable to talk with people that were interested in what I had to say and that were engaging, I don't know if I told you all, but none of the gals really chat, they avoid me like the plague. :eek:eek it makes it for a lonely work experience, not that I am complaining, it's just different. So I can honestly say, it was the best work day that I have ever had here at this organization.

Enough about me...sometimes i worry that I chat too much about myself.

Joanne-are you working on a granny ghan? I love the colors! Glad that you were able to get out early, I bet it was nice to be able to run a few errands and then get things done around the house. You have lots of energy!:hug

Colleen-what color is your rr?

Stacy-don't mean to sound nosey, but who is George?

Vicki-how was your day?

Mary-oh so happy to read your post!

going to bed early, feel tired, don't know why:think

huggers dear friends!

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Hiya girls! Just got home after a very long day!


Chat on Wednesday sounds GREAT! DD will be at Honey and BigBob's house! (or should I say Honey and Al. DD loves the Paul Simon song "You Can Call Me Al", so now he's Al and she's Betty.:lol)


LeeAnn- I guess I should answer your question to Stacy. It actually came from me and stuck around here.:blush George is our friend who comes to visit every month, and stays for about a week, even though he's NEVER invited. I've always called him George. Why George? I don't know, but I know he has to be a man. A woman would never to this to another woman!:lol


Beth- I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!


Colleen, LeaAnne, Joanne, Stacy, Mary, Scooby, and Vicki- I hope you had a nice Monday (as nice as they can be, anyway) I hope I can chat with you all soon! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Sweet dreams tonight, my dear Besties! Love ya!!:manyheart

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Hi, friends!


Guess what I did tonight? Are you ready? Nothing!!!:rofl I tricked you, didn't I?:lol:lol We had NO games tonight! It was a welcomed break, for sure! The kids had friends over, went out, came in, some stayed for dinner;).... basically, things felt like summer:c9 I even got to sit on my deck and :crocheting for a little while. Tomorrow night we'll be back to normal... 2 games. Everyone is playing well, and having fun. I am thoroughly enjoying the sidelines:wink...just like you all said I would! :lol I am working on a special project for a friend at the moment, which makes my :heart really happy.


Joanne - glad you got out early and got to get some stuff done:clap sounds like that sleep did you wonders! Did you start another granny? I swear, between FB and here, I am starting to miss stuff! :lol Hey, the Celts are in OT. Are you watching any of the NBA playoffs?


LeeAnn - :clapfor a good work day! Sounds like you will be so much better off leaving. Sounds like weird energy that is likely not the greatest for the youngsters who attend that school. I know what you mean about worrying about how much you talk about you... but look at it this way: we all look forward to seeing what you've been up to, just like you do us. So, share away, friend!!!:hug:hug:hug


Colleen - awwww.... no more LIMA green:eek... I like the new color though... the first thought that popped in my head? "RUN, FORREST, RUN!" :lol ... I can't wait to hear about all of the adventures of DD on her new team! Hey...how is DH feeling? Hooray for :crocheting in your backyard (I did a little of that myself tonight:wink:tup)... boo for hooligans lighting off fireworks!


Mary! - Yay! I missed you, girl! boy, it sure was nice to see you today! How are those grand-chickens? I hope you are having the Bestiest time!:hug:hug


Beth - :bday to you for about 40 more minutes! I hope your day was all that you wanted, and am sure that your inventions spoiled you soooo much!!!! that thought makes me :U, friend! You deserve the best!:yes


Hey, Vick-ster! How was your day at school? It's so nice to see you on countdown to vacation... that means my chickens will be done soon, too!:cheer:clap 19 more get-ups...for that I am so Jacked!!!! What plans do you and DD have for your vacation? Anything good?


Shannon-ness! How are you doing tonight, GF? How are Honey, Janna, Sis and BigBob? Oh, and of course DH!!!! Is he still working way too much?

I just missed you posting...


Stacy - Are you feeling any better? Did George arrive? How is your arm feeling? How are the girls?


Scooby - How are you holding up? today was day 4 of 8, right? I hope the meds are what you were needing and that you are beginning to have some relief. :hug


Sarah - How is everyone down your way? DF? Keith? He must be keeping you busy and happy:U:U How are You doing? I hope you are ok. :hug:hug


I will be by tomorrow, but it might not be in the morning:think... how did it get to be 11:30?!:eek It's past my bedtime on a schoolnight! :devil


I will pray that you all had a wonderful night:yes

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Hey Joanne! I was just looking for attic 24 show-and-tells here, and noticed that you joined the We Love Lucy group on Ravelry! I did too, just a few days ago. In fact, I joined Ravelry just so I could be in the group! Don't you love it???? It's so awesome that there's a place where we can actually "talk" to Lucy! Maybe I'll see you over there soon!

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Hey all!

You know...I just realized I've been saying "hexagons" instead of "snowflakes." Leeann- your project is on my mind! :rofl So, I made 3 more snowflakes while watching "Man vs. Wild" with the girls and BIL. He and SIL had a fight because she was being very rude to him, and she stormed out. She is now at MIL's house, and he is camping on our couch. I'm sure MIL just looooves that. :heehee:devil

Anyway...so it was a quiet night, and I got to :crocheting, so I am happy. George did not arrive yet, but the headache is still here. My arm feels better, though, thank goodness. It usually takes a few days to adjust to using a smaller hook, but after that, it's fine.


Oh, and Wednesday sounds like a wonderful chat night. Dh has class, so it will be me and the kiddos.


Leeann, now that Shannon has let you in on George, I do have to warn you that my dh's name is also Jorge. :lol But with a J, so it shouldn't be too confusing. :wink


Leanne, :cheer for nothing to do! I'm glad you had a nice, summery time. :hug


Well, sounds like dh is home, so I'm going to scoot off to bed. Good night, besties!


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Good morning!

LeaAnne- Yes, I have been watching some NBA Playoff's- and was watching the Celtics last night- too bad they couldn't have won that one to rest up for the Finals! We'll see what happens Wed- I am rooting for the Celtics all the way (the one Boston team that I root for- LOL)


Shannon- Hope to see you over at "We Love Lucy" on ravelry! Glad to hear that Sister's graduation went well! And hope to be here Wed for chat. Do we have a time?


Stacy- I LOL about your comment about me making you a flannel'ghan. Isn't it YOU who are supposed to making ME a flannel'ghan?? LOL


LeeAnn- Glad to hear you had a good day. Your kiddies get out of school early too- just like Texas. Kids here don't end school till around the 18th of June!


Beth- Did your inventions treat you like the Queen you are for your birthday?


Colleen- Hope you had a nice "Victoria Day". We got an email from a co-worker yesterday withing us a Happy Bermuda Day- aka Victoria Day--His wife is a Bermudian.


Scooby, Mary, Sarah- Thinking of you!


I forget who asked, but I had made 30 squares and decided last night it was time to just whipstitch them together and make a lapghan and be done with it- one more WIP off the list. I got all the squares sewn together and have one more strip of squares to sew and then put a border on it.


Well, time to get ready- 4 more days!!!


Have a good one everyone!

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Morning all-


I hope you have a fantabulous day:yay:hug:cheer(4 more days, Joanne!)


don't forget your vitamins, and exercise if you can... it's supposed to be :hot:hot up here in the northern quadrant today.


I keep forgetting to ask... LeeAnn, when is your b-day? As you noticed, we kind of like to make a big deal about it around here! :wink ...also, feel free to find us on Facebook, if you have one.


well, besties.... have a great day... I need to go find some shorts to wear, and hope that they fit!!!!:eek:rofl

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Good morning all! We are down to 6 days until summer vacation!


I didn't get too much done last night. I did dinner and cleaned all that up. I worked on my paper a little and did some research for it. I found a new idea to research to add to it so I will try to do that today little, but I need to get some stuff done here. I have been procrastinating WAY too long and I need to get my folders in order. I need to organize some papers that need to go in them today.

Tonight is pay out night for bowling. We didn't have a great season so we won't get great money, but there is always next year.

Joanne - You are almost there! You can do it!

Stacy - Funny about your SIL and BIL. How long has he been camped out on your couch? How long do you think he will be there?

LeaAnne - It must have been nice to have a quiet night last night! I hope you enjoyed it! Have fun at the games tonight! What kind of project are you working on for your friend?

LeeAnn - Isn't it nice to have a good day every now and then? Glad you had one! When is your last day there?

Shannon - Honey and Al's! That is so funny! What is your sister planning now that she is a graduate?

Colleen - YAY for soccer! I played many years ago when I was little! I hope DD has fun!

Mary - How is the visit going?

Off to get ready for the day! Hope everyone has a great one and I will talk to you all later!


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