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LeeAnn - Long ago before my daughter was born I used to teach summer school. But now I don't. I need the break and I find that I come back after the break in a better frame of mind. This has been a hard year in some ways, so I am looking forward to the summer. It is almost here. The year just seemed to fly by! We are already scheduling out end of the year conferences with our appraisers! We are beginning to think about when 8th grade folders need to be turned in! Yikes!

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Hi everyone!

Good to hear from LeaAnne- you sure have been busy, busy, busy!


Mary- extra hugs coming your way my friend!!


Vicki- Yanks lost today- but right now it's all about the Devils I hate the Flyers too!!!


Colleen- Wow- hope that DD did take nap so you could finish watching Parenthood-


LeaAnn- The end is near- May 15 will be here b/4 you know it!!


Spring cleaning update- not much done- LOL


Gotta check dinner- so it can be ready, eaten and all cleaned up b/4 the Devils game!!!


Hugs to all

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Hiya friends!

Just checkin in,...I cleaned out dd's closet and took an exam and 2 quizzes and managed to finish the laundry and clean..:cheer now off to crochet before starting dinner.


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Ok, ladies- it's Devils hockey time!!! LOL


LeeAnn- you got a lot done today! Good for you!


Dinner is finished, kitchen cleaned up- laundry in the dryer, and I've got my crochet hook and large granny next to me in my comfy chair- feet up on the ottomon- and waiting for the hockey game to begin!!!!


have a great night everyone!!

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Sorry to report that the Devils lost their first game- But Friday is another night- and they better get it together!!!


Worked 2 more rounds on the large granny ghan I'm working on.


Beth- I love all the things that you made yourself that is posted on the Christmas CAL! You go!!!


Colleen- has anything struck your crocheting fancy?


Better get going- to everyone- have a great day- I need to leave a few minutes early today- getting my free coffee at Starbucks!


Hugs to all!

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Good morning to all!

Joanne - Thanks for telling me that the Yankees lost. My hubby MADE me watch the Mets last night. He wouldn't even let me look for the score of the Yankee game! That was not very nice of him! Like I really needed to sit and watch the Mets to know they were going to lose to the Rockies? At least they were losing when I went to bed!

LeeAnn - You did get a lot done! Good for you!

Mary - You do have a lot of sweaters made for the sale in June! How many more do you need to make? Did DD ever come visit?

I need to get going. I got here late today so I need to go hand in some stuff before the day starts! Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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:coffee Mornin'


How is everyone today. Joanne, sorry about your Devils. Worse yet is that Ottawa beat Pittsburgh :( Boo, hiss (Leafs fans don't like Ottawa :wink). Oh well, early days yet, early days.


DD is feeling much better this morning and I am happy about that. I have a ton of phone calls to make today for work, so that will keep me very busy. I am also catching up on laundry and some stuff around the house. It is supposed to be 26 Celsius here today. I didn't convert that but I would guess it is in the 80s.


Have a great day!

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Top of the morning to ya all!:D

how's everyone doing? I'm kinda tired today, my allergies are going crazy...I have a small blister on my left eye, it is similar to a stye but very painful. I will be taking meds in a few, hopefully they will kick in and I will feel more energized.

Colleen-did you start your project?

Joanne-that is so awesome that you are watching baseball, I have never watched a sport game..:think hard to believe I know....:( dh is not into sports at all, I don't think we have ever been to a game either, pretty pathetic I guess. :eek:rofl

Beth-I will have to take a looksie at all your projects:yes

Vicki-it's almost Friday, glad to hear that you are taking the summer off...:laughroll

well ladies, guess I should get a move on it...not much to do today but I should attack the laundry :washroom:rock



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Hi all,

Very very quiet here lately-


LeeAnn- nothing wrong with not watching sports- not everyone is into them- I, on the other hand love all sports- well, not all- I'm not a Nascar fan. I do like watching football, baseball, hockey and basketball!


Colleen- Glad to hear that DD is feeling better and that you still have a voice after all the phone calls you had to make today. It was a beautiful sunny 60's (F) day today- Rain supposed to come tomorrow and Sat (of course- it's the weekend- LOL)


Vicki- I had the Mets game on in the car on the way home (I usually listen to the WFAN on the way home- Mike Francesca), and they were actually winning 5-0! Your DH will be happy! Yanks play tonight= SO , I think you need to make DH watch the Yankees!!


LeaAnne, Beth, Stacy, Shannon, Sarah, Scooby, Mary- thinking about you!


Off to check dinner!

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Good evening and another busy day comes to an end. My day included stopping by the school for papers, doing some phone calling for the school, doing some calls for work, playing at the park, a brief playdate with the neighbour's little girl, more playing outside, shuffling the van home from the garage (new A/C converter :ohdear), laundry, bathroom cleaned, and that's about it. I think that's enough. :yes


DD is doing much better but I now suspect she may have the beginning stages of pink eye :( Luckily I have drops on hand and even managed to get them into her eyes (I've never used it before but bribery works and someone has just recently been allowed to have gum :tup).


Not much else new. Beautiful, warm day.


LeeAnn - I hope your allergies feel better. I'm not a huge sports fan either. My DH watches hockey and I do when it's a big game. I've thought of trying to watch baseball this summer to keep up with Joanne, LeaAnne and Vicki, but it's just not something I think to do :shrug


Joanne - Enjoy your ball game.


I hope you all had a great day!

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Good Evening Ladies!

It has been super quiet around here, hope everyone is ok.

I didn't do much today, felt kinda icky, dh made me take allergy meds when he got home, they just make me feel wierd, either sleepy or make my heart beat a mile a minute.

Colleen-you were sure busy today! Glad that you were able to get everything done, I hope dd doesn't have pink eye, but it's good that you had the drops handy. My dh works for a pharmacy, he's a tech, he always knows what to give us when we are sick, I am so greatful. :D How old is your dd? I have been meaning to ask.

Joanne-almost the weekend:cheer:cheerI love Starbucks too! Actually I just love coffee. :yes

guess I will get myself off to bed, it's been super windy, we feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Ozz.:P

hugs and goodnight!:manyheart:waving

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Colleen- Hope you have a more relaxing day today! You sure were very busy yesterday!!!


LeeAnn- yes it has been unusually quiet here the last few days- hoping everyone is ok! And I love coffee too- already had my first cup of the day!!!


Vicki- I just saw that LionBrand Studio is having a Stitch N' Pitch at a Mets game- and giving away free totes at the game- they are trying to set a record of the most crocheters in one place or something like that. I thought of you- only because your DH is such a huge Mets fan. Now, if they had something like this at Yankee Stadium- I'd sure be interested! LOL


Well, off to get ready for the day- its supposed to be raining here today- Oh, well.


Hope that everyone has a great Friday- Shannon, Stacy, LeaAnne, Beth, Mary, Scooby, Sarah- thinking of you and missing you around here!

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Good morning to all and Happy FRIDAY! YAY for the weekend!

Joanne - I may need to look this Lion Brand thing at the Mets up and see about it. Not that I am going to make a special trip up the NY for it (because then I would have to see family!) but that is interesting. And Hubby wasn't home last night to watch the game. He was at work. That was okay. I got the watch my game!

Colleen - How is DD's eye? Is she feeling better? Bribery works every time! Hope the drops are helping.

LeeAnn - How are your allergies feeling today? I hope they are better today. Nothing is worse than allergies. I think they are so draining!What pharmacy does your hubby work at?

I have a funny story for you all. Yesterday morning I asked DD if she wanted to go to an extra tkd class last night. She asked me why. I told her that daddy was not going to be home, he would be working. I could make an early dinner and then we could go to the class. She had to think about this for all of ten seconds before she says yes. So she tells hubby when he gets up, since he brought her to school yesterday that she was going to go to tkd that night. He says to her "why?" I text the coach to tell her that I am going to bring DD to class last night to and she texts me back "Why? Do we see a pattern here? I move my cheese just a little bit and everyone questions me like I am going to rob a bank. After I explain to everyone that I am bringing her just because I can, everyone says, oh, okay. Go figure


Just thought that would make you all smile a little



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:coffee Mornin'


It is beautiful here right now, but they are calling for rain later this morning. Warm again today, but it's supposed to .... you know what ... tonight (I don't like to use 4 letter words that start with S :lol). Poor DH, it's going to be cold tomorrow and he has plans to build a fence for his mom.


Not much on the schedule for today. DD still isn't feeling well. Her eye is fine, so the drops helped. But, she's just not feeling 100%. I think we'll have a PJs and cartoons day. I have a couple more calls to make for work then I was supposed to drop the info off at the clinic, but if she's not up to it I'll just bring it on Monday or drop it at my boss's house this weekend. He lives close.


Vicki - Clearly all your peeps like you to keep things on schedule :lol Hope DD enjoys the bonus TKD time. TGIF!


LeeAnn - My DD is 5 and what fun age! I wish I could keep her 5 forever. :manyheart I hope your allergies are letting up and that you feel better today.


Joanne - A Stitch-n-Pitch. That's funny! TGIF!


Everyone, if you stop by here today, please give us a quick post. I'm starting to think it's just Joanne, Vicki, LeeAnn and I around here these days. Missing you all and hoping all is well with you and your families. :hug

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Good Morning!

:cheer:cheerTGIF!!!! Happy that it's Friday. This weekend we are going to have a birthday get to gether for my mom here at our house. Actually on Sunday-I am making frito pie, Spanish rice and my famous jello cake. My mom is super excited. I wish all of my sisters could make it, but they each live 4 hours away in different directions. But we will try to make the most of it.

I do feel a little bit better, yesterday I was such a mess, I felt drained and stuffy and itchy.

Joanne-so happy to see your posts in the morning, I look forward to reading about your day, thank you! :hug A crochet n pitch sounds fun! :yay How's your granny ghan coming along? Are you making it for someone in particular?

Colleen-5 is such a fun age! It's actually my favorite age,...ooops don't tell anyone, since I will be working with infants and toddlers. :devil Dh works for a non profit organization called Valley Wide Health Systems, they have several clinics here in Colorado. He's been with the company for 16 years. It's stressful but he loves it. :lol I hope your dd feels better soon, especially for the weekend.

Oh good news! dd garden is sprouting! The corn, radishes, carrots, and lettuce have all poked thru, especially the corn, they are about 4 inches high. She is over the mooon. :jumpyay The bell peppers dried up, so she's going to try them again. I am so happy for her, if she plants a garden imagine all the fresh veggies we will have to eat. Yummy! No better way than getting kiddos to eat healthy.

Guess I should get myself in gear and get a move on it...I did already put a roast in the crock pot, so I am not too far behind.

hugs and warmest of wishes dear friends!:day

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Hi everyone. :coffee:morcoffee


Guess what my sweet, wonderful, adorable, lovely dd said to me yesterday? I was on my way out the door after dinner to meet with my IRL crochet buddy. She said "Hey, Mom, I'll make a deal with you. I'll wash all the lunch and dinner dishes for you if you promise to take me to a really good craft store tomorrow."


Breaks my heart to go to a really good craft store, you know? :rofl How could I say no? So today, I get to go to either Ben Franklin or Michael's, or both! :manyheart


I'm sorry I haven't been on-line much. I love my new laptop, but it doesn't have a mouse, and I have to get used to that finger thing, plus I've been working, which really sucks the free time right out of a day, you know. And my dh was home Mon and Tue.


Any way, big hugs to everyone.


Vicki, love the story. How dare you change your schedule!


Colleen, no no NO! The 4-letter s word is not allowed to happen now! I hope your dh gets his fence built. I'm glad your dd's eye is better.


Joanne and LeaAnn, I love coffee, too. I was going to try to stop drinking it, but decided I love my family too much. No coffee would turn me into a BEAR!


LeaAnne, how goes softball in the sidelines?

Mary, how are you progressing on the sweaters?

Stacy, how are the girls? Is the Terror behaving OK?

Shannon, I hope sweet Janna is OK.

Sarah, I hope all is well.

Scooby, I hope your house has been tranformed into a home already with your magic arranging of things.


Have a great weekend, everyone.

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Oh, Colleen, I wanted to tell you something. I popped open a Soda on Tuesday -- I was really depressed about the dermatologist visit, and thought it would make me feel better. I took one sip. The stuff tastes terrible! I guess I'm over that one. My dd drank the rest for me.

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Oh, Colleen, I wanted to tell you something. I popped open a Soda on Tuesday -- I was really depressed about the dermatologist visit, and thought it would make me feel better. I took one sip. The stuff tastes terrible! I guess I'm over that one. My dd drank the rest for me.


Good for you Beth! It's official, you have kicked your addition. :yes I have allowed myself a half-a-glass here and there (you know, for Easter :wink) and it doesn't appeal to me anymore either. Too bubbly, doesn't taste great :clap:yay Yay for us! We did it! I am proud of us. It will make us healthier!


Oh ya, and thanks for stopping by :hug Listen, you can buy a mouse for very little money and attach it to your laptop.... or just borrow the one from the other computer if no one is using it. I can't stand to be without a mouse either.

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Beth, good to hear from you! I could give up soda, but not coffee....:-))))


Vicki-It's funny how we tend to be creatures of habit without realizing it, then sometimes we have to mix things up to make life interesting!


hugs to all!

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Colleen, :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheerHooray for us!!! We kicked the pop!


LeeAnn, your afghan is gorgeous. I love that stitch. I'm sorry if you already told us, but what pattern is that? And the yarn is so pretty. That's a lovely gift.


Vicki, crocheters taking over a baseball game -- that sounds so appealingn to me! I love watching baseball in person. We go to college league summer games here.


Oh, my dd and I went to Ben Franklin and to Michael's. Ben Franklin actually increased the yarn section after the bankruptcy. It's a beautiful sight. Michael's was what it has always been. My dd didn't find what she was looking for, but we found it on-line when we got home, so she'll get it soon.


So you all need to come by and go shopping at Ben Franklin's with me!

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Hi everyone!!


LeeAnn- that afghan is gorgeous- love the colors!!!! What a lucky teacher!


Colleen and Beth!:clap:clap for giving up the soda! I don't drink soda either- never really cared for it- but coffee, well, that's a totally different animal- I would be a bear too without it!!


Beth- so happy to hear from you! And what a nice DD to offer to clean the dishes from both lunch and dinner if you would take her to a crafts store. I :lol when I read how difficult that would be for you:lol

Have you been working at the ballet studio?


Colleen- NO< NO< NO S_ _ _ _!! (rhymes with no) Hope that DH gets to put in the fence for his mom! A cartoons and pj day sounds divine. I may just have a pj day tomorrow if it rains. Or I may try and talk DH to taking an hour ride to PA so I can check out a Hobby Lobby:devil


Vicki- I'll probably tune into the Stitch and Pitch game just to see if they show all the crocheters. I got a kick out of your story. You should know better than to change up a schedul:lol:lol Hope DD had a good time at her extra TKD class!!

I've been working on the large granny and am almost out of yarn. So I think it will be done soon. I'm thinking of keeping this for myself since it matches my comfy chair! I'll post pics when I'm done!


LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon, Sarah- thinking of you!


Stacy- :hug:hug:hug:hug for you-


Well, I'd better figure out what we are eating for dinner- DH isn't home yet, but the Devils game is on tonight at 7:30 and you all know I don't want to miss that!:devil

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Good evening friends!

Beth-You are one lucky gal! Yarn stores?????? :laughroll Oooohhh laaaa laaaa sounds like heaven! I love yarn! It's a dangerous habit, but I have been keeping myself in check. :D

Colleen-Oh no:eek I will keep my fingers :xfin that you do not get any white sparkly stuff.

I cleaned out the laundry room, check check check,....off my list.:h5 Whew!

I think before returning to my hexagons I am going to make a hat, (maybe I will even get to keep it) one of Vanna's patterns, it is on the lionbrand website. Not sure what color to make it...:think

Talk to ya all soon!:hug

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Hi All

Colleen Iam here......... sorry I have not been posting so much but I have been on life's rollercoaster lately, you know up and down and up and down..........

I forget who asked but my DD and her family are coming tonight for the weekend so we are going to have our Easter.

I love coming here and reading what everyone is up to in their lives. It really does make my day.

I have to go for now but I will try and be here for chat tonight.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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