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Is yarn free?

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I can't tell you how many times I've been sitting there, happily crocheting, with $50 or $60 worth of yarn sitting in my tote next to me waiting to be worked into the project, and someone has come up to me and said, "Oh WOW! That's BEAUTIFUL! I'd love one of those! Would it be hard for you to do another one?" I really wish I could just look up and tell them woefully that my crochet schedule is pretty much full, but I don't want to put them off or drive them away, because you never know! I wish I could come up with a gentle way to tell them that I can't afford to just donate the yarn to the project.

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My Aunt is an avid crocheter & knitter and told me recently about this phenomenon :eek


She told me that if the person is just an acquaintance, she tells them that she just has too much going on right now :wink. But if its a close friend or family member she is honest about the time it may take and then has that person BUY THE YARN themselves and give it to her.


As she said, "I really enjoy making these special people handcrafted things, but I'm not rich!"




EXACTLY! I totally agree with your aunt! :yes

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I've been having people ask me to make stuff as well. Honestly I have been busy making holiday potholders and things for friends and family as gifts for the holidays. I had a co worker ask me to make a couple large bags and and a few blankets and she wanted it in a week!! I told her that those items takes me awhile and that I don't do deadlines. and I told her that supplies to make those items would be well over a hundred bucks and if she helps me by buying the stuff or giving me the money to buy than I'll make them. people don't know how much time goes into our craft I tell ya.

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I was not ready for this side of things when I began to crochet. The very first thing a friend said to me as I was learning was, "This means GIFTS!" LOL! What's most difficult for me is that she knows I'm crafting for Christmas~and I had a plan to do the same thing for all the women. She made sure to tell me all her likes and dislikes and even what colors are her favorites, and stupid me is making her something else that's ends up being MUCH more time consuming. She really IS a great friend, but due to my own decision I am overwhelmed.... (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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that sounds so much like my niece who always thinks i'm a machine she always signs me up for projects that are due like yesterday and that i can just go outside and pull the yarn from my yarn tree:lol




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See this is how I am, If I WANT to make something for someone as a gift I will take the time to make something.. it shows them how much I care for them. But if someone wants me to make something I'll be like pay for the materials and allow me time to do it in...:hook Hey a crocheter has gotta put her foot down right?

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I made a christening gown for a co-worker. She asked me for a set price, and then had all kinds of changes that had to be made for it. I upped my price for it, and she was upset.


She had gotten the picture of what she wanted off the internet with a price tag of $200. So when I upped my price from $45 to $60, I don't think I was being unreasonable.


The dress had an extra 12 inches in length, the hat had to be customized, etc. Plus, I had to do all the shopping for the supplies, like buttons etc.


Never again for me. Plus, I only had a month to make it. So every night, I was busy working on this.


So I won't undertake any projects like that again. I learned my lesson.



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Try telling them "You buy the yarn, and I'll make it and tell you what you still owe me."


They may just be complimenting you on your work though.

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Lately I have taken to telling people that I would gladly teach them how to crochet so that they can make the requested item themselves. I have given away like 5 hooks and balls of yarn just from showing guests at my home the basics. Unfortunately I don't think anyone has really followed through. But at least they understand a little bit better the amount of work that it takes.

Following the old 'teach a man to fish' idea, huh? But no, most people really don't get how much of our time & love go into what we make. The ones who do are the ones who cherish what we make for them.



I can't tell you how many times I've been sitting there, happily crocheting, with $50 or $60 worth of yarn sitting in my tote next to me waiting to be worked into the project, and someone has come up to me and said, "Oh WOW! That's BEAUTIFUL! I'd love one of those! Would it be hard for you to do another one?" I really wish I could just look up and tell them woefully that my crochet schedule is pretty much full, but I don't want to put them off or drive them away, because you never know! I wish I could come up with a gentle way to tell them that I can't afford to just donate the yarn to the project.

I've had people do this to me too. I just look at them and tell them the yarn for this cost me "x" dollars. I'll be glad to make it for you for "x" price. That amount covers the cost of the yarn AND my time. Or you can borrow the pattern & make it yourself. It's really not difficult once you get the hang of it. But I've been doing this for over 30 years. They usually just gasp, say something like I didn't realize or just walk away. Very few will say ok. For those few, I gladly will cut my price a bit.

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Oh boy, I know what you are talking about. I made a blanket when my (now 8) cousin was born and he liked a knitted one better and wore it out, knowing nothing about knitting, my aunt still asked me to fix it, then when that didn't work she asked me to make another one in the same colors only crocheted. I did. He ruinned that one because he chewed on it and then she asked for another, this time said she'd pay and buy the yarn, she bought only 2/3 of the yarn and I spent another 30 on it because she wanted a large bed sized one since he's getting older and she bought 2 oz skeins, 4 of them and expected it to make a whole blanket. It's been a year and she hasn't paid me yet but he has the afghan.

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Oh, if yarn were free, could you imagine how much bigger the stashes would be? :D


(Hey that rhymed lol)


ROFL!!! I think I would be buried in yarn. Nobody would be able to see the house. The would wonder where Melody went, they can't see anything but a giant pile of yarn!! :think




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