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Good morning all!


Stacy- hope Mia is doing ok with her new cast? Did she get a colored one? You must be worn out- you didn't post! Hope today is a good one.


Beth- How is Tulip doing? Wierd weather - we had some rain/trying to snow weather- luckily the trying to snow didn't last and it was rain!!


Colleen- Glad to hear that DD is ok! That sure makes for a happy mama! Speaking of what not to wear- I love that show! Now to keep watching to see if you or Shannon are ever on!:lol


Shannon- You must fill us in on what you bought, "Miss WNTW":D


Vicki- It is so nice to see you post about DH and liking his new job. Your stress level must be normal again:yay. And who cares about the bowling scores- the important thing did you have fun???:lol Just wait till you see what mine are when I start bowling in April- then we can all :lol


Sarah- hope you got some :crocheting time in. Continued prayers and hugs


Scooby, LeaAnne, Mary-- miss you guys but never out of mind and :manyheart


Make it a good day!:hug

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Good morning!


This will be quick. I don't have enough hours in the day this month. Tulip is back to her old tricks. She slipped outside when my son went to check for the newspaper this morning. We had to fish her out from under Quicksilver. The vet called yesterday. Her white blood cell count is quite elevated. Her liver numbers are off, too, but the liver count could be attributed to the seizure. So we give her meds for 2 or 3 weeks, then get her stuck again. Poor kitty.


Vicki and Joanne, I'm glad that your husbands are enjoying their new jobs.


Colleen, I'm glad your dd is feeling better. I hope she continues to feel well.


Shannon, LeaAnne, Mary, Stacy, Scooby, Sarah, and everyone else, I hope your Thursday is a good day.



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Morning, all. I am still :yawn this morning. We didn't get home from the dr. last night until 7:30!! We were quite literally the last ones to be seen, didn't actually get into a room until about 6:30, and by then all of the reception and nurses had left! :eek I am just glad we were seen, though. The dr. didn't have colored casts, so just plain ol' white. Not that it matters, because it is wrapped in an ace bandage. Her arm is still swollen (good call, Joanne! :wink) so after the cast was set, the tech cut it on each side, then wrapped it in a bandage. He said it would give her much more support, yet there would be room for the swelling to go down. Anyway, after we were done, we went to McDonald's, came home to eat, then went to bed. :whew Jorge was in class until 10:30, so I laid down with the girls, and fell asleep in Mia's bed. LoL Long day.

The dr. didn't even want her to go back to school, but I told him that there is no way she can miss 4 weeks- after I fought so hard to get her back in!! So he just gave us a note, restricting her activities to classroom play only.


Today is Mommy and Me, but we won't be going until after Mia is in class. We will only be there for an hour, but I'm sure the teacher will be very understanding.


Colleen, I'm glad to hear dd is feeling better.


Joanne, I'm happy that your back is feeling better! How neat that your work is starting a bowling league! You will have lots of fun, I'm sure.


Vicki, I'm glad your dh is liking his new job. :clap I'm with Joanne- as long as you had fun bowling- that is what matters! I know how "serious" those leagues can be though- my dad has bowled on a league since I can remember. I used to put 2 chairs together and fall asleep, waiting for him to be done. LoL


Beth, sorry to hear about Tulip! I hope the meds help. :hug


Mary, Leanne, Shannon, Sarah, Scooby...hope you all are having a fabulous Thursday. It's almost the weekend! :cheer

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Hi all--

:yay it's the "weekend" for me!!! :clap:clap:clap And each day my back feels a little better. :clap:clap:clap


Don't think I'll be doing much dancing at my godmother's party, but at least I'll be there! Planning to go to Motor Vehicle tomorrow to renew my driver's license since I have the day off- hopefully it won't be too bad- you need to have all this ID- birth certificate, and if you have a different last name, and have been married more than once, you need the first marriage license, the divorce decree and the new marriage license. I had to do this 4 years ago, so I just saved all the paperwork in one envelope so it'd be ready to go the next time- Can't believe 4 years went by already!!!:eek


Planning to get my nails done, which didn't happen last weekend and then do laundry and dust-or actually, I think it would be a better plan if I dusted, did the laundry and then got my nails done!:yes DH brought the hamper down this evening and Ill just fold it downstairs and he can carry it all back up tomorrow evening.


Hope everyone had a good day and glad that Mia is all casted- :) even if it is a white one and despite the long wait! Glad I still remembered something from when I did "real" nursing :lol


Beth- sorry to hear about Tulip's labwork and hoping the meds help-:hug I know what you mean about not enough hrs! I never have enough hrs in a day to do what I want to do---too many of them are taken up with work!:yes

I have to go check dinner- sausage, pepper and onions smell like they are almost done.


Have a good night everyone:manyheart

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Happy weekend, Joanne! Good luck at the DMV tomorrow- :xfin that there isn't a long wait!


I made an early dinner for dh, still have to figure out what to make for the girls. I'm ashamed to admit how often they've had quesadillas and applesauce this week, but my cupboards are getting bare. :lol Guess tomorrow will be a grocery day.

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Stacy, quesadillas and applesauce sounds like a great meal.


Joanne, I'm so glad to hear your back keeps feeling better. Your DMV sounds stricter than ours. I'd hate to have to find all the paperwork everytime I renew. You're smart to keep it together.


I got my hair cut!!! It's been many moons since my last cut, and I'm feeling Purty! I just got home from dd's practice. I didn't need to stay, but I'm so glad I did. :manyheart I was looking through my crochet today magazine (got my first issue) and chatting with the moms there. I noticed an ear-flap hat with braided ties, and complimented someone on it. She said it was a crazy hat, so I passed her the magazine, which had a picture of one on the second page. She glanced at the magazine, asked if I could crochet, and started talking about granny squares -- she didn't know how to make them square. So I grabbed my overflowing crochet bag, pulled out a couple of balls and two hooks, and the two of us practiced granny squares for about 4 rows. She was very happy when she left. And I had a great time spreading the joy!


Dog needs out -- gotta run!

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Hi girls!


It sure has been quiet around here. I guess it's been a hectic week for everyone. But it's almost over!!:yay:yay:yay


Stacy- I'm glad you got Mia's arm taken care of. I thought about you guys all day yesterday. Give her a big :hug from me! What a trooper!


Joanne- I'm so glad your back is feeling better, and that DH is liking his job!


Beth- I hope the meds work for Tulip. Give her a pat on the head for me.


Colleen, LeaAnne, Mary, Scooby, Vicki, Sarah- Hope everything's well in your neck of the woods! Love ya!


I smell a skunk. I hope it wasn't my dog that was hit. Been there, done that, don't care to do it again. :xfin


DD had her speech evaluation and did well. We'll set up her time next week when she has her occupational eval. Unfortunately, she didn't get into the Montessori school. But everything happens for a reason, and we have other options.


My chiro told me yesterday that I will definitely have a waist on my left side when we're done. :yay:cheer:yay:cheer I'm so excited!! I've always been so self-conscious of that. He's my hero.:manyheart

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Beth, what a neat story! And good for you on getting your hair cut! Sometimes we need to remember to take care of ourselves, too. :hug:manyheart


The girls ended up having bagels, and I had an egg and cheese burrito. Tomorrow is definitely grocery day! :rofl I'd like to go to yoga but I'm not sure if they'll allow Mia in childcare. There is a child-size "obstacle course" but there are other things, like a play kitchen and movie area. :think Maybe I'll call in the morning.


Okay, off to find a project. Good night!

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:h5 to Janna for doing well on her speech evaluation! Sorry to hear that she didn't get into that school.

I'm so happy that your chiro is working out!! Sounds like you're feeling better already. :cheer:manyheart

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Good morning!!


Beth- I'll bet you do feel nice and 'purty' with your new haircut- it is good to do something for you!! And look at you teaching crochet- WTG!!! And during National Crochet month to boot!!! My middle DD wants to learn now- tried to show her last year when I first picked crocheting back up and she lost interest- now she sees how much enjoyment it brings me and wants to try and learn again.


Shannon- sorry about the Montesorri school, but you are absolutely right in that everything happens for a reason- I'm sure there is something better for her. And nice to hear that she did good on her speech eval. Hope the new speech therapist works out. And best news of all- you will have a waist on the left side!!! So happy that it is going well with you new hero, the chiropractor!!!


Stacy- I'm with Beth- quesadillas and applesauce sounds like a great meal. So do bagels and burritos for that matter!! I'm hoping to get to Trader Joe's on Sunday on the way home from Long Island. I'm almost out of Joe's Dark Coffee and it is my new fav coffee (besides Starbuck's) How's Mia doing with her cast?


Colleen- how's the 'spring'cleaning coming along? You were very busy- my curtains are still waiting for you ---so anytime you'd like to take a trip to NJ, they'll be here waiting! LOL


LeaAnne- today's the day your modem is replaced, I think! Can't wait to see you posting again- missed you around here


Mary, Scooby- missing you two gals to!!


Sarah- Thinking of you and the mom and the kids. Did you get to start crocheting with your new yarn?


Vicki- Happy Friday to you!!! And while I'm remembering it, good luck to DD tomorrow! Is DH working this weekend?


Well, off to start the laundry (gotcha- thought I was going to say, off to get ready for work, didn't you?:yes) I have to head to the dreaded DMV today- hoping it's not too crowded, but I'll bring :hook and :yarn with me for the wait!


Have a fab day!:manyheart

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Joanne, may your line be short, and your DMV experience pleasant! I need to get to Trader Joe's, too.


Stacy, Have fun at the grocery store.


Shannon, I'm glad Janna did well at her speech evaulation. How do you feel about the new speech therapist? Sorry about the school. You'll find something better for her.


Vicki, Happy FRIDAY!!! I hope you have a great weekend.


LeaAnne, Mary, Colleen, Scooby, Sarah, and everyone else, happy almost weekend!!!


I found out yesterday that my favorite yarn store, which I thought went out of business, filed Chapter 13, or something, and is back open !:yay:yay:yay


My day started off wrong. I hope to rectify it by getting lots done, so it will be a nice, productive, happy day.


Love you all!:hug:hug:hug

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:hi everyone!


Shannon - I must have missed something, but I gather you found a new speech therapist for Janna? It sounds like that is off to a good start! And were you looking for a new school for long-term schooling or is that part of the speech therapy. Sorry, I'm just trying to catch up. I hope you girls are having lots of fun!


Joanne - I hope you get in and out of the DMV. It's all a matter of timing, isn't it? Enjoy your day off :c9 You deserve a day off to yourself. Enjoy your Godmother's party too! I hope you at least get to tap your toes :wink


Beth - :yay for your favourite yarn store staying open! I hope you and the kids and the kitties, etc. have a great day!


Stacy - I'm glad to hear that Mia got her cast. I hope you get lots of groceries and settle in for a fun weekend! Have you done any planting yet?


Vicki - TGIF!


:hi to LeaAnne, Mary, Sarah, Scooby Thinking about you girls and all our other friends. :hug


It has been a crazy week and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, grumpy, etc. All I want to do is curl up and read my book. DD's cough continues and reached a horrible peak yesterday late afternoon when water, medicine and the puffer didn't work and I finally got her outside in the cool air to get it under control. I haven't slept well all week and I'm ready for some healthy, quiet nights. DD is writing "letters" (aka drawing pictures) for all her friends. We just baked cookies to take over as a thank you to our neighbour for watching her while I went to a meeting at the school this morning. DD passed her swimming level and we have several weeks off before the next swimming session starts. She is very proud to be a "crocodile" now and we are proud of her for having fun and participating. DH bought her a milar balloon with fish on it to celebrate. That is our week in a nutshell. It has been absolutely beautiful here. Sunny and the snow is slowly melting (the best way for snow to go, less mud, less puddles :tup). Spring is in the air :dreaming


Have a wonderful Friday ladies! :hug:hug:hug Hugs if you need them.

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:hi, friends!


I missed you all... :hug:hug.... having no internet is the pitts!:yuck:lol

I took a few moments to scroll through quick, and would like to share something... you are all so wonderful! All I could see were :hug:hug:hug...too awesome! How lucky are we??!;)


Beth - how are your kiddies and kitties? You sure are one busy mama! How neat that you got to sit and stitch with a new :crocheting friend :U


Joanne - I am glad you are feeling better, and hopefully your trip to the DMV was a quick one, so you got some time to relax... you sure deserve a day off :yes It was fun getting to txt with you this week... it sure helped to pass the "internet-less" time:lol :ty:hug


Stacy - :eek:eek poor MIA!!!! I am glad she finally got her cast... I have been thinking of you and your girls all week:hug


Colleen - I know what you mean about weighing out the mornings only gig... I am in that boat here too... I was also in your cleaning boat this week:lol:lol Well... there was nothing else to do:shrug:rofl


Sarah - I was so happy to hear/read that things are beginning to settle a bit for DF's family. I still remember you all in my prayers.


Shannon-ness - :hug:ty, too for keeping me in the loop this week! ...and I couldn't be any happier for you that you are on a regularly scheduled maintenance... errr.... adjustment schedule! :clap

and Congrats on a great speech eval yesterday, with your little chicken! Tell her we are so very proud of her!:hug


Vicki - How are you, girl?! I missed you! Are you gonna stay up for chatty-chat-ness tonight???:devil ...oh! and :yay:jumpyay for DH's new job, and for new :yarn to play with! well worth the elf-less-ness, I'd say! You sound so happy:c9:hug


Scooby - I hope you have settled in to your new place ok... and :ty, too for the txt-y chat earlier in the week:U You are a special and fabulous person, who I feel blessed to know:hug ...we are all here, thinking of you, and are all very :excited for you to settle in to your new home, get your yarn, and come back to play with your besties!:D


...and my dear pal, Mary... hoping that you are well, and happy today:hug:hug:hug I am thinking about you.


:waving to any friends I didn't mention... I didn't mean it


I am sure I have forgotten so much that I wanted to say, but please know that I have held each of you in my heart this week, and have sent imaginary :hug to you all!


...i gotta go get everyone organized and dinner done, so I can be back later!


Luv Ya:D:manyheart

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I am stopping in quick... unfortunately, I can't stay... I am going to collect my daughters from birthday parties and "the dropoff".


:hug:hug to you all~


p.s. Shannon sends :hug's too... she couldn't make it. DH is home, and she was hoping to get to bed early.


I will stop back around 10, to see if anyone's around...


Joanne, If I miss you, have a wonderful time at the party tomorrow, and have a safe drive!


...hey, did I mention it's gonna be in the 50's here this weekend?! :yay:yay

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Hi besties! I have not been here in a couple of days. Apparently there are new filters on the computer networks at school after a high school kid hacked in to the system and brought it down a few weeks ago. Now the 'ville is blocked! They consider it a message board! I can get on to Ravelry, but not here! Uh, why would I want to get on to Ravelry when all my friends are here?

Anyway, then there was the testing nightmare. Testing itself was fine. The fact that the lead counselor did not do her job and one of the other counselors yelled at my teachers and they did not hand out the correct directions for the test was an issue. We ended up having to write up "testing irregularies statements" for the state due to the fact that the counselors did not do the right thing and tried to yell at us for it. I was not happy. And I do not like one of the counselors to begin with anyway. If she were a little bug on the ground I would squash her in an instant. That is how highly I think of her. Yes, that highly (har har). It was a lovely end to the week. SO glad it is Friday!

Tomorrow is TKD tournament. The cooler is packed already. I need to make the sandwiches tomorrow morning. DD will help me do that. Hubby can't go with me this time since he has to work but we are going to tape the match on the video camera for him. That should be fun!

Stacy - Glad to hear that Mia got her cast. Hopefully all will be well now.

Joanne - Have fun at the party tomorrow!

Shannon - Is Janna doing well with her speech?

Beth - Are you still feeling "purty" today? How is the kitty feeling?

Scooby - I hope you are doing well in your new place! Can't wait to see you back here again!

LeaAnne - How are the chickens up by you? Are they all doing well? I haven't started using my new yarn yet. I still have the baby blanket to finish! I am so far behind!

I will stick around a little to see if anyone comes here for chat.


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Vicki's green light was on when I came online- but then she probably didn't see that I was here and gave up! I feel bad that no one was here when she came for chat...


Vicki- please forgive us!! Would've liked to have a little chat with you! Good luck to DD tomorrow- and happy filming!!

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Hi Joanne and LeaAnne

I just stopped in to say Hi.

Iam working on crocheting hats right now. I don't have to think to hard for them. I have also been working on sweaters too.

That is about all Iam up tp lately. Crocheting and doing housework. Youngest DD and GD are still here but they will be going home soon. Ds is back out west and oldest DD went home last Saturday.

I think about everyone every day and I send my love and Hugs.


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My back is feeling 97.5%! LOL


Seriously, it is feeling so much better! After I went to DMV today I went to get my nails done and then decided with spring in the air to get a pedi and let me tell you sitting in that massaging chair was like heaven!!!

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