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Sorry, forgot to mention the pattern that I used for the ghan, it's called Light & Lacy, it was on the wrapper of the yarn called Main Stays, I think they have since discontinued the yarn but it is one of my favorite patterns, works up super fast! I used RH Super Saver Fall-I like the colors too, I had started another one but ran out of yarn, so started all over again.


Talk to ya all soon!

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LeeAnn- I just checked Lion Brand website and did a search of the patterns for Light and Lacy afghan and nothing came up- Maybe they didn't post the pattern on their website since they discontinued the yarn? It is really a pretty afghan!


Mary- Have a wonderful "Easter" celebration with DD and her family. And I hope the roller coaster slows down for you. I don't like roller coasters at all!:lol

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LeeAnn - Your afghan is very pretty and what a lovely yarn. Good job! What a nice gift!


Beth - I hope you endured the hardship of not being allowed to wash dishes all day and having to go to 2 craft stores. That's horrible! :lol Did YOU buy anything?


Joanne - Enjoy your night off cooking and Pizza! Yay! Have fun watching the game.


Mary - Thanks for saying hi! It just seemed a bit strange without you all stopping by and I worry about you when you're gone ;) Have fun with DD - say hi for me! - and enjoy your family Easter.


Stacy - :hug:hug:hug from me too!


DD found that last couple Easter eggs today :rofl DH kinda tipped her off because she hasn't been feeling the best. Just sniffles but something seems just not right with her. Hopefully she'll be back to her old self soon.


Got very little done today :c9 We ran some stuff to my work, picked up a few groceries for the weekend, and I did one load of laundry. DD watched cartoons and played. Oh what leisure! For those who asked, I have not been crocheting. Just can't seem to get into it. :shrug Oh well. I actually had a 6 month slump when I lost my job in '08 and bounced back from that so I won't worry yet. ;)


Have a great evening. Not sure if I'll be back later or not. DH and I might watch a movie.

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Oh, a little funny to make you smile. DD watched Alvin and the Chipmunks today for the first time.


DD: "Mommy, are they chipmunks?"

Me: "Yes they are."

DD: "Why do they live with a human family?"


How come that never seemed strange to me? :rofl

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Oh, a little funny to make you smile. DD watched Alvin and the Chipmunks today for the first time.


DD: "Mommy, are they chipmunks?"

Me: "Yes they are."

DD: "Why do they live with a human family?"


How come that never seemed strange to me? :rofl


Thanks for the :)

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Hi all. I'll try to come down from :c9 enough to talk to you. What an awesome day I had!!! DD and I went to the two craft stores, and looked to our hearts content (no testosterone messing up our shopping time) but didn't buy anything. We went to the mall to look for a new favorite t-shirt for her. Her old favorite is developing holes, which i darned, but she needs something new. We didn't have any luck, but enjoyed walking through the mall, and munching on some french fries. When we got home, I was looking through my e-mail and saw that Joann's Daffodil Days sale is almost over, and I need some more Caron Pounders, so we ran to Joann's. I bought 3 pounds of yarn for Christmas projects. My list is growing, but I feel confident I can do everything by the time I need it done. I took dd with me, because I found a pattern for a hound pillow toy on www.crochetpatterncentral.com, which I want to make for my great-niece, to look like her bassette. Amanda helped me pick the right color of yarn for the dog. I will be using Vanna's Choice in Rust. Just not yet. I'm going to concentrate on my 3 afghans, and my sister's Pittsburgh Steeler's pillow, and my mom's vest for a while. I told you, my Christmas list is growing, but I'm so glad I can make things for people.


Joanne, enjoy your pizza and your game. It sounds like a great Friday night with your hunny.


colleen, I agree with your dd. Why do chipmunks live with a human family? How do they avoid being stepped on in the morning?


Mary, how nice to hear from you. Sending lots of hugs your way. I hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family.


LeaAnn, thank you for sharing the information about the afghan. I'll be on the lookout for something similar to that. It's a great pattern.


Have an awesome weekend, everyone!

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Happy Saturday- it's a gray gloomy day here in NJ! The only positive is it makes it easier to clean!:) Already have the 2 bathrooms done and the kitchen semi-done. Taking a break with a cup of coffee to check in.


The hockey game was great!! Devils WON!!! :devil Now the series is tied and we go to Philly for a Sunday evening game! The Yankees won too:clap- so it was a good night. I started the border of the large granny and hope to be done with it some time today or tonight.


Beth- sounds like you had an awesome-ness day!!!:c9 Good for you- you deserve it! And don't worry, you'll get used to the 'no mouse' on your laptop or you can do what DH did and Colleen suggested, get a mouse for it- they are inexpensive. The reason I didn't get a mouse for mine is that I like sitting in my comfy chair with the laptop on my lap- I did buy one of those air cooling vents for it though.


Colleen- I won't worry yet about your crochet funk- but you did finish that gorgeous afghan and made the jacket jar! Hope that DD is back to her usual self today. You didn't get any of the white stuff did you? ;)


LeeAnn- Again, I just love the way your afghan came out- that is sure one lucky teacher!


Vicki- Is DD going to TKD again today? And, please, no switching up of schedules-:lol:lol


Mary- hope that your visit with DD and the family is going well and that your Easter celebration is wonderful!


Stacy- :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Shannon- How's things in LA? Is Janna all settled in her room?


LeaAnne- I'll bet you are keeping super busy between all the ball fields- and hoping that you are enjoying life on the sidelines:cheer


Scooby- How's the :crocheting coming along now that you are settled in to your new home?


Well, off to finish the kitchen- and ask DH how he feels about taking a drive to Hobby Lobby today.

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I love my dh, but I wish I had my own bed some times, like on the old sit coms.


Joanne, good for you, getting a good, early start on your cleaning. And congrats on both your teams winning!


Good morning, all. I hope you have a beautiul Saturday!:flower

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I love my dh, but I wish I had my own bed some times, like on the old sit coms.


I'm with you on that one Beth!!:lol


We're going to take a ride to Hobby Lobby today!:clap This will be the first time I am going there- can't wait to 'pet' the yarn- and I printed off two 40% off coupons- one for me to use and one for DH to use!

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Good morning. It is gray and cloudy here today just like up in NJ. I need to give the dogs their baths so they can get their hair cuts today. Of course I have to vacuum and empty the dish washer and fold towels. And where am I? Here to see my besties of course!


Joanne - Have fun petting the yarn today! Yes, DD has tkd practice. I get to be the adult in the room today. My yarn will be in tow! And no, I won't change my schedule up again. When I do people flip out too much!


Mary - Glad to hear that DD is coming and that you get to have your Easter! Hope you are on an upswing on the coaster and that it lasts for a while! Those down swings are not much fun!


Colleen - DD's comment was a hoot! Yes, why are the chipmunks living with humans? She does ask a very logical question.


Beth - You bought no yarn at the craft store? Glad to hear you had a great day with your DD anyway. How are all your projects going?


LeeAnn - Yes, you see what happens when I change things up a little? I didn't think I would be questioned like that! It was very funny.


Otherwise, nothing else is going on here. I have been working on my green ghan for graduation. I think I need more yarn for it, so that means a trip to Michael's. Maybe later on. We'll see.


Have a great day all and talk to you all later!

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Good Afternoon Friends!

Sounds like everyone is keeping busy. :lol Us too...dd and I just made our cake, waiting for it to cool, the we will add the jello and toppings, also have beans in the pressure cooker for tomorrow's chilie. And then off to town, have to pick up a few odds and ends and yarn. Yup, I said it! Yarn!!! :cheer:clap now that I have officially finished with all my required projects, I am going to party! :hook I am still working on the hexagons but need more bright yellow for the centers, and then I decided to make a flannelghan,....Oh my gosh!:jumpyay I was looking at all the pics of those lovely ghans and knew I just have to make one. Dh has put his order in for a green and tan one, and ds wants a black and white one. Woohoo! That's all I needed to get motivated!


ok enough about me.


Joanne-:woo for Hobby Lobby! Oh please do let us know how it was, I am positive that you will just love it!


Vicki-is your green ghan a flannelghan? What kind of dogs do you have? Dh and I always talk about getting a small dog when the kiddos leave, since Cristopher is allergic we can't have any now, but we so want one.:think


Colleen-I love Alvin and the Chipmunks, have you seen the second one? It is adorable! How's dd feeling? Hope she is up to par and feeling great!


Beth-I had to buy a mouse for my laptop too, the little finger mouse hurts my wrist. What a heavenly day you had with dd, don't you just love those moments. Sometimes I want to toss dh out the window! Poor guy, he snores and i am a light sleeper, we have found that those little nose strips help. Nothing is worse than not getting a good nights rest. :hug


Mary-have fun with dd and grands, hope you get some R & R too.:hug


Off to help dd with her homework. Talk to you all soon!:hug


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Hi girls! sorry I haven't been around. I've been in a bit of a funk today. I've been keeping up with posts though.


I hurt my wrist today and it is killing me. so no crocheting for me for a while. and i'm typing with one hand, so i may not be posting again for a while. it's too aggravating.


please know that i think of you all often, and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you all. love ya!

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Back from Hobby Lobby- oh what a great store- and DH was very very patient with me! They have so many neat things in that store- and since we took the ride, I just had to check it all out!!


And of course, I had to buy I Love this Cotton and I love this yarn- probably more than I needed, but who knows when I'll get there again? ! LOL


Vicki- The Yankees won again today!!!! Go Yanks!!!:clap


LeeAnn- get ready for some soreness after making the flannel'ghan- but both your DH and DS will love them! I did mine in HDC instead of DC - that's what LeaAnne had recommended and I like the way it came out. My DH is going to need another one- he uses his constantly!! I also need to make one for my son-in-law and also my other DD's BF, but first I have to make a lapghan for my stepdaughter- and I think I'm going to do another large granny- fast- and easy- she graduates May7 from massage therapy school.


Shannon- sorry to hear about your wrist- what happened? And sorry about the funk! Here's some:hug:hug:hug


Well, off to finish the large granny- I'm on the shell border!

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Hi there! I have finished with my chores (sort of!) for the day and here I am!

LeeAnn - I have 4 dogs. Yes, you read that right. 4 dogs. They are either pure shih tzus or shih tzu mixes. I was able to do a pretty good job with getting 2 of them cut. The other 2 are a little too knotty to do a good job right now. I was a bad momma and have not brushed them like I should. So I need for their hair to grow out a little and cut them again in a couple of weeks. The green ghan isn't a flannel ghan. It is called a zig zag filet pattern. I am using Caron Simply Soft in a very bright green. Not my favorite color, but the favorite color of the girl I am making it for!

Shannon - I hope your wrist feels better soon. How did you hurt it?

Joanne - What colors did you get? What are you going to make with your new yarn?

Mary - How is the family visit going? Hope you are having a great time!

I pulled the baseball ghan out at tkd practice today. It wasn't laying flat and that was driving me nuts! So I went back to the design board and redid it starting from where the orange "pitcher's mound" meets the blue "infield". I need to take pictures and show you what I did.

Have a great night all. We are supposed to be having a movie night tonight! I think we are watching The Blindside.


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I love my dh, but I wish I had my own bed some times, like on the old sit coms.


:rofl My DH and I always say that makes so much sense! It just isn't done anymore, but it would be so awesome to have my own bed :dreaming :rofl


I printed off two 40% off coupons- one for me to use and one for DH to use!


Great idea with the coupons. We do that too :wink


Are we like all soul sisters or something :think:lol


Shannon - :hug:hug:hug Sorry to hear about the wrist and the funk.


Vicki - How did the doggies like their bath?


LeeAnn - How did the cake turn out? Sounds yummy! Have fun yarn shopping and enjoy your mom's birthday tomorrow! I can't wait to see that hexagon granny all done! :hyper


Joanne - I'm happy to hear you got to enjoy Hobby Lobby. And :yay for your DH for being so patient. He is great! I imagine him as kind of quiet (is that true?), but I like him a great deal. I imagine you as chatty and outgoing and him as kind of your opposite. :shrug


:hi to everyone else! And a special :hug for you, Stacy.


I have big news..... My crochet mojo is back! :yay:clap:elle I crocheted ALL afternoon. I made grannies...14 of them! I guess it will be some kind of 'ghan eventually. Maybe kid sized, because you all know how bad I am at finishing 'ghans. But, I was on cloud nine. I pulled the whole tote out of the crawlspace (that it is there is probably part of the reason for my funk) and pulled out all my part balls and just worked away :c9


DD is coughing pretty badly now. She's on the puffers because it is that dry bronchial cough just like she had in December. Hopefully that will nip it in the bud. :xfin


We did have that cold, white stuff today. It melted as soon as it hit the ground, but it was a miserable day. A perfect day to crochet!


:hug Love you all! I hope you are enjoying your weekend! :hug

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Colleen, :cheer:clap:yay for crocheting again! I'm glad you are out of your funk. I hope dd feels better soon.


Vicki, my one dog is probably bigger than all 4 of yours together! But I do have 4 cats, a rabbit, and 2 guinea pigs, too. I'm glad I'm not the only one with multiple pets.


Joanne, your trip to HL sounds like :c9. Tell your dh he earns "good husband" points for being patient with you. I'd love to hear what colors of yarn you got. I am tempted to buy some ILTY on-line.


Shannon, so sorry your wrist is hurting. I hope resting it helps it heal quickly. You're in our thoughts, sweetie!:hug:hug:hug


LeaAnn, sounds like you have a long list of projects planned. It's fun to have something new to work on, particularly if it's for someone you love.


LeaAnne, Mary, Stacy, Scooby, Sarah, and everyone else, I hope you are having a very fun weekend.

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Hello Friends!

Whew! I am tired! But happy.:D we did a lot today, dh and I feel like we ran like chickens!

Colleen:jumpyay:laughroll:h5 for getting your crochet mojo back! So happy for you my friend.

Joanne-:hyper So glad that you were able to enjoy time at Hobby Lobby! That store is pure evil for crafters! I could spend an entire day in there. :clap Your dh sounds so wonderful!

Beth-:wavingyour pets all sound so lovely! My nephew has a guinea pig named Lindsey, he just adores her. I love the cute sounds she makes when she's happy. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs too, but they are outside friends.

Vicki-:rainbowyour fuzzy friends just sound adorable! dh would be in heaven, he just loves little dogs, he keeps hoping that ds will outgrow his allergies.

Shannon-:hug here's wishing you a speedy recovery and a little :ladybug for good luck!

Bought my yarn for dh ghan and want to start either tomorrow of this evening, I hope that it doesn't strain the wrist too much, I know that when I have made ghans using more than one strand of yarn my wrist felt like it was going to fall off.

:hug:bee off to make sure everything is in order for tomorrow. Good night dear friends!

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:yay:clap:yay Colleen has her :crocheting mojo back!!!:hook Wow- your hook was flying today - 14 squares made!!! So happy for you!!! Hope the puffer helps DD


Beth- I got 3 colors of the ILTY- (5) Color #60 Aubergine, (3)Color#20 Ivory and (3)Color #250 Dark Country Blue- I'll use it for an afghan.


In the I love this Cotton I got (2), #32 Aubergine, (2)#6 White, (3) #24 Ivory, (2)#86 Vintage Teal, (1)258 Pistachio, (2) #56 Christmas Ombre, (5) #48 Taupe,(1) #44 Sage Ombre, (2) #72 Spring Ombre and (1) #52 Forest.:eek Didn't realize I bought so much!:lol


LeeAnn- what kind of yarn did you buy for the flannel'ghans? Have fun at Mom's party tomorrow


I finished the large granny- it is 54X54 and it is on the back of my family room couch right now- I'll take pics in the light of day.


Night friends!:hug

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Last night I was flipping channels and came across the Mets game that was in the 19th inning- The game had been on for about 7 hours! I immediately thought of Vicki since her DH is such a big Mets fan!! OMG- they actually won the game in the 20th inning!!!! (for you non-baseball peeps, a normal game is 9 innings)


The sun is shining today and I am going to spend it very lazily- I have some laundry and tidying to do and maybe a run to Trader Joe's . I was thinking of switching out my clothes - but that entails a trip up to the attic and I'm not feeling it today- I think that will next Saturday's early morning chore.


Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.

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Good morning.


Today I do my grocery shopping for the week. My dd and I have to go to a ballet company meeting. Then I get to relax. I think I'll work on my SIL's afghan, if I can. It involves a lot of counting, and I get so distracted when my dh is home.:manyheart


Have a great Sunny Sunday everybody!:hug

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Hi all!

Joanne - Love the yarn! You must be in heaven with it all! And pretty colors too! I especially like the blue! Yes, I saw that the Mets went into extra innings. 20 to be exact! At least they won the game since it took so long!

Beth - It seems that when we get pets we always get multiples of them. When we lived in NY we had 4 cats. Now we have 4 dogs. I don't know why, we just do that. They are happy and healthy. That is all that matters.

LeeAnn - I have to do little dogs. I can't do big ones. They scare me. My sister has big dogs and even though I know them and am used to them, they still at times bother me. It is just a big dog thing. I told my hubby that if we got dogs they had to be little ones other wise we weren't getting any.

Colleen - YAY for getting your crochet mojo back! Good for you! Now you can crochet your heart away!

The rain has finally arrived. The weather man has been saying it was going to rain all weekend and it finally came. It is pouring out! I have puddles in the back yard, but we needed it. Now I don't have to pull the hose out and fill the pool and the pond!

I did do some chores today. I did the grocery shopping and put it all away. The laundry is in the dryer and the towels are in the washer. I ironed 2 shirts for hubby and I went to buy more green yarn for the green ghan. I was afraid I was going to run out so I got some more. I can always return it. I'll just hold on to the receipt

The thunder is booming! One of the dogs just came over and cuddled close tot he chair when she heard it! I guess she is scared of it!

Have a great rest of the day and talk to you all later!

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Hi all! Here is the start of the baseball afghan. The orange center is the "pitcher's mound" and the blue part is the "infield" around the pitcher's mound. I originally had it so the blue was attached all around the orange circle but it was just not laying flat! So I pulled it out and went back to the design board and tried again. This design seems to be laying flatter and is working out better. We shall see as I continue it!


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