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HI Shannon- hows the pink room coming along?

would love to stay and chat but I only have about 45 minutes of sunshine left here-and want to go sit out on the deck and soak some up.


Hope you have a great night!!!!

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:hi everybody!


Tinkerbell is here now. She's a very sweet bassette, but she doesn't quite know what to think about all the kitties here. She and Toby (my loveable mutt) are getting along pretty well, though there is some distinct jealousy issues. Toby doesn't want to share her people! Tinkie is leaving Sunday morning. My SIL decided to take a local trip, rather than driving to Florida for a 4 day trip during spring break season. I feel slightly guilty, because I talked her out of going to Florida.


Mary, :hug:hug:hug:hug I'm so glad spring is coming to God's country. You sound so very happy. I'm glad to hear it, sister!


Joanne, Happy TGIF!!! I hope you have a good beautiful day tomorrow. It's a good plan to save the cleaning for when it's supposed to rain. My twins' party is the best -- the bowling center is on the Army base. They do everything but the cake, and I'm making my world famous Hostess Cupcake look-alikes. They are gluten free, of course, but cream filled, rich chocolate, with chocolate frosting. Amanda will decorate them, but she's not sure what she'll do with them yet. They will be decadent! I'm so excited. And so happy. My kids are good kids. Their friends are all so likeable. Their friends' parents are fun to be around, too. I think I'll have more fun than the kids!


Shannon, :hug I hope you don't get sick, sweetie. If you know what the problem is, will you be able to cure it sooner?


LeaAnne, it is so nice to have help cleaning. The kids all pitched in this morning to get my house presentable before my SIL came. It was fast, but looks so much better. And they seem happy when they help. I think kids need to feel useful.


LeaAnn, the neat thing about puppy sitting when you have a house-trained dog is you have a milepost to when to take the puppy out. When my dog wants out, the puppy comes, too. So even though she's not 100% trained at home, I expect pretty good results here. So far, we've had luck with the two-at-a-time method. I'm sorry your son is allergic to pets. They add so much to a family, and it sounds like he is so very loving and caring towards the cats.


Vicki, I'm loving your Spring Break posts. You have so much happiness in your "voice." I'm sorry you have to go back to work so soon -- the week flew by, didn't it? But I think you love your job, too, and would really miss it if you stayed away too long.


Sarah, I love your jute container. You are very creative and talented. That is a very thoughtful, useful gift.


Colleen, I'm thinking about your and your dd while I'm enjoying our lovely spring weather (It was up to 68 degrees and sunshiny today.) I hope you had a great Friday. Any sign of your striped "puddy tat?"


Stacy, what's up in California? Any fun yet deep thoughts from the mouths of your adorable, intelligent girls? How goes potty training? What is the status of the broken arm? How is Isabella doing with her confidence at school?


Scooby, I am so happy that you are getting settled into your home. It must be an adjustment going back to work after being a student for so long. We are anxious to hear how things are going, so we can :cheer you on!


Well, I've got some decadent chocolate cup cakes to make. I hope you all have an awesome day. See you tomorrow!:hug:hug:hug

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Hello All!

So happy to be able to chat with you all! If I didn't mention it before, THANK YOU! Thank you for allowing me to be part of your group. I enjoy chatting with all of you and look forward to hearing from you. We live on the outskirts of town, not a lot of people around...it can be lonely. Ya all brighten up my day.:yes


I am envious of the warmer weather that most of you are having, we are in the middle of a snowstorm. It has been windy and snowy all day. The furnace went out again...:angry but dh is on his way home, hopefully he can light it and we can be comfy warm. :)


working on the ghan for dd teacher, I chose a pattern called Light & Lacy, soo easy, I love it! I am making it one solid color, even easier huh?


hope you all have a good evening! Thank you for the link to the Lucy Tote, how fun! Will have to put that on my To Do List.

Warmest wishes and :hug:manyheart

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:waving Mary! so nice to see your :U! How are you doing? Your post makes me happy, sis!


Beth~ your post was beautiful, too! so many thoughts... you are a wonderful friend!


LeeAnn ~ hoping your family is nice and warm tonight!


Joanne ~ :ty for sharing the link for the tote with us... did you get some VitaminD tonight? we had burgers on the grill... YUMMY! Your post (and Vicki's) about the Yankees cracked me up! I can't wait... just a couple of more weeks.:cheer:cheer


Shannon ~ What a riot that the color is named "in the pink":lol I had a vision today with white toule bows and white sheer curtains. What color accents do you have, and when does the carpet and wallpaper arrive?

I hope you feel better... extra :hug:hug:hugto you tonight, friend!


Scooby ~ I hope you are getting to play with your yarn:devil Thinking of you!:hug


Colleen ~ have a fun date night tomorrow night! How exciting! That came up fast...what a fun way to end the March break!:hug:yes


Stacy, I hope your dad made it safe and sound... enjoy Mia's party, and that shortcake! YUM!


Sarah ~ what are your plans for the weekend, anything good? Are you having a birthday party for DF's mom? What was Keith up to today?


I won't be here for chat.... DH and I are going to "hang out"... because we can! :devil.


Love you all! Have a great night!

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Yay, a Besties Love-fest! Isn't that a great way to end the week. :manyheart Love you guys!


Can't stay long enough to post to you all, but I enjoyed reading your sunny posts and catching up on your days. I worked a full day today and now need some sleep. I probably won't be back on until after my "big date". I'll be sure to wash my mouth out with soap before I come back to the 'ville :yes:rofl:D


Have a great weekend, my friends! :hug

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Good morning- Happy Weekend! Happy First Day of Spring!!!- the birds are chirping, the sky is starting to get light- the sun will be coming up shortly!! What a beautiful day it is promising to be!!!!!:sun


LeaAnne- Hope you and DH had fun hanging out--just because you could:devil

Burgers on the grill sound yummy! Think that is what we'll have tonight- thanks for the idea!!


Colleen- Have fun on your date:devil! :lol I can't wait to hear all about your wonderful weekend!!!


Beth- Glad that Tinky is behaving herself- Have fun at the twinners party today!! Sounds wonderful- isn't it great when your kids (and their friends) are awesome people? I'll be thinking of you today. Wish the twinners early Happy Birthday!!!


Stacy- Hoping that your Dad arrived safe and sound!!! Have fun at Mia's party today!!! And, remember, savor a piece of that strawberry shortcake for me!!:lol


Mary- Happy First Day of Spring to you up in God's Country!!! Isn't it wonderful? Another winter by the wayside!!! And we all survived!!!:clap


Scooby- I hope that the :flake you got is the last of the season. I really don't want to use that smiley again until next winter!! I was happy to read your post this AM that you are finally back to the Ville- and that all is settling in- :hug


LeeAnn- I am so happy that you have joined this group! Enjoy the last 2 days b/4 your dk's go back to school. When mine were younger, I enjoyed having them home too-:yes


Shannon- I went outside on the deck last evening and soaked up the sun. And then Dh said, why don't we go to the diner for dinner? Who am I to turn down dinner out? So I had breakfast for dinner- my favorite food at a diner is breakfast food!!


Vicki- Enjoy the last 2 days of your break too! Hope the weather cooperates a bit -what is on the agenda for the weekend?


Sarah- Happy 50th to DF's mom! I just know she will :manyheart your gift!!!


I hear DH up and stirring about- time to go grab a cup of my Joe's Dark and start this wonderful day.



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:tired That bassette doesn't know night from day. She got me up 3 times to take her outside, and still left me a puddle to clean up this morning. So I'm tired and grouchy. I'm so glad my kids' friends are fun to be around, or this evening would be a huge chore. My SIL facebooked that she wants her back this evening, though, so I should get lots of sleep tonight.


It's a pretty day here, too. The house finches seem to be moving back into the nest on our front porch this year. I'm so happy. I moved the items from near it, so the cat that hangs out at our house won't have easy access to the babies.


I've had a cup of coffee already, but may need more to make up for interrupted sleep. Between walkies and hot flashes, it wasn't a very restful night.


Have a great one, everybody! Happy SPRING!!!:jumpyay

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Morning to all my Glories! It is cloudy here. The rain is on its way. It is not supposed to get here until lunch time and then the tempteratures are supposed to drop :eek! We will be down near freezing tomorrow night into Monday!

Today is tae kwon do and I get to be the adult at practice. That means that I have to stay for the whole thing today so the competition team can have their practice since the teacher is away this week and the coach is not a legal adult yet. But she is a good kid and asked meif I would stay so they can have practice. So of course I told her yes. No big deal. My yarn will come with me!

Joanne - Don't you just love soaking up the spring sunshine! It is wonderful! I have been doing it all week!

Stacy - Have fun at the party today! Did your dad arrive safely? Have fun while he visits! How long will he be with you?

Sarah - It sounds like things are settling down by you. That must be a relief. How are the kids after the accident? ARe they doing better? Glad to hear that Keith could get outside and enjoy the weather. WE did have some great days!

Beth - You must be happy that Tinkerbelle is going home tonight. Enjoy the party and have fun with the adults! Save a piece of cake for me! It sounds delish!

Scooby - Hope you are still doing well!

LeaAnne - Did you have a good night with your hubby? I hope you did!

Colleen - How was the show? Did you hear all the profanity? Terrible for that part of the country, isn't it? I hope you had a great night!

Mary - Glad to hear that spring is springing up by you and that you are enjoying it! Hope it lasts!

LeeAnn - Hope you have a great day! Has spring began to spring up by you yet?

I need to get my badorkus up and get ready for my day. Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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hello Ladies!

The sun is shining today! Yeah! Maybe just maybe we will get to see Spring, the snow is melting, so hopefully it will be gone before we know it!

Joanne-thank you for the link, the tote looks like so much fun! And the hexagons, wow! I'm thinking.....:thinkmy wheels were turning last night, couldn't sleep, of what project/projects I can start on.

Vicki-takeKwando sounds fun! my kiddos used to take lessons a long time ago, I used to take my yarn with me too, it was so cute! dd was only 3 and just adorable! She was a tot.

Beth-Sorry to hear about you being up all night with Tinkie, :hug hopefullly the coffee will help.:manyheart

Stacy-best wishes for your party!:D

LeaAnne-enjoy the golf day, let us know how it goes.

Colleen, Sarah, Scooby, Shannon, and Mary hope you all have a Sensational Saturday!:hug:hug:hug

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Very quiet here today- I guess that means that everyone is having a fantabulous Saturday!! The weather was just so perfect here today!

I went for a mani/pedi today. It was nice to wear capris, tee-shirt and flip flops today! yes, it was a great first day of spring.


Getting ready to work on the 2nd handle of my tote now that the sun has set!


Thinking of you at the twinners party Beth! And thinking of you Stacy with Mia's party! And Colleen on her date with DH!


Have a good rest of your Saturday all!

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WOWZER!!!! The party was a hit! My kids' friends are the best!!! We were supposed to leave at 8:30 but ended up getting into the van at 9:30. They were done bowling by 8:30, but sat around and talked... It was awesome. And the parents are all sweet, too. I want to do it again, real soon.


Tinkie is back home. I can't wait to sleep all night tonight.


Whew! :whew I need to come down from this cupcake induced high! (I do make yummy cupcakes!) I hope you all had a great Saturday, and have an even better Sunday.



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Early good morning!


Beth- So happy to read that you and the twinners and their friends had a blast at the party!!!! Great way to start my early Sunday morning hearing how fun it was!:clap


I finished the tote- :jumpyay--handles are on- just have 3 more flowers to make and it will be done. I'll post pics later.


Supposed to be another nice day here- though admittedly not as nice as yesterday- It hit about 74 degrees yesterday, only supposed to be in the 60's today and more clouds- rain is coming tomorrow. I'll take the 60 degrees though- it sure beats snow and cold!


LeaAnne- I hope the "boys" have fun golfing today! What's on your agenda while the boys are out playing?


Stacy- how was Mia's party? Did the birthday girl have fun?


Shannon- is the room all pink now? And how are you feeling (did you end up with the virus?)


Colleen- can't wait to hear all about the weekend (and remember,to keep the "jersey profanity" out of it) :rofl


LeeAnn- Hope you had a fantabulous Saturday too! Enjoy the last day of your kiddies spring break!


Vicki- enjoy your last day of spring break!!! How was TKD yesterday? What crocheting did you work on? Rangers are playing Bruins today- NBC game of the week! DH and I went to Walmart last evening and he bought us each a Yankee Hat- really cool- they are embroidered with the NY Yankee logo, have 27 on them and each year they won embroidered on. Hard to explain, but neat looking hats! I just don't think I'll wear it when I get up to Boston to visit DD.:no


Sarah- How did MIL love her gift? My godmother called the other day to tell me again how much she loves the afghan I made her for her birthday- she said she loves taking a nap with it- and that she thinks of me when she uses it. Warmed my heart :manyheart


Scooby- How much snow did you end up with on the first day of spring? That just seems so wrong to me- :lol- Hopefully that was the last. Have you had a chance to pick up the ole hook and yarn?


Mary- Are you enjoying the signs of spring up in God's country? I was outside yesterday and it was so nice to see some of the flowers beginning to pop through the ground!!:flower


I'm going to clean today- Laundry was done yesterday (to me that is the easiest job since I can sit and crochet while the washing machine and dryer do their thing- :lol) Bathrooms and kitchen on the morning agenda, and a trip to the grocery store.


Oh, I forgot to tell you, DH got the urge to purge yesterday morning :yay and went through the drawers in the dresser in the guest room and de-cluttered!! The drawers are empty now (it was mostly guitar books, computer cables, cords and other assorted misc electronic things) I was very happy when he said why don't you use these drawers to put some of your yarn!!! So I will be moving some of my yarn that is in the garage (yes, it was removed from my car trunk) and putting it in the drawers!


Well, off to get coffee and I'll be back later with pics of the tote.:hug

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Umm, yeah, so it's snowing here. And it's accumulating on my dog's back, who's just puttering around out there in the mini blizzard. Happy Spring, eh?


Joanne, I love your tote!! It's beautiful. You know, I've been fine with charity projects only for Lent. Until I found attic24's blog. I may have to cheat on Sundays. I've been good throughout, and it'd be nice to make something for DD for her new room. Maybe a bird first....:think


Okay, I gotta run for now. I'll be back in a little while. Love you guys!!:manyheart

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Snow in LA? That is just craziness!!!


Oh, Shannon- that bird from attic24 would be so cute for Janna's room!!! And you have been good during Lent!!! (and its almost over- can you believe 2 wks from today is Easter?)


Have a good crafty day!

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It is SNOWING here also. Grrrrrrrrrr

The one good thing is that it wont last.

Joanne I love your tote.

Beth glad the party was a hit.

We are going to the in-laws for lunch, I will be back later.

Hope everyone is having a great day with or without the snow.

Lots of Love


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:hi everyone!


Beth - I'm so glad the Twin's birthday party was fun! (and that the cupcakes were yummy ;)). I hope you slept like a baby last night without Tinkerbell there.


Stacy - I hope Mia's birthday party went well too!


Joanne - Your tote is so beautiful! You can't see any wonkiness in the picture. I love the colours! So beautiful! Way to go! And hooray for empty drawers to fill with yarn :dreaming


LeaAnne - I hope the boys have fun playing golf and that you and the girls find some of your own fun too! I bet you are enjoying a weekend with the house in it's normal state of fullness, your DH home, and all your chickens around you.


Shannon - Snow :faint Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! How is the painting going on Janna's room? Won't that be nice when it's done.


LeeAnn - I hope you enjoy your last day of spring break with the kids!


Sarah - I hope all is well with you and Keith.


Vicki - How was TKD? How nice of you to be the mom on duty. I hope your crocheting is going well. Is DH's afghan a surprise or does he know about it?


Scooby - I hope you are getting settled into your home and not working too hard.


Mary - A few cold days in store, but spring is on it's way. I've got daffodils poking through in my garden after the warm weather we had, so that is a good sign.


Well, Jersey Boys was fantastic! I loved it! DH and I had a really nice relaxing fun day. We went out for supper too. Very nice date. :manyheart Now we are heading out to shop for dishwashers :( The part didn't fix the problem. Have a great day everyone!

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Oh ya, I feel so far behind with you girls. But, I wanted to let you know it's official, I am not going back to work part time. We just couldn't work out the schedule. So, I'll help out for a few more weeks until they hire someone and then I can enjoy some Stay-at-home-Mom-ness time again. I'm looking forward to it!

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Colleen Glad that you had a wonderful day and date- the show and dinner sounds like a great time!! Sorry to hear about the dishwasher though. :(


A few more weeks and stay-at-home mom time- good for you- :) plus the summer is coming up and you'll get to play outside in the warm sunshine!!! Lucky you!!


Mary- sorry that it's snowing by you- but I'm sure it won't last- Spring IS here (the calendar says so:lol)


DD just called a while ago while I was at my new favorite place (other than craft/yarn stores) Trader Joe's. She is having a BBQ this afternoon - last minute get together for her mother-in-laws birthday- it is such a perfect day for it. So the chicken I had taken out of the freezer will be tomorrow night's dinner, but that's ok!! Looking forward to seeing DD and SIL and of course, Belle!


Have a great afternoon everyone!:hug


Thanks for the compliments on the tote- the more I look at it, the less wonky it seems:lol and the colors make me so happy:yes

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:hihi, friends!


just wanted you to know I am thinking of you all!

It's been a really nice weekend so far... busy, but nice:c9 I am finishing up a few chores and then the girls and I are walking to the ballfield for Lindsey's softball practice. It's a nice day to watch!:devil


:hug:hugto you all, I'll try to be back later!

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HI girls!

It is VERY windy here! Cold and windy. Not a good mix! Hubby wants to know if a hurricane is on the way that he didn't know about. Haha.

Anyway, Joanne, the tote is lovely. No wonkiness whatsoever!

Colleen - Glad you had fun at the show and dinner. Hubby knows about the afghan. I just haven't started it yet! It is on the list of projects to do. DD says I should push his back to make an afghan for her stuffies first. She says he won't notice if I push his project back! Out of the mouth of babes.

Beth - Glad you had a great time at the party and that the cupcakes were yummy. Did you get a good night's sleep without Tinkerbelle?

Stacy - How was the party on your end of the country?

Shannon - Snow?

I got the grocery shopping and the laundry done this morning. Then we went to the nursery and bought a flowering pear tree and some other plant stuff for the back yard. There is other stuff we need to replace after the frost, but this is a start!

Hope everyone else is having a great day. Talk to you all later!


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