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Some good clean fun?!

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Actually it's almost 8. Probably should get going soon and put the girls to bed. I had grand plans to give them a bath but it will probably wait until the morning. Mia's arm is really flaky...I need to use some apricot scrub on it, then a good moisturizer.

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No, that wedding is here in June. My cousin in NY got married in December with just immediate family present.

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I agree- I'd want to sit and chat, crochet, chat some more, crochet some more-a nice relaxing get-a-way- like at a lake or the beach- (though sand and crochet I don't think mix well together)

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The pillowcases are not coming along. I'm hoping to get one more done before the wedding. I don't want to give them a snowflake pillow for their June wedding. I hope I can figure out how to do a fleur de lis.

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Well, if you do decide to head to NY let me know- that's only about 1hr 1/2 away- I think it is closer than my godmother on LI.


I'm going to call it a night- 5:23 will be here sooner than I'd like


Thanks for the chat- it was a pleasant way to spend the evening! The Bestest! with my besties!!!

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I will definitely let you know. If I could meet up with you, that would be the highlight of my trip!


Have a great day tomorrow! Love you! :hug

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Thanks Stacy! I don't really understand that. I'm going to try to do it like LeaAnne did her flag square. I will check it out.

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Good morning to all!! Wow 5:23 did come earlier than I wanted this morning! But I couldn't start the day without a good morning to you!!


Vicki- how was bowling (dare I ask?) Hoping you had a good bowling night!!!


Colleen, Shannon, Stacy, Mary- chat was fun last night- thanks!


LeaAnne, Beth, Leeann, Sarah, Scooby- hope you have a nice day!


The rain has stopped, the sun is supposed to come out which always makes for a nice day, even if it is going to be a bit cool. That's OK, its all about the sun!


Ok, I've dallied enough- time to get ready for day #3! Cya on the flip side!

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Good morning, everybody!


Your chat always cracks me up. I love Colleen's singing. You have a beautiful voice, and your lyrics were too cute. And it was so nice of Shannon to send you that book you wanted.


Mary, so glad you are feeling Springy again! Crocheting baby sets must be so much fun.


Joanne, Happy Day #3. I hope it's a good one for the Delta Force!


Shannon, You have a lot of weddings going on in your family. The besties spa retreat sounds so nice.:c9


Stacy, It's good to hear that Mia is back to her old tricks. I hope the apricot scrub and moisturizer works on the dry arm.


LeaAnne, LeaAnn, Sarah, Vicki, Scooby, Tena, and everybody else, I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.


I need to do some shopping today, and work on my SIL's afghan.

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Oh, my, I missed quite a chat last night! I hope everyone had fun!

My bowling scores were decent! I had a 128, 109 (the stinker of the night), and a 168! Where that last one has been for the past 4 or 5 weeks, I really don't know. I just wish it had shown up sooner! I took 3 out of 4 points and it is about time I did!

I have a house elf this morning! I left him the laundry to fold this morning before he goes to work. I hate that chore! I can't stand to match socks! He goes in late today and will miss tae kwon do, so he gets the laundry job today. I will probably get the ironing job when we get home. I hate that job too! But I would rather iron than match socks!

Not much else going on here. I will work on the sleeves to the baby sweater tonight. I must get that done. Then I can do the hood and buy buttons and it is done! Then I just need to wrap it and give it! Hopefully it will be done for next Tuesday. That would be nice. Then I can start hubby's afghan. I still need to do the fingerless gloves for my niece. I need to look for a pattern. I have one somewhere, I just don't know where I put it!

Have a great day all and I will talk to you later!


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Hello Besties o' mine!


DD played hookey today because I had too much to do here. I didn't realize how much I had to move for the new carpet. She has therapy this afternoon, then she goes to Honey's and I'll come home and move more crap! :lol


Mary, Joanne, Stacy and Colleen- Chat was fun last night! I really needed that. Of course, I really needed to be moving stuff too....:blush:devil


Vicki, LeaAnne, LeeAnn, Beth, Scooby and Sarah- Thinking 'boutcha and hoping I can chat with you all soon!


Have a great day everyone!! Loves!:manyheart

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Good Morning Ladies!

I finished the bag! :cheerI can cross this off my list of wips, now just have to get those socks finished. I am having such a hard time with them, I took a class and then had my aunt help me, but :angryI'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but I am determined to finish them. Anyhow, here's my pic of the latest bag.

I lined it with fabric and that took forever. Hope everyone is doing well!


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LeeAnn ~ :dreaming... I love your bag! it's so cute and springy... I would have never thunk to put the granny stitch to work like that! It's truly lovely. ...and I am here with :xfin for you to get good news for that job!


Beth ~ how are you doing with SIL's ghan today? a day of shopping and :crocheting sounds like :c9 to me! :hug


Vicki ~ :cheer for good bowling! and :yay:yayfor Elves! (I wish I had an elf!:blush) I hope your day was terrific at school, and TQD. Glad that all of the restructuring will work out.


:waving, Sarah and Scooby... I hope your day is :sun:rainbow:c9!


Mary, Joanne, Stacy, Colleen, and Shannon ~ :ty! for all of the laughs, giggles and smiles! I was like Beth today, and listened to the playback:lol.


Colleen - your singing is lovely!


Mary - glad to hear that lil' :devil back in your voice, and to hear you :rofl'ing! It's no wonder you don't have a big stash... you crochet it up too quick!:devil


Joanne - how are you holding up? You were up waaaay past bedtime, girl! :heehee I had to laugh about all of your "hiding yarn!" :lol


Stacy - you never did say what you had for dinner? You said you ate something else while cooking? Thank heavens there's no brothel over there! :lol ...we used to have dozens of Barbies, and cars, beds, etc. Pete had a little boy Kelly doll, that he named Teddy, so he could be the baby brother in the games:wink. How do you keep track of all of the shoes? I used to be neurotic about keeping every pair matched up:think...do you think I lost one as a kid, and it scarred me?!


Shannon - :yayfor chat! I was glad to see that you got to have so much fun-ness! Good luck with the catch up cleaning/moving today! You can do it!!!:cheer


I wanted to come to chat lastnight, but didn't make it. (obviously!:lol) We had my uncle and aunt for the night:U. He had a great checkup yesterday, and I am sure they really only came to watch American Idol with us!:rofl. We all enjoyed a fun and lovely evening. They went back home today, until next Tuesday. It is looking like we will have company for the rest of the season of American Idol, at least!


so far today, I have my house picked up, vac'd, beds made, bathroom cleaned, and 3 loads of laundry washed, dried and put away.

We are having special testing for the state in school this week, so homework is at a minimum. Pete and Krissy are excited to come home and play ClubPenguin. They have a lot of fun playing that, and play together:clap:c9

We are having pancakes for dinner. Other than that, the rest of today is mine! Well, with my hook, that is! :devil


Love you all! :hug:hug:hug

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Oh girls...:sigh I am having quite the day. Eva is in full-on terrible two's mode. She had a screaming/crying fit the entire time we were dropping Mia off at school, because I wouldn't put a bow in her hair. (Didn't have an extra.) She's been doing so well using the toilet, and suddenly today she decided that she was going to yell "No!" and scream every time I put her on it. ::thair Even as mischievous as Mia was/is, this is my first time with a screamer.

Did I tell you that dh got a speeding ticket a few weeks back? 15 over the limit. Well...the citation came in the mail today, and it is $332!!! I wish there were an icon for steam coming from my ears. :angry So anyway...if you could spare some extra good thoughts and hugs, I'd love them!


Leanne, how nice that your uncle and aunt stopped in again! Does he have weekly check-ups for a while, or do they really just want to watch Idol with you? :lol Last night I had rice and carrots (which the others had) but I cooked up some chicken strips for myself, instead. :devil I do like salmon if it's grilled or marinated, but I'm not a huge fan of patties.

Oh, and as for the shoes...they are all in a baggie in my bedroom, and she is only allowed to have 2 pair out at a time. The other Barbies have to go barefoot. :heehee They "go to the beach" quite often. :wink


Vicki, WTG at bowling last night! How nice that your house elf is helping you with laundry this morning. If we lived closer, I'd sort your socks, and you could iron my clothes. I hate ironing! :yuck


Leeann- such a pretty bag! Great job!! :yay


Shannon, good luck getting all of the stuff cleaned out! I have a feeling you will be purging today! :lol


Joanne, happy Day 3! Go Delta Force-ness!


Colleen, Mary, Scooby, Sarah, Beth- Happy Hump Day!


Isabella gets out at 12:30 this week, due to conferences. So I had to drop off Mia at 11, come back and pick up Isabella at 12:30, go back and get Mia at 1:30, and come back for her conference at 2:15. Tomorrow, I have to pick her up then hurry to Mia's school for her Easter party at 1. :whew

Dh has class tonight, so I think I will hole up in my room and actually pick up my :crocheting!! I haven't done that in almost 2 weeks, I think. The last thing I did was add 2 rows to my Lucy tote. We'll see how much I finish tonight.




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