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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi there!


I went back to sleep around 3, and I got to go back to bed this morning 'cause DH took DD with him. Yes, he got today off too!!:yay:yay:yay


I've been pretty productive today. I feel like I'll have so much more time now since DD is out of school! I'm going to need some :cheer and lots of :kick:fire the next 2 weeks. I've put myself on a strict schedule between now and May 6th. I know how many days I'm going to spend in each room. And today I'll be cleaning out both bathrooms! Wish me luck!


Colleen and Vicki- Enjoy your days off! You both deserve it!


Beth- I thought I was productive, until I read what you've been doing. I may have to use it as motivation around here! Great job!


Joanne- I hope you got your coffee! I think you asked. My sister's dress is white. I'm usually not a fan of white for prom, but it is gorgeous! I'll put pics up on fb. And thank you for the compliment on my profile picture! You're so sweet!


LeeAnn- I hope you are enjoying your first day of work! I've been thinking about you, and sending you :hugs. Did you get them?:lol


I hope everyone is having a great day so far. I'll be back later. The bathrooms are calling my name!:eek

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Hi all! I had fun at the movies today! It was so good! Next year the Disney Nature movie will be African Cats! DD and I have already decided we are going to see that one too!

I stayed and had lunch with DD at school and then I came home. I put the towels in the dryer and I finished some work on my IRB application. I had to find it on my disk! It wasn't there! I had to go back and find the one I had handed in a while ago and save that one. I eventually found it, but I saved it to my disk anyway. I handed it in to my study chair and now I am sitting here watching season 1 of The Tudors and I am going to crochet a little. I really need to vacuum. Maybe I will do that after the last episode!

Have a great rest of the day all!

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Hi everyone!!

Beth- I'm tired just reading all that you got accomplished today!!! WTG!!!!!


Colleen- Hope you had a nice day today- the weather here was beautiful also- too bad I spent most of it indoors- And I don't have to work this weekend!!! I may have to work next Sat for 1/2 day and the next weekend we are scheduled is 5/22. We got a schedule of the remaining weekends for the year and it's not too bad!


Vicki- sounds like you had a wonderful day- and I'm sure you could use it after all the stress caused by others! Yanks lost today- but they had a triple play! Last one was 42 years ago- I caught the end of the game after work!


Shannon- YAY for DH having another day off!! Did you get the bathrooms cleaned? You can do it!! Can't wait to see your sister in her dress! She must be getting excited for the prom!!


LeeAnn- hope you had a good first day at work!!!


Stacy, Scooby, Mary, Sarah, LeaAnne- Hugs to you guys- thinking about you.


Gotta go figure out dinner- maybe DH will bring something home- he called and is on his way- I'm thinking Chinese---almost time for the Devils last chance game- if they don't win tonight it's over. And I can't believe the Bruins are leading in their series (My DD is VERY happy about that)


Have a great night everyone!

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Vicki- Did you go see that Ocean movie? I really want to see that! DD says going to the movies is "too scary".:think She used to go all the time. I think she has very sensitive ears though, so that may have something to do with it.


Joanne- :yay for having this weekend off! Chinese sounds good, but we don't do that here. DH doesn't like Chinese. Good luck to your Devils!!


Well, I got the little bathroom's cabinet all cleaned out. I did most of the big bathroom, but I can't go through DD's bath toys while she's here. She'd never let me get rid of them. I'll finish up after she goes to sleep tonight. So far I've filled 1/2 of a huge trash bag from that bathroom. It feels so good to get rid of all that junk!!:yay:yay


Have a good night everyone! If DD goes to bed early tonight I may be around to chat. I'll let you know!!:manyheart

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Good Evening Friends!

I sure missed all of you today, the day seemed to drag on for forever...I fell in love with the kiddos, they are just adorable! The company is slightly disorganized, but I think with I can get my classroom organized tomorrow. The children will start on Monday, I am super excited to meet all of them, they will be all new kiddos to the program.

Vicki-so glad that you were able to go see a movie with dd and get some things around the house done. :clap

Beth-I am tired reading your post! You are awesome! :cheer did you get time to :hook?

Joanne-did ya get your caffiene fix? I love reading your posts, I try to figure out the teams and what the scores and such mean, I am afraid I am not doing too well, but I am learning. :hugAre you working on a saltine ghan too?

Mary-how ya doing?

Shannon-glad that you were able to rest more and that dh took dd with him! :D what's on your hook these days?

Colleen-did dd enjoy her first day in swimming? My kiddos used to be so scared, they still are,...hmm...we should enroll them in summer swimming lessons, but this summer they are taking pottery they love it! Dd wants to take a painting class too, we are going to have to figure out how to do all of this while I am at work.

guess I have to get ready for work....shucks! I already miss being home. :lol

talk to you all soon!:hug

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Quick good morning and Happy Friday!!!! My Devils lost and are out of the playoffs:(. Oh, well, on to baseball season- Go Yankees!!:cheer


LeeAnn- glad to hear your first day went well. I did start one of the quilt'ghans- but only have 16 saltines done- not sure if this is for me or not- I don't know how I'll do with all that sewing!! But I love they way they look- this might end up being a very long WIP:lol


Running late here so gotta run, just wanted to wish everyone a great day and I'll BBL after work.



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Good morning, Besties!


LeeAnn- :yay:yay:yay for a good first day! How many kids will be in your class? Hope today is good too!


Joanne- Sorry about your Devils:( But like you said, now you can focus on baseball! Do you watch basketball? We only watch during the playoffs.


Well, I fell asleep before I got the bathroom finished. DD will be staying at Honey and BigBob's Sunday, so I can do it then. I'm still really happy with what I got done!


The year anniversary of this CAL is coming up very soon! Any ideas on how we should celebrate?


:hug:hug:hug to everyone else. I'll be around throughout the day, unless we go to Honey and BigBob's today. Bad weather is supposed to come through tonight, and DH has to stay at work overnight.


Love you all!:manyheart

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;)Good Evening friends!

Sorry didn't make it here to post this morning, I was running a little bit late. :eekIt snowed over here, so that sent us all into panick mode.

How was everyone's Friday? I hope well, and that you all are ready for the weekend.:lol

Today went ok, I'm not sure about this job, but I will keep plugging away. We set up the classroom and sanitized all the toys and I went to a small training, but all in all it was ok. They still have not given me a copy of the roster for Monday-the kiddos names, ages, allergies and all that info, they are extremely disorganized,(management) if I can just get past that, I think I will be ok. The ladies that work there were all very helpful and willing to share what they had, I thought that was sooo neat. The classroom is set up for children 6 weeks thru 18 months. I will only have 8 children. :cheer

better get dinner on the table, I miss picking up my kiddos from school....wish there were two of me.

hugs and warmest wishes!

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:hi everyone TGIF!


Busy day again today. I worked most of the day, took DD to the park after school and that is about it. The day is gone. :think I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend, which will be nice because next weekend will be very busy.


LeeAnn - It's good to hear about your job. 8 little ones. :manyheart That sounds fun! Are you alone with the 8 kids or are there more than one teacher? Good luck on your first day with the kids!


Shannon - WTG getting so much done! :clap


Joanne - I'm sorry about your Devils. :( Maybe you could cheer for the Penguins now :shrug:lol


:hi to everyone else. I hope you had a great day!

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Hi Ladies

It was a busy day here too. It will be a busy weekend and right into next week. I have not gotten to crochet too much lately and my hands are feeling it. My hands get sore if I don't crochet..... I know Iam backwards LOL

I hope everyone had a good week and I hope it is a great weekend.

I will try and check in over the weekend

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Hi gang!

Today was so busy I don't think I sat down for more than two minutes at a time today! I was moving all day! I went to look at my e-mail in box when I got in and it was so full it looked like it exploded there were so many in there! Oh, it was crazy!

LeeAnn - 8 children 6 weeks to 18 months! WOW! I bet you will have it all organized in no time. I wonder why they don't have a roster for you yet.

Mary - Funny that your hands hurt when you don't crochet. That is different. I have never heard of that! Hope you get to pick up the hook this weekend!

Joanne - Sorry that the Devils lost. Now you can concentrate you the Boys of Summer!

Shannon - How are you girl? Glad that Janna got to spend the night with Honey and Big Bob. Hope she had fun. Be careful in that weather that is headed your way! It is going to miss us here.

Stacy - How is Jorge feeling? How is his new diet doing?

Colleen - Any great plans for you this weekend?

Tomorrow is the tournament for DD and tkd. I have the chocolate chip cake already baked and it is cooling as we speak. I just have to cut it into squares. I need to make the peanut butter sandwiches in the morning and hubby needs to put the ice in the ice chest when he gets home from work. We had pancakes for dinner since he was not home for dinner. Gotta love breakfast for dinner!

Have a good night all and I will talk to you all sometime this weekend! I don't know if I will get a chance to post tomorrow or not!

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I was on my way home from work and youngest DD called and asked me if I wanted to go for a pedicure with her. So I came home changed into capris and flip flops and met her at the nail salon- We pampered ourselves with a manicure and pedicure- and let me tell you the massage chair felt so good.It was great to have some mother daughter bonding time.


Tomorrow is Rutgers Day- they have all kinds of activities on all the campuses-so DD and I are thinking about going for a while- I'll see if DH wants to go or if it'll just be two of us!


Shannon- The saints drafted Charles Brown (I immediately thought of Charlie Brown- LOL) Now why would his parents name him that? LOL Hope you have a good weekend!

My nephew is hoping that the Eagles draft Everett Griffen, who has the same last name as my nephew- he said it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to own a jersey with his name on it! And I do like basketball- and I like watching the playoffs! I really like college basketball better than NBA- but the playoffs are fun!


Colleen- Hope your day went well and you have the relaxing weekend that you want.


LeeAnn- I would have a hard time working somewhere where it was disorganized, but you are right to give it a go- Go with your gut when you make a decision about whether to stay or pursue the other job! It's tough getting in the routine of working!


Beth- Hi hope your day went well!


Mary- You, not crocheting??? WOW!


Stacy, LeaAnne, Scooby, Sarah, Vicki- hope it was a good friday!

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:waving, dear friends! :lurk... remember me?! :blush


I have been insane around here. We just got back yesterday from spring cleaning at the Cape. Sorry for not having stopped in to say "bye"... I kinda was in scramble mode to get ready to go.


today we have a softball scrimmage, a practice, and 2 birthday parties. ...oh, and housework and yard work! Yikes.


Tomorrow is opening day for the baseball/softball season:clap Parade is at 10, a game at 1 and a game at 3. We have at least 1 game per night every night but Friday.


I miss you all, and hope that you and yours are well, and that life is being good to you.


I'll try to stop back tonight to catch up properly...meanwhile, know I have been thinking of you, and remembering you in my prayers.



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Top of the morning to ya!

got up early, couldn't sleep, thinking about homework and knowing that I must finish it this weekend, no more procrastinating! :lol

Joanne-you are so right my friend, I am not really sure if I will stick with the job, the disorganization and lack of leadership drives me crazy! It's surreal, however I do feel for the employees, they are trying so hard to keep it together but with the lack of management ever in the building it is tough. I'm so glad that you were able to spend time with dd and get mani's and pedi's....:yes

LeaAnne-Welcome back! Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Sending hugs and energy your way!

Colleen-the days sure do fly by! I wish that evenings would go much slower then I could spend more time with my family.

Vicki-the chocoloate chip cake sounds soo yummy! I haven't baked since last weekend, but I miss baking, I love it! But I guess it's better for my waist line. :rofl

Mary-this is kinda neat that your hands need to crochet, :laughrollI haven't had much time to work on my projects, but I am hoping that tomorrow I can squeeze some time in.

today must do homework and laundry...homework and laundry....:cheer

Shannon, Scooby, Sarah, and Beth, hope all is well!

talk to ya all soon!:hug

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Hi all,

Went grocery shopping bright and early and also took at trip to Trader Joe's to stock up on Joe's Dark Coffee!!


LeaAnne- Welcome back from the Cape! Did the kiddies have off school last week? Bet you can't wait to go back up there for some R&R time- after spending the past week spring cleaning! have fun with all the baseball activities- you don't have a moment to spare! Thinking about ya and glad all is well!!


LeaAnn- HOMEWORK- that is my subtle way of telling you what you need to get done today- HOMEWORK!!!- The end is almost here!!


Everyone else- going to call DD and see if she wants to head over to Rutgers-

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:whew... the running is done for today! Now I need to do laundry and make my gameplan for the next week. But before that, I needed to catch up on all the posts I missed, and say my proper hello's ... Here goes:


:hi, Besties!!!!


LeeAnn - Congrats on your new job, and double congrats on finishing your homework! You sound like an incredibly organized person :nworthy I love your outlook on things! I am praying that your job situation will all shake out as it should... At least while you "try" this out, you got some adorable little ones to :hug!


Joanne - I missed you, too! I always enjoy reading what you are up to... mani/pedi's, HobbyLobby (WITH DH!), finished WIP's :drool! :hug Oh.... hey, aren't you headed to Boston in May? Are you coming on the 7th?


Beth - So glad to hear that you got the "all clear"... I was praying for that! Do you yet know when you will have the mole on your back removed? How are your inventions? Did you catch back up on your Christmas projects?


Vicki - :hug:hug:hugto you, friend! You have endured quite a week!!! I hope that the competition today went well for DD, and that you got to enjoy a super-fun and relaxing day!

Your Met-ghan looks really cool! WTG on doing your own design-ness! :tup I am proud of you, girl!


Colleen - How is DD feeling? And what have you been up to today? Your posts are always so energizing to me... you make everything sound effortless, even when you are stressed out! I really missed you, friend! :hug


Stacy - How is everyone feeling out your way? You sure had a scary week with Jorge!:eek I hope that things are settling down for you, friend! How are Roomie & company behaving these days? Are they helping you out at all?


Mary-Mary... my "sister" Mary! Have the black flies hit yet? I hope you are not overdoing things up there in God's Country, and that life is treating you well:hug:hug


Shannon - you sure have been getting lots done! :clap:yay I am so proud of you! I hope Sissy enjoys the prom, and that everyone is doing well! Extra hugs to you, Janna, and a special :waving to Honey!:hug


Scooby - How's life treatin' you, friend?! I saw some really nice red roses on Facebook! I am thinking about you:manyheart


Sarah - Prayers for you, friend! I hope that things are settling down for you, DF, and Keith. I pray each day that a little stress is lifted from you.


I am not planning to be "out of town" again for awhile... opening day and the last day of April vacation are tomorrow. Let the games begin!!!!!


Oh! btw... do any of you have spring cleaning or organizing left to do? I know I do:blush


Extra :hug:hug:hug to you all! Mama's back home at the 'Ville! :grin

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I had a good day. DD and DH went to woodworking class this morning, so I went for a nice long walk. We did some cleaning. I dusted and did 2 loads of laundry. DH vacuumed. I took a small load of stuff to the thrift store for donation. I pulled all the hats, scarves and mittens out of the front hall closet and have them ready for washing. DD and I went to the park and we played in the backyard.


I've joined all of the grannies I have so far for my scrap granny 'ghan. I have to make more and have many many MANY ends to weave :yuck But I love it. It's so colourful. :manyheart


DD is still coughing :( If she doesn't improve I'll take her to see the Dr. this week.


LeaAnne - :clap Welcome home! It is so nice to see you post! I missed you too! :hug I'm glad you got away for a bit and I hope you didn't work too hard at the Cape. Your ballgame schedule sounds very busy, but I know your family loves it and it is quality time. And yes, I still have spring cleaning to do. :yes I've been kinda busy with work, but things look like they might settle down :xfin I think they were making an offer to hire someone new, so this week might be my last. I need to get all our winter coats, hats and mitts washed and put away. I also need to do a big cleaning in the playroom.


LeeAnn - WTG finishing your homework. You must just have a couple weeks left of schoolwork and then you graduate! :clap You can do it!


Joanne - What did you do with the rest of your day? I'm glad you got to enjoy a mani/pedi with your DD.


Vicki - How was the TKD tournament?


Shannon - I'm thinking about your sister right now. I hope she is enjoying her prom. :hug to you and Janna!


Beth - How is your weekend going?


Mary - Thanks for stopping by. I hope your hand got some relief with some :crocheting.


Stacy - I'm thinking about you and Jorge and the girls and hoping everything is settling down a bit for you. :hug:hug:hug


:hi to everyone I've missed. I hope you are having a great weekend!

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:lol LeeAnn, you are funny! As I am sure is the same for you, I usually don't pay attention to how my name is spelled. There are just too many ways to spell our name. I think it keeps us LeeAnn's unique!:yes


Colleen - I bet you are a little relieved that this week may be your last at work. I am glad to hear that you have some cleaning left, too. your scrappy 'ghan sounds pretty! Maybe I should think about a ballgame 'ghan :scrachin. ...and you are right, this is my family's favorite month and a half out of the year. We get to spend lots of time together, and enjoy the spring time. It's all very exciting and wonderful. Speaking of family time and sports, when does the LIMA GREEN start again?


Mary - :xfin that you got to sit with your :chook and :yarn:yarn for a bit tonight.


I have 1 load of laundry left to fold, and that will catch me up (5 loads in between running around today). Tomorrow, I need to vac & mop my kitchen floor before we head out for the parade. After game 2, we are going grocery shopping as a family. Then, I am on go for the week.


Hugs and wishes for sweet dreams to you all, Besties! I'll see you tomorrow!:hug:hug:hug


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It's archive time, ladies! LeaAnne let me know a while back that this thread was loading slowly. I'll be moving some of the older posts to an archive to make it load faster. I'll post here to let you know when I'm done.

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