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Some good clean fun?!

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Awesome jar jacket, Joanne! (Say that 3 times fast. LoL) I love how you made the little "neck" on it- it will surely liven up your desk!

I figured out what to do with mine. Dh has a stack of magazines on the back of the toilet :rolleyes- I'm going to get a magazine holder for them, then put my little jar on the back, with some daffodils. Trader Joe's sells bunches of them for $1.29. :manyheart Speaking of TJ's...have you tried the chimichurri rice? I made it with the enchiladas tonight. Yummmm!! :yes So sorry to hear about dh and the meatballs. That is exactly what my dh did, too. Men. :angry


Leeann- so sorry to hear that your dad is sick. :hug :hug How nice that you stopped by and got to spend some time with them. Sounds like you had lots of fun at the daycare, too! :clap


Eva had two accidents tonight. Thankfully we were home, though, and not out somewhere. :yes It's bound to happen. I just cannot believe that, soon I won't have to carry diapers- ever again! I don't know whether I feel happy or sad about that. :think My babies are growing up!


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Awesome jar jacket, Joanne! (Say that 3 times fast. LoL) I love how you made the little "neck" on it- it will surely liven up your desk!

I figured out what to do with mine. Dh has a stack of magazines on the back of the toilet :rolleyes- I'm going to get a magazine holder for them, then put my little jar on the back, with some daffodils. Trader Joe's sells bunches of them for $1.29. :manyheart Speaking of TJ's...have you tried the chimichurri rice? I made it with the enchiladas tonight. Yummmm!! :yes So sorry to hear about dh and the meatballs. That is exactly what my dh did, too. Men. :angry


Leeann- so sorry to hear that your dad is sick. :hug :hug How nice that you stopped by and got to spend some time with them. Sounds like you had lots of fun at the daycare, too! :clap


Eva had two accidents tonight. Thankfully we were home, though, and not out somewhere. :yes It's bound to happen. I just cannot believe that, soon I won't have to carry diapers- ever again! I don't know whether I feel happy or sad about that. :think My babies are growing up!



I hear you on the babies growing up... Keith hasn't had an accident in over a week, well unless you count the other night when daddy put him to bed in underwear instead of a pull-up, though he will still ask for a pull-up to go #2, he's only gone #2 on the potty once so far...

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Happy Friday everyone!


Stacy I haven't tried the chimichurri rice. I'll have to add that to my list the next time I get to Trader Joe's! That's a great idea for your jar jacket. So when do we see pictures?:wink And I was very happy to not have to carry diapers anymore- it didnt make me feel sad at all:lol


Sarah- Sounds like Keith is growing up too-


Vicki- Congrats on your Ranger win- Devils played better, IMO, but those shoot-outs will get you every time. It was a great hockey game- it kind of had a playoff intensity to it. At least the Devils got another point. I can't wait to go to the game on the 10th!


Beth, LeaAnne, LeeAnn, Colleen, Mary, Scooby and Shannon- hope you all have a fab Friday!


Cya on the flip side:manyheart

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My day off :c9 Happy Friday!


Joanne - I love your jar jacket! Beautiful! That will look lovely on your desk. I've got 2 more jars lined up to make more.


LeeAnn - I'm glad you had fun at the daycare. It's always nice to reaffirm that you love what you do. Sorry to hear about your dad being sick. I bet your visit cheered him up! How is your DS feeling?


Stacy - Hooray for Isabella! I am so proud of her! :clap:clap:clap And hooray for Eva learning to use the potty. Accidents will happen, it's just all part of the process.


:hi to Beth, Mary, Sarah, LeaAnne, Shannon, Scooby, Tena, Frogger, Judy, Chaya, Vicki, Jen and all our friends! I hope you all have a crochet- and/or fun-filled day!

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:hug:manyheartGood day ladies!

TGIF! I'm glad it's almost the weekend. The kiddos are going to spend the night at the in-laws this evening, I was hoping dh and I can go out to dinner and a movie. :lol

ds is feeling better, he's back in school. Today is his first middle school dance. He's so excited! It was so cute to watch him get ready this morning, he had to make sure that his hair was just "so so" and that his jeans were not too tight and not too baggy.:yay

what is everyone up to today?

I have to get my self in gear and get to cleaning. I want to have the house reasonably clean so that I can concentrate on other important things like :hook. :woo

My dad has been sick for quite some time. He has congestive heart failure, diabetes and sadly the dialysis. We are worried, he's just not well. :think

back to cleaning...hope everyone has a Fun Filled Friday!


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HI gang! I didn't even know the Rangers and the Devils were playing yesterday! Glad the Rangers won, but they still won't make the playoffs.

Yesterday was a run around night! I was so glad to just go home and put my pjs on! But of course I had things to do and none of them included a hook!

I have a question about the jar jacket. How do you do it? I know, I am a little slow. I guess what I am really asking is do you crochet a bottom or is it just a wrap around piece? I love all of the ones that I have seen and I have some jars at home that I could cover. Those would really make lovely planters. You could even make them to cover pots for plants. Yes, I am thinking teacher presents here. It wouldn't take that much yarn and DD could pick out the colorful plant.

I need to run and get some paper work done for upcoming annual reviews. I will be living in the diagnosticians office for the next two weeks! I will need chocolate to get through it!

TTFN besties!

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Vicki, I was thinking teacher's gifts, too! Didn't know what to put in though...but your plant idea sounds great! You weren't showering or anything when you came up with it, were you? :lol As for the jacket, there is no bottom- it is just worked in circles. Here is the link: jar jackets.


Leeann, how cute about your ds getting ready! :manyheart I had too :heehee at his hair being "so-so." It can't look too perfect, huh? So sorry to hear about your dad. My grandma had congestive heart failure and it was difficult to watch her deal with it. So hard to watch them suffer. :hug for you and your dad and mom!


Colleen, do you have any plans for your day off? Will it be pj day? It is here! Well, not for me, but the two younger girlies don't want to get dressed. I have to do some grocery shopping later, but their pj's are clean, so I will let them go out like that.


Joanne, I took a picture and now am trying to figure out which computer to load it to. It will be up by the time you get home! :lol Happy Day 5! I hope your jar jacket livens up your desk today.


Shannon, Mary, Leanne, Scooby, Beth, and Sarah- TGIF! Happy Day! :hug


Eva slept through the night with no accidents again! :clap:clap:clap Nighttime was the hardest for Mia, so I am super-excited that Eva is catching on so quickly! Today I need to go grocery shopping, and clean out my car. My old-man friend was supposed to come for dinner, but I forgot to call him, so...:blush I will call around noon to see if we can reschedule for Monday. Roomie will be gone tonight, and while I enjoy the idea of having friends over when she's gone, I enjoy even more the idea of having a quiet house with just my dh and kids. :wink


Well I guess it's time to get moving and start on that grocery list. But not before I upload that photo for Joanne! :lol BBL!

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Hello everyone.


I could technically say Good Morning, since it's 4 minutes before noon here.


I'm having a great day. My oldest completed his 45 hours of driving practice yesterday, and I mailed off the paperwork. Now I need to wait for permission to teach him the "Behind the Wheel" class, which is basically another 14 hours. Then he goes in for the test at the DMV. Then he gets a temporary license. Then we get a court date, and go in to get his permanent official license, which will be given by a judge. Very formal procedure here in Virginia. And with the twins, they have to go on seperate days.


My younger son and I took his cat back to the vet to get the phenobarbitol levels checked. Poor kitty thinks she's a pincushion. He drove. He did the best yet. Then my dd and I went grocery shopping, just for milk and soda (they have an awesome soda special on. I don't drink it, but everyone else does.) She drove. She did the best yet. The sky is getting very dark -- very ominous. The whole family is going out shoe shopping when my dh gets home. I think it will be a fun time. Not so good for the old budget, but we never go out all together any more.


Colleen, I love your pineapple square. Do you have a plan for it? Will you be making an afghan from them? I also love the colors of your jar jacket.


Joanne, your jar jacket is lovely. I'm sure it will brighten your desk, like a rainbow in the corner! I hope day #5 goes well, and DELTA FORCE continues to :2rock


Stacy and Sarah, they do grow up fast. I didn't miss diapers in the least. I'm very proud of your "babies" for their training.


LeaAnn, speaking of babies growing up -- his first middle school dance, huh? So cute, how careful he is about how he looks for it. Does he like girls already? I can't believe how young kids couple up these days.


LeaAnne, hope things are well in your chicken coop. I am sure you are busy with all the softball practices. I hope you are enjoying your break from being in charge.


Mary, many hugs going your way. We are having typical spring weather -- the rain has come! But it's good for the grass and flowers.


Vicki, I am overwhelmed by your bowling scores. I'd be so happy if I could get what you consider to be a bad score. I hope things go well at the diagnostician's office. Is this for your paper?


Shannon, I am thinking of you and Janna. Did the snow go away yet? What odd weather you've been having. It reminds me of the Christmas program where the two brothers (one in charge of hot weather, one in charge of cold) switch locations.


Scooby Doo, Where are you? I hope you are not too tired from moving, working, and crocheting. Thinking of you with lots of love, girl!


I'm sorry if I missed anyone. It's been a crazy week, with a very LONG day planned for tomorrow - championship swim meet. I have to be there at 7:30 in the morning, and it probably won't end until after dark.


Have a great Friday!

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:hi everyone! Well, my day "off" has been a busy one. I had to return the part we didn't end up using for the dishwasher (this involved driving to the next town over). Then I went and ordered our new dishwasher. I get it installed next Thurs. (just before I make a big Easter dinner :whew). So, 6 more days of dish washing for me. I was at the mall, so I just stayed and treated myself to some fries and bought a book for DD for her Easter gift. I'm not a big fan of shopping, but now and then it is nice to browse leisurely.


Stacy - Your jar jacket is so pretty! I'm thinking teachers gifts too. I was thinking fresh flowers. A bouquet of fancy chocolates on a stick would be cute too. You could actually make those with the girls with those candy melts in all different colours. The pineapple square pattern was from the 50 crochet squares book that Shannon sent me. Enjoy your PJ day. DD went to school today, so no PJs here. I would have looked funny doing errands in my PJs. :lol


LeeAnn - I hope you and your DH get out for dinner and a movie! Sounds fun! You'll have to tell us all about it if you go. That is so cute about your DS and his first dance. :manyheart I hope he has fun! Is there a special girl he likes, or would he keep that to himself? My DD has an admirer. He's 4 and wants to marry her and have 12 children :rofl He is so cute!


Beth - Wow, that is quite a complicated process for getting a drivers liscence. :eek They don't make it easy, do they? A judge??? How much do they pay a judge to hand out drivers liscenses? Oh well, I'm sure VA has a reason. I do not have plans for my pineapple square yet. I will not be starting any afghans until I finish the 4 I have started :blush


Vicki - I hope your chocolate got you through your time at the diagnosticians office. What's a diagnostician?


I hope your day is going well everyone! I have dishes to wash before school is out.

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Hi All,

I am taking a litte teeny tiny break from cleaning, is it ever really done? :-)


Cristopher is soo shy, he clams up around others, I will suprised if he actually asks a girl to dance. He does have some one that he kinda likes, but he knows no girlfriends. What can I say, I want him all to myself for the next few years. Isn't that selfish? He is so much like me it's amazing. He's a bit of a clean freak, super organized and likes to plan, now dd, she's like dh-very disorganized and messy! whoa! They are sure lucky to have Cristopher and I to push them to clean up. Don't ya think?


back to mopping....:-(

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Colleen - the diagnostician (diag for short) is the person who does all the special ed testing on the special ed kids. All the annual reviews are set up through her office. I work very closely with her since I am the department chair (at least for a little while longer!) When all the 5th graders "fly up" to us, the information comes in through her office and then the 8th graders leave us and "fly up" to high school, it all goes through her office.

Beth - No, this was not for my paper. This is all for school. I have 4 annual reviews in a row and another review meeting right in between in the next two weeks. Paper work for three of the reviews are mostly done. I need to get the last one started.

Stacy - No, I wasn't even in the shower when I was thinking teacher presents. I was actually sitting here at school of all places when I thought of it! Not the most relaxing place, but ok, I'll take it! I was picturing a pretty plant. I may have to investigate this a little further.

It is time to go home and it is FRIDAY!!!!! This has been the LONGEST week! Maybe because it is right after spring break, I don't know, but this one was hard! We are going out to dinner tonight for our anniversary! Hubby and I are married 16 years today! I think we are going Mexican. That was the plan the last time I spoke to him about it!

Hope everyone has a great night and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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Vicki :hug:hug:hug:yay:yay:yay:cheer:cheer:cheer Happy Anniversary! Sixteen years -- you've almost been married as long as we have! I hope you have a very good date night.


Stacy, :manyheart the jar jacket. It's beautiful.


LeeAnn, interesting how the dd takes after dh, and the ds takes after you. I hope he has a good time at the dance.


Colleen, You got a lot done on your day off. I hope you get to enjoy your weekend now.


:hug:hug:hug To everyone else. Happy TGIF!!!


We went shoe shopping as a family. The men all found exactly what they wanted in the first store. My dd and I found something in store #3. Does that say something about how the genders shop?


Enjoy your weekend. It's rainy here, but it's good for the flowers and grass.

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Hi everyone!

Stacy- Thank you for posting your jar jacket pic!:) It is very pretty and colorful! Aren't they fun to make? easy, peasy- instant gratification! I won't be making any for teachers gift, but was definitely thinking about gifts for co-workers!! I like the idea of a plant or flowers- or Colleen's idea of the chocolates on a stick- the possibilities are endless.And Vicki's idea of using it to cover ugly plant holders is great too! I so wish I hadn't just gotten rid of jars recently- I think I'll have PB&jelly sandwiches next week for lunch so I can get another jar emptied- :lol


Colleen- :yay for the new dishwasher--just in time for Easter! Glad you had a nice day today and french fries sound yummy- :yes


Beth- Wow what a complicated procedure to get a drivers license in Virginia! And a judge to issue it? Really???:eek Glad it wasn't that tough here in NJ. Glad to hear that all three are doing well with their driving. Sounds like you had fun shopping all together- and yes, it usually does take the female species longer to find the 'perfect' pair of shoes. :lol Good luck to DS at the swimming championships tomorrow!!! Sounds like you will have a long day too! I have to be in at work by 8 and not sure how late we are working!


Vicki- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! :bheart Enjoy your date tonight with DH!!! I didn't realize you were the department chair when you were talking about all the changes in the school down there. And wow- there is a lot on your plate these next couple of weeks!! Enjoy tonight, my friend.:manyheart


LeeAnn- You have been busy cleaning I see- can you come to NJ and clean my house this weekend? Hope that DS has fun at his middle school dance!


LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon and Scooby- hope you had a fab Friday!


DD called and said her BF (and alot of other artists) is having an art show tonight at a new gallery that is opening up next to the Prudential Center (where the Devils play their hockey games). I told her I was too tired to make the trek to Newark tonight since I have to work all weekend. Turns out his art work will be displayed for a month so I can see it on the 10th when DH and I go to the hockey game.:clap She was happy that I'll be coming to see it then. I also spoke to oldest DD and she is very excited to be going down to Shannon's neck of the woods. She'll be in New Orleans around 1 tomorrow!!


Well, off to figure out dinner- DH said he isn't very hungry- he had a luncheon at work today- I'm thinking maybe a quick trip to get some french fries- now that Colleen put that thought in my head!:D

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Good Evening!

I am finally finished cleaning. I don't mind it as much just wish the kiddos and dh would help maintain it better. Wishful thinking huh?

ds had fun at his dance, but I knew it! He was too scared to ask a girl to dance, he's so funny! :P I hope that one day he over comes his shyness, it took me a long time, every now and then I clam up too.

Vicki-Happy Anniversary! 16 years of marriage, way to go!

Colleen-I hear ya, washing dishes is for the birds! :yes

Joanne-I would help you clean, it's funner when you get to spend time with someone, makes the job go by faster. When my sis lived near, we would help each other out, wow we were a super team!

Beth-sounds like a lot of work to get a drivers license. How do you do it? :think I am terrified to think of either of my kiddos behind the wheel. I'm not sure I will be able to teach them.

the in-laws just picked up the kiddos and dh is surprising me with dinner, we were going to go out, but it started snowing again! Another snow storm!

Snow snow go away, please do not come back today.....

back to :hook


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Hi girls! Can't talk now, but I may be here for a chat if anyone's interested. Probably around 8:30, my time.

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Hey Shannon! I should be around later, too- in about an hour, I think. Dinner is taking twice as long as the package says it should. :angry Hopefully it will be done by then.

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Hi besties! I have been working on my paper for the past hour and a half! I am taking a break! I needed to add to my section explaining how my statistical analysis will be broken down in my study. Such a joyful thing. I had a good start, now I just need to add more detail to it. I have been working on it little by little during the week and now I am ready to add the information in to the paper. I will actually type it in tomorrow. I have it all written out. The typing is the easy part!

Hubby and I (and DD of course!) ended up going out for Japanese for dinner tonight. It was delish! Then we came home and cleaned up one of my dirty little dogs. She was just so stinky! Then it was paper time. Now it is time to relax a little. I think I will crochet a little before bed. I have to go get dog food in the morning and run to the bank. DD has tae kwon do practice in the morning. Hubby is working the late shift so I think DD and I will have pancakes for dinner. She was upset that he wouldn't be home until she realized that meant he wouldn't be home for dinner. Then her eyes got very wide and a big grin came on her face. "You know what that means, right Mommy?" That was all she said.

I came on to see if any of my besties were here tonight. I keep missing all the chats! Oh well. I hope everyone has a great night.

TTFN all!

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:tired Good morning everyone. Saturdays should not start out this early!!!



I hope you all have an awesome day.


Vicki, I'm proud of your progress on your paper. :yay You keep on going, girl! Keep us posted as you work on the information part.


I'm not answering everyone else personally. I just hope you have a great day.:hug:manyheart:hug

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Good morning!


The kid woke me up bright and early! Why can't they program kids to know when it's the weekend and when they should sleep in ;) I've got the laundry started and I'm hoping to catch up on some stuff around the house today. I'll change the beds and clean the bathrooms. We are going out to friends tonight, so something to look forward to.


Vicki - WTG working on your paper. Japanese sounds yummy. Enjoy the pancakes tonight.


Shannon - :( Sorry I wasn't around for a chat. How are you doing?


Stacy - How are your girls this fine Saturday?


Beth - Have fun at the swim meet today!


LeaAnne - How are your chickens? Any softball practices this weekend?


LeeAnn - How was your night out with your DH? Did you see a movie?


Mary - How are you doing this fine weekend? My daffodils are poking through :yay


Joanne - I hope you have a great day at work! :hug


Scooby - How are you doing girl? We're all thinking about you here and sending good thoughts your way. I hope you are starting to feel settled into your home and that you aren't working too hard.


Sarah - Happy reno-ing!


:hi to anyone I missed. Have a super duper Saturday!

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Good morning to all! The sun is streaming through my windows and it appears to be another wonderful day!

DD has tae kwon do practice this morning and I need to do some running around. Gotta go to the bank and get dog food.

Later I will type up what I wrote for my paper and then I will definately corchet. I never got to do that last night. I ended up going to bed!

I think I want to bake today. I am in the mood for chocolate chip bread. Have you just ever gotten in the mood for something and wanted to make it? That is me today.

Have a great day today and I will talk to you all later!

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Good Saturday morning, Besties!!


Vicki- I didn't realize you were the department chair either! It's making a lot more sense to me now. Good luck typing up your paper, and good luck to DD at tkd today! I hope you get some hook time in!


Colleen- Your pineapple square is gorgeous! Was it fun to make? It would be pretty framed and hung on the wall. I love the jar jackets too! Did you use the bobble-edge for the last one?


Beth- You have a long day ahead of you. Good news is, by the time you read this, it will be BEHIND you! Good luck to DS today! I love your sunhat! I'm sorry it didn't work for you.


Stacy- I'm sorry I never came back! I fell asleep with DD, for the second night in a row. Her new room must have the same magic that Vicki's chair has.:lol Good for Eva for staying dry at night. DD still doesn't do that!:angry I love your jar jacket!! Everybody's is so cheery! I can't wait to make one.


LeeAnn- I'm praying for your dad, and your family. :hug to all of you. Your DS sounds adorable! I'm a very shy person too, so I know how it feels! I may have already said this, but I love your tote! It's beautiful!


Mary- Any more signs of Spring up there? I'd love to see pics of your baby sets! How are your neck and back feeling?


Scooby- How's it going, girl? Hope things are well and you're settling in! We miss you around here!


LeaAnne- :yay for company and spending time with family! How are all the practices going?


Joanne- It's downhill after today!! Happy day 6 to Delta Force! I can't wait to hear how the WWII museum is. I'm glad it's something your DD can enjoy. What else are they planning to do? If you talk to her, make sure she goes to Cafe Du Monde for coffee and beignets! Your jar jacket is so pretty too! I bet it will cheer up your desk!


Okay, if I missed anyone, I'm sorry! :hug:hug:hug to everyone!


What we got of the carpet is very nice. The living room didn't get done because they didn't order enough carpet.:angry So I think we're going to do hardwood through the living room and kitchen now. So I have to move all that crap back to the living room, just to turn around and move it out again. We always have Easter here, or I would just leave everything where it is. But DD is super-excited about her new room. We can't move too much in there because we have to call the painters back. The carpet installers messed up the paint in quite a few places. But her bed's in there and she's happy!! That's all that matters!

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