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Update on Yarn Problem from Caron: Pinkroses

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Hey Yall

Awhile back I posted that I had a Health problmes concerning the new Eco yarn from Caron


I e-mail them.

They said to send the yarn to them and they would replace it with the color of my choice for the

Simply soft

It came today:cheer:clap

I got the Chocolate brown

I am going to try to make another afahan for another sister-in-law

Done made one in the rose color


I am well pleased with the way Caron handled my "yarn problem" .:yespinkroses

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I'm glad they solved the problem for you and thanks so much for posting and letting us all know how they handled it. I'm so cynical that I am always surprised when a big company does the right thing.


This certainly makes me feel better about buying Caron yarn in the future, altho I will never buy any of that eco stuff.


Enjoy your new yarn!:hook

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WOW, Pinkroses, that is wonderful news. It's great when a company follows through and makes ammends for a potentially bad yarn. If they continue to sell this stuff, they should put a warning on the label that it could cause allergic reactions or illness due to content.

I'm just so happy that you got replacement yarn and can enjoy working with it, without the worry.

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I am so glad they handled your situation well. I however am not sure I like their responce to me. This is what I wrote to them:


I was just wondering if you had any other concerns with illness or allergic reactions from the eco simply soft yarn. I have an allergy to latex and had very similar reactions while crocheting with this yarn. I bought 3 skeins and after about 10 minutes of crocheting I began to get a severe itching on my hands and they began to get a rash on them where the yarn had been rubbing against them. I also began to feel ill. I put it away and washed my hands. It took about an hour before I felt better but the rash lasted about a day and a half. I was not totally sure it was from the yarn so I did not use it for a few days. About a week later I picked it up and started working on my project again with the same results. I ended up having to give this yarn away. Two of my friends tried it out. One non allergic and one with the same allergies as I. my non allergic friend had no reaction yet the friend with the same allergies to latex also became ill. her symptoms were much less than mine as she only developed a rash which went away after a few hours. I wanted to make you aware of this and ask if anyone else is reporting these same symptoms. I am not sure what would cause this to happen but it may be worth looking into as many of the projects I use simply soft for are baby items. I have gone back to using the original simply soft with no problems.


And here was there responce to me:


Thank you for your email.


Our acrylic yarns are made from synthetic materials and as a result are inherently non allergenic and anti–bacterial. However, that depends on the person. Some people have sensitivity and are allergy to any product.. We have employees who handle our yarns daily with no reaction.


I will send your email to our QC Manager.



It took several weeks for them to respond at all and so far this is all I have received back from them. I really dont think there is going to be any other feedback from them but that is kind of what I espected. They are not saying there is no problem but they are not really saying this is a concern to them either. Don't get me wrong this is an exceptable responce as they are saying some people mey be sensetive but they are not really showing a lot of concern either.


I showed this responce to a few friends and some were outraged by what they considered to be non concern about an issue brought to their attention. I however not crazy about their answer, was ok with it as they did say they would pass the information on to the qc department. Remeber I did not ask for anything I just stated that I had an issue and they responded by stating that some people are more sensitive than others. Ok maybe they could have stated this a little better but it is an exceptable responce.

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Granny square. I sent the Eco yarn back

I got the Simply soft in return

I have already worked with that type and love it !!

It does make a difference when big companies exchange things if you have problems with it.:yes


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Glad everything worked out. These yarn companies want to know when there is a problem, so that it can be fixed.


And the lovely yarn in return is very nice too.



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Glad to hear you got new yarn Pinkroses. I will probably not bother to buy this yarn. If the pieces of "lint" didn't turn me off, this does. I can't imagine making anything for a baby with it. I'll stick with the tried and true. Tammy, I think they should have done or said a little more for you. I can imagine them "passing it on to the QC dept". I dunno, I always think of the QC Dept. as this little wastebasket next to their desk. :lol

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I've found that it makes a difference in which email address you use to contact Caron.


Don't use the one you find at Caron.com, use whatever the contact address is at shopcaron.com. The emails apparently go to different people and the one at Shopcaron is MUCH more helpful and nice.


Good luck.

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Pinkroses, I'm happy the matter got resolved positively for you but I'm perplexed to see the reaction wiz3283 got. Fortunately for me I worked with it the other day for over an hour and it didn't bother me so I think I'll be OK using this yarn.

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