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Good Morning!

It is finally sunny over here, but we had another snow storm last night. Dh suprised me with dinner, we actually sat and had a meal together without the kiddos interuppting. :lol We watched movies, which was wonderful, I could spend time with hubby and crochet...life is good. :yes


Have to run a few errands this morning, I am hoping that our local Wal-mart has the yarn I need, they didn't have it last time, I am hoping that they didn't discontinue the color. The nearest Hobby Lobby is 2 hours away. What do you all do when you need yarn? I though of ordering on-line, but shipping and handling seems very pricey. Any suggestions?


Shannon-glad that carpet is in, dd must be in heaven!


Colleen-my kiddos never sleep late, except for school mornings!:rofl


have a good Saturday morning new friends!

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Vicki- Happy Belated Anniversary! I'm so sorry I didn't tell you yesterday! Glad you had a great night with yummy Japanese food!

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LeeAnn- sometimes the Hobby Lobby website has free shipping on orders over $25. I don't know if that helps. I'm pretty lucky, in that there is a Joann's and 2 Michael's within a 15-mile radius. No HL here, though, so either I ask my mom to buy it and send it, :devil or I order online. ILTY is my favorite! :manyheart Yay for spending time with hubby and crocheting! What did he make for dinner?


Shannon, it's too bad that they didn't order enough carpet. I'm sure the hardwood will be beautiful, though! My one complaint about it is, it doesn't muffle sounds the way carpet does- thank goodness you only have Janna running around! :lol Good luck getting everything straightened up for Easter. Oh, and I didn't make it back, either- dinner took 2 hours to bake. :angry Then it was shower time for the girls. I put them to bed early because I wanted to watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. I think it is wonderful that he is trying to educate people about the food we put in our bodies, and trying to spark change. :yes


Vicki, I didn't realize you were the department chair, either! :rofl Good luck to dd at tkd today. I saw your pictures on FB and she looks so cute, with her class! Have fun baking. I have some blueberries that need to be used but it is going to be too warm to use the oven today.


Colleen, have fun with your friends! My kids never sleep late, either. MIL says they sleep until at least 8 when they spend the night there- I always ask her how she gets them to do it!! They are always up by 6 or 6:30, except for Mia, who will occasionally sleep in.


Joanne, happy day 6! :cheer Go Delta Force!


Beth, good luck to your ds at the swim meet today!


Mary, Sarah, Scooby, Leanne- Happy Saturday! :hug I hope the sun is shining on you all today.


No plans here, for today! :clap I'm feeling kind of lazy, so I hope the girls don't ask to go anywhere. :blush I do have a couple craft projects for them, if they get bored. Roomie is going out tonight and leaving her kids with my old man friend, so the house will be quiet once again. :manyheart

Yesterday, I was trying to figure out what the girls and I can do, over Spring Break. I'm planning a picnic at the train museum, then maybe going to the natural history and science museums. Then I looked at our history museum membership, and found out that it also allows for entry to the La Brea Tar Pits, which is an awesome fossil excavation site! I am so excited! I can't decide if I want to do it first thing Monday (:lol) or save it for sometime later in the week. :think I hope Isabella will like it- she had wanted to attend a week-long summer camp, but it was almost $200 and of course I couldn't send her without finding something for Mia to do.


Well, it's time to figure out what's for breakfast- before breakfast becomes brunch! :lol BBL!

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It's not the biggest deal that I am a department chair. I tell people, but at the same time I don't tell people. My friends who are teachers think it is the biggest deal and they are the ones who were the most excited when I got the job. My older sister didn't care all that much and my twin sister was like, hey, if that is what you want, great. There was only one time that I pusposely signed an e-mail as a special ed department chair and that was when I was very upset with something that DD's school did. I wanted them to know that I knew the law and that they were not following it. Childish, maybe, but it got the point across!

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Hello everyone!

I had a very, very long day today- Got to work at 7:15 and didnt' leave until 8PM- I am beat!!!


Just caught up reading what you've all been up to- and please forgive me for not responding to each of you individually!


Vicki- you should be proud of being the department chair and to me it is a big deal! :yes


Beth- how was the swim meet?


Shannon- Yay for the new carpet, but sorry that they didn't order enough:angry. I love hardwood floors- I have them in my living room and dining room- we tore up the horrendous carpet that was there when we moved in and had hardwood floor installed. The rest of the house has carpet though.


Stacy- Your spring break plans with your DD's sounds wonderful! Enjoy


To everyone else- please know I'm thinking about you:hug


I have to be at work at 8AM again tomorrow- so this is a very, very long week!

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Good morning and Happy Sunday!


Hope everyone has a great day! I'm going to go grab my 2nd cup of coffee and then I'll be heading out to work!


Oh, I just had to let you know that I had an elf yesterday do the laundry! (Thank goodness for Elf DH, and I didn't even ask him to do the laundry)--there is still a load in the dryer to be folded and I'm hoping that the elf gets that done today!

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Happy Sunday everyone! The sun is shining! I need to get the laundry done this morning. We need to go get hubby new shoes for work. He spilled bleach all over his last night. He was not happy.

Tonight we are going to our favorite place for fajitas for his birthday. He is going to work on the pond today while I work on my paper and my crochet projects! I finished the body of the baby sweater last night! I just have to do the hood and it is done! I need to go get buttons and sew them on. It is ready to give!

Then I can work on the list of afghans that I have! I need to start hubby's and continue with the green one that I need to get finished.

Have a great day everyone and enjoy your Sunday!

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:hi everyone! Quiet here this weekend! We went to our friend's last night and had a nice visit, but DD wouldn't fall asleep like the other kids did so we came home with her still awak at midnight. :ohdear Today we drove to a lunch birthday party for my uncle's 60th. It was nice to see my family. We did 3 hours driving total after being up late last night and I have a migraine today. We are all ready for an early night to bed.


I feel like I have been going non-stop lately and I need some time at home to get things done. I am participating in a sale of kids stuff in late April and I need to go through some toys and clothes of DD's that she has outgrown and get them priced and organized. I would also like to do some more spring cleaning.


Beth - How was the swim meet?


Joanne - You are past the halfway mark! :hug


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed your night in the house with just your family. I can imagine how nice that would be for you. Is the birthday girl all excited for her birthday this week?


Vicki - Happy birthday to your DH! I hope you got lots done on your paper today.


Shannon - Your new carpet sounds nice and I hope you get your hardwood done soon. We have hardwood in our living room and DD's room. We have our bedroom and the landing upstairs on our to-do list (hopefully this year :xfin). I love how much it cuts down on the dust in the house and I personally could do away with dust.


I have a little cleaning tip. I tried my magic eraser on DD's white running shoes (they do that in the commercial) and it cleaned them up so nicely. I am thrilled, because the way that kid is drawn to sand and mud, something to spruce up the shoes is awesome!


:hi to everyone else I haven't mentioned! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

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:hi, friends!


Vicki - Happy Anniversary and Tell DH :birthday!


Joanne - Hang in there, girl! you are doing great!:cheer:cheer


I wanted to stop in to let you all know I have been thinking about you, and am remembering all of you in my prayers.


It's been busy here, with company and family, and trying to keep up with laundry, housecleaning, and a job.


I, too, am :tired tired, but like Colleen, need to get going on my spring cleaning. I think I will try to dedicate 1 - 2 hours per day to that end, but not until after Easter.


My dryer stopped again, and the lasagna needs to come out of the oven. supper is late tonight:blush


I better scoot, I just didn't want another day to go by without posting.

(I do try to stop in long enought to read what you've all been up to)

See you soon!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi everyone! Got home tonight at 7:15- another long day- Thank goodness, the elf here (aka DH) folded the last load of laundry and he also ran the vaccuum and cleaned the bathrooms! (probably not as good as me but good enough!:yes) Oh,- he also ran the dishwasher and put the dishes away. Still dusting to do and the spring cleaning! I really want to get the windows done but it has been cool again and supposed to rain the beginning of the week so maybe next Saturday will have to be the day (or after Easter like LeaAnne) !


I am thinking about you all, but honestly don't have the energy to post anymore tonight! Hugs to all:hug

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Hi Everyone!


It has been pretty quiet around here, busy busy! Just wanted to stop and say, hope you all get some well deserved rest and I am thinking of all of you!



Warmest wishes.

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Happy Monday to my besties!

I just realized I have a short week! We have no school on Friday for Good Friday. Happy dance! I knew that though because I scheduled stuff to do on Friday. But I actually saw it in print and it clicked. I'm weird like that.


Yesterday I got four loads of laundry washed. I only folded two of them. Then we were outside working on the pond. Well, DD and hubby were doing most of the work. I don't do the pond. That is their thing. I took care of the water plants. I had to replant the ginger. We wanted to buy the ginger plants, but they didn't have any more. So the lady dug up some of hers and gave it to us for free! She told me how to replant it and gave us the pot since we needed a pot that didn't have a hole on the bottom. We realized that my lilly pads have grown out of one of their pots. I don't know what we are going to do with it now, but it is still living and growing! I have flowers coming up on them. I need to give them food. Maybe will do that when I get home.


I have state test training today and tomorrow after school. Tomorrow's training is because the counselor's screwed up the last time we tested so now they have to give out training separate. Great. They screw up and WE have to have a separate training? That does not make me happy.


I hope everyone has a great day! I will talk to everyone later!



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Hello Hello!

Wow! Is Easter really this weekend? Oh my gosh! I'm not ready! I guess I do not have much to plan, but geesh, time has flown by!

Have lots to do today, homework, just a tiny bit of laundry, and invitations for my graduation.:clap

Has anyone tried making the hexagons from Lucy's site? They are addicting! I ran out of yarn for my teacher ghan so decided to give them a try...be prepared ladies....they are soo cool! I am using up scrap yarn and it's fabulous! I told dh the only color of yarn that I need is red, he said, "you don't have red in that big stash?" Can you believe it? I don't! Now I must, and I say must, go out and buy some red, what scrap would be complete without that punch of color? :devil perhaps I will pick up that bright pink that I noticed the other day...:think oh gosh, I forgot this was supposed to be a scrap ghan. But it is right, I'm using scraps too.:blush

back to homework, have a Mystical Spring Monday!:hug

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:hi Besties!


Yesterday was busy here, but I did manage to read the posts at the end of the night. Right before I passed out from tiredness. LoL Sounds like everyone is busy! The girls and I finally planted the carrots, and we need to replant the tomatoes- they just were not growing. I'm going to try setting them in potting soil this time, instead of the seed starting mix. The potting soil worked the best for the peas and radishes. We also planted lots of apple seeds in a cup. I read that it will take about 10 years to actually bear fruit, but I figure if we plant it in a large container for now, we can take it with us when we move again.

Today is a bumming- and laundry day. Stupid George showed up yesterday, and I don't feel like doing much of anything. The girls and I played a few games, and now they are playing outside. I need to run to Trader Joe's for tomorrow's snacks. We are taking the girls to Knott's for Mia's birthday. My old man friend was supposed to come for dinner tonight but Roomie and the Terror are coughing up a lung, so I called and canceled. I was thinking of inviting him for Easter dinner but I don't know yet if we are having it here.

I better go get dressed. Yes, I am still in my pj's. :blush BBL! :hug

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Wow- what a quiet Monday here!


LeeAnn- I want to try the hexagons from Lucy's site! Maybe if my brain is functioning tonight, I'll give it a whirl- but really I should refrain until I finish the granny squares for a blanket I'm making. And I think it will still be a scrap ghan since most of what you are using is scraps- a new skein here or there doesn't count:devil


Vicki- Good luck tomorrow! That must be frustrating when someone else screws up and then you have to go for separate training! WTG on the crocheting you got done this weekend and your pond sounds really cool.


Stacy- Sorry that Roomie and terror are coughing up their lungs- hopefully they don't spread whatever they have. Knotts sounds like a lot of fun- enjoy the day tomorrow. And I was so jealous when I read you were still in your PJ's. I could have used a day like that-it is rainy here (your fav weather). At least i got out of work at 3:45 today and got home by 4:20! DH isn't very hungry- so I think we are just going to have breakfast for dinner- cheese omelette and english muffins!


I am planning to crochet tonight- I feel like I'm having withdrawal since I didn't pick up hook or yarn since Friday night!


Everyone- have a great night!:hug

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Okay, I have a story.


Last night DD wet her pants and got in trouble.:( When she was saying her prayers last night, she said "God bless me and make me a good girl and go teetee in the potty.":manyheart All on her own she prayed for it!

A little while later I was laying in bed with her and we had this conversation:

me: I'll be right back. I have to go potty.

J: Why? (favorite question)

me: Because my body is telling me that I have to go.

J: Let me hear it. (muffled, because she had her face to my chest)

me: Hear what?

J: Hear your body tell you you have to go teetee potty.:lol:lol:lol


But alas, she has had NO accidents today!! See, prayer works!

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hello, my dearest friends!


I just finished today's chores, and decided to pop in before heading off to bed.


Joanne, I hope you got to have a good night with your :chook... hooray for getting out early, and breakfast for dinner! do you get Friday off?


Vicki, that is crappy how someone else's incompetence= more work for you guys! I hope you get to enjoy the short week! Your pond/garden sounds really cool! do you use the ginger that you grow?


Stacy, sorry about the yakking-yucks at your house. I am praying that they stay with roomie and terror. Being sick at Easter would be no fun!


LeeAnn, those hexagons sound neat! I need to go and check them out. I made a shrug for one of my dd's a couple of years ago with granny hexagons. it was fun and came out cute! Can I just say how much I enjoy your cheerful energy? You are like a breath of spring air! ...hey, did DS talk to his crush today at school? Did everyone like the dance? My oldest DD has a dance coming in June. It will be her first, to celebrate the end of middle school:(


Shannon, LOL at that Janna! I love that story! That was exactly what I needed today, a Janna story to bring a :U to this tired face!


:hi, Colleen, Mary, Beth, Scooby, Sarah, and our friends I didn't name by name... I hope today was terrific, or at least the best day you could have!



...just please know that I am thinking of you all:hug


Sleep tight, all!


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Good morning!


Shannon- Loved the Janna story-:) hope it was another dry night!!!


LeaAnne- Glad to hear from you! Hope you also have a good day


Vicki- good luck getting through those training sessions! And good luck with your bowling tonight!


Stacy- Have fun at Knotts today with the DD's!! Sounds like a great way to spend the day!:c9


LeeAnn- Are you going to post pics of the hexagons you made? I looked at the instructions and she said something about needing to concentrate- so I opted to make a few mindless granny squares while watching Dancing with The Stars last night- My brain is tired from working so much. But they are on my long list of things to do!


Beth, Colleen, Mary, Scooby, Thinking of you and wishing you a spendid Tuesday.


Better run- it's getting late (actually it's quite early!) but late for me getting ready for work:lol

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Good morning.


Yesterday, my babies turned 16. :cry They are growing up WAY too fast. We had a busy, good day.


I have a headache today -- too much cupcake and ice cream??? Don't you hate the day after a big party? So I'm just going to send some :hug:hug:hug:hug to all of you, and a big :birthday for Mia.

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Happy Tuesday to you all! One after school meeting down, and two more to go! The special education coordinator is coming here today also to discuss staffing for next year. So after my two annual reviews back to back I get to go to that meeting. The reviews should be easy ones to do. Two boys who are just soooooo sweet!


LeaAnne - This ginger is not edible. The flowers are supposed to be very fragrant though, which is why I picked it! We were picking new plants for the bog filter and I like the flowering kind. Hehe! Hubby lets me pick what I want! Actually, one of the plants that we picked is edible. I don't remember the name of it, but you can eat it. Good thing. The dogs love to go and lay on the bog filter!


Joanne - Day 9! You are almost at the end of the long run! The weekend is almost in sight! Hopefully it won't be a long day for you and you can relax tonight.


Stacy - I hope Roomie and Terror don't get you all sick! Have fun at Knott's today with the girls!


Shannon - Did Miss Janna stay dry again? Inquiring minds want to know!


Beth - Yes, our babies do grow up WAY to fast! I hope your headache feels better and you have a good day with your babies.


I need to go get ready for my day. It will be a busy one! I hopeall my besties have a great day. Talk to you later!

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:birthday Mia! I hope you all have fun at Knotts.


:birthday Beth's twins! I hope they had a great day!


Joanne - Day 9 :yay My gosh, that went fast. But I guess I'm not the one doing the work :rofl


Shannon - :manyheart the Janna story. She is so cute and clever.


LeeAnn - I hope you'll share pics of your hexagons :yes


LeaAnne - How are all your chickens doing? Is there some spring fever at your house? How are softball practices going? Just a few days I guess until your Red Sox start playing again. I've been thinking about you lots. I know you are feeling the same thing as me, trying to get everything done at home while working part-time. I seem to expect myself to achieve what a stay-at-home-mom can do at home but I am out of the house at times.


Vicki - Your pond sounds nice!


Mary - I bet you are happy with the weather forecast. It is supposed to be 75 here by the end of the week! :clap


Scooby - How are you doing, girl? I hope you are settling into your new home.


Sarah - How are things down your way?


If I missed anyone, :hi Have a wonderful Tuesday!


DD and I have a day off. :yay:clap This is so needed. It is a beautiful sunny day. I'm baking muffins right now and am going to do some cleaning around the house. I might make a macaroni salad and put the BBQ to use for supper tonight for burgers. We need to get some groceries too. But, we can do it at our own pace. :clap:c9 So far so good, we're still in our PJs :D Now if I could just shake this magraine.


Have a wonderful day everyone! :hug

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:birthday to your twins, Beth!! I'm glad everyone had a wonderful day!


:birthday to Mia, Stacy! Have a wonderful day at Knott's! Sounds like lots of fun!!


I'll try to be back later to say hello to everyone. It's going to be a busy day around here. But please know that I'm thinking of you all and sending lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug your way!

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