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DD just came up and said, "You want to crohay with me? You want to play with yarn with me?" How cute is that???? Seriously!


:manyheart so cute, they are just precious.


We were walking out of the theatre after the movie today and my DD, without being asked, said "Thank you Mommy" :manyheart My heart swelled.

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There's also a book called I Can't Believe I'm Crocheting. You can get it at Walmart and it has lefty instructions, with pictures. It helped me a lot.

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Don't you just love those moments. DD is very good about being affectionate and thinking of others. I think that's so important.

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I better go too. DD is waiting for me to cuddle and crohay. She even asked for a different hook, because the one I gave her was too small. She's so silly!


It was nice to chat with you LeeAnn! I'll be keeping :xfin about your new job! Congratulations again! Talk to you soon. :hugs

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Good morning!

What a great day I had yesterday! The sun was shining and it was about 60 degrees. DH and I headed to Newark and met DD. Her BF was at a workshop at one of the art galleries so we hung out in her apt for a bit- she worked on her crochet- she was making a dishcloth and the rows were getting smaller- so I helped her out with that- then made a quick ipod cozy for her. We then walked around a bit- and there was a fabric store that DH said has been there forever- it was small, but filled with fabric (no yarn, tho) and run by an older gentleman and his son. They had buttons galore, so I bought some buttons- not sure what I'll use them for yet, but the colors were so pretty!


When her BF was finished at the gallery we went over to the Portugese restaurant and youngest DD and SIL met us there. So the 6 of us had a great dinner- plus we all have left-overs for dinner again today!! Then, it was on to the Devils game-


What a game!!! They won 7-1- and clinched the Atlantic Division! They really played with play-off intensity- it was so much fun!!!!


Today will be a day of catch-up on the cleaning- and I need to put the Easter decorations away. So I think I'll grab another cup of coffee and get a move on so that the whole day is not spent on cleaning- Unlike Colleen, that nesting thing hasn't bitten me- I'd much rather be crocheting! LOL


Have a great Sunday!

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:hi remember me? I used to come on here from time to time to "talk" with you. :blush Life has been busy, and I've been TIRED!!! It's pollen season here, and my allergies leave me feeling drained.


Any way, I got a new toy. My share of the income tax return went towards a laptop computer, so I don't have to fight with the kids to get on-line now. I still need to find time for it, but at least I can use my machine when I get the time, no matter who is playing what with whom.


I'm really far behind on posts, so I'm just going to say :hi, and I love you all!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi Beth!!! Welcome to the world of laptops- the greatest invention!! I just love mine and it can go with me when I travel, when I am in bed, or when I'm in my cozy chair!!!


Lots of happy times with it!!


Hope the allergies simmer down a bit and you are feeling better!!!

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:coffee Good morning!


Just popping in for a quick hello before we head to church. I changed to my summer bedding last night and washed our quilt and blanket this morning. They are on the clothesline.


Shannon and LeeAnn - It was a pleasure to chat with you last night!


Beth - Nice to see you! Congrats on the laptop! Enjoy!


Joanne - Wow! What a game for the Devils! The Leafs are now done for the season (last place :thumbdown), but they went out with style with an OT win last night against Montreal. I'm glad you had a great day.


Have a great Sunday everyone!

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Hi gang! The sun is trying to come out here but there are some clouds hanging around today. I think it may rain tomorrow.

Beth - YAY for a new laptop! They are the best invention ever! Love mine! Good luck with it!

Joanne - YAY for the Devils and glad you had a great time at the game. The Rangers are surprisingly not outof it - YET. They have a one game play off against the Flyers to see who gets in since they won Friday night against them to tie them at 86 points in the standings. That should be a good game. When do playoffs start?


Leeanne - I hope you are feeling better today and I hope the hugs helped. I hate when people do stuff like that. It makes life no fun. Just ignore the e-mail. Eventually they will stop and move on.

Stacy - DD gets a refund from her distribution that she gets every year from my dad's 401K. When he died the four existing grandchildren were his beneficiaries should he out live my mother. Since they together died in an accident this wasn't an issue. So every year since she was one she gets a distribution from the 401K, and she pays taxes on the distribution, most of which she gets back as a refund. The life of a child! You just gotta love it!


Mary - 14 more baby sweaters?!? You are the crocheting queen!


Colleen - My DD used to love The Wiggles when she was little! Glad DD likes the concert and that she used her manners and said thank you! That makes my heart feel good when they do that!

I have the first load of laundry in the washer right now. We all slept in this morning. The only ones up early this morning were the dogs! Once they went out and had breakfast they were happy to let us sleep a little longer! YAY for sleeping in! Tonight's dinner is sausage parm.

Someone asked about the ribs. I rub them first with a spice called Ancho Southwest and cook them at 350 for 45 minutes. Then I take them out and put the rasberry sauce on them and bake them for another 15 minutes. I guess they are not really roasted, but oh they taste so good!

Ok, off to do my next load of laundry. Have a great day and talk to you all later!

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It's gonna be one of those days...


DD's not any better, so we'll be going to the doctor tomorrow. Both dogs are throwing up. Good news is I did the dishes, cleaned up, and I'm about to fold one load and put another in the dryer.


Well, DD's finally feeling hungry. Hopefully I'll be back in a little while. :hug:hug to all my besties!!

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Good Morning Ladies!

Just got dd and dh off, he takes her to Religious Ed...whew! I didn't think they were going to make it.:lol

We are in a state of "Emergency" at least that what my dh says. He broke the carafe to the coffe pot last night.:eek:eek:eek So about 8:30 we drove all the way in to town to buy a new one, well the one we bought isn't going to work, so we are just going to have to buy a whole new coffee maker...dh is addicted to coffee....so....he's not feeling up to par.:yes Oh my gosh! These addictions! :lol I'm actually feeling ok, but I know that I need and I mean need coffee....

anyhow, enough about me, sorry that I always seem to chat about myself.

Beth-I am so happy for you, laptops are wonderful! Please enjoy it!:hug

Joanne-What a wonderful day you had yesterday! I love buttons! Maybe you can make a sweater to go with them.:hug

Shannon-sorry to hear that your dd is not feeling well. I hope she gets better soon and that the dear doc can give her something to make her feel better.:hug

Vicki-:clap:clapYeah for sleeping in! It's nice to feel rested and refreshed. :hug

Colleen-You are such an inspiration! I will be thinking of you while purging a few drawers in the kitchen today. :hugI'm glad the weather is warming up a bit.

I really do need to work on this last artwork assignment, it's about the trip to the museum, I think I can I think I can...

hugs to all including Mary, Sarah, Stacy and LeaAnne!:hug:hug

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The yankees won again today and now watching the Devils play their last regular season game! I made a 'cozy' for my ipod out of some I love this Cotton and am now working on the large granny


Just saw the end of the Rangers hockey game and they lost to the Flyers in a shoothout- Sorry Vicki, but they didn't squeak into the playoffs- better luck next year! My SIL is not a happy camper right now!


Congrats on finishing your paper LeeAnn- that's awesome news! And what a relief I'm sure!! Have fun crocheting.


Well, hope everyone had a wonderful day- I sure did- what a great weekend this was!

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Good morning!


Well, the Devils won and are playing the Phila Flyers in the first round of the playoffs!


To everyone- have a fabulous Monday! (well at least as fabulous as a Monday can be!!)


cya on the flip side!

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Good Morning friends!

How's everyone doing on this Monday? I'm just getting myself up and ready for the day, trying to contemplate...crochet or tidy up,....which one do you think will be first? :lol


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Good morning, friends!

We had a nice weekend, but dh let the girls stay up late to watch a movie. :angry They are as energetic as usual, and I am :tired and cannot keep up. As a result- I am :grumpy this morning.

I need to pick up a few things from the store today. Maybe I'll swing by and see if Target has anymore Cadbury eggs on clearance. :devil


Joanne, can't wait to see your Ipod cozy. :devil Did you use a pattern? I need to make one for mine since the rubber-ish cover keeps slipping off.


Leeann, so sorry to hear about the coffee carafe!! That is an emergency. :yes Ours broke a few months ago, and we went without it for about 2 weeks, until we could find the right size. It was not enjoyable. Are you going to turn in your paperwork today?


Shannon, I hope Janna is feeling better! Give her a big :hug for me.


Vicki, Beth, Mary, Scooby, Leanne, Colleen, Sarah- hope you all have a great Monday to start off your week! :hug:hug:hug:hug


I'm going to finish cleaning up the living room, then straighten up my bedroom. I can't guarantee anything will be done aside from the basics. But my bedroom is on my list of spring cleaning for this week. :yes


Hasta luego, besties! :hug


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Happy Monday afternoon! I need to get to class so this is going to be quick. I just wanted to come on and say a quick hello to everyone today. It was a busy morning here but I think it will start to slow down now for a while. The last of my marathon annuals was this morning so now I can coast for a little while. I got all the paper work in that I needed for some other stuff that I had to do. It was a busy morning!


YAY for Joanne's Devils who made it in to the playoffs. What network will carry the playoffs, Joanne?


YAY for the Yankees who won yesterday in come back fashion. We listened to it on the radio as we were doing some stuff. DD has decided that since her Astros are on a losing streak to start the season she will be a Yankee fan. Hubby is not pleased. He says I am being a bad influence on her!


Hope everyone is enjoying the day. It is sunny and beautiful here. Talk to you all later and have a great day!



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Hi everyone!

Vicki- i think your DD is very smart to become a Yankee fan!!!


Stacy- No pattern for the ipod cozy- I just did about 18 sc across and kept going till there was enough to fit around it and then made a button hole and attached a button. It also fits the earbuds. I'll take a pic later


LeeAnn- I bet you crocheted b/4 tidying up! Did I guess right?


Well, dinner is cooking so I'd better go check before we have burnt sausage and peppers.

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HI All!


Just got home from picking up the kiddos and running errands. It's been quiet on here today. I dropped off the paperwork and the dry cleaning too. lol


Joanne, you are soo right, I crocheted (just a teeny tiny bit) then I made myself stop and work on homework, can't wait till graduation. I am burnt out on homework, now I know how my kiddos feel!


hugs, hope everyone had a good Monday!

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