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Some good clean fun?!

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hi, friends!


First, I want to wish LeeAnn good luck tomorrow... :cheer:clap Congratulations!!!! :yay:yay:yay :hug:hug:hug I admire you!

so....how many hexagons have you made?


Joanne - this weekend is light... only 2 games and a practice:lol. Our weather is supposed to be great too... We are seriously behind on yardwork! We are relieved that the schedule and weather will allow us to catch up. We watched the Bruins :irk... I was so excited to see a B's vs C's series starting on Sunday! Oh well :shrug It could be worse... I could be a die hard fan!:lol


Colleen - what color ripple are you making? I still have to start a new project. I hope that this weekend, I will become inspired. Meanwhile, I have just been making 8" squares in sc. They are from that Jackson 'ghan from the Pirate CAL. I am not thrilled about that 'ghan per se, but it is fun and easy to work on at the ballgames! I have 1 more sc square to make, then move on to hdc's.

I hope your weekend is wonderful and relaxing!


Stacy - WTG on making the camel for Mia's project! I miss those days, when it was cool if mom :crocheting something for a school project! I hope you are all doing well, and I am remembering you all in my prayers... especially Jorge. It's not easy these days to do so much more for the same pay. The stress can be overwhelming and unhealthy. I hope he gets to relax some... Big :hug:hug:hug to you all, and please say "hi" to Isabella... I have had her on my mind lately:)


Mary - I hope you and DH are ok... I, too, was :) about the good news, and :( about the bad. Please know you are in my prayers each day, and that we are here if you need us, dear friend! :hug:hug


Beth - You are like a whirlwind lately! I hope things settle down for you soon, friend! :hug:hug


Shannon - :waving & :hug to you, Janna, sissy, and Honey and BigBob...Oh, and of course to DH too! Hope you get to stop by and post soon... we all miss you around here!


Vicki - Hey, girl! Happy weekend! You have what, 3 weeks left of school? you lucky :ducky, you! :lol I can't wait to see pics of the afghans you've been working on... and I hope DD has fun at TQD tomorrow. Hey, how is DH enjoying the new job? I am thinking about you all. Big Texas sized HUGGERZ for you guys! :wink


Sarah and Scooby - I hope you are doing well... I think about you every day!


Well, I should be in and out tomorrow... yard work, laundry, a 10am and a 5pm game. oh, yeah, and food shopping:P. I also want to try to sort out my coat.. err... I mean stash closet this weekend... it sure is a big pile of mess!:blush


Have nice dreams tonight, all, and I'll see you in the A.M.!!


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Hi girls!


I'm sorry I haven't been on. It's been non-stop around here, and I'm so ready for things to slow down. I'm actually looking forward to having time to clean my house, because it needs it so badly!


Please know that I am thinking of you all, missing you and keeping you in my prayers! I love you lovely ladies, and don't know what I'd do without you!:hug


One year ago tomorrow I joined this amazing group, and my life is so much better because of it! Thank you all for being my friends, my sisters. You'll never know how much you mean to me!:manyheart

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Tired. I actually can't stay.:( I'm hosting a lingerie party tomorrow, so I need to get some things done and get to bed. It's going to be a long weekend, and I'll be so glad when it's over!

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RR is brown and pink. Maybe a bit of off-white. I'm using up stash so I can make a flannelghan :D


LeeAnn - Good luck tomorrow! Have fun and enjoy your success :cheer

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Yeah, lingerie party, then dinner and bachelorette party. Then another shower on Sunday. And all I really want to do is sleep.

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Ooo! I love brown and pink! That is going to be beautiful. Is it for anyone in particular? Did you get it started tonight?

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Yes, I've done seven rounds but my eyes are tired. Not for anyone in particular. It will either be a baby gift or I'll donate it to Project Linus. It will be baby-sized.


Is this lingerie party and shower for a wedding?

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Yep, my cousin's. It's in three weeks. We went and picked up our dresses today. DD is a flower girl, and my sister and I are bridesmaids. It's a family affair!

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I know, right? It'll be fun, I'm just ready for some down time after these last few weeks. It's been a roller coaster of emotions, not to mention the regular exhaustion that goes along with vacation.

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Good morning and Happy Weekend!!


shannon- Sounds like you have a whirlwind of a weekend between lingerie party, showers, bachorlette party- WOW- but to me it sure beats cleaning!!


Colleen- You go girl- seems like you have your crochet mo-jo back- Yes, I do want to do another RR- hopefully that doesn't come out wonky!! This is my biggest problem right now- deciding WHAT I want to work on!!!




LeaAnne- We have to do some yard work too- and its supposed to be a nice weekend here! Sorry that the Bruins lost---how do you blow a 3-0 lead in the series and then a 3-0 lead in the 1st period? My DD is upset cause she is a diehard fan- but like she says- time to move on to baseball!!! I just don't want the Flyers to go all the way.

I started that Jackson ghan too- I have about a5 squares made- I also started 8 inch grannies in green and purple- have about 30 of them- its the sewing together part that I'm not looking forward to. But I was thinking maybe I should just put the 30 together and see what I've got before I move on to another project!


OMG- just looked at the clock- I have to be at my hair appt @8===BBL!!! ]]


Everyone- have a great one!!

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Good morning!


Shannon, I hope you enjoy your parties and the wedding. Family can be so wonderful. I hope we'll get to see some pics of you all dressed up!


Colleen, I hope you get some rest this weekend.


LeaAnne, enjoy your "light" weekend of only 2 games and practice. :rofl


LeaAnn, congratulations on your graduation. I am SO proud of you!


Joanne, enjoy your weekend. What is flying off your hook now?


Mary, speaking of flying hooks, what's up in God's country?


Vicki, how are you feeling? When does summer vacation start? What do you have planned for your break?


Stacy, my mother-in-law loved your "knitted" animals -- she lives with my sil who actually knits, but doesn't crochet, so she may not know better. Any way, they are adorable.


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone. I am pretty sure I missed someone -- I'm out of practice.


I need to get started on the windows -- cleaning, painting the frames, reglazing... it's going to be a job, which is why I'm dragging my feet. I hope to get at least 3 windows started today. Since I have to wait for paint to dry between steps, I may just get them started. I'd love to finish them, though. Wish me luck!

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Good morning Friends!


Just stopped in a for a quick fix and to see what everyone is up to. I worked yesterday and then spent the evening with my sister and her family...oh just love it! Gotta run, have to get dd dressed, be back hopefully this evening!


hugs and thank you for all the "Congratulations!"

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stopping by quick, to say :hi!


Good Luck, Beth, with your windows!!!! I still need to do mine, too:blush


Joanne - hope the hair appointment went well, and that you are enjoying your day with DH in the yard-ness!


Shannon - have fun with all of your family, and all of the festivities this weekend... Like Joanne said: It beats cleaning!!!


Colleen - i :manyheart pink with brown! that RR will be pretty! What color flannelghan will you make?


LeeAnn - enjoy your festivities too! I can't wait to hear all about it!


:hi, and big :hug:hug to you, Mary, Stacy, Vicki, Scooby and Sarah!



well, I gotta jet... lunch break is over:lol

Hope today is one of your "Bestiest"!


Luv to all!

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Hi besties!


Hope you're all having a super Saturday!


Leeann, congratulations!! :hug:hug


Leanne, enjoy your "light" day. :lol


Joanne, enjoy your hair appt. It's so nice to be pampered. :manyheart


Beth, good luck with your windows! I hate cleaning them- that's dh's job. :lol I'm glad your MIL liked my "knitted" animals. :D


Shannon, you are a busy woman! :nworthy Have fun with your family. A lingerie party sounds :party.


Vicki, Scooby, Sarah, Mary, Colleen- love and hugs to you! :hug:hug:hug


Guess what? A teacher at Mia's school saw the animals and wants to order some as party favors for her dd's birthday!!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer It's not until the end of August but she asked for my phone number and email, and said she will contact me soon! I am super-excited! :cheer


Well I have to scoot. Dh's aunt is having a birthday party for his mom tonight, and I need to make a fruit salad and potato salad. Be back tonight, hopefully! :manyheart

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Hair appt done, and trek to Trader Joe's done- But, I was so disappointed- they were out of Joe's Dark!! DH came with me this time and he wanted to try Joe's Diner coffee- so that's what we got- we'll see how it tastes. But everything else on my list was in stock!! Then stopped at the regular food store and that is done. Kitchen is clean, bathroom upstairs done, downstairs still needs to be done


Weeded some and then it was too hot- so came inside to watch some Yankees and then we are heading out to buy flowers for the yard!


Congrats Stacy on the potential for making the animals for party favors!!! I really think you can a nice little business going!!!


Beth- Good luck with re-glazing the windows- I've never done that! So happy we replaced the windows a few years ago- easy peasy to clean- which reminds me, I still need to clean the windows in the family room- mmmm....maybe tomorrow!!!


Well, DH is calling....



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