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Some good clean fun?!

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I like mindless because I'm usually too tired to focus on a pattern- after focusing on work all day long! I do have more energy on the weekend to focus on a pattern, but by then, I've usually started something already!


I really should start challenging myself in crochet though----just not now- LOL


Have a good night Colleen!!!!

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Good night Joanne. I've got the PVR set for Parenthood too. I had to record American Idol too, because there are some big NHL playoffs going (not looking good for Montreal :().


Sleep well! :hug

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Good morning, sisters!


I hope Jorge had a good birthday. I'm sorry I didn't get on-line to wish him a happy one yesterday.


Joanne and Colleen, I enjoyed your chat last night. :hug So nice to be able to "listen in" in the morning. Good luck with your 10 days to go, Joanne! Colleen, I'm so happy you get to go back to Disney.


Mary, lots of :hug to you, dear Sister. Enjoy your family visits.


LeaAnn, I must have missed a lot of something, and I don't have time to go back. I hope your job situation ends up heavenly. Working with wee ones can be so much fun.


Vicki, your vacation is almost here! I hope the end of the year slides by uneventfully, and you get a wonderful rest.


LeaAnne, you are awesome! It must be hard to keep up with everything with so many chickens running around! I have trouble with my 3 inventions sometimes, and mine are almost grown.


:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug for everyone I didn't name. I love you all, and think of you daily, but my coffee is still percolating, and my brain won't work yet.


Oh, I actually did some housework this morning! I cleaned the bathroom. :faint It was missing my attention. It feels much better now.

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Quick good morning!

The Yankees kept me up till past midnight only to lose the game against LeaAnne's red sox! Like Beth, I need my coffee to get my brain functioning!!!


Have a great Wednesday!!!



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Happy Hump Day to you all! I bowled reasonable well last night! A 151, 140, and a 179! I took 3 out of 4 points! YAY ME! Don't ask me where those scores have been the last three months! They finally decided to show up now at the end of the season!


We have tae kwon do tonight. And I am tired. I , like Joanne, was up watching the Yankees lose to LeaAnne's Red Sox last night. We came home from bowling to discover that they were still playing. They had a 5-0 lead and blew it? What is up with that? And now the Rays come in to town for a two game set before the Mets come to play. This is going to be interesting.

Okay, my sisters, I must be going to get ready for the rest of my day. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will talk to you all later!


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Good Morning Ladies!

I am up and ready! Not really ready for the long day but sitting here all dressed, with coffee in hand. :D

Joanne-Eek, you stayed up late, hope the coffee helps, I have been staying up later and later, then in the morning I am like a teenager, ready to cry. :lol:lol well maybel not that bad, but the coffee sure helps. Only 7 days after today!:cheer:cheer:cheer not that I am counting. :think

Beth-WTG! Cleaning your bathroom first thing in the morning, I am working on the cleaning ever so slowly this week, I just want to relax a;nd :hook

Colleen-Disneyland! How fun! We have never gone, our kiddos wouldn't know what to do! How exciting!

Vicki-Excelentteee scores! Do you feel better today?

Scooby-I hope that things with your thyroid get squared away soon, my mom had hers removed a few years ago, she is always tired, but the meds help.:hug

LeaAnne-how are you today? Hope you are enjoying the nice weather.

Stacy-hope you had a fantastic B-day with dh and your gals.

Well friends, guess I must get my tush in gear, talk to you all soon!

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Hey ladies!

Yesterday was nice. It stopped raining right when we arrived, so the weather was overcast and cool- just the way I like it for a theme park. :lol We left around 4 so dh could be home in time to get his classes for next semester. Then gave him the gifts- he is so excited about the concert! :clap:clap That makes me excited. LoL Then went out to dinner and back home for carrot cake muffins that I bought from Trader Joe's. :whew Today he went back to work. I miss my company. :(

This morning I cleaned up our bedroom and bathroom, washed some dishes that were lying around, and finished a jar jacket. Pics to follow soon.

Right now I am :thair. I tried to vacuum and found the hose clogged with a pen and several wads of bubble gum. :angry Roomie's b/f used it last and apparently never cleaned it out. Then I opened the dishwasher and found that dear Roomie ran it half-full, when the sink is still full of dishes. :sigh I'll have to ask her about it when she gets home. I think I know why she did it, though. Anyway...


Beth, WTG on cleaning your bathroom. Hope you felt better after having your coffee. :lol


Joanne, you are a night owl! No way can I stay up that late, even when I want to. :blush


Leeann, only 7 days left! You can do it! :cheer Do you have any plans for your 2 weeks off?


Scooby, so sorry to hear about your thyroid! I hope you can get everything straightened out. My mom has a thyroid problem, too, but refuses to take meds for it. :think How is Josh? Still playing lots of basketball? Good luck with his apps. It is so exciting to work and make your own money when you're that young. He'll learn...:lol


Everyone, I have to scoot, but please accept lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug! Hopefully bbl. Will anyone be around for a chat, say 6:30-ish my time? Dh has school tonight and I sure could use one!

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YAY!!! I am over the hump! Tomorrow will be a long day. After school I am not going home since we have awards ceremony at night, so I will just stay here. There are a couple of us staying, so we will probably go and get something to eat. I will bring my yarn with me!

TKD tonight! I can yarn it up tonight also. I haven't hooked anything in over a week! I need to get moving on stuff! Too much to do!

Sounds like everyone is having a great day! Hope you all have a great night. I will talk to you all later!

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Hi everyone and I so wish I could say Hump Day is over like Vicki! I still have 9 more days b/4 a day off!!!


I am tired so not sure I'll be around 9:30 for chat- sorry Stacy-and how frustrating about the vacuum AND the dishwasher!!! Did you use the attic24 jar jacket pattern?


LeeAnn- 7 more days-!!! And I am so anxious to see your hexagon ghan


LeaAnne, Beth, Shannon, Vicki, Mary, Scooby- Hugs to you all- off to watch some Yankees and I am NOT staying up late- I'm beat!!!!


Hugs to all my 'sisters'

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No problem, Joanne- I know it is late for most of you. I hope you have a great night. :hug The jar jacket I made this time has vertical stripes instead of horizontal- not sure I will do that again but it still cute.


Vicki, have fun at tkd. How are your 'ghans coming along?


Oh, Colleen- :cheer for going to Disney again! I bet dd is just thrilled. Too cute that she is saving her money.


Dinner is done- 2 didn't eat so they were sent to their rooms. Isabella told a lie so she was sent to her room, also. It is going to be a quiet night for me. :lol I am planning another jar jacket (this time with Attic24's pattern) and maybe some snowflakes. I have 24 finished- only 35 more to go. :cheer


Have a great night, all! :hug:hug

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Hi everyone!


I can't stay, have lots to do. But I wanted those of you who might be in the area to know that I'm going to New York next month. Anyone want to try to meet up?


Love you all! Sweet dreams tonight! :hug

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:hi Shannon!

I'm jealous- wish I was close to NY! Have fun. Are you visiting family? How is Janna doing? When do you get the results from her EEG?

Hope all is well, my friend. :hug:hug

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HI all! Just a quick post, too tired to do much going to go to bed early. Hope everyone had a fantastic Wednesday! Hugs and warmest of wishes! I tried to upload the pics of my hexagons, but something is wrong, will work on it tomorrow. Night dear friends!

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Good morning!

Was in bed last night at 9- just what I needed! And so glad I didn't stay up to watch the yankees lose!


Shannon- when will you be in NY? Will you be in the city? How long will you be visiting?


Stacy- Only 35 more- you can do it!!!! So how did your quiet night end up?


LeeAnn- only 6 more days-and hope that you can figure out how to upload your hex pics!!


Beth- Hugs right back at you!!! How are the windows coming along?


Colleen, Mary, LeaAnne, Scooby-Happy Thursday!


Vicki- Another Yankee loss- and now Posada is going on the DL- I guess some of the age of the Yankees is catching up with them. Hope that they can at least win one tonight! My middle DD and her BF are going to the game!


time to get ready for day 4- have a great day everyone and I'll cya later!

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Good Morning Ladies!


Wanted to hop on here before running out the door, tonight I get out earlier, have to catch up on housework and some laundry but nothing too stressful.


Joanne-Hope your day goes well! I'll count down for you! :-)


Colleen-it was a quiet day yesterday huh? Whatcha working on?


Beth-hugs back at ya!


LeaAnne-how ya doing?


Stacy-did you get time for a little R & R?


Shannon-your trip sounds heavenly!


Vicki-have a great day!


Mary, Scooby, Sarah and al my other friends, have a Fantabulous day! Hugs!!!

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Hey there! Busy morning here! It is going to be a long day here. I don't get to go home tonight since it is awards night. Hubby will be home with DD so I will go catch something to eat here. I won't get home until almost 9 :eek! At least I can wear jeans to school tomorrow and be comfortable.


TKD was funny yesterday. DD got to bow everyone in and out since her coach ran the class. That meant she was the next highest ranking belt in the class, so she was the "helper". She was so cute! She has her belt test on Saturday for her dark green belt. No more lima green!

Shannon - YAY for NY!! When are you going?

Stacy - YAY for a quiet night! How much did you get accomplished?

Joanne - Did you see the game last night? What is going on with them lately? They are not playing well at all! I hope day 4 goes well and you have a good one!

LeeAnn - How are you doing? Hope you are having a great day!

Colleen - YAY for a trip to Disney world! I think it is cute that DD is saving her money to go. Does she want to meet her favorite princesses again? When will you go?

LeaAnne - How are things going up by you? How are the chickens doing?

Beth - How is your dad doing? Is he doing well on the therapy? I hope so.

Scooby - Glad to hear you are back to work and you are doing well. I have been on my thyroid medicine since September and I notice a difference in me since I have been on it. I am not NEARLY as moody as I was before! I tease my hubby when I take my medicine. I tell him it keeps me Bambi instead of Godzilla! He says that is a good thing!

I am sitting here procrastinating doing things. I just don't want to sort through stuff and file it away! I will do it tomorrow! Yes, that is what I will do. It can wait until then!

Have a great day all and I will talk you all later!


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Morning, besties!


Big :hug:hug:hug to all! Especially to Joanne (day 4- you can do it! :cheer) and Vicki, who will have a such a long day. Are the awards for the students, or the teachers? :think I had a good :lol at "Bambi instead of Godzilla." Maybe I should have my thyroid checked. :blush:D


Leeann, can't wait to see those hexagons! I'm sure they are beautiful! :manyheart


Leanne, how is everything at the chicken coop? I've been thinking of Uncle Art and Aunt Sue. I hope all is well with them. :manyheart


Jorge decided to stay home from class last night, so my night wasn't too quiet. We watched old episodes of The Office, and I worked on a sweater for Mia's stuffed puppy. She asked me last night if I could make a pink one and surprise her by leaving it in her bed while she was sleeping. :rofl Anyway, I had to work on it after dh left this morning, and barely sneaked it into her bed about 5 minutes before she woke up! :whew

We have Mommy and Me today- only 3 left! There are 4 classes but Mia's pre-k graduation is the same day as the last one. I have to admit, I am kind of relieved. I just adore the teacher, but the class is getting too full- to the point of overcrowding. Trying to think what I can make for her- she has really helped me so much with some of Mia's issues, and I will truly miss her. Eva will still be old enough next year, but I don't think we will go back.


Anyway, I better scoot and get snacks ready. BBL! Have a beautiful Thursday!





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Stacy - It is the students' awards night. 6th and 7th graders get to go first and 8th graders go after that. It will be a long night, but I get to sleep later tomorrow. I am taking a half day tomorrow! We are going to refinance my house and so I get to go sign my life away yet again!

Some of the teachers are ordering pizza in tonight so that is what we are doing. I will just need to go get a can of soda and I will be all set! I am getting ready to crochet and I just realized that I left the pattern at home! AAAHHH! I can begin the back for the pillow. I was going to do that in straight doubles or half doubles. I was going to see which I liked better. I have the yarn and the hook here, so since I am going to do that back without a pattern anyway, I may as well! I can't believe I forgot the book! What a dope I am!

Hope everyone had a great day and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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:hi friends. Can't stay long, just wanted to pop by and say hi. I have my scrabble club tonight, but since it has been many months since we actually played scrabble we are now making it a wine and cheese club :rofl I don't drink wine myself, so this will be interesting to learn more about it. I think when it's my turn it will be a coffee/tea and cake club...with treats in the coffee :devil It is VERY hot and sunny here. 30 degrees C...hold on I'll go convert..that's 86. Our A/C just kicked in. I have made a big green salad for supper, we have left over macaroni salad from last night, and I got a nice loaf of fresh bread. A cold supper for a hot day.


Have a great evening all! See ya tomorrow!

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:hug:lolHiya Friends! I left work early, happy happy! I didn't have any kiddos, they all went home early, and great news! I do not have to work tomorrow! :cheer:cheer I am super duper excited! I am sharing a pic of the hexagons, sorry it is a little dark, I took the pic last night, it fits a queen size bed, can ya all believe that? I still have to finish the last row and then tuck in all the ends, but it's on it's way to being finished, then I can start the next flannelghan and maybe a granny ghan, want to continue using up scrap yarn. My stash is slowly being depleted,....I should have kept track of all the yarn that I used for the CAL but I forgot.

Vicki-hoping for a speedy and fun night! Pizza sounds yummy!

Colleen-your evening sounds like so much fun! I am not a wine drinker either, but coffee would sure do the trick!

Joanne-how was your day? Hope it went well.

Stacy-the little sweater sounds adorable! :D

Beth-how's your dad doing?

guess I should get to fixing dinner, talk to you all soon!


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Hiya Besties!!


LeeAnn- :graduateCongratulations on graduating! And yay for you with the speech. That is awesome!! Your hexagon ghan looks great!


Colleen- The wine and cheese club sounds like fun! Have a wonderful night with your IRLs!


Vicki- Enjoy your yummy pizza and awards night! Summer is just around the corner!


Stacy- Happy belated birthday to Jorge! I'm glad you all had a nice day! I thought I had told you guys about Janna's EEG. It was abnormal, just like last time. We have to keep doing what we're doing. They scheduled a genetic test for the next time we go. They also suggested that we do a test (can't remember what it's called) that will help us understand how her brain processes information. We'll have that done before she starts kindergarten next year.


Joanne- I'll be in NY for the weekend of the 12th, but I'm not sure exactly what day we'll be up there. Thinking about going to a Yankee game. Guess who they're playing? The Houston Astros! That's the closest team to me here.


Beth- How's your dad doing? I've been thinking about you all! And praying, of course! Are the inventions done with school?


Mary- Big :hug:hug:hug coming your way! Those grandkids will make you feel better!


LeaAnne- How are you and the chickens? How's life at the ball parks?


Scooby- I hope you're feeling better! Dizzy spells are scary. How exciting that you get to go to New Jersey!


Well, things just won't slow down around here. I'm sorry I haven't been around much. The week before we went to Branson, my cousin was killed in a car accident. I stayed at my mom's while she was in New York. Then we went on vacation. I haven't been home one full day since we got back. My cousin's wedding is June 5th, so we have a lot going on with that. My sister graduates on Saturday. Then we're going to New York for a baby shower. I'm tired. I miss you all and I'm hoping I can start posting more. Please know that I love you and pray for you every day!:manyheart

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Hi all!


Colleen- Have fun at scrabble, aka wine and cheese night- sounds like fun- it was about 83 degrees F here today- but not humid- too bad I was inside all day- I came home and DH is out tonight so I made an ice coffee and sat on the deck and read for a while. I'm now inside and watching the Yankees- My DD and her BF are at the game- she was super excited and texted me "to not be jealous" LOL


LeeAnn- the hexagon ghan is gorgeous- great job!!!! And YAY for you having off tomorrow (now that is something I'm jealous about- LOL)_


Vicki- hope your long day isn't too long- I have a long day tomorrow- probably working till about 7:30 and then heading over to DD's - she is having a jewelry party- and then back to work at 8AM on Saturday- Good luck with the re-financing- And what's up with the Yankees is right!!!!!


Stacy- Hope Jorge is feeling ok- was he playing 'hooky" from school? That is so cute about the sweater for her stuffy! And good for you for finishing it in just the nick of time! Have you started your Etsy store yet?


Shannon, Beth, Mary, Scooby and LeaAnne- thinking of you and sending you my best.


Off to watch the game and finish the 2nd potholder!

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Shannon- sorry to hear about your cousin- how tragic! Congrats to your sister on her graduation. Is she going to college?


The 12th- of June? I still haven't been to Yankee stadium!! You mentioned a baby shower- is that why you are coming to NY then?


You sure have been busy, busy, busy! This is the time of year for lots of graduations, communions, weddings, etc!!!! How is your ripple afghan coming along?

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