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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning, technically. Allergies are in bloom here in Virginia, and I woke up coughing at 3:ugly in the morning, so I got up, to let dh sleep.


I feel very far behind with greeting all my besties. I do apologize.


Stacy, I'm sorry Eva was sick. I hope she stays better. Poor thing. It's hard on mama, too. Are you doing OK?:hug


Colleen, :cheer:yay:clap for the dishwasher! I'm glad things worked out so you got it as promised.


Joanne, The nearest HL is about 3 1/2 hours from here, one way. I want to try ILTY and ILTC. Now more than ever. What color did you get?


LeeAnn, I hope you had a good church service.


Vicki, happy day off!!! I hope you have a good one. I'm surprised that the local schools have school today, and spring break starts Monday. I'd think Good Friday should be a day off, personally. The local government isn't closed, either.:think Any plans for your day?


LeeAnne, are your chickens keeping you busy? How is work going?


Mary, so glad to hear that spring has come to God's country. I hope you aren't wearing out too many crochet hooks.


Shannon, I hope Miss Janna is keeping a smile on your face.


Scooby, Tena, C4J, Sarah, and everyone else, I hope you have a very good Good Friday!:hug


I need to get my kitchen caught up today. I had an IRL crochet buddy meeting last night. We met at McDonald's drank coffee, crocheted and chatted. My dear friend Shirley untangled my yarn messes and rolled 3 skeins into balls for me. She enjoys that challenge. She's making a lace weight shall. It's beautiful, but what a lot of work!


I also want to make a plan of attack for our spring clean-a-thon starting Monday. Definitely need to do windows. I'm worried about the front ones. The mama bird is back on the nest in the wreath between my two front windows. I hate to disturb her, but those windows are dirty! Oh well. I get a kid to help me, and we'll do it really fast.


Have a great day!

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Good morning and Happy Friday!!! Day 12 of 12!!!Here's my happy dance:jumpyay:woo:bounce:2spin:yay:jumpyay:woo And the best part- the weekend is supposed to be warm and sunny!!!!!


Colleen- :clap for the new dishwasher and just in time for Easter!!! So glad that the installation all worked out. That was so nice of the installer to make a house for your DD! What a great way to recycle!- Turn a box into a house!:) Who needs toys when there are boxes around? :lol That was nice of your neigbor to bring you an Easter Lily! But that is because you were so nice to watch her DD!!! Nice begets nice you know?


Stacy- Your day at the museum sounds like fun. I love museums- such a great way to spend an afternoon- and picnic lunch outside is like heaven! Glad Eva is ok- and sounds like it may be the fish---I'm with you- steer clear for now! Enjoy your day at the tar pits!


Beth- Sorry that your allergies kicked in and have you up before me! Hope you feel better- I thank my lucky stars that I don't have allergies, but my youngest DD does and I know that she is miserable it can make you feel.

The ILTC she got me is spring ombre- pretty varigeted-pink, purple, white, turquoise, teal... And your IRL crochet friend who untangled your yarn and wound it- if she is ever in NJ- please have her look me up!:lol


LeeAnn- You have gotten alot done this week- between your cleaning and your :crocheting!! and your homework!


Vicki- Happy Day off!!! And happy haircuts! There is just something about getting a haircut that rejuvenates me- can't wait for mine- although I'm with you, I like to have enough hair to play with too! Sunday night- Yanks/Red Sox- can't wait!


Mary, Glad that spring has sprung in God's Country!!! Isn't it wonderful!!!!


LeaAnne, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah- thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful, fabulous Friday!!!


Have a wonderful splendid day!!!!!

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Hi gang! I did a lot this morning! I have the dish washer loaded and ready to go. Two loads of laundry folded (they have been sitting for a while!) and the first floor vacuumed. I found some big old dust bunnies in the laundry room! They won't be bunnying around any more! The sheets are in the dryer as we speak and DD is taking her shower. Hubby just left for work and I am waiting for the man to come to do the appraisal on the house. I am trying to refinance at a lower interest rate.

I still need to mop and do some other cleaning. That can wait. I will have a house elf for the next 3 days so he can help me out!

Joanne - Yes, I can't wait to get my hair cut! I am thinking a good 2 or 3 inches off. It needs it! I may need to start taking care of the grays soon. Hubby told me a few weeks ago that I have them! Just what I needed to hear!


Colleen - YAY for a new dishwasher! I hope you love it and I hope DD loves her new play house! That was nice of the installer to do, but it was the least he could do after telling you he might not be able to install it.


Beth - Hey there! I need to work on my paper today and I must crochet the green blanket today too. I only have 2 months until graduation, so I need to get moving on it. I also have to go get buttons for the baby blanket that I finally finished. It is ready to give once the buttons are sewn on. I want to give it on Tuesday. Plus my hair cut!

Stacy - I hope Eva is feeling better today. I hope it is just the fish sticks. Ask the doctor next time you go and see what he says. Until then just do as you say and don't let her eat them. Have fun at the tar pits!

Enjoy your day my besties! Have a great one and I will talk to you all later!


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Good Morning Ladies!

Oh my goodness! What does it mean to be sensored? :think Wasn't sure what that was all about but hoping that I didn't do anything wrong.:D

Have to take ds to his last dr appointment. He hurt his knee playing football in February and has been wearing a brace ever since. The tendons were pushed out over the bone....:worried but I am happy to say that he didn't need surgery.

Church went well last night, but long. I have never been to Holy Thursday Mass, 2 hours. wow! It was nice tho'

Stacy-the meuseum sounds like so much fun. I have a recipe for dinosaur delight if you would like it? I used to make it with my kiddos in my preschool class.

Colleen-yeah!!! The new dishwasher is in! WTG hanging in there and keeping cool. :D I'm glad that they were able to get it installed before the weekend. Did you ever make your Easter Cards?

Vicki-glad that you and dd get to spend time together getting makeovers. What fun! I need a hair cut too, but do my own color, I used to cut hair a looong time ago, still have my license but not that interested in it.

LeaAnne-hope you are faring well and maybe getting a little bit of time to relax and crochet.

Shannon, Mary, Scooby, Sarah-hope you are doing well and that you have a great day!

Beth-that is soo cool that you can meet with someone to crochet, we have a crafting club, but they are all knitters and older, much older. Not that I mind, but I feel kind left out since I'm not retired and do not have any grands.:lol But maybe I will see where they meet and try to join again, it's always nice to make new friends.

Joanne-last day! wooohoooo!!!! I love the ILTY too! It's soo soft and cuddly! I was using some for my hexagons, but think I will save it for a ghan....I love making ghans!

ok. off to take a shower and get ready for the day!

hugs and warmest of wishes!

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Home Sweet Home- and it's the weekend and it 's sunny and warm!!! Life is good!!! Can't wait to enjoy the weekend!


Hope everyone had a fabulous day!


I have a "jewelry show' to go to soon- No money for jewelry (my $ goes to yarn- LOL), but it'll be nice to hang out with some friends.

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Hello there!

DD and I had fun getting out hair cut today! I got 3 inches off mine and DD got 2 off hers. She is at her friend's house around the corner dying Easter eggs right not. Hubby is still at work and the dogs are outside, so I have a quiet house! You just gotta love that!

YAY for Joanne getting to the weekend and it being warm for her!

YAY for LeaAnne joining Facebook! Now more of our besties are there!

Stacy - Did you have fun at the tar pits?

I hope everyone had a fantabulous day! Talk to you all later!

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Iam good...... tired but good.


How are you doing?


I am doing very good thanks Mary......I am tired, work is keeping me busy though and wearing me out LOL

Shannon says hi, and she misses us:(


she is cleaning for Easter... imagine cleaning!


HEY SHANNON!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug I miss you too, hope all is well with you

I am not doing anything for Easter but relaxing as I go back to work on Monday LOL......already gave Josh his easter basket and card and we are doing a simple dinner LOL

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the purple one is from contributing a pattern.

the "indie" one is for having a business. I have it because I signed up for that CBC that the 'ville used to have.

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