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Some good clean fun?!

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hi, all-


Here is my list of some flannelghan inspirations! :dreaming (Maybe some of these will have colors in the Pound of Love:devil)









light green/cream


sunny yellow/white


hot pink/black

hot pink/lime

sand & sea (beige and aqua)


...I don't really need to make all of these combo's, they just sound fun!


:thinkdo you think I have a flannelghan problem?! :rofl


Mary - praying for you girl! :hug:hug:hug

Shannon - safe travels tonight! :hug:hug:hug

Stacy - so.... are you in on the 'ghan-ness?! did you go to Joann's... huh, huh?! :drool:drool :lol:lol


Everyone else, I hope your day was awesome-ness! :hug:hug:hug

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Shannon, glad all went well. :hug:hug:hug


Mary, it's good to hear from you! Yay for the good news and boo for the bad! :hug:hug:hug to you!


Vicki, glad to hear you got your hours planned. It's nice that you can all take your classes together. :yes Good luck to dd at tkd! :hug:hug


Leanne, I :manyheart all of your color combos! Dh's cousin's living room and bedroom are decorated in burgandy/dark green/cream/dark gray. So I need to figure out some combination of that for his 'ghan. Mia is off on Fridays so I will run to Joann's then. They usually have Caron pounders on sale when the LB Pound of Love is.


So, I went to pick up Mia today, and the LAPD chopper was circling the school! :eek:eek There was rumor that the school was about to be put on lock-down, so I grabbed Mia and left. Isabella would have been stuck at school without knowing what was going on. Anyway, we got home safely. I'm going to watch the news to see if there is anything about it.


Gotta go get Isabella. BBL!

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Oh, my Stacy- the LAPD chopper and almost a lockdown- wonder what was going on? I had the most difficulty with my middle DD- she was the most headstrong (and still is) My oldest was always so calm and even-tempered. And my youngest was a real pleasure ( i think she knew she'd better be or mama would lose it- LOL) I really think there is someting to be said for middle child syndrome- especially with girls- and especially when they are close in age!


LeaAnne- Love the color combos you came up with for flannel'ghans- Sounds like you had a good day today


Vicki- Hump Day is OVER!!! YAY!!!! Good news about your bowling last night! And good for you that you'll get to play with your yarn and hook tonight- can't wait to see the progress you are making on your baseball ghan


Shannon- thanks for popping in- and safe travels home. Hope all went well with the EEG


Mary- Hugs to you! Glad you got some good news but sorry to hear you also got some bad! Prayers for you!!!


Colleen- How was your Hump Day- how was DD today?


LeeAnn-Have you made any decisions yet on what to do with the current job situation? And YAY- only a few more days and you graduate!!!!! And PARTY!!!!!


Beth- How are you doing? And how is your Dad doing? How are all your projects coming along?


Well, my friends, I'm beat! Didn't decide what I want to crochet yet. Mindless or challenging? By the time I come home at night and get settled in my brain doesn't have the energy to follow a pattern- so that is why I usually choose mindless! LOL


Have a great evening!

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Mary - Nice to hear from you. Glad for the good news and sorry to hear that there was bad news. :hug:hug:hug


Shannon - Glad the EEG went well and I hope the appt went well and that you had a safe trip home.


Stacy - LAPD...lockdown :eek Now that's a whole lot of excitement for one day!


Joanne - Enjoy looking at your crochet books and magazines. That's just as much fun!


LeaAnne - Your list of colours sounds so nice. :dreaming I hope you enjoyed your me time. I like your idea of guilt free crochet during golf time :think DH has been out twice and will probably go this weekend. The weather is supposed to be nice.


:hi Vicki, Scooby, Beth, LeeAnn and all!


I am tired :yawn Busy day today. Pizza day, ESL volunteering, groceries, the park after school. I've done a couple rounds on my pineapple square tonight, but I think that's all I'll get done. Too tired. Have a great night, friends.

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Good evening friends!

It's been a late day, had to stay at work late then ran to the store for a few groceries. I wanted to make Frog Eye Salad, I don't know why, but I have been wanting to cook and bake...it must be the stress. I called in this morning to "quit" the director talked me out of it and asked me if I could at least go in and talk with them, I figured I could at least do that. They offered to try to change things, they are going to move my assistant to another room, part of the problem and perhaps work with my schedule. I agreed to finish out the month but after that I am done, I just cant' stay in an environment that does not follow state rules and regs. I feel sorry for the company, but it's just not in my best interest. I did however get the job at the Migrant Headstart!:cheer:clap:cheer so will take about 2 weeks off to recuperate before beginning in June. I am so happy and relieved, thought it was just me.

Joanne-I like mindless projects, especially when I am just wanting to :hook and relax.:hug

Colleen-so glad that you had an awesome Tuesday, get some rest.:hug

LeaAnne-you are addicted to flannelghans! I love them too! Thank you for sharing your color combos.:hug

Stacy-hope that nothing too scary happened at Mia's school today. Have you been selling alot of hats?

Vicki-continuing education classes seem never ending, glad that you can take the classes with friends, it makes them more enjoyable.:hug Do you feel better?

Mary-so nice to hear from you! Hope that dh is ok.:hug

Shannon-:hug and hoping that you get rest and relaxation.

Beth :hug

My graduation is almost here, can't believe it! I am so happy that my family will all be there, both of my sisters are driving down, one from New Mexico and the other from Northern Co, can't wait to see my nephews too!

Think I will :hook for a bit. Talk to you all soon! I miss you guys!

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Leeann, congratulations about the Migrant Headstart position! :cheer:cheer:cheer And yay for quitting the other company- not following state rules and regs is serious stuff. Good luck finishing out the rest of the month. How exciting that all of your family will be there for your graduation!

As for the hats- I have 2 to finish by the end of the week, but after that, I'm free until another order comes through. I'm working on getting my Etsy shop set up. Supposed to be working on a logo right now, actually. :blush


Colleen, sounds like quite the busy day! Can't wait to see your next pineapple square.


Well, another mom from Mia's class got me on FB chat earlier- right after we left, the school went on lock-down for almost half an hour. Turns out there was a pretty serious domestic dispute at the apartment complex right next door. When the mom left, there were still 5 or 6 police cars, but the chopper had left.

Tomorrow is Mommy and Me, but our attendance depends on if/when I finish this transportation project. I can't believe I forgot about it until yesterday. :eek

Oh, if you all have a minute, can you spare a prayer for Jorge, please? He is super-stressed about work right now. His job isn't in danger or anything, it's just the workload that is wearing him out. :( He takes on too many responsibilities and too much personal accountability for the things that happen. I am worried about his health, especially with the high b/p and weight issues.

Well I better go or this horse/camel/project is never going to get finished. Why, oh why, can't crochet hooks work themselves? :lol Good night, besties! :hug:hug:hug

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Quick good morning!

Running late!!!


STacy- prayers and hugs for Jorge!!! (and for you, my friend)


LeeAnn- Good for you!!! So happy you got the Migrant Headstart position!!!!


Everyone- have a wonderful Thursday- I'll check back in after work.


Can't believe how late I'm running this morning!


Positive thoughts for everyone!!!!!!! HUGS!!!!!

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Hi all! I never got to work on my 'ghan last night. I was :blah:blah:blahing to another mom at tkd last night and never took it out. Then I realized that my brand new phone (only 5 days old!) was not working, so I was on the phone with Sprint. I may have to take it back. That makes me sad. I waited a year and a half for this phone. So now I have DD's phone iwth me in case mine decides to shut down again because the babysitter will be at the house today and I have a meeting after school. Such is life!

LeeAnn - Good for you quitting like that! See what the director does to change things, but keep an open mind. And YAY for graduation coming up!

Stacy - Lockdown!!! Yikes! GLad you got Mia and were able to go before it all happened. And prayers for Jorge. They will be said and sent your way!

Colleen - Glad you had a good but busy day. How is the pineapple square coming along?

Joanne - Hope you are not running too late today! Have a good one friend!

LeaAnne - Love the color combos! Those are great! I need to copy those and keep those somewhere!

Hope you all have a great day and I will talk to you all later! Have a great day!

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Oh, my, it has been very quiet here today! I hope everyone had such a great day that they just didn't have time to come here!

I am home from my meeting and have the dinner dishes all cleaned up. The babysitter cooked it. It was pasta. Then I took her to tkd so she could finish teaching classes for the rest of the night. The middle school principals still don't know what they are going to do about their special ed department chairs. They want us to remain in place (some of them do, anyway!), but the question of whether we will be compensated is another. Many have said that once the year is over they are no longer a department chair and their buildings will have to figure out what they will do. It is going to be very interesting to see what happens! I know the counselor that I don't like in my building wanted to put testing on the department chairs next year. My diagnostician looked at her and reminded her very nicely that there won't be department chairs next year. I love it!

I am going to pick up my yarn tonight. I need to turn on my dish washer and take out my clothes for the morning. Tomorrow is Friday so I get to wear jeans. This week has gone by very fast I think!

Hope you all had a great week and I will talk to you all later!

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Where is everyone today?

Can't believe that no one stopped by all day!!!


Had a very busy day and stopped on my way home for a 1/2 price frappacino at Starbuck's. Got home waited for a painter to show who never did- (had called someone to seal and paint the ceiling from the ice maker leak). Guess I'll be making some more calls tomorrow


I think I may try attic 24's hexagons- and may attempt a RR again- this time with homespun which is a little more forgiving than regular worsted.


Hope that everyone had a great day!! Hugs to you all


Shannon- how did the appt go?

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Hi Vicki- I get to wear jeans on Friday too- it makes getting ready for work so easy!!!


Have fun crocheting! I think I am going to pick up the hook and yarn for about an hour and then call it a night!!!

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Hey all!

Long day...I barely finished the project before picking Mia up from school. It is super-cute, I think. But dh took my camera to work this morning without telling me :angry so all I was able to take were crappy phone-camera photos. I'll post them, though, once I get over to my email and take a look to see if they showed up well.


Vicki, how nice you get to wear jeans tomorrow! The teachers at Isabella's school always wear them, but the ones at Mia's school are more formal. They are only allowed to wear jeans if they are wearing the school shirt.


Joanne, phooey on that painter! I hate when they don't even call to say they're not coming.


Shannon, I hope you all got some rest today! :hug:hug


Well I better get going and see what I can find to make the kiddos for dinner. Dh ate before he came home so he's not hungry. BBL! :hug

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hi, friends!


sorry for not stopping by sooner! it's been a busy but pretty wonderful day:U


I am :tired, so will come by tomorrow to catch up...


meanwhile, please take these:


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug... and know you are in my thoughts, as always!


see you in la manana!

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:hi everyone!


Another busy day here. I had my neighbour's little girl this morning, swimming and the library this afternoon. I actually got a lot done today. Bathroom cleaned, 2 loads of laundry, dusting, picked my first rubharb of the season and baked a rubharb cake. Now that's a great early sign of summer! We had lasagna for supper.


DD was very good while her friend was here this morning. She didn't boss too much which is very good for her, so we are going to McDonald's for lunch tomorrow. That's her reward. I've got some birthday presents to buy too, so we'll go shopping as well. She'll enjoy that.


I didn't crochet today, so I've still got a few rounds to go on my pineapple square. This one is yellow. So pretty!


Vicki and Joanne - Enjoy your casual Friday.


Stacy - I hope the pics of the camel (it was a camel wasn't it? :think) turned out okay. Would it not be available at the school to take a pic of later?


:hi to everyone else!

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Hi there ladies!

Sorry I have been MIA, just running like a chicken! But I think I will be ok, finished ironing everyone's clothes for the next two days, washed dishes, laundry, and made the fruit dip for Saturday and...colored my hair! All of this after work, now I feel just tuckered out.

Joanne-I love wearing jeans, so lucky, in my field I can wear them everyday..what a perk! Did you get the chance to try the hexagons? They are soo addicting!

Vicki-sorry to hear about your phone, hope you get another one soon.

Colleen-your day sounds just heavenly!

Stacy-you made a camel? How cool is that? Can't wait to see pics!

Beth-hope your end of the week goes well.

well friends, have to put all of my yarn back in the cupboard, it has spilled onto the couch and over the basket, still working on those hexagons, I think I will get it done by the end of this month, if I can just focus!:eek Tomorrow evening dd has an Art Show, my sis and her family are going with us, will try to hop on here, but if I don't, I will miss all of you!:hug:manyheart:hug

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Good morning and TGIF!!!!!


I didn't pick up yarn and hook again last night! Was watching TV and fell asleep!


Lots of cleaning on the agenda for this weekend- since I wasn't home last weekend and have to work next weekend! i have my 8AM hair appt on Saturday and then when I get home, the plan is to clean.


DH wants to work out in the yard- I took a walk around and not too many weeds!! We put in white rocks around the pool last summer and that has really curtailed any weed growth- just a few poking out that I pulled last evening! I would like to get to the nursery and buy some flowers this weekend and plant them.


well, friends- off to get ready for work- cya on the flip side!!!

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Morning glories!

I didn't pick up my hook and yarn either last night. After I got off the 'puter hubby came home and it was the first time all day I got to see him so we were talking and then I went to bed. I need to crochet though. I have to get my badorkus moving on the green blanket for graduation!


I am SO glad it is Friday. I am tired today. We are going to go back to Sprint tonight and have them look at my phone. It has been fine since I took the battery out and all. But it was weird that it just stopped working the other night. We'll see what they say. It just means a night I don't have to cook! YAY ME!


Talk to you all later and I hope you all have a great day!

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Another quiet day here in some-good-clean-fun-land. How is everyone this wonderful Friday? It is beautiful here and after a cold, wet week we are looking forward to some nice weekend weather. DD and I ran errands today and went to the park.


I hope you all had a good end to the week and that your weekend starts off right!

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Yay! It's the weekend!!!!! And the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend. Right now it is a little humid and looks like it may rain a bit, but Sat and Sun are supposed to be good.


I came home and decided to dust and run the vacuum so that is all done! I am going to watch the Yankees and the Bruins tonight switching back and forth and hopefully attempt one of the hexagons to see if it is something I'd like to work on.


I'll try and stop by later and see if anyone is around!

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:oops I finished my yellow pineapple square. I thought I used the same hook size as the blue one, but the yellow one is smaller. :oops Now what am I gonna do with these squares? Oh well, very pretty in yellow.


Joanne - WTG getting the dusting and vacuuming done today :tup


Beth - Thanks for stopping by :hug

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Colleen Glad to hear it is pretty in yellow- could you add a border to bring it up to the size of the blue one?


Beth- Hi and glad you stopped in- hope things settle down for you soon.


Stacy- The animals you made for the transportation project are spectacular!! You have quite the talent!!! Anyone who is on FB can see them!


LeeAnn- This is your graduation weekend!!! Congrats and have a blast at the party!! Well earned and deserved!! Did you to work today?


LeaAnne- How was the rest of the week? How many games on the agenda for the weekend? I'm watching the Yanks- winning against the "twinkies" 3-2- also watching the Bruins/Flyers- tied 3-3- (and in the 1st the Bruins were winning 3-0!) I really want the Bruins to win- If the Devils can't be in the playoffs anymore, neither can the Flyers! LOL


Shannon- How are things with you?


Mary- How are you and DH doing? Sorry that there was some not good news mixed in with the good


Vicki- YAY- it's the weeeknd!! Yankees are winning- can they hold on??? Doing any hooking tonight? I still haven't picked anything up.


Well, off to continue watching my games- have a wonderful evening everyone

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Hey Joanne. I'm starting a round ripple tonight. You had mentioned that might be one of your next projects. Going for Aggie May's 6 point for the first time, so we'll see how that goes.

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