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Hi there, just getting ready to run out the door, here's the recipe that I am using today. I have just rediscovered the benefits of crockpot cooking, don't have to worry about dinner for the rest of the day. :D:D




this site has lots of yummy recipes! I have also tried some of the chilies.



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Morning besties! Top o' the mornin' to ye! :clover (Since I didn't get on in time to say it yesterday. :lol)


Leann, have fun with your company! How funny that your son is older than your brother! :lol It's wonderful that they get along. Thank you for sharing your crock pot recipe. I used my crock pot all the time until we moved here- I put it in the garage since there was no space for it in the kitchen. I should get it out anyway. :yes


Colleen, enjoy your day at home. Good luck with shortening your pants- I'm not a big fan of sewing, either. :xfin that dd has a nice, long quiet time for you.


Shannon, good idea to go with the color dd likes. So cute that she's excited about her room! Can't wait to see it once it's finished. Will the new carpet be pink, too? Did you enjoy the Hangover? I thought it was hilarious! Please tell Sister I said hello. :waving Who won at Monopoly?


Leanne, hope you had fun with your little guy today. 4 chickens on 4 different teams- you will be one busy mama!


Vicki, enjoy your "no plans" day. Sounds wonderful, and it must be so nice for you, because you are always on the go! :hug


Mary, how are your back and neck? :hug


Joanne, have a wonderful Delta Force-ness day! :hug


Scooby, I'm glad everything is going well for you and that you are getting the house situated. I just realized today that you reply to each of us in the color we type with. :blush It takes me a while. :lol Have a fantastic day!


Beth, how is dd's finger today? How are the 'ghans coming along? Who will you be puppy-sitting for this weekend?


I don't think I've forgotten anyone, but if I have, please accept a :hug and my apologies! Oh, I keep meaning to ask...has anyone heard from Tena? I was looking for something in an older post the other day and realized she hasn't posted here in a while.


I've had an interesting morning. We were running late this morning and Klaus decided he wanted to run away. He ran out the door with his tail between his legs, stopped on the sidewalk to look back at me, then kept going. :eek The front gate was locked and I suspect he is too big now to fit through the fence, so he didn't get very far. :whew Then when we came home from the grocery store, my shoe fell off as I carried the bags inside and I kicked a sprinkler that hadn't gone down. My toe is all cut up. :( But if that's the worst that happens today, I'm lucky, right? :D


Gotta go get the girls ready for Mia's class. Be back later! :hug


Oh! Quick question...what do you think of an actual strawberry shortcake for the party? I know Mia won't eat it, so I am thinking that I can make some cupcakes for the kids, and they can decorate their own. :yes

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Hey there! Stacy, I am not sure about strawberry shortcake for the party. If the kids won't eat it, why do it? That is just me. I like the idea of the cupcakes and the kids doing their own that you have

We went to the mall and DD spent her gift card to Build a bear. She bought a skate board and a dress. We also had a coupon for ten dollars so she really had $30.00 to spend. She was in heaven. She wanted to get a new stuffy, but the one she wanted was $18.00 and that would have taken up most of her money. She didn't want to do that. Maybe next time. She is upstairs right now letting her stuffies play with their new toy.


Talk to you all later!



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Hi there everyone!!


Colleen- I loved DD's sign! Maybe she'll grow up to be a skunk whisperer. Man, that job would stink!:lol


Stacy- Good luck with the party. If you think the adults would eat it, I say go ahead and make a strawberry shortcake. I hope your toe's okay.


LeeAnn- Thank you for the crockpot website. I have one, but I don't know if I've ever used it.:blush Maybe I'll try something tomorrow. 21 years is a huge difference! My only sibling and I are 13 years apart, and I thought that was big. The cool thing is, my sister and my daughter are 13 years apart too!:D


LeaAnne- How are your chickens today? What's on your hook these days?


Mary- How are you feeling? Is everything getting back to normal up there? Are you enjoying the springlike weather? March is more than halfway over!!:yay:yay


Vicki- Your Spring Break sounds great! You're getting things done and still have time to enjoy it! Did you start DH's ghan yet?


Sarah- Praying that everyone is feeling much better by you! How's Keith today?:hug


Joanne- I had to chuckle at your post about Italian food last night. Yesterday may have been St. Patrick's Day, but it was also Mexican night around here, so that's what we had. Nobody messes with my Mexican night!:devil


Beth- How's DD's thumb? I hope it's feeling better. how are your Christmas ghans going?


Scooby- I'm glad you're getting settled into your new place. I love the name of your ghan!! I feel so special!:manyheart


Wowza, that room is PINK!:eek It needs another coat, but it looks good so far. And the carpet's probably coming next week!:yay:yay:yay

Sister and I ended up playing Spite and Malice and watching Golden Girls. It made me feel like I was back in Florida with my Nanny.:manyheart I sure do miss her!


Have a great day girls! I may be around for chat tonight. But, as always, it's up to the boss (aka DD).

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HI everyone!!

Beautiful, beautiful weather here- 70 degrees and sunshine- perfect-ness. Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I think I'm going to go outside on the deck for a while and soak up some of the wonderful sunshine...aka vitamin D before the sun sets. I'll be back later

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Can I just say- homework!!!!!!! :thair:thair:thair It's not the homework, so much as the student...:sigh Okay, vent over.


Joanne, hope you get your vitamin D. So nice that you can come home and there is still sunlight to soak up! :sun


Shannon, sounds like you and Sister had fun last night. I love the Golden Girls! Does the boss like the pink-ness of her new room?


We're having a pancake party tonight, so I don't know if I'll be here for a chat. I'll try to pop in though- I sure could use one! :yes

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Good day friends!

Just taking a small break from homework. I just submitted my research paper....:ohdear I'm stressing about it..but guess I will just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

I learned to crochet from my grandma when I was 11-12 and then really got hooked when I met dear mother in-law. She is fantastic at crocheting! She is making a granny square bedspread, we timed her the other day, she can crochet a square in less than a minute!:cheer Isn't that amazing! Wow! I'm not sure I will ever be that fast.

Anhow, back to the books. talk to you all soon! :hug

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:tired Hi everyone,


My dd's thumb is much better, thanks for asking. She got a tetanus shot and she's on some horse-pill antibiotics, but the swelling went down, and she's up to her normal tricks. Except she isn't washing the dishes :( She's my only volunteer to wash dishes. The others need to be voluntold to do dishes.


Well, Stacy, our babies are almost the same age! Well, their birthdays are one day apart, isn't that the same thing? My twinners turn 16 on March 29. We're having a bowling party for 10 teens this Saturday.


LeeAnn, congrats on finishing your research paper.


Joanne, the weather is perfect here, too. I was driving to pick up my son with the window down. It's in the 60's, but the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and it feels so GOOD!!! I could live with this for several months. My oldest ds even went for a walk with me to enjoy the beautiful day.


Shannon, Do not stress over the paint color. It will look so different with furniture and accessories in there. If it's too pink, you can always repaint later. It will be beautiful. And if your dd loves it, it will be perfect, even if it makes your eyeballs want to peel.


Vicki, sounds like you and dd had an awesome day. She seems to be a very smart shopper, already. I hope her stuffies enjoyed their new toy. How precious!


Colleen, I hope you got your pants hemmed to your satisfaction. It's good that you got to enjoy the beautiful day (even if it's cool) outside with your beautiful daughter!


Mary, Scooby, Sarah, LeaAnne, and anyone I missed, I hope your Thursday is awesome, and your Friday is better. :hug


I am working on a big scrap tote for me. I don't know why it's become a priority for me. I started, and I can't seem to put it aside. I really need to make myself a shade hat soon. I could have used one today.


I am puppysitting the bassette from November again this weekend. Will someone please teach me to say no? I have a birthday party this weekend. I need another dog like I need a hole in my head.


Oh, my Christmas afghans for the twins are right on schedule. By Tuesday, they should be 20" long. By the end of August, they will be close to 6' long. I'll edge them and call them done. I am behind on my SIL's afghan. I'm not eager to get back to it since I seperated the squares.

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If I make it to chat I'll probably be late. I'd love to talk to my friends though!!:manyheart I miss you girls! Anyone else gonna be here?

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Hi- sorry I missed you Shannon! I was going to say though that I'm going to be heading to bed soon- I'm tired- I guess it was the fresh air and sunshine!!!


Beth- JUST SAY NO!!! LOL. Have fun at the bowling party on Saturday- perfect party for Sweet Sixteeners!!! I am almost finished with my Lucy tote- a little wonky, but oh, so colorful. I finished the edging and one handle. I am tired, though so the second handle and sewing them on will have to wait for tomorrow night. Glad to hear that DDs thumb is ok- and how nice that your oldest went for a walk with you today. It was so nice- and supposed to be the same tomorrow and Saturday- I can't wait to enjoy the whole day Saturday- supposed to rain Sunday- so I have moved my cleaning day to then!!


Everyone else-hope you are having a good night. Colleen- my Devils are playing your Leaf's and they are tied going into the 3rd Q- but I don't think I'll make it to see the end.


If I miss you tomorrow- have a great weekend of fun with the "jersey profanity" -enjoy your time alone with DH!!


Night all!

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Hi just a quick post,

My instructor graded my research paper on computer animation, (that was super quick) anywho, I received 220/200...yeah! 20 extra bonus points! Happy Happy Happy! off to crochet, talk to ya all soon!

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hi, friends!


LeeAnn ~ congrats on your paper!:clap that's wonderful! and :ty for the crockpot site. That will come in handy! :wink.


Stacy ~ cupcakes sound yummy for the party! I would also serve the strawberry shortcake for the grown-ups...that's just me!


Joanne ~ WTG on your tote! that's cool:tup the rain is arriving here on Monday. My "boys" are hoping to golf on Sunday. the clubs are polished up and ready to go! I hope you get to enjoy the weather on Saturday! :xfin


Beth ~ glad to hear that DD's finger is better. No is the hardest word to say sometimes... it takes practice. It's something I am trying out, and each time you say it, the easier it seems to get:yes Hang in there! :hug:hug You'll have to share what pattern you choose for the sunhat... sounds cool!


Colleen ~ i hope your hemming went well... I don't enjoy that job.:blush Sounds like you and DD are making up for lost time in the "funness on vacation" front:clap:clap:c9 ... the vacations go by too fast, don't they?


Shannon ~ glad to hear that you are in "the pink" down there! :lol Makes me think of the Pink Panther... "think pink"! I love it! How are Honey and BigBob? Glad to hear that you and Sis got to enjoy a nice time last night:hug


Hey, Vicki! how nice that you got to shop with DD, and that she was a sensible shopper! :tup That's a great quality.


:waving Mary, Scooby and Sarah... I hope your day was a good one! :hug


well, I am worn out... off to bed!

Sleep Tight!

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Leann, congrats on your paper! :clap That is awesome!


Beth, yep, sounds like our kids are almost the same age. :lol Enjoy the Sweet Sixteener party (well, as much as you can. :wink) Bowling sounds fun. Glad to hear dd's thumb is better. Can't wait to see the pattern you choose for the sunhat- that sounds neat!


Joanne, can't wait to see your tote!


Thanks for the suggestions about the shortcake. I think I will serve it for the adults. :yes Most of them end up complaining that cake is too sweet anyway. :wink

Well I'm off to take a shower and then head to bed. Tomorrow will be a busy day, capped off with a late night. My dad's plane is arriving at 9:45 p.m.- plus he will have a 30-min bus ride to the valley. See you in the morning! :hug

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quick post. Today was ok. Folded laundry and cleaned the shower. Played with Keith. He's doing good, enjoying the warmer weather so now he can go outside with daddy when daddy is working outside. Tomorrow/Today (19th) is fiance's mom's b-day so when he gets off work we'll be going over there. It's her 50th, but her big party will be in a couple of months when everyone has recovered financially from February's mishaps. Here's what she'll be getting tomorrow. Decided to try crocheting with jute and made a container, decided to use it as her present with some flowers in it and ribbon threaded through it.




close-up of container




yes I know it's lopsided in picture, but once it's set where ever she puts it, it can be shaped up =0)

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Good morning and Happy Friday- the sun is going to shine some more 70 degree warmth here and its the end of the work week!!! I do have to work next weekend so Monday will be the start of another 12 day week but I plan to enjoy every minute of this weekend!


Sarah- I love the present you made for DF mom! What a great idea- how was it working with jute? Happy 50th to her- it is a real milestone- trust me, been there, done that LOL!! DH gave me a surprise 50th- it was wonderful- and was really a surprise!


Stacy- I am glad you are making the strawberry shortcake for the adults ---can I have a piece?? I love SS!! And cupcakes are perfectness for the kiddies! Hope you dad arrives safely and on time!!


Colleen- it's your special weekend coming up! Enjoy it my friend!!! And, what is with your Leafs beating my Devils?? LOL


LeeAnn- Congrats on the paper!!! You must be soooo happy!!! I know what a sense of accomplishment it is to finish a paper and then do so well on it !!!!


Vicki- Enjoy your last day of spring break! I'll bet this week just flew by- they always do when you are off work! Glad that DD had fun at Build a Bear!!


Mary- Thinking about you and hope you are feeling well!!


Scooby- Saw on FB that you are supposed to get snow! Oh, no! No more snow!! I am just loving this perfect weather we have had the last few days- nothing like some warm sunshine to perk up my spirits- don't even mind so much going to work knowing I can home and have a few hours of daylight!!


LeaAnne- Hope the "boys" have fun playing golf- Golf is still on my bucket list of things to learn how to do! Are things settling down some now that company is all gone home. When does DH come home from his business trip?


Beth- When does the bassett come to play? I'm with LeaAnne- it's hard to say no, but the more you practice it, the easier it becomes. I used to say yes to everything- and found myself burning out. I learned that it is ok to say no- you can't do everything. It is quite liberating!


Shannon- Do you have more pink painting on the agenda for today? I'll bet the room is going to be so "pretty in pink" (couldn't resist- I love that movie)


Well, I'd better get hopping! Have a fantabulous day everyone!

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TGIF!!!! :jumpyay:jumpyay

just wanted to pop by and say good morning... it's going to be a busy day. Work, and come home to clean, clean, clean! DH comes home tonight! :woo I am anxious for things to settle down to normalcy a little;)

Sarah - I love that pot! Very cool gift!:clap

Vicki and Colleen - thinking of you on the last day of your school breaks...:(:hugI hope it's fun:U

everyone else - I hope you have a fabulous day!:hug

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Last day of spriong break. Can I cry now? At least the sun is shining and it is supposed to be a beautiful day all day. It is supposed to be rainy tomorrow and then turn cold on Sunday! Yuck! I can at least enjoy today. We are going shopping today to start warm weather clothes shopping for DD. She needs new t-shirts and shorts!

Just so you all know, DD's stuffies love the new skate board. They all want to ride it and play on it. I have heard of nothing else all morning.

No, I haven't started hubby's afghan yet. I found the pattern but can't print it up. My printer went out so I need to buy another one. Not right now, thank you. I really need a whole new desk top system, but I think it will be better to just buy a printer for my lap top right now and wait for a desk top. Cheaper for the moment!

Sarah - LOVE the present! That is a great idea.


Joanne - Did you get your vitamin D last night? I hope you did! IT is good to get some. Mine is streaming throught the window right now!


Colleen - No more skunk sitings? DD must have done the trick! Good for her and her no skunk sign!


Stacy - Hope the party goes well this weekend! Enjoy the visit with your dad!


Scooby - Snow?!? That is March for you! Nice one day, and yucky the next! Just think, it will melt quickly this time!


Beth - Glad you were able to enjoy a walk last night and that DD's thumb is healing. Enjoy your day today!


Shannon - Can't wait to see Janna's room when it is done. What does she think of it so far?


LeeAnn - Congratulations on your paper! It is so great to work hard on a paper and get it back with a good grade on it!


LeaAnne - Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! So glad that things are settling down to a routine again. That makes all the difference in the world!


Not much else going on here. The Rangers lost last night to the Blues, so I don't think they are going to make the playoffs this year. But baseball season starts soon! Let's go Yankees!


Have a great day all!




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Good Morning/Afternoon!


I guess I should say TGIF, but awww....pretty soon the kiddos will have to go back to school. I will surely miss them.:cry The house is soo quiet without them.


Looks like everyone is busy.


Mary-hope you are feeling well and :hook


Joanne-the Lucy Tote sounds neat, is it a special pattern? My mother-in laws name is Lucy, wouldn't that be a hoot to make her a tote for Mothers day?


Colleen-I always have to hem pants too...I am only 5', did you sew by hand or machine?


Shannon-I bet the room is coming together nicely, is dd so excited?


Vicki-Build A Bear sounds like so much fun! A few years ago, I made teddy bears for my kiddos, they were able to add a heart, a brain and something special inside. They still have them! I enjoy sewing and have thought of making more, they really aren't that hard. Shopping for clothes sounds fun too!:lol I love shopping! It can be dangerous!:D


Beth-puppy sitting sounds like work. lol Is the puppy trained? Ds is allergic to almost every animal, so no animal sitting for us. He loves cats and plays with ours until he gets sick, then I worry that he will have an asthma attack because his eyes swell shut and he labors to breathe.:eek


Stacy-looks like you are going to have a long night with dad's late arrival, have fun! Is your toe feeling better?


LeaAnne-golf sounds exciting! We have a golf course here in Alamosa but have never gone, the kiddos like miniature gold tho. How do you keep all the activities flowing so well? you are amazing!:clap


Sarah-what an awesome idea for a present! Now with the spring coming, you could add just about anything. WTG!



Guess I should get to laundry and cleaning bathrooms, not much going on here. Little brother and the kiddos are having a great visit playing board games, x-box and having a grand time.


Have a great afternoon!


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Hi, all... i am home from work, and having my lunch. After I walk my chickens home from school, I have a house to clean! Yikes! ...just kidding, it's really not THAT bad, we will just turn up the tunes and get at it! The girls have all promised that they will help, and well, Pete just always does help anyway (even if it's by playing something to stay out of the way!:lol) I will be glad to have the extra help today more than normal... I am suffering from a bit of roadrash on my badorkus, it's draggin so much!:rofl:2blush



I wanted to say, LeeAnn, that your post absolutely made my day!:c9

How lucky are we that you decided to join our group?! I hope that you feel like you've found a home here:hug. I totally get where you're coming from about being sad when the kids go back to school... I am the same. When they are let out for a break, I am the :loco Mama :danceing across the parking lot!:heehee


Vicki - I hope you and DD are enjoying the last of your break:hug A printer for your laptop is a very sensible idea:yes


Well, my Besties, my lunch break is over... Love you and thinkin of you all! Have the best afternoon that you can have!:hug:sun:rainbow:c9

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I love this! I can actually hear the "spring" in everyone's step as I read through posts. I love it when all my friends are happy!!:manyheart


LeaAnne- I cracked up last night when I read your post about DD being "in the pink", 'cause that's the name of the color--In The Pink! You are so smart!! How'd you know???


LeeAnn- Congrats on the awesome grade!:yay:yay Isn't it wonderful when hard work pays off? DD is super-excited about her "new" room, and asks every night if we can sleep in there.


Mary- Your post made me the happiest! It sounds like you're feeling better, and I'm so glad you are!:hug Enjoy the beautiful day!


Sarah- I love that container!! DF's mom is going to love it! I'm glad Keith's been able to get outside. DD has been loving it too!


Vicki- Enjoy your last nice day of Spring Break! We're getting the rain and cold too. The high on Sunday is supposed to be 48!:wbrr DD enjoys Build a Bear too!


Stacy- Good luck with the party tomorrow! I'm sure it'll be great. I hope your dad has a good flight.


Joanne- :yay for a beautiful weekend before a long workweek! You certainly deserve it! Thank you for sharing attic24's website. I'm in love with her flower wreath, and can't wait to make one for DD's new room!!


Colleen- What are you and DD up to today? I think you said you have to work. Hope it's a good one, whatever it is! Have fun this weekend, but don't come back with all that "Jersey profanity" you'll be hearing!:lol


Scooby- How's your new yarn building...err...I mean house coming along? Goodness knows you need lots of room for all your craftiness!! Hope things are good!


Beth- I was glad to hear that DD's thumb is better. Tetanus shot, ouch! Have fun with the house guest and bowling for the Sweet Sixteeners!


SIL and I brought DD and her cousin to get pictures taken today. They had the same outfits, but DD's was blue and cousin's was pink. They took pics with a lamb, bunnies and chicks!:manyheart They turned out beautiful!!


Say a little prayer for me please. I'm afraid I'm getting what I had back in September...coxsackie virus. Ugh! I can't get this now. :xfin that it won't be as bad as last time.


Have a great day everyone! Maybe I'll be here tonight. I'll let you know!:manyheart

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It's the weekend!! And it's going to be warm and sunny all weekend (or so they say- rain not supposed to come until late Sunday) It is perfect-ness weather ---I LOVE it!!!:manyheart


Mary- Loved your post! So happy, springy and made me smile!:yes


Shannon- Fingers crossed you are not getting the coxsackie virus again! And I love that wreath on attic24's blog- it is soo cute!!! Actually, I love everything she has on there. I love the ripple ghan, the hexagon squares, the bird, the tote.....


LeeAnn- The "lucy tote" is a nickname for the tote on attic24 blog. the pattern is http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/crochet-bag.html


Scooby- hope you didn't get too much snow- It's springtime tomorrow-- no more snow allowed!


LeaAnne- :clap for DH coming home- how's the cleaning coming along this afternoon? I'm sure it will feel great to have him home and the family all together without any extra company!!


Stacy- Thinking about you today- did you make the cupcakes and strawberry shortcake? It makes me hungry thinking about it


Colleen- hope your day at work was a good one. The weekend is here- have fun on your "date" with DH!!


Vicki- sorry to hear about the weather you are supposed to get this weekend- and hopefully nothing like what I had last weekend! It was literally a washout!!:lol And yes, looks like the Rangers aren't making the playoffs. DD tells her DH that all the time- since she is a Devils fan just like her mama. And yes pretty soon, the rivalry between us and LeaAnne starts again- GO YANKEES!!!!


Beth- hope you had a good day today. Are you all set for the twinners party? Have a great time! Bowling is fun!!!


Sarah- Enjoy your weekend and what pattern did you use? I really like the present you made!


Well, off to grab a bit of sunshine- hope you all have a wonderful evening. Also want to finish my Lucy tote- one more handle to make and then sew it on and make some little flowers to cover up the sewing- she has a really easy pattern on her site.



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