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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello Hello!

Can't believe that it's already April 6th! wow! The next two months are going to fly by.

LeeaAnne-thank you for the prayers for the new job...I'm nervous, I'm hoping that I can keep it together.:lol

Mary-do you take pics of your finished projects? I would love to see your baby items. Is there a pattern that you are particularly fond of? My sis is hoping and praying to have one more child, I wanted to crochet a layette, but don't want to get ahead of myself, but I could always make one for both of my children.

Shannon-How ya doing?

Scooby-:cheeryeah that you have the day off! I would crochet and relax.:hug

Beth-thunder and lightening? wow! We only have rain in July, sometimes June, Colorado weather is soo weird, but I wish we had shorter winter months. I'm sorry that your dh is going to be out of town for such a long time, that must be hard.

Sarah-I hope and pray that you will be ok and that things will calm down for ya.

Joanne-I'm glad that you are having a normal work week, do you have to work 12 days in a row often?

Stacy-How are you? And how's your family?

Colleen-Happy Anniversary! 8 years? Way to go! :manyheart The job that I have an interview for is for an infant/toddler teacher for a new program that they are starting here in the San Luis Valley, I think it is exciting to be part of something new and different. I have never worked with toddlers/infants, my true love is preschoolers, but I think it would be exciting and different. The other job at the Migrant program starts in June, but the wages are much better in comparison but it's only seasonal. Either one would be perfecto! :lol

Vicki-hope the state testing goes well, is it all day?

Thank you again ladies for all of the encouragement, I know that I wouldn't have been able to motivate myself!


Welcome Southernpeachhooker! Great, wonderful bunch of folks!

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Good morning, friends!

I am tired and frustrated today. Trying to get Mia into the pediatric dentist and they're giving me a runaround with our insurance. The insurance company doesn't have a problem with her seeing a specialty dentist, but the dentist has a problem with it...:thair Seriously...what is the point in having insurance, if you can't access it? Go figure. Anyway, please wish me luck. Despite cutting way down on sugar, brushing twice a day and using an anti-cavity rinse, the cavity on her back molar seems to be growing. :(


Leeann- you got so much done yesterday! :clap That is awesome! Good luck with your interview tomorrow. :hug


Mary, can't wait to see those baby sets! How is spring coming along in God's country?


Colleen, good luck with your cleaning today. Happy anniversary! I know it was a few weeks ago, but I must have missed the update about your weekend- how was 'Jersey Boys?'


Shannon, hope all is well with you and miss Janna today. :hug


Joanne, good luck getting your papers sorted out. I need to do that with my desk, also, but not feeling the motivation. Maybe later in the week.


Beth, sorry to hear your dh will be gone for so long! Good luck with your mole inspection. Lots of :hug:hug:hug to you.


Vicki, good luck with your state testing today.


Leanne, how is everything? :hug to you. Did you decide which spot to purge? My earthquake shopping has to wait until Friday (payday.) I watched the news for a few minutes last night, and there were 100+ aftershocks, on Monday alone. :eek Mia is still asking to go to the store. Dh gave her a gift card (it came with the Barbie camper) and it is burning a hole in her pocket. :lol I told her we can go Friday, since she doesn't have school.


Oh, I almost forgot- yesterday I cleaned our bathroom from top to bottom and cleared out 2 bags of trash. :clap Cleaned out the medicine cabinets and tossed everything that was expired or hasn't been used since we moved. Organized first-aid supplies, hair/nail/makeup containers, and bath toys. It looks so nice. :manyheart I've been on the phone all morning so I haven't had a nice chunk of time to actually clean anything yet today. We'll see how the day progresses.

Catch everyone later! :hug

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:hi everyone!


Beth - Sorry to hear your DH will be away for so long :(:hug We'll be here for you! :yes


Stacy - Good job getting the bathroom cleaned.


LeeAnn - The job sounds good. I wish you luck tomorrow!


I am having a great day! I have gotten so much done. Kitchen is clean and dishwasher is running, 3 loads of laundry, house dusted and the wooden furniture and railings etc. has been cleaned with orange cleaner. DD and I both got our hair cut. I put away the Easter stuff and picked up some stuff that was lying around. I gathered a few more things for the sale. I just rewarded myself with 30 minutes of endweaving. Gee, lucky me :rofl I figure part of my crochet funk is all the UFOs I have lying around.


So, without further ado, here is the navy/red/gray ripple I finished in February but just now finshed weaving in the ends :blush



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Pretty 'ghan, Colleen! :clap:manyheart WTG on weaving those ends! :tup You have been quite the busy lady today- glad to hear you "rewarded" yourself afterward. :h5


Well I finally got the insurance mess straightened out- even after I called to let the nurse know I had contacted the insurance company and that they were okay with her being seen, the nurse insisted on calling them herself, then never called me back to let me know when the appt. was. :angry Mia has an appt. next Tuesday, and they do tooth-colored fillings, thank goodness. :whew


Speaking of Mia...after I picked her up, we went to the eye doctor to get Isabella's glasses fixed, then came home and Mia helped me clean. :manyheart She cleaned the appliances with stainless steel cleaner while I scrubbed the gunk from the water dispenser. :yuck Also tackled the cupboards with a magic eraser, swept and mopped the floor, and vacuumed the rugs in the living room, while Mia dusted. I also cleared the excess junk from the bar area.

Tomorrow I am going to work on the girls' room. I have decided to get rid of everything except Polly Pockets, Barbies, Thomas trains, and whatever Isabella plays with (mostly Littlest Pet Shop.) There is a ton of stuff in their toy box, taking up room that hasn't been played with in months.

Well I am going to scoot and work on some :crocheting for a little while. Love and hugs! :hug

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Hi everyone-

I forget who asked- but I only work the last weekend of the month- it's for a special project I've been assigned to. Usually I work M-F! But when we have to work the weekend that's no day off for 12 days and now that the weather is getting nicer, it's going to be tougher to do!


Colleen- WTG on all the cleaning and the endweaving! That ghan is gorgeous- You do such beautiful work!!!


Welcome to this group Brenda!


Stacy- WTG on the Bathroom cleaning/purging - Wow- 100 aftershocks!


LeaAnne- What did you spend your 1 hr of cleaning time on? Will you be watching the game tonight? I'll be switching between DWTS and the Yankees!


Vicki- how did the testing go? Good luck at bowling tonight- will they have the game on at the bowling alley?


LeeAnn- GOOD LUCK tomorrow at the interview!


Beth- Hugs to you my friend- good luck with the dermatologist appt- good that you are keeping right on top of it. That's hard having DH on the west coast for a month! How often does he have to go away for business?


Scooby- Hope you had a fabulous day off today and got to relax and crochet


Sarah- thinking about you!


Mary- Hows it going up in God's country?


Well, all, better go figure out dinner before the game begins! Please Yankees- beat the Red Sox!!!!

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Glad to hear that the whole dentist/insurance mess got worked out! And WTG on all the cleaning you got done- and with your helper Mia! I bet she felt so grown up and proud of herself for helping you!!!


Ok, off to get dinner.

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Oh, I am SO TIRED! I just want to sit and hit the hook!

Testing was fine, just very long. Basically 5 hours of watching kids test. Then when they are finished they just have to sit. Then I had to go back and finish teaching my 6th grade classes at the end of the day because it is only 8th graders who are testing right now. Today was the math test. Tomorrow is the reading. And after I test tomorrow I get to go to a meeting for 3 hours about how we are going to schedule students next year. I will be jumping from the fryer to the fire!

LeaAnne - Our tests are called Texas Assessment of Knwledge and Skills, so they are called TAKS. It will soon be replaced with a new test. I can't remember what it will be called, but the new test will have the acronym of STARR.

Stacy - Glad you got the dentist straightened out. Hope it all works out!

Leeanne - Good luck at the interview! Let us know how it goes!

Joanne - No, they won't have the Yankee game on at the bowling alley. They will probably have the Astros game on. That's fine. I like to watch them too! I see the Yanks just tied the game. Let's go Yankees!

Sarah - I hope things start to calm down again for you. You need some good down time! How is Keith doing with everything going on?

I may not be able to check in with you all tomorrow. I have testing tomorrow and I have review paper work to do for an ARD that snuck up on me. If I can get through this week things will be good!


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Hi Everyone

Just stopping in quick. I got home about an hour ago from being out all day.

Colleen Happy Anniversary and I love the afghan. You pick great colors just like my DD does.

Congrats to everyone on all your cleaning you have gotten done.

Welcome Brenda you have found a great bunch of ladies here..... they are the best.

:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone cause I know you could all use one.

Lots of Love


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Good morning- and yes, it is a good morning- The Yankees listened to my plea and won the game!


Vicki- good luck getting through the week- you can do it!!


Colleen- Sorry forgot to wish you a Happy Anniversary!! Hope you had a good night and enjoyed the Chinese food!! How fun if you get to take DD to a ball game. That's really neat that they have some games with a "peanut free" section! All ballparks should do the same (or maybe they do and I just don't know about it!)


Good luck today at the interview LeeAnn!!!


Well, everyone- time to grab a cup of my favorite hot beverage and get a move on!

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:blushGood Morning Ladies!

Just getting ready but thought I would stop in first and see how everyone is.

Mary-I'm glad that you were able to stop in for a few. :D

Joanne-thank you for the encouragement, I am getting nervous...but trying to be positive. :eek

other than that nothing new. I did go thru some of my clothes in the closet and purged a few sweaters, just have to get to my drawers and do the same. Dh got rid of a whole trash bag...wow! That is amazing for him! He's such a pack rat. :yay

my kiddos have Early Release today, so they will be out at noon..:cheer

off with myself. Have a great day ladies!


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Good morning!

It is Windy Wednesday here. We ran late this morning so I had to drive Isabella to school- thank goodness I did, or we might have been blown away. :lol

Today I am going to tackle the girls' room- my aim is to reduce their toy collection by 25-50%!


Mary, it's so good to see your red typing! How is your back and neck? Hope you are feeling better. :hug


Leeann- good luck today! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Okay, time to get started! BBL with a progress report (if I don't get lost first!)

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:hi everyone! Just popping in between all my little Wednesday jobs. Thanks for all the Happy Anniversary wishes and the nice words about my afghan. We didn't end up getting Chinese last night. By the time we got DD to bed we weren't hungry :shrug Oh well, another day.


LeeAnn - Thinking about you today and I'm hoping your interview went well! :hug


Stacy - Good luck with the de-toying!


LeaAnne - How is the spring cleaning going? I'm kinda jealous. :think What is wrong with me that I'm jealous that you get to clean? :rofl Are you not babysitting anymore or is Wed. your day off?


Mary - Glad you stopped by!


Joanne - By the time you read this you will be over hump day :yay


:hi to everyone else! Have a great day!

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HI! I'm back, I think the interview went well, now just have to sit and wait....that's so hard. But to make me feel better, I picked up the kiddos and then stopped for Chinese...yummy! All this talk about Chinese made me start craving it. lol And...I bought one skien of yarn...I couldn't help it...it was like a driving force pulling me to the yarn section....it's Red heart Cherrycola...what a cool color! I only bought one skien, it worked, I now have my yarn fix and can focus on homework for the afternoon. I haven't started going thru drawers, but tonight I will....I promise!


Back to homework! Talk to you all soon! hugs!

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LeeAnn - Hooray for a good interview! And hooray for Chinese and a yarn fix, you lucky girl!!! We are having our Chinese tonight. I didn't make supper for DH and I so we'll be good and hungry ;)

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Hi everyone!

Fingers crossed that you hear about the job soon LeeAnn- that's the hardest part after the interview- the waiting to hear. Yay for a yarn fix! And for Chinese!


Colleen- Enjoy your Chinese too!


Stacy- Can't wait to hear how many toys you were able to purge!!


Vicki- hope the testing went ok today- only 2 more days and its the weekend!!!


DH and I went to Carvel for dinner- they have buy 1 get 1 sundaes on Wednesday- it was 94 degrees here today~ by the end of the week it'll be back down in the 60's. DH came home and said what's for dinner and I said ice-cream!! I know not healthy- but let me tell you it was yummy!!!


Off to do my 1/2 hr of purging papers and then it'll be time for the last game of this Yankee Red Sox series!

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I'll stop by here 9-9:30 EST if anyone is interested in a chat. :D


Joanne - Ice Cream for dinner Yum! That is my kind of dinner!


Our Chinese was good. DD had chicken nuggets, fries and peas that I made for her so she was a happy duckling. She can't eat food from any Asian restaurants because they use a lot of nuts in their cooking, so we feed her first. I am so stuff.

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94 degrees?!! :faint Holy cow! Ice cream is definitely an acceptable dinner when it is that warm at this time of year. :rofl


Leeann, got my :xfin for you! Hope you hear soon so you don't have to wait too long. :clap for Chinese food and a yarn fix. I think I've seen cherry cola before- is it the variegated with brown, white, and reds/pinks? It is very pretty. Can't wait to see what you make with it. :devil


Colleen, :clap for Chinese! My kids are having chicken nuggets for dinner tonight, also (with sweet potato fries and apples.) Dh will probably have some, but I can't bring myself to eat them after watching the first episode of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. :yuck So I will probably have yogurt with granola. :shrug


We are having a bad-potty week. When I cleaned out the cabinet in the bathroom, Eva saw that there is an entire pack of diapers, and will not go potty on the toilet anymore. :( She's been going in her panties, then telling me afterward. I know it is a process but it is frustrating since she did SO well last week.

I cleared 2 bags of trash from the girls room and donated another 2 bags. I went in there with an "if they don't play with it, it's getting tossed" attitude, but there are a few things I kept for sentimental reasons, and I'm still on the fence about getting rid of them. :blush Maybe I'll just put them in a box, in the garage for now. :think



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Stacy- Sorry to hear that Eva has regressed- all in good time, she'll be back on the potty! You did good getting rid of so much- and yes, it's hard to get rid of some of the toys- for sentimental reasons!


Colleen- glad that you all enjoyed your dinner- both DD and you and DH. What did you have? My favorites are General Tso's chicken, Sweet and Sour Chicken, or Sesame chicken ( do you see the theme here---chicken??):lol


I'm not sure I'll be back on at 9:30- I'm getting kind of tired- and am thinking of watching the rest of the Yankee - Red Sox game in a reclining position!


Have a good night everyone!:hug


Cmon Yankees- you can do it- you are only down one run!:cheer

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:hi everyone!


Stacy - :( about the bad potty week. :hug It will get better!


Joanne - We get sweet and sour chicken, chicken fried rice, beef lo mein, egg rolls, nothing too exciting. It was yummy!


DD has had a hard time falling asleep tonight. That's unusual :shrug Who knows.

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Hello there!

Colleen-I'm glad that you and dh were able to enjoy Chinese food, is your dd allergic to peanuts? My ds is allergic to macadamia nuts and cats, dogs, pollen, dush, rabbits, horses, sheep, several different kinds of grasses and tress and on and on...I can relate. He also has asthma which can flare up when it's spring, winter or summer.

Joanne-hope you get some rest and relaxation in! :hug

Stacy-hang in there! Potty training can be frustrating but oh so rewarding.:hug

hugs to all!:hug:hug

The cherrycola yarn is variegated iwth brown, burnt brown, brown and green...I just love it!

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LeeAnn - Yes, DD is allergic to peanuts, chick peas, dogs and dust. She also has the beginning stages of asthma (just night-time coughing for the most part). Have fun with your cherry cola. I love cherry coke--the real kind I mean. We don't have it here in Canada, so I treat myself to some when I'm in the US.


I tried to crochet tonight, a scarf, but I just can't get into it. What a slump I'm in!:(

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