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:hugHello darlings!

Thank you for all the wonderful compliments regarding the bag. I had been working on that bag for quite some time. It was my car project. :D

Stacy-I hope that your day is perking up. :yes I remeber those days, except for 3 was a harding age for both of my kiddos. My littlest nephew is 2, Saturday he snuck into the pantry and ate 13 pieces of gum! My sis 'bout had a heart attack! Luckily, he is ok, just had a tummy ache.

LeaAnne-you sure have a lot of company. Spending time with loved ones is fabulous, don't ya think?

Vicki-is your elf out for loan? and how did you train him?

Shannon, Joanne, Colleen and Mary hope your day was Wonderful!

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:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for you Stacy! Sounds like you could use them! And $332 for a speeding ticket- I'd have steam coming out of my ears too! Sounds like you have a very crazy kind of day and hope that you will be able to relax tonight with :crocheting


Shannon- good luck with the moving everything for the new carpet. Not a fun job, but wow- it will be finally be here!!!!


Beth- Did you get to work on sil's ghan today?


LeaAnne-:clap for the good check-up and for the funness of watching idol as a family- I'm not a huge Idol fan but know lots and lots of people who are! Give me Dancing with the Stars and I'm there!:lol


Colleen- hope you had a good day- I know it was a busy one with work , then pizza day, then volunteering! Do you have pineapple something done yet?:lol


Vicki-:clap for good bowling last night- and :clap that you had your house elf this morning to fold laundry! I'll fold laundry any day- it's the ironing I hate! Luckily, DH irons and when he has it out I sweetly give him a few of my things and he irons for me. So I guess I have an iron elf!:lol


Leeann- that tote is beautiful- I love the spring colors and the yellow! It is so happy looking! Great job- and to have lined it too! I've never lined anything before but I have saved some instructions on how to do it. Maybe one of these days....but in the meantime, I need to find a jar to make a jar jacket:yes


DH is on his way home- he had a late meeting and he doesn't want anything with salsa tonight- he wants Chinese food which he is bringing home- I have to go see if I have any stray jars lying around anywehre I really want to make the jar jacket!


Mary did you have a nice day today? Baby items- mmm someday, I'll be making some of those---DD made a comment the other day that they are thinking of starting a family soon....I knew it! First comes the puppy- Belle is now 6 mos old then comes the baby! I can't wait until that happens- but all in good time!


Sarah and Scooby- thinking of both of you and sending :hug:hug your way!


I am tired :tired. Yes I was up past my bedtime- couldn't fall asleep until after 12:30- tonight will be an early night!


have a good one everybody!

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thank you so much for the :hug:hug:hug:hug!!! I can feel the love. :manyheart

Eva had 2 more screaming fits- one in the grocery store, and one at Isabella's school while we were on the way to her conference. :angry I put her in her room when we came home, and she seems to have cooled off a bit.


The conference went very well- Isabella got almost all 4's. She is the second-highest reader in her class (reading at a 3rd grade level already!) and the highest math grades in the class. :manyheart Can I brag for just a moment and say that I am not surprised? The girl is always spelling, reading, adding, etc...at home. :yes The teacher said her confidence in class has grown by leaps and bounds, and she suspects it's because she is doing so well academically. :yay That's what I wanted to hear. I am beyond thrilled that she is no longer timid or shy. :cheer


Leeann, it's so funny to me how vastly different my kiddos are. My oldest has never had "terrible" anything- she has always been so mellow and well-behaved. Mia, my middle one, has had several rough patches, starting around 6 months old. Eva has always been very calm, and I always joked that God knew I needed a break after Mia. :rofl I guess He figures my break has lasted long enough. :blush


Joanne, how exciting about your dd's comment! :manyheart Soon enough you'll have little baby sets to make, too! You know...you could always pour the salsa into another container. :devil It will stay fresh until you can use in tomorrow. :lol When I took out the trash earlier, I saw that Roomie had thrown a pasta sauce jar in the recycling bin, so I snagged that, too. :rofl I'm going to have a collection of jars in my room and dh will think I'm :loco.


I'd better get moving and figure out dinner. I bought some frozen eggplant parm patties at Trader Joe's, that I will make with spaghetti and olive oil...dh doesn't like pasta but it's the only "complete" meal I have. :blush

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thank you so much for the :hug:hug:hug:hug!!! I can feel the love. :manyheart

You know...you could always pour the salsa into another container. :devil It will stay fresh until you can use in tomorrow. :lol When I took out the trash earlier, I saw that Roomie had thrown a pasta sauce jar in the recycling bin, so I snagged that, too. :rofl I'm going to have a collection of jars in my room and dh will think I'm :loco


:lol That is exactly what i did- I poured the salsa into a container and washed out the jar, took off the label and it's drying as we "speak"! I am really tired though and think I'm going to head to bed early tonight- and work on the jar jacket tomorrow night


:cheer:clap:cheer for Isabella!! How wonderful and proud you must be. So happy to hear that she is settling in and doing so well in school !! It made me so happy!!!


Remember- this too shall pass- re: Eva- hoping some time in her room has calmed her down. And yes, I guess that God figures you can handle it now

I have to say, my three were alot like yours- the oldest- very very smart, and quiet! She is still the quietest of the three and the smartest! :lol Middle DD gave me the hardest time, both when she was little and when she was a teenager- I think it really had something to do with being the middle child- she is very passionate about life- sometimes too passionate! My youngest was the easiest of all- she was such a good baby- I always used to say that it was if she knew that I'd lose it if she wasn't. Having 3 young children 4 and under is not an easy task! She is a very sensitive person-very empathetic- nursing suits her to a "t".


I'm off to put on pj's, and head to bed- hoping for a really good night's sleep!!

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Hi girlies! I can't stay. I lost my post. I have to move the computer, so I don't know when I'll be back. Just know that I'm thinking of you all and hope you have a wonderful night/tomorrow!! Love you!:manyheart:ghug

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Hi, friends!


stopping by really quick to check in b4 bed:U


Stacy, it's great to hear that things are simmering down over your way:clap ...and :cheer:yay:cheerfor Isabella!!! Tell her that I am so very proud of her! And of you! You have all had quite a year, this is AWESOME news!


Joanne - :heehee about the Salsa jar:devil... I will have to do the same... I had a bunch of jars, but for once I cleaned the fridge on time for trash day!:blush:lol ...anyhoo...hoping you get a great night's sleep before day 4!


Shannon - don't forget to share a :photo of the new room! Enjoy! and good luck tomorrow... we are all thinking of you!



:hug:hug:hug:hughere are some hugs for all of you!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug take however many you need, and know that there is a little prayer for you tucked in each one!


sweet dreams!


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:hug:hug:hug Leanne. You are so sweet. :manyheart


Joanne, how did I completely miss the salsa jar comment? :heehee Great minds think alike. :wink Thank you for sharing about your girls. My mom told me once that she thinks Mia has "middle child syndrome," but I just cannot see it. I've read many different articles on the characteristics, and she does not have most of them. It will be interesting to see how she grows, though. :yes


Well ladies, I have :blah enough. Time to put the computer down and pick up the hooks! :clap:clap:clap

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No Joanne post yet? I'm not that early:think Good morning everybody.


Today, my oldest ds should :xfin finish the driving practice he needs to take the class to get his license. It's been 18 months today since he got his learner's permit. I'm so ready for him to drive himself to work.


Here's some big :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to everybody. We need to leave early so he can get an extra 15 minutes of night driving before work.

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Quick good morning! I fell asleep around 9:15 and got a good night's sleep so I am ready to tackle another day!


Shannon- Yay for new carpet today- finally!!! Can't wait to hear all about it and hope that the computer is one of the first things you put back!! Thanks for the info about the WWII museum- I told DD about it and she said that she is going to check it out when she is in New Orleans- she is getting very excited. I thought she left tomorrow- they fly out Saturday morning! And she was a good daughter and gave me her hotel info and her flight info so now this mama can rest easy!


Everyone- have a great Thursday- temps are dropping here- and I think we're supposed to get rain- but that's ok- I'm inside all day anyway- LOL

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Beth- how funny- we were posting at the same time.


Good luck to DS today!!!! Won't that be awesome when he can drive himself? (of course, you will grow a few more gray hairs--at least I did when my DD's started driving) LOL


Have a great day- gotta go!

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top o' the morning, Besties!


Beth - :xfin that the driving test goes well, and that you will have a new driver in your midst!


Joanne - Have a good day 4!


Shannon - good luck with the carpet install!


LeeAnn - any word on the job yet? We are :cheer for you! It's funny that you said I get lots of company.... i hadn't thought about it before. I never used to have any company (all of my family is out of state), but you are right! And right about being able to spend time with family... it's the BEST!:manyheart


Everyone else, have a splendiferous day, friends!!!! I gotta go get ready for work, and get my chickens off to school.



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Morning all!


Just getting ready to hop in the shower, have to go to the college to do a lab. But wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY THURSDAY MORNING!



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Happy thursday to all! I got a late start today and when I got to school today I was busy talking to people about a special ed case and then I was talking to my team leader about using the Sneetches and the Lorax to teach a couple of concepts. I thought about it as I was driving DD to tkd last night. I come up with these ideas in the strangest of places sometimes!

So anyway, Stacy - Great news about Isabella! Such a wonderful report from the teacher! Good to hear she has adjusted well and has come out of her shell. Eva will settle down. My DD never went through the huge screaming thing. There were days when she would have little temper tantrums, but nothing that I can look back at and say were horrid. She was a good baby. I was very lucky in that respect!

Joanne - YAY for day 4! You can do it! And YAY for a good night's sleep! That always helps!


LeaAnne - Glad your uncle had a great check up and enjoyed American Idol with you all last night. I hope the visit next week goes just as well!

LeeAnn - The bag is lovely! So springy! You did a wonderful job!

Shannon - Has the carpet arrived yet? I hope you are well on your way to getting Miss Janna's room all ready for her! She must be so excited!

Colleen - How are you doing? ARe you enjoying a stay at home Collen again? Have you found a new dishwasher yet?


Mary - I need to look that baby booty pattern up and try it. I have never tried them. Add it to the list of things to make!


There were thunder boomers here last night! They woke me up early this morning! But they ahve past and the sun is now shining and the birds ar chirping away! Good thing! I will be running around later! I have a district meeting after school and then I have to run home, take the baby sitter home and take DD back to school so she can take part in the presentation for Destination Imagination. I will be one tired lady tonight!


Have a great day all and I will try to come on later and check in! TTFN!



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:hi everyone! DH woke up in the wee hours of the morning Wed. and couldn't get back to sleep, so he decided to delete programs from the computer that he thought we didn't need. :ohdear So, I was computerless for a day. We almost lost everything. He spent his entire evening fixing it and I am so happy we didn't lose our pictures, etc. I was thrilled too that it got fixed in time to post the April song for the Christmas Carol CAL :lol:whew


Yesterday was very busy with work, pizza day and volunteering. It was a beautiful sunny day so DD and I stayed at the park for an hour after school. Today we had to get up and go back up to the school first thing because DD misplaced her special homework assignment (the teacher is working with DD and a couple other kids on a reading assignment and since she went to the effort to do it with her I wanted to make sure we did the homework). Then we went to visit Grandma. DD is pulling an "Eva" today :lol with some temper tantrum-y behavior. It seems that on days when she doesn't have school she desperately needs the slow start to the day and if she doesn't get it she has tantrums. But, we are home now and staying here the rest of the day. There will definitely be a quiet time today :yes


Yes, I've made the pineapple square. :yay I'll post a pic later. I'm just a bit behind on things around the house and want to take care of that first. I love it! It's blue. :D


LeeAnn - Your bag is so pretty! Good job!


Beth - Good luck to your DS with the driving test!


LeaAnne - Glad you enjoyed your Aunt and Uncle and American Idol. I only saw the first half the other night. I had thought all my favourites had gone, but I'm always curious to see what Siobhan comes up with and I missed that. She's interesting, but I think I'm liking Lee and Aaron the best. Of course Crystal is awesome. Too early to pick a favourite.


Shannon - Good luck moving stuff! Thanks again for the book, I'm already enjoying it.


Stacy - Good luck with Eva. Someone once told me they have break downs before break throughs, so maybe she's just poised for a big break-through on the potty training front or something else. As you already know, it will pass.


Joanne - How exciting that your DD might start a family soon. How fun would that be! :yay


:hi Mary, Scooby, Sarah, Vicki and everyone else :hug Have a wonderful day!


No dishwasher yet, by the way, we have decided which one we want, just need to order it.

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Morning, friends!


Vicki, I got a giggle from thinking about good ideas in funny places. I read an article in a magazine once that said we come up with good ideas in strange places, because our minds are relaxed. :yes Glad to hear the sun is out and the birds are chirping. Good luck with your errands later!


Beth, :xfin to your son! What will he be driving, now that Old Red is down?


Joanne, how thoughtful of your dd to give you her hotel and flight info. :manyheart Happy Day 4!


Shannon-ness, it's Carpet Day!!! :cheer:clap:yay:woo It has been a long time coming! I can't wait to see pics of Miss Janna's pretty new room.


Scooby, Leanne, Leeann, Mary, Colleen...happy Thursday! Hope it's a good one!


This morning is off to a rough start. Roomie allowed her oldest dd to be rude to Isabella. (She's all about letting her kids speak their minds, you see.) It resulted in Isabella crying in her room. I confronted Roomie about it, and she stormed out of the house. :rolleyes Grow up and act like a parent already. Sheesh.


Mia's party is today and Isabella is excited to see Mia at school. LoL We have nothing planned for tonight, so I think I will make a nice dinner. The past few days have been "throw together whatever I find." Dh has been so tolerant. LoL

I'd better go get ready. Oh! I almost forgot- I made a jar jacket this morning! :cheer Doin' the Cabbage Patch, oh yea! Last night I fell asleep watching Nacho Libre with the girls, so no hooking for me. This morning after dh left, I was determined to make something! :lol I will have pics later.

Love and hugs!

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:hi Colleen!

I need to post quickly, because there is a daddy long legs on the ceiling, headed my way! :rofl

Thanks for the advice on the breakdowns-before-breakthroughs. Guess what Miss Eva did last night? She made it through the entire night in panties!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer I wonder if that is it? :think


Good luck with dd's special assignment. How nice that she gets some special time with the teacher! Sorry to hear that she is pulling an Eva. I got a good :lol from that one. I hope the rest of the day goes smoothly for you. :hug Can't wait to see a pic of that square! I am on my way to see the new song!

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Stacy - :eek I hope you got the Daddy Long Legs before he got you :wink:clap for Eva waking up with dry panties! Where's the little cartwheel smiley guy when you need him? DD is doing much better now that we're home. Can't wait to see your jar jacket.


I have to post these pics quick because she wants me to play polly pockets with her.


Here's my square (isn't it pretty?) and today's jar jacket. This is a short salsa jar, and as for putting the contents of a jar into another container to use it (:rofl, that's classic), you could just make the jacket while it's full of salsa :rofl Am I lazy? :lol





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:manyheartGood Morning Ladies!

It's only 10 here, but I think as I am posting it's 12...wow! Glad it's 10! I haven't accomplished much today. Sent the kiddos to school, then dh called and said that he was bringing dd back, she was sick. I had a feeling she wasn't feeling just right when I was combing her hair, so she's home with me. I put her to bed and fell asleep laying next to her. :blush I never go back to bed, must have been tired.


Mary-hope the weather turns warm and sunny.:flower


Joanne-I saw pictures of the flannelghans,they are gorgreous! wow! Can't wait to see yours!:rock


Colleen-what is a jar jacket? Geesh, I must sound like such a wimp, but just curious.:heehee


Shannon-Hope your occupational/speech therapy goes well. How old is your dd?:wink


Vicki-I hope that the school board makes the right decisions that are beneficial to the children not only budget friendly. Here in Alamosa, they are supposed to cut 2 million dollars next year from the schools. I still can't figure out how they are going to do that and still have the children's best interest at heart.:ghug


Scooby-How ya doing? Hope all is well.:D


Beth-hope you feel up to par soon!:hug


Stacy-how was the party? :bounce


LeaAnne-:cheerWTG on the soda! wow! Do you feel better?


Sarah-so very sorry to hear that cousins are picking on ds, that must be heartbreaking.


guess I better get my chores done and get a crackin'! :lol

I am almost finished with a bag that I started forver ago, I am going to line it with fabric, wish me luck?


hugs to all!:hug:manyheart:hug


what's really sad is that their parents for the most part won't do anything about it cause they don't like me.. so basically Keith is being made to suffer because fiance's cousins don't like me so they don't feel they need to make their kids behave cause they don't like how I am with Keith(I'm not as strict as they are with their kids, basically if he's outside I let him make noise and scream and yell and stuff they don't like their kids to do, in other words I let him be a kid). the fact that he is ahead of most of the older kids in terms of what he's able to do (knowing his alphabet, counting, starting to learn to read and stuff like that) is making it much worse, but I'm not going to hold my son back just cause they don't like that he learns quicker then their kids do...

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Colleen- your jar jackets are very pretty =0)


christoper2k - hope things aren't too hectic for you =0)


Stacy- yay for FIL making it through the marathon, sorry SIL was such a booger,


LeaAnne- congrats on being cig free =0)


Shannon- hope speech/OT is going good for DD


Beth - hope all is well with you, your sunhat is pretty


Mary, Vicki, Leeanne, LeaAnne, Joanne - hope you all are doing well also


:hug's to everyone


sorry haven't been on much, trying to get things straightened out here as we're fixing to remodel the bathroom, then we'll be getting semi-new carpeting courtesy of them also since they are remodeling the family room and having to take out the carpeting which isn't very old so they're going to give it to us to replace our carpet that's so worn out it's horrible, with their carpeting that's only about 5 years old and not worn at all... so have a lot to do here.. Have been getting to do some crocheting but not much =0/

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Hi Everyone!!

Colleen - Love your jar jacket and your square- both are beautiful. I'm going to make a jar jacket tonight while I watch the Devils vs Rangers game (sorry Vicki- but I am rooting for the DEVILS) LOL. DD and SIL are going to the game tonight- he is in his Rangers jersey and she in her Devils jersey- maybe I'll see them on tv!


Stacy- Can't wait to see your jar jacket too! Yay for Eva going all night in panties- I like Colleen's hypothesis- breakdown before a breakthrough! And I'm not even going to go there about roomie- UGH!!!


Sarah- Glad to hear from you and wish you good luck with the bathroom remodel and the new (almost) carpet!


Beth- How did DS do today? Do you have a new driver in the house?


LeaAnne- hope your day went well at work! How is the little one?


Leann-Hope your lab went well at school today


Vicki- How did the meeting go today?


Shannon- Yay for new carpet!!! Cant wait till your computer is hooked back up and we can hear all about it!


Mary and Scooby- thinking about you


Hope I didn't forget anyone, but DH just got home and he is hungry so I'd better go get dinner (we are having pasta and "meatless" meatballs----I just love them!


I have to go check out the Christmas carol too!

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Hey girls!

Can I just brag again about how proud I am of Isabella? On the way home from school, I told her, "You are not playing with E until she apologizes for being rude this morning." As soon as we walked in the house, Isabella told her, "I am not allowed to play with you until you apologize for being rude." :yay I almost laughed, just because she is NEVER that forward with anyone. I guess the teacher is right- she is gaining confidence. :yes Anyway, the girl apologized, and then they left, so no playing anyway. :wink


Sarah, good luck with the remodel! And yay for new-to-you carpeting! :clap


Joanne, I :manyheart those meatless meatballs! Dh used to love them, to the point of requesting them, until he found out they were meatless. :angry I made them once a few weeks ago, and he became suspicious because he gave up meat for Lent. So I had to tell him- now I regret it.


Colleen, I'm happy to hear that dd has settled down. Your jar jacket and square are soooo pretty! May I ask where you found that square pattern? Is it in the book that Shannon sent to you? I :manyheart pineapples. I have a pattern for a pineapple shawl, and I have made it pointlessly so many times! I always end up giving them away, though.


Shannon, can't wait to hear from you and see pics of that carpet! :clap


I am wiped out. :yawn Used a quarter-tank of gas today, just driving back and forth! :whew Mia's party was nice and the kids had fun. Isabella enjoyed seeing her old teachers again. They couldn't believe how tall she is- she is almost as tall as the aide! :lol

Isabella is finishing the last of her homework, Eva is looking at a book, and I think Mia is outside. :xfin I hope, anyway. :lol Time to think about dinner. Maybe we will watch a movie tonight. Definitely putting on my pj's early and spending some time with my hooks. :yes

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Hello there!

I'm back! lol Had a busy fun day. I went to a childcare facility to work with the children on an activity (for my class) I soo enjoyed myself! I have missed working with children. They are just fun and refreshing.:D

Then I stopped to visit with my mom and dad. My dad is extremely sick, he's on dialysis. Today was one of his days to go, he was not happy. But visiting with him seemed to perk him up some. I then was able to sit and chat with my mom. What can I say, I love my parents!:yes

Colleen-your jar jacket and pineapple square are lovely! Great crocheting!

Sarah-good luck with the bathroom remodel. I am making dh a "Huney do List" do you think it will work?

Stacy-way to go on the potty training! Woohooo! I know how difficult it can be.

Vicki-sounds like you are going to busy...:cheer:cheerCheering for you and wishing you lots of energy!

Joanne-what colors are you using for your jar jacket?

Beth, Scooby, Mary and Shannon, hope you had a Tantalizing Thursday!

:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and warmest wishes!

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Way to go Isabella!!!:clap Stacy- you must be so proud of her! About the delish meatless meatballs- DH saw the bag tonight:eek and now he doesn't like them:think Really? I don't get it- he liked them and now that he knows they are meatless he doesn't?:think MEN! I am waiting (not so patiently) to see your jar jacket!:D


Glad you had a nice day today LeeAnn! And I am probably going to make my jacket jar multi colored!


I have my jar all ready to go and now just have to get off the computer and pick up the :hook and :yarn.

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Here is my 1st jar jacket- I think I'll be making lots more of these. This jar was too tall for my hooks, so I need to find a shorter jar for them. I'm going to bring this one to work to perk up my desk!


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