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Hi everyone- oh, what a glorious day today was- sunny, warm, springlike!!!! Went outside at lunch time and took a walk with some of my co-workers around the parking lot- not very scenic, but felt so good to be in the warm sunshine!!


Colleen- you sure had a busy day, and glad you had an hour to yourself- I'm taking my hour now as my dinner bakes in the oven. Glad that DD is feeling better and that she's all signed up for spring and got to go to school. How did the volunteering go today?


Beth- That is nice that you could have light school day. Hope that helped you to re-gain some of your energy!! That a few cups of java should do the trick. LOL


LeaAnne- good to hear from you my friend! Life Coach- um, I don't know about that- but thank you and Colleen for the compliment! Just trying to keep things in perspective.


Shannnon- can't wait to hear what happened with the Montesorri school.


Vicki- wow- you do sound busy, but I can hear the happiness in your posts too- it's a good busy- and congrats to DD on doing so good in the tournament- you may have created a monster here- LOL- another tournament in 6 weeks?? Good luck with getting your paper worked on this week!!


Mary, Sarah and Scooby- thinking about you.


Stacy- How did it go with showering Mia with the cast? Did you get to watch the Oscars in peace (without the running commentary> LOL). I am having a cup of Joe's Dark- each time I make it I think of you!


I need to go check the dinner- should be just about done!


Have a great night Besties!

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evenin', ladies!


I hope you all had a splendiferous day! It was also nice weather here:yes...sunny and near 60. I was out with just a sweatshirt instead of a jacket. So nice!


Colleen - did you get those mini-eggs? those are my Favorite Easter treat:P


Joanne - so glad you got to enjoy the weather today...


I gotta run for now, but wanted to say :hi, send some :hugs and wish you all a great night!

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Hello Besties!!


I am very :tired right now, but I wanted to check in and see how everyone's day was. It was another quiet day here at the 'Ville!


I also wanted to let you know that DD is on the list for the Montessori school.:yay:yay:cheer:yay:yay We also found out that DH's family knows the people running it, and it will be associated with the private school that we may send DD to in the future. All we have to do now is go pick up the packet, fill it out, and bring it back!:D


The only part I don't like is that DD will be there five days a week from 8:30-3. That's a little long in my opinion, but I know it will be good for her.


I will talk to you all tomorrow! Have sweet dreams and a wonderful tomorrow!:manyheart

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:sunGood morning!

Shannon- that is awesomeness news! See, one door closes, and another (even better) one opens!!!


LeaAnne, Colleen, Beth, Stacy, Vicki, Mary, Scooby, Sarah- don't have time to respond individually right now-but wanted to wish you all a great day....running a little behind here!


today is promising to be another spring-tease kind of day again!!!


Cya on the flip side!

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Mornin', Peeps!


Happy "one day closer to Friday"!


We, too, are lookin at an awesomeness weather day (well, all week, for that matter!:D)


Shannon - That is such incredible news about the Montessori School! :clap:clap:hug:hug 8:30 - 3 is a long day, but like you said, it will be sooo good for Janna!


Joanne, Vicki & Scooby - have a great day at work today:hug


Joanne - how is your cold?


Colleen - are you still working in the mornings?:think Sorry, my brain doesn't remember... Well, whatever you do, I know it will be terrific! You always get lots done! :nworthy... I am proud of you, girl!:hug


:waving Stacy! That is so cool that you are getting to do what you love. I am sending prayers for that Etsy shop!:wink ...hoping that everyone is doing well today:hug


Mary - how are you hanging in up there in God's country? I am sending prayers and warm thoughts and :U:U:U your way today...:hug


Beth - What is on your busy agenda today? When are the performances? Did you get to have that slow day yesterday?


Sarah - How is everyone down your way? I am thinking about you all.:hug:hug


I am up early. I couldn't sleep anymore. There's some weird crap going on around softball. :irk... I think I am done:(

It's like my uncle says... "there's a lot of good in this world. It's too bad there's too much politics messing it up."

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Forgot to log off when I went to take my shower- then came back to do that and saw that LeaAnne posted ---very early!!! LOL


sorry about the stuff going around about softball- yes, politics has a way of getting in the way of many good things I'd say. Will this affect your DD's?


Gotta run- although truth be told, I could stay right here all day on the computer and crocheting- go out on the deck and bask in the sunshine, but alas, work is calling!

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Good morning! One more day of ESL training and then back to the grind. I can't complain. Next week is SPRING BREAK!!!!! A whole week off! YAY ME!

This will be quick because I need to get going soon, but I wanted to come on and say hi this morning.

Shannon - Good for Miss Janna getting in to a new school! She will do well in a full day program and they will take breaks. It will be a good thing!

Stacy - Have you tried plastic bags to cover the cast? I had to do that on my leg when I had a broken ankle.

Joanne - YAY for spring making an appearance! Hope it stays around for a while!

Colleen - How are things in your neck of the woods? Sounds like you are a busy lady lately!

LeaAnne - Yes, politics does mess everything up. I hope it all gets figured out and the kids get to play.

Okay, must run now and go pick up my friend for the training today. Have a good day everyone and enjoy your day!


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Hi everyone,


I am having more computer problems, which my dh is trying to fix when he's home. I can't believe I used to do IT at the local transit company. I sure don't remember much.


Any way, Vicki, enjoy your ESL class. And spring break is so close. Any great plans for your week off?


Shannon, I'm happy that Janna will be in the school you want her in. It's great that it's close to home and it has a tie with the school of her future.


Joanne, crocheting and chatting all day sounds :c9. Too bad life gets in the way.


LeaAnne, I'm sorry about the politics ruining baseball. It's hard to stay out of that stuff.


Stacy, I hope your girls are all happy and healthy, and keeping casts dry....


Mary, I'm sending sunny thoughts your way, too. Spring is coming!


Colleen, You do sound busy. I hope you are having fun.


Scooby, Sarah, and everyone else, have a fun, sunny day.


We are going on a field trip, probably to the Casemate Museum. My son works at Ft. Monroe, which was built in the 1600's. It actually has a moat and a wall. The Casemate is inside the wall. Jefferson Davis was imprisoned there at the end of the Civil War. Edgar Allen Poe served there. Should be interesting. I took the kids when they were very small, but they don't remember.


Have fun!

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Morning, besties!

I have 2 minutes before my alarm will go off to start my day, but I just wanted to check in!


Shannon, how awesome-ness about the new school! :cheer:clap:xfin that all goes well! It does sound like a long day, but I'm sure she will enjoy it.


Leanne, :hug to you! I'm sorry that softball is all political now. That is just too bad. I love Uncle Art's expression. :yes Very true.


Vicki, :clap for spring break! Any special plans? Will dd be off at the same time?


Beth, your field trip sounds like fun!


Joanne, have a good day at work! We did watch the Oscars in peace, because Roomie and b/f went out to a dinner and we put the kiddos to bed early. LoL (And :yes, she is returning the favor by watching our kids on Friday, so we can go to dinner and see Alice in Wonderland. :D) I am glad you are enjoying the Joe's dark!


Mary, Colleen, Scooby, and Sarah- happy Tuesday! :hug Hope it's a great one.


Showering didn't turn out too well. I tied the top with yarn :devil but water still got in. Thankfully it didn't sink in past the bandage, so I just unwrapped it and tossed it in the dryer. Have to think of another way.


Oops, there's the alarm. Time to wake the girls. Lots of love and hugs! :hug

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:waving, all...


I am back. So, apparently last night there was a "board meeting". I got a phone call afterwards, saying that there weren't enough girls registered in the softball program, and our team is being dispersed...


Keeping in mind that all things happen for a reason, I am trying to not be angry and annoyed about the politics of the whole thing (there are coaches with less time in that got to keep their team).


Here are the good things I am choosing to take from this:


1. I really am off the hook about coaching, and can sit back and enjoy the games!:clap:cheer

2. My youngest DD doesn't really have to move up to the "majors" now, and can take another year to have fun with her friends.:yay:clap:cheer

3. Middle DD can go back into the draft, and have the opportunity to experience another style of coaching.;):yes


4...did I mention that I get to just watch?!:devil:rofl


I feel sorry for people who spend so much energy making things crappy for others.

I think I need to say :ty to them for the help of sweeping yet another "extra" off my plate:D.


I hope you have a wonderful day, all, and as always, :hug:manyheart:hug:ty for being here!:c9:ghug:flower

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:hug Leanne! You always have such a positive outlook! I love your attitude toward this. :manyheart Politics aside, this will really work out for your family. :yes

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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - That is too bad about the politics, but things happen for a reason and looking for the good out of it is the best way to handle it (and a great example for your girls :yes). Enjoy just watching ;)


Stacy - Good luck with showering with the cast. I'm sure you will figure something out. A good old fashioned sponge bath would do just fine too.


Beth - Your fieldtrip sounds fun! I hope it was a good day for it!


Joanne - I hope you had a great day at work!


Shannon - :yay for the school! I'm sure the days seem like they will be long, but she'll do just fine. You'll adjust and it will be so good for her!


It is 60 degrees here :yay:D:clap:hyper I did some shopping this morning and this afternoon DD and I went around the block with her scooter. The sunshine feels fantastic! Now I've got to make lasagna for supper. I've got another busy day tomorrow, so I guess I better get the house organized too.

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Hi all,

Today was 61 degrees of sunshine lovliness!! Too bad I spent most of it indoors- but did go outside again at lunchtime!!


LeaAnne- I love what you are taking from the "politics". A very good positive attitude. Now who should be the Life Coach?:lol Enjoy watching the games- it will be lots of fun!!!:cheer


Colleen- Glad you had the nice warm weather too- isn't it absolutely delightful? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Did I say how much I love it?:manyheart


Stacy- Good luck figuring out the showering- What about a garbage bag (the small plastic ones and tying the bag? Or what about a gallon size ziplock- would her arm fit in that? How's the hat business coming along?


Beth- your field trip today sounds like lots of fun- I love stuff like that- I got that from my Dad who was a real history buff and knew so much about all historical things- I miss that!


Vicki- :yay for spring break! Lucky you!!! I sure could use a spring break myself! Next holiday isn't until Memorial Day! I'll probably need to take a personal day before then- especially with this delightful weather!


Shannon, Mary, Scooby, Sarah- hope you had a nice day today


I can't believe that Daylight Savings time starts this weekend!! Another sure sign of spring!! (I could live without losing an hours sleep, but welcome the extra daylight) It's been nice this week- leaving in the light and coming home in the light- it makes all the difference in the world.


Well, off to see what we should have for dinner tonight!


Have a good evening everyone.:hug

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Joanne - Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend? Glad you posted that. I didn't know!

Stacy - Hope you enjoy your date on Friday and enjoy the movie.

Colleen - Has the spring weather hit up there yet? Is the snow melting yet?

Shannon - How was your day? I hope it was a good one!

LeaAnne - YAY for just getting to watch the games! That means more time to crochet! You know you can bring yarn to the games and crochet as you watch, right? Just kidding.

The rest of the ESL class was good Now I just need to take the certification test. $120.00 it will cost me to take the class. Then when I pass it I have to pay another $77.00 to add the ESL endorsement to my teaching certificate. See what teachers do with our time and money?

Anyway, bowling night is upon us. Hopefully my scores will be better than last week. I need to go take my clothes out for the morning. I don't know what I am going to wear to school tomorrow. It has been nice the last two days not having to worry about what to wear so much.


Hope everyone had a great day and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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Hi all!


Sorry I didn't come by today. My allergies are acting up with all this spring yuckiness!


I hope everyone had a great day! Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow.



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:hug Shannon! Those darn allergies! I hope you feel better after a good night's rest.


Vicki, hope you had fun at bowling. Yikes @ the costs for the ESL certification. It will be nice to have on your certificate, though. :yes


Joanne, I cannot believe it is Daylight Savings already! I heard that it is about 2 weeks early. :think Why can't we just do away with it? LoL I actually think there are a couple of states that don't recognize it.


Well I am off to help Jorge study his flashcards. Good night! :hug

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Good morning!

Shannon- hoping the allergies don't get the best of you today- and sorry that springtime is yuckiness for you. For me, spring is lovliness after all the cold and snow we had this winter. And I am lucky enough to not have allergies.


Stacy- How is Mia doing? And how nice of you to help Jorge with his studying? How's this semester going for him? I got about 7 rows done on the side of the tote, and I'm not sure about this. The instructions say to just dc around for the sides, and that she had about 154 stitches. I have more like 200! But I followed the pattern for the bottom- 14 rows with the dc increases in each of those rows. I'll do some more rows tonight after work and see what it looks like. It just keeps flopping in!


Vicki- WTG on going for the ESL certification- not cheap, but it'll be worth it in the long run!! Good luck with the test- when do you plan on taking it?


Colleen, Beth, LeaAnne, Mary, Scooby and Sarah- thinking about you all!


Have a great Hump Day!

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Good morning to you all. Our field trip was a bust yesterday. The museum was closed, even though there was a big sign on the door stating the hours when it's open, and we were there during those hours....:think


I'm done working for the week, and I'm so glad. I'm just exhausted. I am afraid that I may be coming down with one of the bugs going through the studio -- we had two classes yesterday where nobody showed up.


I guess I need to get busy. I couldn't crochet straight today, so I'm behind on my Christmas afghans for this morning. And the twins are up, and will want to get their school work done soon.


And my pillow is calling me....


Have a great Wednesday!

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Hi, friends!


I am home and have lots of chores to catch up. I do have some windows open to get some new air in here:U:c9


First... BIG NEWS!!!!!


I heard from Scooby. She is all moved in and will have her cable installed tomorrow! She said I could let you know that she'll be back by the weekend, and has missed you all!:clap (she is upacking her yarn while she's waiting to get online!:D)


Beth - :hug:hug:hug:hug here are some hugs... I hope they do the trick! I am so happy to hear that you have a day off! You sure have earned it! :eek2 whole classes were absent yesterday? YIKES!!!! I hope you are taking good care of you! And I will pray that today is nice and restful for you:hug


Vicki - :lol about :yarn at the ball field! That was one of the first things I thought of! this will be the first Little League season in 6 years that I will enjoy from the sidelines. Time for others to have their turn;)

I hope that bowling went well, and that you got all of your points... and that today is great!:hug... btw, I am of the opinion that you teachers are underpaid for what you do. :cheerabout the ESL cert. Will it earn you a raise? I hope so:yes


Joanne - I hope you figure out what's up with your bag. It sounds cool! Will it be for WIP's? How is DH digging his new job? I am thinking of you guys today... and how is your back? Are you all better now?


Mary - :sun:flower:rainbow:c9... lots of prayers and good thoughts going your way... has Spring started to spring up there yet? I sure hope so...:hug:hug


Stacy - :hug:hug i hope that you are all well today. :clapfor helping Jorge study! How are the girls? Is all quiet on the roomie front? What's on your hook these days? Lots more hats? Did you set up your Etsy shop yet? :cheer:cheer:cheerI am cheering for you, girl! You are a :crocheting inspiration! Did you know that?


Colleen - Hooray for busy days that are 60 degrees!!!:cheer:clap Can you stand it????? :lol It's so cool to hear the "spring" in your voice! I can see you :D from here! :hug:hug have a terrific day, friend!


Shannon - How are you feeling today, punkin? I hope your allergies are cutting you some slack today.:hug:hug:hug ...just in case you need them.


Sarah - How are you all holding up? I am holding you all in my thoughts and prayers today:hug:hug


well, I guess I better scoot... my laundry is calling:lol


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Hi Ladies

Spring is springing very nicely here. We still have alot of snow and it is suppose to rain here for 3 days so that should melt the snow very nicely.

I pulled something in my neck yesterday so it is very hard to move around. Youngest DD and GD are at oldest DD's house and they will be coming back on Friday. DD and GD leave for home on Monday. I think Iam going to miss them. They have been here for a month and the time sure went by fast.

I have been sitting in my chair crocheting and just taking it easy lately.

I hope everyone is doing fine and I think about everyone everyday.

Lots of Love


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:hi, Mary!! so nice to hear from you! sorry about your neck:(, but happy to hear that spring is springin' and that you are there with your :hook in hand:D:hug:hug






I forgot to ask this earlier... it seems that Fridays are getting to be difficult for us all to chat. I wonder if anyone has an idea for a time that would be better for everyone? Think it over and let me know, ok?


also, I won't be here for chat on Friday... it's Parents' Night Out for the elementary. DH and I are looking forward to getting out and seeing some of the parents we haven't connected with in a while... let's face it: it was a LOOOONG winter:lol

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Morning all!


:hi Mary! I'm so happy to hear that spring is springing up in God's country. :hug Sorry to hear that you hurt your neck. I hope that some rest will help it feel better quickly.


Leanne, thanks for the update on Scooby! I hope that she can check in soon! :clap for playing with her yarn. I'm sure she is so happy about that.

Good luck with your cleaning. I hope you get lots of fresh air through those open windows. :hug


It is cold here, but I don't want to tell you the temp because you all will laugh. :blush:lol Oh, guess what? Our radishes are sprouting! Mia is sad because her peas aren't just yet.


Well my mom is on the phone so I will be back in a little while. Hugs!

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:hi Leanne!


Yes, it seems that Fridays are more difficult to "meet up" lately. Jorge is in school on Mondays and Wednesdays, so they would be good for me.

Enjoy your night out at the school! How fun.


Joanne, sorry about your bag. :( I wonder if you've added a few extra stitches somewhere, maybe when you're switching yarn? Or quite possibly her counts were wrong. I haven't gotten that far yet, but I would suggest to frog back a few rows and do decreases evenly around, every couple of rows. If it's floppy right now, it's going to be even more so once finished because there really isn't any "structure" to it.


Jorge ended up dropping his astronomy class, because his other two just had so much work. He is really getting discouraged, poor thing. :( Work is picking up (which is a good thing!) but it doesn't allow much time to study.

I made an "aviator" style cap last night, and it was super-stiff, so I tossed it in the washer to loosen it up a bit. Well, once it came out, it was covered with fuzzies. :( I don't know how to get them off without pulling the fibers and making them fuzzy in the process. :blush


Well I better get going, it's almost time to take Mia to school. BBL!

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:hi everyone! I am sitting down with my :coffee for my hour to myself. :c9 I worked this morning, then I was the pizza lady, then ESL volunteer, and now 1 hour to myself before I take care of my DD and my neighbours 2 kids after school. I must admit I watched a TV show I recorded last night over my "lunch hour". Has anyone else checked out the new show called Parenthood? I'm enjoying it.


LeaAnne - I believe you asked, yes, I'm still working the two mornings a week. It may become permanent. We'll see. How are your jobs going? Thanks for the update from Scooby. She'll be happy to be settled again.


Stacy - How exciting about your radishes! Please don't tell us the temperature there when we are all excited about 60 degrees :lol I hope Jorge's classes go alright this term. I totally respect people who go to school and wok at the same time.


Shannon - I hope the allergies don't stick around.


Joanne & Vicki - You are over the hump :yay


Beth - That is too bad about your fieldtrip :( I would call and complain. Maybe you could get free admission ;)


Mary - It is nice to see red on here again. I hope your neck feels better soon. I hope you are enjoying this spring weather! It's coming :yes


:hi Sarah - How is it going with you? How is Keith these days?


I saw crocuses poking through in someone's garden yesterday :yay:hyper It is a bit cooler and cloudy here today, but the snow is still melting :tup

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Happy Wednesday to all!


Scooby- I'm so excited you'll be back soon!:cheer We've all missed you so much!


LeaAnne- Thanks for the update on Scooby! Did you get your chores finished? Did you answer your laundry's call? I think I would have let it ring!:lol:lol


Stacy- :yay for radishes! How's Mia's arm? Did you find anything to help with her baths? Maybe the long bags in the produce section would work.:think


Colleen- I hope you enjoyed your hour alone. You have been so busy! Where can I find some of that energy?


Mary- Good to see you here! I hope your neck feels better soon!:hug:hug:hug


Beth- Have you been able to take it easy today? :hug:hug:hugI hope you feel better!


Sarah- Haven't heard from you girl! How is everyone? You're all in my prayers!:hug:hug:hug


Vicki- Good luck on that test! When do you take it? How were those scores last night?


Joanne- I guess it wasn't allergies, 'cause I'm doing great today!:shrug I'm glad you're enjoying the weather. How's work treating you this week? And your back?


So my mom had to bring her dog, Ireland, to the vet yesterday morning. She hasn't been feeling well. I told DD that she needed to be very gentle with Ireland when they got home. As soon as Ireland walked in, DD gave her a biscuit then left the kitchen. A couple minutes later she came back, dragging Ireland's huge bed/cushion behind her. How sweet is that??? My girl has such a big :bheart!! She's very caring, and I'm so proud!

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