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Ungreatful or Justifide?-Update Post 30

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You mean, this woman jumped the gun..took orders for your bags, set a price.. AND a deadline.. ALL without your offcial say-so? She's the one who is going to look foolish three weeks from now, not you. You are perfectly justified to tell her you never agreed to such a 'contract." You are under no obligation to her or her club members. IF you want to take on this project after the holidays, you can let this club know what your prices are, and set your own deadlines. This woman was way out line here. You are under NO obligation to work for less than minimum wage anyway! She is taking advantage of your generosity.



Well, i had a reply thought up, but this above post says my thoughts better:)

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I agree with all the others. There is absolutely no reason for her to have decided that you should do the bags at a ridiculous price in a short amount of time without consulting you first. And since you were not able to get back to her, she should have realized that there may have been problems and that is why you were unable to give her a definitive answer.


She should now be responsible for notifying those that were promised the items. You have no obligation to bow down to her tactics.


LI Roe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the support everyone. Sorry it's taken me a while to respond we lost our internet service for a while but we were able to upgrade to broadband :yay.

I really gave this ALOT of thought and decided that I would make only six bags to see if these people really want them or if she was just being hopeful. I have been toying with the idea of selling some items I make but thought that no one would pay a fair price so after mulling it over I felt like this may have been what I needed to get moving and give it a try.

I found several cones of cotton on sale so I bought a few, I have done six bags. After the first two I got on a roll and found that I can do one bag an evening with the help of a few tv shows :P.


When I give them to her I will make sure she understands that this is it for the rest of the year if anyone wants more they will have to wait until the end of January and I may have to raise the price as well. This time I will make a profit because the yarn was so cheap. Having watched and learned from the mistakes of my step-fathers home based business I know what I need to do and how to make sure I am not getting cheated. My mom has been great, she was just as suprised as me because she crochets sometimes too and she knows how long it takes to make a bag.


36 dollars may not seem like much but hey every bit counts and right now if someone wants to open their wallet and give me some cash who am I to argue. :hook:hook

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  • 3 weeks later...

The friend apologized and said she understands that she should have called me before taking orders for me, I can say in all honesty that her heart was in the right place. Well all the bags sold and more have been ordered but under MY terms. It is nice to see that people appreciate handmade items. Several people asked if I made other cotton items so maybe my washcloths will sell too. :hook

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The friend apologized and said she understands that she should have called me before taking orders for me, I can say in all honesty that her heart was in the right place. Well all the bags sold and more have been ordered but under MY terms. It is nice to see that people appreciate handmade items. Several people asked if I made other cotton items so maybe my washcloths will sell too. :hook



Good for you! Way to go!

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the friend apologized and said she understands that she should have called me before taking orders for me, i can say in all honesty that her heart was in the right place. Well all the bags sold and more have been ordered but under my terms. It is nice to see that people appreciate handmade items. Several people asked if i made other cotton items so maybe my washcloths will sell too. :hook




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Just say back to this woman "$60 per bag, that's great - thanks for organising that" in front of the group and then let her sweat as she wiggles out if it with the other ladies!! :bounce


:rofl :rofl :rofl I love this! :lol



Zeropixie - I'm so glad that everything worked out in the end and there are no lingering hard feelings :hug

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