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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning glories and welcome to the weekend!!!:sun


Colleen- I have to agree with Shannon, you are the cleaning:queen!! WTG on getting the office done:cheer Hope that there is no white stuff falling from the sky!!!


Shannon-Glad to see you back! Lent is over, you can crochet for you now- or for the wedding- how are the pillows coming along? How is Janna liking her room?


LeeAnn- hope that DD is doing ok- Did you find out if you start work next week?


LeeAnne- Between baseball, cleaning and working, you have a full plate- you've made good strides on your spring cleaning! Me, on the other hand, not so much!:lol


Stacy- Did you decide what you are getting DH for his birthday? When is it?


Beth- Did you have the appt? Hoping for good news!


Vicki- YAY, it's the weekend- but BOO- the Yankees stunk it up last night! Oh, well, lots more games in the season!! DH's blanket sounds good- I'm not brave enough yet to wing it on my own making something up- but what a cool idea to make it baseball themed!! I'm sure he's going to love it!!!


Mary- Sorry I couldn't stay for chat last night- but I did get a good night's sleep:yes


Scooby- I :) each time I look of the pic of you in the chicken outfit- both here and FB! What a great sense of humor you have!!!


Sarah- thinking of you- and hope all is well.


:thinkHope I didn't forget anyone- it's early- only had 1 cup of Joe's Dark and time to get the badorkus in gear and get some cleaning done before heading out for our fun-filled day and evening.


Go Devils!!!

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Good morning all! Happy Saturday!

Today I get to take DD to tkd practice. Then while she is there I get to run to the accountant and brint them the e-file papers so they can file our taxes. Hubby and I get to pay. DD gets a refund. You gotta love how that works! Then I need to reorganize my calendar binder for school. I used it a lot at the beginning of the year, but I slacked off as the year went on. I need to get back to using it. I need to redo it and put more tabbies in it and things like that. So I need to make a trip to Franklin Covey. I could spend my life in there!

I need to vacuum today and put some clothes away. The dish washer needs to be emptied. I have my dinner defrosting on the counter (at least that is done!). We are going to have slow roasted ribs tonight with rasberry chipotle sauce. So yummy.

Have a great day all. Joanne, have fun at the hockey game! I miss going to those!

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Good Morning friends!

Sorry I was MIA for a little while. I had errands to run yesterday and lots of paperwork to fill out. .... I am not sure when I am starting because you have to get a background check before beginning. I picked up the packet yesterday, filled it out, had it notorized and then took it back, but the gentleman had left for the day...what???? sooo...will have to take it back in on Monday morning then go from there, but I have decided to enjoy my last days off from work as much as possible. :lol

dd did not have strep, I get so worried about step, dh is a carrier, since he works in a pharmacy, he tends to bring home unwanted bugs.:eek but she is feeling somewhat better. The doc thinks she may be showing signs of allergies, which is a horror to her, after watching ds go thru shots and all that fun stuff, she is terrified. But I think she will be ok.

Vicki-getting taxes done is no fun, maybe you can treat yourself to extra :hooktime.

Joanne-what a beautiful hook case and the ghan is sure pretty! I love grannies, I am kicking myself in the tush, that is what I should have made for dd teacher...but I am still enjoying the other pattern too. I started another ghan becuase I ran out of yarn and just can't seem to justify paying more for shipping and handling than the yarn itself. Still working on the hexagons too, using lots of scraps makes me feel less guilty about my stash.

Colleen-I think I need some of your motivation, my kitchen looks a little scary at the present moment, I was too tired to clean up last night, but will get to it soon. What are your plans for the weekend?

Mary, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah, LeeaAnne, and Beth, here's wishing you extra hugs and the best weekend ever!:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all!


Joanne, what a pretty hook case and granny! How sweet of Tam to send it to you. :manyheart Enjoy the hockey game!


Vicki, your dinner sounds yummy! Do you make them in the crockpot? How does dd get a tax refund? :think We have to pay in this year, also, to the state. I don't think there's a person in CA who didn't have to pay. :shrug


Leeann, that's too bad that your dd may have allergies. :xfin she feels better soon.


Scooby, I saw your picture on FB and cracked up! Was it very hot in the costume? You are a good sport for dressing up in it. :yes


Colleen, :clap for getting the office done! You go girl- you are on a roll! :h5 Sorry to hear the sale was canceled. A yard sale sounds like a great idea.


Beth, how did your appt. go? :hug


Shannon, how is everything? It's good to see you posting again! :hug


Leanne, you have been on a roll! :woo


Mary, have you finished the booties yet? :hug


Sarah, how are things over your way? :hug


We have been a bit busy here. On Thursday, Mia had her check-up. Her tonsils are getting bigger so the dr. wants to keep an eye on them. She ordered a full blood panel including a basic celiac panel :clap and we should have the results in a week. Not that I want her to have it, of course, but I am happy that she agreed to look into it. She got 5 shots, so I held off on taking her for the blood work until Friday.

Friday morning I cleaned my car inside and out, and it looks so nice again. :manyheart Took Mia for the blood work- she did so well, until she saw the blood going into the vial. But it was over quickly, then she got stickers. :lol Dh and I went out last night- we went to see the movie "Date Night." It was sooo funny! A few parts were very poignant. Then we went to dinner and got coffee.

I woke up this morning with terrible allergies. I haven't had a problem in the 10 years that I've lived here! Now my nose is stuffy, my eyes and throat are itchy, and my chest is heavy. I hate medicine but I might need it to get through the day.

We are babysitting the Terror this morning. Later we are taking Mia to spend her gift card at the toy store, then I promised Isabella that we would go rollerskating around the neighborhood.

Well the buzzer just sounded for the dryer, so I better get that out of the way. Happy Saturday!

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Hiya besties! And a Happy Saturday to you all!


DD and I just got home from seeing the Wiggles concert at the movie theatre (they filmed a live concert and showed it at the movie theatre). DD enjoyed herself. She likes going to the movies and there are so few shows that we feel are age appropriate. I have the sheets on the clothesline, the house is tidy (especially the office :manyheart) and we are bbqing sausages and hot dogs for supper. Life is good.


Stacy - WTG Mia being such a trooper! DD is terrified of needles. I probably would need to tie her down to get blood taken :ohdear I hope the tests help you figure something out. Have fun at the toy store and rollerskating.


LeeAnn - WTG getting all the paperwork done. :tup


Joanne - I hope you enjoy the game! Go Devils!


Vicki - I hope you get all your errands done and enjoy your dinner.


Talk to you later!

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Hi Everyone

I just came back inside from working outside. We are trying to beat the backflies. So far there are none yet.

I finished all the booties I had to make and now the sweaters just need buttons and then I will take a pic. Last night I started another sweater and Iam going to try and get another 14 made before dd comes to visit.

I hope everyone is having a great day. It is suppose to rain here tonight and then sunshine for the next 4 days :cheer

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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14 sweaters!! :nworthy Mary, you're :crocheting-ness amazes me. :yes


Colleen, glad to hear dd had fun at the movie. Sounds like you're having a nice, laid-back day. :manyheart Isabella is terrified of needles, too- when she needed a TB test to enter kinder, it took me and 2 nurses to hold her down. :ohdear Mia has always been fine with needles, though- she needed bloodwork when she was about 1-1/2, and she just sat and watched the blood go up into the vial. She almost seemed fascinated! :lol


Isabella and I went roller-skating. She talked me into skating "around the park," but of course once we arrived, she asked to play. :lol She played for a little while, then we came home. Boy, am I tired!


Off to take a shower and fold some laundry. Gotta figure out what's for dinner, also. I'm thinking a chicken chow mein recipe I found on Jamie Oliver's site. :yay

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HI All,...just needed to vent some...I was having a good day, then got on my facebook to see a message from an old co-worker posted on my wall....the day I quit she emailed me and asked me for a letter of recommendation...even tho' she she hadn't spoken to me on that particular day...sounds so silly huh? Anyhow, I wrote the letter and e-mailed it to her, didn't want to have anymosity with anyone...she emailed a few weeks ago, not to ask how I was doing but to request a signed copy of the recommendation...well to be honest, I just ignored it, not the best way to handle things I know...but I didn't want the confrontation. So when I saw the post on my wall-it kinda irked me...I thought hmm....the people whom I thought were my friends were never really friends to begin with, it was all about what I could do for them. I emailed her and said good luck and no I would not be signing or emailing any more recommdendations as I am doing well and would like to put the past behind me...so now who sends me an email, her boyfriend!:angry brother, so am going to delete it and go on....I feel sad, sad that I really misjudged her and perhaps should have handled things differently.

just want to cry...

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Hi Mary, good job with the sweaters and booties! When does DD come to visit?


Thanks Iam trying to get the outside work and keep up with the inside work and keep up with the crochet all before the blackflies come.

DD was suppose to come 2 weeks ago and then the kids got sick. Then she was going to come this weekend and she got sick, so Iam not too sure when she is going to get here.

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It's just a cold I think. Sore throat, runny nose, coughing. She never gets sick.


I've been having a hard time figuring out the jar jacket. How sad is that?

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I think I got the hang of it now. My brain's just slow. I'm making Lucy's Springtime Wreath for DD's room too! How about you? Are you still in your crochet funk?

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