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Actually, my plan is to hang the ghan my MIL made her on the wall. It will act as a headboard. What do you think?

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:hi Shannon! I like the middle pink, also! The darker one seems like it might be too dark- just based on your inspiration photo.


Leanne!!! :hug:hug:hug It's sooooo good to see you! I hear you about the company- it is nice to have them visit and all, but it is tiring to have the "extras" to clean up after/cook for, etc. I'm so happy to hear that Uncle Art is out of the hospital already. Give him an extra big :hug for me, okay? And one for Aunt Sue...and of course an extra one for you. :wink


Let's see...Isabella is doing wonderfully in school- I got her reading assessment yesterday and she is reading at a 3rd grade level! :clap She is my little smarty-pants. Mia is itching to have the cast off. She has a few more days of the split one left, then we go back on the 22nd and the dr. is going to give her a regular one for another 2 weeks, depending on how it is healing. Her birthday party is on Saturday. I feel bad because we had told her about a month ago that she could have a jumper, but of course now she can't. BIL and his family, and my dad are all coming to town, though, so I'm sure she will have a fun party. :yes Eva is potty-training and doing wonderfully! I think she is the fastest one yet! And I am so glad to be done with diapers (:whew) although she still uses them at night.


I don't have time to address everyone right now- just found out that dh never invited his aunt to the party, so I have to call her, then call MIL and let her know what to bring. Dh has class tonight, so I will be back!! Love and hugs and lots of Irish luck to my besties! :hug:manyheart :clover:clover:clover

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Hi Everyone !!! Don't have time to post to everyone right now- but thinking about all of you!! Got out at a decent hour today! LeeAnn in answer to your question about my hours I work days- and am on a special project at work- so sometimes we have to stay late and sometimes we have to work weekend, hence the 12 day weeks!! (usually the last weekend of the month). I like the new assignment much better than my previous position despite the hours.


LeaAnne- great news that Uncle Art is home!! (well at your house)- you have been busy, busy, busy- but family is so important. I felt like I returned from the ark too- we had the bad nor'easter too- DD lost a tree- and many of my friends and co-workers had flooded basements. One town just got their power back today. Yesterday and today the sun was shining and is wonderful


Vicki- sorry about the bowling scores- but it's all in fun,right? WTG on getting the yarn for DH's ghan and good luck to him in deciding which phone to get.


Beth- good luck with the cleaning for the weekend


Shannon- I personally like the middle pink the best- but that's just my opinion and I'm no interior decorator! LOL. Can't wait to see a pic of the finished room- how fun!!!


Colleen, Mary, Scooby, Stacy and Sarah- hope I didn't forget anyone---time to make dinner- and since neither DH or I really care for corned beef and cabbage, we are having pasta and "meatless" meatballs tonight (I'm part Irish/part Italian) so I'm opting for the italian meal on St. Patty's Day.


Will try and BBL---Hugs to all!

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My Uncle had a followup visit today, and got cleared to travel. He and Aunt Sue have gone home to Maine. We all cried when they were leaving. part happy, part sad, part scared, but totally thankful! :c9 He said "no offense, but I want my own bed and I miss my dogs..."

I said "none taken, and I totally get it. Thank you for the time that you got to stay with us, and I miss you already!" They will be back next week for a followup at the clinic, and will stay over for 1 night.


...anyway, my house is back to the right amount of people, except DH, who is on the road this week.


We are suppered, showered, getting homeworks done, and have Idol set to DVR. Lights out by 9 tonight, and back to work for me tomorrow.


Life is great!

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Leanne, I totally didn't get your ark comment until Joanne pointed it out. :lol Wonderful news that Uncle Art was cleared to travel! :clap I know you will miss them, but yay for having your house back. :cheer:wink I think about them everyday and will pray that everything goes well on his next check-up. :hug

Sounds like you have a nice plan for a calm night. :yes



So...I went to pick up Mia, and guess what happened? There is a little boy in her class who has been picking on her. The teacher takes care of it while it is going on but it seems to be happening every single day now. Well...I let the girls play after school today for a few minutes. I was chatting with another mom, when I heard Mia yelling the little boy's name, and telling him to stop. I looked over and he had her in a headlock, pushed her to the side, and tried to wiggle his way down the slide in front of her! All while the mother was watching! I went over there and said, "Excuse me, do you see what your son is doing to my daughter?" She looked at me for a second, then yelled his name and turned back to chat with her friend. :angry Next thing I knew, her other kid (about the same age as Eva) was pushing Eva to the side and wiggling his way down the slide in front of her! Again, I said, "Your son is pushing my daughter." She yelled the boy's name a couple times, then went back to chatting. :thair:tryme I went to stand by the slide, thinking that if it happened again, I would just say something myself. A few minutes later, Mia came running to me and said the boy from her class pushed Eva off the slide- Eva had dirt all over her mouth and chin, and a small bump on her cheek!!! :rant I told him that it is not okay to push or hit, and he should keep his hands to himself. Then I took the girls and left. Tomorrow I am going to talk to the teacher (she wasn't there today.) I know she can't control what happens outside of the class, but it was on school grounds, right outside the class. She should be able to talk with the mother and let her know that she needs to keep an eye on her children.

Okay, off to help Isabella with her homework. Hugs!


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Stacy- WHAT!!! Reading your post made me so angry at that mom- that is so frustrating when mom's don't watch their kids!! You think that maybe, just maybe, she could have paid attention ---just a bit??? Ok, enough of my rant


LeaAnne- Great news- Uncle Art will feel so much better at home in his new bed and getting to see his dogs. I'm so happy and will continue to pray for him. Sounds like you have a nice evening planned- and early to bed sounds like a grand idea!!!


Colleen- hope you have not had any more skunk sightings- I'm sure that DD's sign is doing the trick!!!!


Mary- How are you feeling today?


Well, off to grab the hook and yarn- want to do a few more rows on my wonky Lucy tote!

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Stacy - :eek:eek:eek are you kidding me?! :irk that's just crazy! I can't figure out why the Golden Rule is so hard to teach these days. I hope Eva is ok.

Glad to hear everything else is going ok, and I am hoping that Mia enjoys her party, even if it's not what she wanted.


:hi, Joanne! glad today was "short" for you, and that you are getting time to crochet:c9 How's the tote rework coming along?


Have a wonderful night, everyone!

:hug:hug:hug... love you all!

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Thanks, girls. I've calmed down now, but I still can't wrap my head around it. She acted like she couldn't even hear me talking to her. :angry


Dinner is done and the girls are playing outside. I am glad that it is warm and the sun is lasting long enough for them to go out again. Dh is leaving for school soon. Roomie and the kids are out, so all is quiet!! :manyheart I will probably work on my Lucy tote. The hat business is going well but I need a break from them.


Oh, Leanne...how is your :crocheting business going? I noticed that you have the indie business icon. :D


Ok, my computer is wonky- the period key will only make a comma. :think I better scoot.

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Devils beat Crosby and the Penguins- they won all 6 games against them (they are last years Stanley Cup winners). It was a great game!!!!


Did 3 more rows on the Lucy tote (LeaAnne - I didn't re-do- I'm sticking with it- decreased about 5 rows and it will be a little wonky, but ok. I know what I did wrong, so will probably do another one). About 2 more rows to do then the edging and handles!


Well, off to slumberland for me!

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Hi guys! The doctor appointment went well. He kept me on the medicine that I am on and I need to go back and see him in June. I have to get blood work done before I go again to check my thyroid levels. He even ordered me medicine through the mail order pharmacy!

Then I came home and took DD and the baby sitter to lunch. Then they continued to play. They went to the park and I cleaned! I vacuumed the floor and dusted. I even got to iron hubby's shirt before tae kwon do tonight. Yes, it was a very full day!

Stacy - I hope the teacher says something to the boy. And the mother should have done more than nothing. Is Eva okay?

Joanne - glad you were able to have an early night! Enjoy the crochet time!

LeaAnne - Good news about Uncle Art and the fact that he could go home so soon! He will be happier in his own home in his own bed. Hopefully his follow up will be fine. Let us know what happens. And glad to hear that you survived in the Ark!

Shannon - I like the middle pink. The darker one is too dark. I am not sure it will match the rose.

Mary - How is your tooth feeling today? Better today I hope.

Okay all, time to go relax. Have a great night and I will talk to you all later!

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Vicki, I'm glad that your appointment went well. Sounds like you've had a full day! Good luck to dd at tkd tonight. :cheer


Tomorrow I have to play "birthday Santa" and wrap up Mia's gift from my mom. I told her that I would wrap it and leave it out on the steps so that when Mia comes home, she will think it was sent to her. :manyheart I also have to finish getting her birthday gifts from us (Barbies, of course. :lol) Dh also wants to get her a Barbie dream house. No idea where we will put that. :eek


Ok, I really am going to get off this computer now. :lol

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Hi girls!


Thank you all for helping me with my decision. After much (much, much) consideration, I have decided to go with DD's choice, the darker one. Once I surrounded it with white (the wall is beige) it didn't look so bright. And if the wallpaper doesn't match, we'll pick out different wallpaper. But I know how excited DD is about her "new room", so she should have the pink she wants!


My sister is here, so I have to go. But she told me to tell you all hello. Now, off to play Disney Monopoly and watch The Hangover!! That's the great thing about having a 17 year old sister. Young enough to enjoy playing games, but old enough to watch The Hangover!!:lol:lol


Love you all!!:hug:manyheart

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:hi everyone! Today was the perfect March Break day. DD and I did our running around, but sandwiched it between stopping at the bookstore to buy DD a book and enjoy a story time, lunch at McDonalds and about 2.5 hours at the park :clap:D Now that's more like it! I'm also happy to say no more skunk sitings. He seems to be digging in our yard a bit, but no sign that he's trying to live under our porch :tup I can't get the part for our dishwasher until Monday, so I'm trying to think of dishless meals for the next few days. :devil Here honey, have a napkin :rofl


Shannon - I like the darker pink. Good choice! If DD likes it, all the better. Enjoy the Hangover and the game. :rofl enjoy the hangover...now there's an oxymoron.


Stacy - :tryme at that mom. Let me tell you, your girls can play at the park with mine any day. I like mom's that pay attention. You're awesome! Have fun preparing Mia's party.


LeaAnne - So great to see you again! :hug I totally understand about company tiring you out. Great news about Uncle Art and I hope he rests well in his own bed. What does the Indie thing mean? I've got to look into that. :think


Joanne - Hooray for normal days and enjoy your crochet time. My PVR recording of Parenthood was horrible and I couldn't watch it. I'm not sure what was going with the satellite. They are reruning it on Saturday night, so I'm going to try to record it or watch it then. Oh I guess I'll be recording, I'll be enjoying my date to see the authentic Jersey profanity :D


Vicki - It sounds like you had a good day. How nice to take the babysitter out for lunch and that you got some time to clean by yourself.


:hi Beth, Mary, Scooby, LeeAnn, Sarah, and all our friends :hug

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Good Evening Ladies!

Just wanted to pop in and see how everyone was doing.

Stacy-Still can't believe what happened with your dd, ooohh that must have made your blood boil. :angry I know as a mommy I would have been seeing red, hopefully you can talk to the teacher and she can assist.

Collleen-sounds like you had a wonderful day! Spring is wonderful! Here in CO we have had a looong winter, since October, I am ready for Spring or another season.

Vicki-how sweet and thoughful of you to take dd and babysitter to lunch.:) That is just so sweet.

Shannon-good choice re the paint, my dd had us paint her room pink too, she loves it!

Joanne-soo happy that you get to :hook

Today I had to buckle down and do Art homework, I read and read and read and took 2 quizzes, got a 95% and 85%, not too bad, tomorrow will have to work on my paper. I tried to convince dh to help, but:think so far he hasn't replied! :D

off to search for yarn and a pattern, I am taking a break from homework.

have a good night everyone!:hug:hug

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Good morning!

Shannon- How was the hangover (and yes, Colleen, that is an oxymoron :lol). We have that movie on DVD- DH had watched it, and maybe this weekend I'll pop it in while I crochet! Hope you have fun painting the room- and I can only imagine how excited Janna must be!!It will be special for her since she picked out the color!!!:c9


Colleen- Sure sounds like you and DD shared a heavenly day together! The weather here yesterday was perfect-ness and they are forecasting more of the same for the next few days (even the weekend!!). After last weekend's literal washout, DH and I are so looking forward to a beautiful spring weekend!!! Of course, the yard is calling us to pick up the gazillion twigs that fell in the last snowstorm and the more recent deluge!! Hoping to take a ride down to the shore (as us Jerseyans call the beach) Enjoy your weekend date with the "jersey profanity":lol


Stacy:birthday to Mia!!! She is 5, right? That is such a great idea putting your mom's gift on the steps! Oh, don't I remember the days of Barbie house, Barbie car, Barbie this and Barbie that! Barbie took over the house:lol

Hope that the teacher can assist with the bully boy.


LeeAnn- WTG on your test scores!! And good for you taking a break with :crocheting. What did you decide to make?


Beth- how is DD's thumb? And is your house all spic and span for the dog sitting this weekend? Is this the same dog you watched a few weekends ago?


Vicki- enjoy your day today- great news about the endo appointment and nice of you to take DD and babysitter out to lunch. Sounds like you are having a well deserved, nice spring break. What's on the agenda for today?


Mary- hope you are doing well and that the signs of spring are doing wonders for you.


LeaAnne- Have a good day at work! Did you all get to bed early as was the plan? I was in bed and asleep by about 10:00- woke up at 5 so that is a good nights sleep for me


Scooby- Is your yarn all moved in? How many hours a week are you working? I'll bet Josh must be glad to be settled in to your new home.


Sarah- thinking of you and DF step sister and family :hug


Time to get ready for another fun filled day at work:lol The sun will be shining and really makes all the difference in the world when I come home and it is still daylight until after 7- it actually makes me feel like I have a life outside of work:yes


Have a great day!:manyheart

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:birthday Mia! :yay:clap:elle I hope she has a fantastic day!



DD and I are having a play date with a friend this morning. The weather is perfect-ness, so I suspect we will go to a park. I love this time of year. You get to reacquaint yourself with all the parks that you haven't seen since early fall :lol


Joanne, we seem to have the same weather as you but we haven't been getting the extreme snow and rain. Last weekend we had non-stop drizzle (and one evening of snow). But, this weekend looks promising if it stays like this :yay


LeaAnne - I hope you had a good day at work. :hug


LeeAnn - WTG on your tests! What is your degree going to be in? Good luck finding a pattern you like.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Morning all! It ia becoming a bright and sunny day here! A perfect spring day! Hubby is getting ready for work and I think DD is still sleeping. The chicken is defrosting on the counter for dinner. I think I will purge my closet today.

I actually have NO plans today! It should be a quiet day! It has actually turned out to be a busier spring break than I thought it would be, but not in a bad way. We were doing stuff that needed to get done so that can't be all bad!

Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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Aww thanks everyone! Her actual birthday isn't until the 30th, though I'm sure she will love to see all of these! I'm sorry if my post was mis-leading. :blush I just have to wrap up the gifts today because it is her last day of school before her party, so she won't be here to nose around. :lol

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Good Morning Ladies!


Just wanted to drop in quickly. Have lots to do today. Happy Early Birthday to Mia! :bday How exciting to be turning five!


My little brother is coming over for a visit, he's only 11! Can you all believe that? My mom had him very late in life, we (my sis and I were 21) when she had him, so he's almost like one of my own. He gets along well with my kiddos. Cristopher (ds) is older than him. What a hoot! Anyhow, we are soo excited, he coming over for 2 days.:cheer


Going to get dinner in the crockpot and get the house cleaned up before running to town to pick him up.


I will be receiving an AA in Early Chlldhood, they do not have a BA program here in CO. But this degree will do the trick! :D


hope everyone has a fantastic morning!


:hug:hug:hug and best wishes!

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It is a beautiful sunny day here, but the park was chilly! We came home and had hot chocolate. The rest of the day will be catch up at home. I've got laundry started, I have a pair of pants I need to shorten (the worst part of being short, I hate sewing). I'm :xfin that DD will have a nice long quiet time or maybe even a nap this afternoon. She has had a lot of fresh air the past couple days and a lot of play dates and she needs some down time too. I have to work all day tomorrow, so I need some time to get organized (and to relax ;)).


Stacy - Good luck with the last minute party prep!


LeaAnne - How was work?


LeeAnn - You use your crock pot a lot! Do you have any favourite recipes to share? Have fun with your little brother visiting! That will be fun for the kids.


Vicki - Enjoy your NO plans day. Gotta love those days.


Catch ya later alligators.

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