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Some good clean fun?!

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Stacy - ADD does not neccesarily mean Mia is hyperactive. There are many kids who have trouble focusing who do not have the hyperactivity. Have you tried giving her a picture chart that tells her what she needs to do first, second, etc? This way if she forgets her list of chores she can go back to the list. This may take some training, but it may be something worth trying. As she learns to read words can replace the pictures. This helps her learn to be self sufficient and you to keep your sanity!

Beth - When are you leaving for Ohio? Have a safe trip and let us know how your dad is doing. Hopefully the insurance company will give the therapy to help your mom. How close is your brother to your mom's house?

Shannon - How are you? We have missed you around here. I hope everything is okay and has settled down for you a little.

One more day of testing! I know I can get through tomorrow's test! It is the history test! I love the history test! Why? Because I teach it! It is the best subject in the whole world! My biased opinion, of course! I will probably read this one tomorrow. The teacher I was testing with today volunteered to be the reader for the science test today. YAY ME!

Hope you all have a great rest of the day! I am going to work on my baseball ghan tonight! I also have to make sure the tooth fairy comes tonight! DD lost a tooth and I forgot to give th money for hubby to put under her pillow! She was mad this morning and wrote an ote to the tooth fairy! So I had a friend write her anote from the tooth fairy back! Basically it says that she is sorry she didn't come last night but that she didn't find out that DD had lost her tooth until she was already out on her tooth fairy run. She promises to come tonight! I know, I am such a geek!


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Aww Vicki, I think it's cute that you had the "tooth fairy" write back! :yes I hope your dd accepted the apology. :heehee Have you mentioned before that you teach history? That is so cool! It is what Jorge is going to school for- except that, at some point, he really wants to teach at the college level.

Thanks for the ideas about Mia. I have not tried a chore chart yet, but I have thought about it several times. :blush Our Mommy and Me instructor also suggested getting a canister and putting in slips of paper with pictures of what she needs to do. Then she draws one out at a time, once that chore is done, she comes back for another one, etc. I use a revised version of that to clean her room- I tell her to pick up all of one object first (like Barbies.) Then once they are done, I tell her to pick up all of the trains...and so on. It works pretty well, but she needs to come back to me for the next instruction or she'll just lose focus and start playing. :lol


It is WINDY today!! One of my plants blew over. :( Guess I'll have to get a stake for it.

Oh, I have to tell you all this! We watched Dodgeball last week (for the millionth time) and now I've been saying, "Right you are!" when the kids say something. Well, this morning Eva asked me something, and I just said, "Yes, Eva." The she looked at me and said, "Right you are, Mommy?" ROFL It was too cute.

Okay, I better scoot. Jorge is on way home and I have to figure out for dinner. Oh, I know you all have asked, and I keep forgetting to update- he is doing well physically, no more pain and he's lost 8 lbs. But he is not doing so well with the new change in eating. He understands that it has to be done this time, which is great, and he has been great about not complaining (I've been cooking LOTS more veggies and meatless dishes.) But I can tell that he is frustrated without his burgers and high-fat foods. He'll get used to it, though. :yes

Okay, now I really have to go! Will anyone be around for chat tomorrow night? I sure could use one!

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Hi all,


I'm taking a break from organizing the trip, so I'll be brief: Amanda has a performance this weekend, Saturday and Sunday. I'm planning to pack up the van after that, and leave bright and early on Monday. We should hit DC between 10 and 11 a.m., which usually works pretty well, and Pittsburgh right around afternoon rush hour, but we kind of skirt it, so it's not too bad. We're home in time for supper. Thanks for all the support, Ladies! You are the BEST! I guess that's why it's part of your name.



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HI all, I'm home!

Didn't get out early- actually got out a little later than usual- and then since it was later had the dreaded commuter traffic. But actually, I'm not tired- I guess because i was so busy today I didn't have time to be tired!!


Beth- Have fun this weekend at Amanda's ballet performance! And safe travels on Monday! Are you all going? Hope that your dad gets the needed therapy- I would think the insurance should cover it- he will need rehab- probably both PT and Occupational therapy- How long are you planning to be in Ohio? Hugs to you my friend!!!


Shannon- Thanks for stopping by- miss you around here!


Vicki- It's almost Friday!!!! Aren't you excited? I know I am- and I don't have to work Saturday after all!!!! The weather is supposed to be good! I have to do alot of cleaning this weekend since I'll be in Boston next weekend so I'm glad I'll be around Saturday morning to get that all done!


Stacy- Glad to hear that Jorge is doing better- it's hard to change a diet- but glad he is sticking to it!! I agree with Vicki about the ADD- it doesn't always mean they are hyperactive- and I think the picture chart is a great idea too. Did you end up going to Mommy and Me? I brought Hummus and pita to work today to share with 2 of my co-workers- It was from TJ's- and it was delish!! My new addiction!!!


Colleen- You got a lot done as usual- you put me to shame on the cleaning front for sure! How is DD feeling?


LeaAnne- hope you got what you had to get done today done- if not, it'll be there tomorrow, right? LOL


LeeAnn- How was your day with the three new kiddies?


Thinking of you all- I'm going to settle down now and watch some Yankee baseball and work on the ghan.


I should be around for chat tomorrow night.

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Good evening Besties!


Another busy day here. My friend and her DD came over for a play date this morning. I think my friend and I had visions of enjoying a coffee and a good chat, but the girls didn't get along very well. :( DD had swimming this afternoon, quick stop at the library, picked up my pay cheque, and some errands this evening. I work all day tomorrow and then we are going to our friend's 40th birthday party. This is the first 40th amongst our friends....why do people seem to think that we should party when we turn 40? We haven't partied for 15 years! :rofl By the way, these are DH's friends. I'm still part of the under-40 set :wink So, I won't be here for chat (unless the party is a big bust).


Joanne - DD is doing much better, thanks for asking. She still has a little bit of cough, but it is getting slowly but steadily better. I don't think you should feel any shame if I clean more than you do. You work full time :nworthy I don't know how you do it without a cleaning lady.


Stacy - Good luck with your plants! I hope you get some info on Mia. If there is someone who can assess her, you should get it done. It could answer a lot of questions for you.


Beth - I hope the packing goes well. I hope Amanda enjoys her dance recital this weekend and that you have a safe trip. It will be nice for you to see your Dad. You haven't been home in a long time and you missed your last trip home, so that will be good for you.


Vicki - One day of testing to go! Enjoy it!


LeaAnne - How is your bullpen these days? :lol I hope you are not overdoing it and that you are enjoying yourself.


Shannon - Thanks for stopping by! Here's more hugs for you :hug:hug:hug


LeeAnn - How were the 3 new kiddos today?


Mary - How are you? You'll be going into the homestretch for getting ready for your show in June. Those hooks will be flying!


Scooby - :hi Have a great day!

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I don't think you should feel any shame if I clean more than you do. You work full time :nworthy I don't know how you do it without a cleaning lady.



I need to show this to my DH!!:lol I keep telling him I need a cleaning lady- but so far, its still me who is doing the cleaning:lol

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Good Evening friends!

Seems everyone is really busy. So grateful that tomorrow is Friday! :cheer Didn't get my new kiddos as the paperwork didn't go thru...:( so helped out again in the other baby room. Wasn't too bad, still played with babies all day.:c9 and cleaned, cleaned and cleaned. I am going to miss all of those babies when I have to go in to my room.

Joanne-you are right, once you get to a certain point in grannies, it takes forever to finish a round. Can't wait to see the end result! Glad you do not have to work this weekend.:cheer

Stacy-my dd has the green thumb, she can get anything to grow, me on the other hand...I kill everything. Good luck! You will get it!

Beth-hugs and prayers for you and your family.

Colleen-you are super duper productive! I need to just do laundry tomorrow, we have been working really hard to keep up, but it is a daily struggle. So glad that you had a good day.:hug

Vicki-you can do it! One more day to go!

going to sit and crochet, I am almost finished with the last strip, hopefully I can get it sewn together over the weekend.:hug

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:waving all!

Just checking in...Roomie and the monsters are gone, the girls are watching a movie, and dh is reading a book for school. I have a few hats to finish but my crochet mojo is gone. I'm itching to work on something else, just don't know what. I made an ami the other day and boy did it turn out cute! My kids love it, but my arm and neck were sore the next day. :(


Leeann, glad you had a nice day with the babies.


Colleen, enjoy the party. You are one busy woman! I don't know how you do it all. :nworthy Sorry to hear the playdate didn't go well.


Joanne, isn't TJ's hummus the best? Did you buy the plain one? We've tried the roasted red pepper, the garlic, and the spicy jalapeno, but so far the plain is my favorite. :c9 I should buy some this weekend- dh loves it and chickpeas are high-fiber. :D Yay for no work tomorrow! :cheerAnd yes, we did go to Mommy and Me. It was a small-ish class today, thank goodness. :whew


Beth, good luck getting everything ready, and I hope that Amanda has a wonderful recital. Have a safe trip. It has been a long time since you've seen your family. :hug:hug:hug


My neck has been so sore all day, and I just cannot figure out why. It actually hurts when I yawn or open my mouth wide. :think


Well I better get going and see about those hats. Have a great night all!

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Stacy- Yes, I had the plain Hummus- I Love it- I haven't tried the other "flavors" and not sure that I will since I like the plain so much!!! LOVE it!!! Did you get any hats done? Glad that the terrors were gone last night- sounds like there was some much needed peace in the house!!! I have work today- just not working the weekend!!


Vicki- You made it!!! It's Friday!!! The Yankees won last night!!! All is good in the world!!!!


Colleen- Have a good day at work today- Did they hire anyone yet for the position?


Beth- Hugs to you as you get ready for your trek to Ohio and hope you get to enjoy the weekend- will you be helping out at the dance recital? Remember to take care of YOU!!


LeaAnne, LeeAnn, Mary, Scooby, Shannon- have a wonderful day! Has anyone heard from Sarah?


Off to get ready for work- Make it a good one- and remember your vitamins!!!

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Welcome to the last day before the weekend, friends! The sun is shining and the wind stopped blowing... New England is about to enjoy some great weather! :clap


Joanne - hope your Friday goes great, and Hooray for no Saturday-ness!:yay


Beth - Like Joanne said, don't forget to take care of You! I will hold you and your dad in my prayers this weekend, and especially Monday as you travel. :hug


Stacy - Yeah, chat sounds divine! I will be here fer sher:yes I hope everything out your way goes well today!


Colleen - Have a good day at work, and enjoy the Big 40 party tonight:yay . We will miss you at chat..


LeeAnn - I hope they get the paper work squared away for those 3 chickens who need to join your classroom-coop! Can you imagine being one of those parents? How inconvenient, and nerve wracking for them to think they have child care all arranged and then to find out there's confusion! If it were me, my child mightn't stay very long with that school. :hug:hug:hug for you today!


Vicki - WOOOOO-HOOOOO! Last day of testing! :yay:cheer:clap And in your fave subject, too! What a nice ending for you! Enjoy, my friend!


Mary, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah... I am thinking of you all, and wishing you the bestiest day you can have!


Enjoy, everyone! And i hope to "see" you at chat! Tomorrow our little CAL has it's 1st :birthday! We need to celebrate!


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Hi gang! My comfy magic chair did its work last night! I fell asleep with hook in hand in fron of the end of the Yankee game! I was waiting for DD to fall asleep so I could make sure the Tooth Fiary came for her. I wouldn't want her to be disappointed yet again with a missing fairy! The letter was a huge hit! She loved it!

Last day of testing! WOO HOO! Cabbage Patch dance right now! I am so tired from this week. I can't wait until this day is over!

Beth - Have fun at recitals and packing the van. Make sure you take care of you and have a safe trip. Let us know how everything is.

Joanne - YAY for no working on Saturday and having great weather!!! What will you do with your weekend now?

Stacy - What is on your weekend agenda? My hubby is the one with the green thumb. He can make anything grow! Let's see if I remember chat!

Colleen - Have fun at the party? Glad to hear the DD is doing better!

LeeAnn - Hope the 3 new kids get their paper work straightened out! Enjoy the babies in the mean time!

LeaAnne - How is softball and baseball going? Hope you have something wonderful packed in your crochet bag to take along!

Must run to get ready for the last day of testing!!!!! Did I mention how happy I was that today was the last day? Just in case you missed that today is the last day!!!!


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Vicki, happy last day of testing! I hope it went well for you. So, did the tooth fairy come? What did your dd say? We've had the toothfairy e-mail before. One of my darlings swallowed a tooth. That was traumatic until the toothfairy (who has Aunt Ruthie's e-mail address) wrote and said it was OK.


LeaAnne, happy TGIF. I'm glad you are getting some lovely weather.


Joanne, happy Friday. I hope your day goes well.


Stacy, I hope you find your crochet mojo. It's not always fun to work on something you HAVE to do. I hope your neck feels better, too. Think Shannon's "best friend" can adjust you, too?


LeaAnn, I hope your day at work goes well.


Colleen, enjoy the 40th birthday party. They can be a lot of fun.


Mary, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah, Tena, C4J, Frogger, and all my other friends, have a great weekend.


I will be working at the ballet performance. When you do something once in this company, you have to have an act of Congress to stop doing it. I will sell tickets. The worst thing is that nobody arrives on time, so I have to miss part of the performance to sell tickets. And it's always so magical to see your own dd on stage in a tutu! particularly when dd won't wear a dress "in real life."


The 3 kids and I are going to Ohio from Monday through Thursday. That's my threshold for discomfort. I love my family very much, but I want MY bed, MY animals, MY hubby.... Though we could stay until Friday without any big changes to our plans.


Dad starts his therapy today. He will stay in the hospital until the therapy is over. They aren't planning on reevaluating him until Tuesday. He really wants to go home NOW, so keeping him happy is the job of the day.


I need to get a lot of things done, so I guess I should get the coffee pot busy, so I can function.! :morcoffee


have a great one.

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YAY! TESTING IS OVER!!!!! Sorry. I just had to shout that out LOUD!!!

I got to read the test today. The couselor got upset with us yesterday because we switched groups and I was supposed to read the science test but didn't. We had asked the other counselor if we could switch and she said yes, but this one got her panties in a twist over it. Oh well. It went well today.

I will talk to you later! TTFN!

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Hi Vicki!! Yay for no more testing!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Beth, I'm happy to hear your dad is starting therapy today. Sorry you have to sell tickets again- I hope you can stop selling in time to see some of your dd's performance. :hug I wish I could take the trip to see Shannon's "best friend." I'm sure he could work some magic on my neck- which is still killing me.


Joanne- I knew you had to work today! :lol I even said in a previous post that it was nice you don't have to work this weekend. I was just really tired last night! LoL And no, I didn't get any hats done. :blush Dh showed me an app that he downloaded yesterday, which happened to be a hypnotherapist teaching relaxation techniques. Needless to say- it knocked me out! :rofl


Leanne, can't wait to chat with you! It's been a looooooong day here.


Colleen, have fun at the party tonight!


I got a call early this morning that the insurance company finally approved the anesthesia for Mia's dental work. :whew The business manager even gave me a huge discount. The only catch (of course there is one!) is that we had to come up with the entire amount by 4 p.m. today, because the procedure was moved from the 18th, to the 4th! Nothing like short notice.


Well it's almost time to pick up Isabella. Be back later! :hug:hug:hug



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Vicki- I heard you loud and clear----testing is done----and it's the weekend:clap


Stacy- Sorry to hear your neck is still bothering you- stress can cause neck discomfort- so I hope you are able to have some stress-less-ness days!!! Good news about the insurance covering the anesthesia for Mia's dental work. But why did you have to come with the full amt? The full amount or the part that you'll have to pay after the insurance?


Beth- :hug to you- and hope you get to see Amanda's performance despite having to sell the tix. I'll be thinking of you all weekend and esp on Monday as you and the DK's are on your way! Glad to hear that your Dad's therapy has started!


Colleen- Have fun at the 40th B-day party- and enjoy the fact that you are not there yet:lol


LeAnn- hope your Friday at work went well- and that the paperwork for those children went through!


LeaAnne- We are having awesome weather here too- it is BEAUTIFUL!!!! And I am so hoping that next weekend the weather in Bah-ston is just as nice for my weekend with my DD's!!


Wow- 1 year anniv of this CAL~ where does the time go?


To everyone- thanks for being who you are and for sharing your lives with me! :manyheart


I'll be watching the Yankees and should be here for chat- have some more to get done on Stepdaughter's ghan- I am anxious for this to be done and move on to another project!:lol

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Good day friends!

So happy to be here and at home..yeah! Had an ok day at work, didn't do much since I did not have any kiddos and they had enough coverage in the baby room, so mostly chatted and then told them I was going home early, no sense in wasting my time. :lol Guess what? the college that I am attendng called me today and asked me if I would like to give the opening speech for graduation!!! whoa! They wanted to honor me since I have a 4.0 gpa....can you imagine? I was soo excited and a littel bit scared! I have to meet with them on Tuesday to go over the details.

Joanne-I have never tried hummus, sounds intersting. Hope you had a great day at work! Now you get the entire weekend to relax and have fun.


Beth-:hug I know what you mean about missing your home and your bed, nothing like home sweet home. Have a safe trip!


Colleen-how was your day?


Stacy-hope your neck feels better, did you get your mojo back?


Mary-how ya doing?

Vicki-I am in agreeance with ya! TGIF! How's the ghan coming along?

LeaAnne-What's on your hook these days? You are right, I don't know how parents are dealing with the mess that this company is in, I am just letting everything roll off, don't want to get too involved as I hope that I will be leaving it soon.

Well ladies, must read some more, tonight is Family Night, we are going to watch a movie with the kiddos and spend time together.

hugs and warmest of wishes! Talk to you all soon!

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LeeAnn- that is awesome that they asked you to give a speech at graduation!! you can do it!! I went back to school when my DD's were younger for nursing- and I gave one of the speeches at graduation. I am so glad I did- I was a little scared but once i started talking, I really got into it and wasn't nervous at all- it was one of my proudest moments!!


You'll do great!!! And congrats on the 4.0!!!


Enjoy your family night!

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