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So tell me~do you crochet really fast?

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It really depends... Sometimes if I'm distracted I'll be lucky to get a couple of squares... but if I'm in "the zone" I can make a lapghan in a day or two... For example... I made my daughter a granny ghan in 2 days flat. She wanted a matching pillow... A month later it still wasn't done. I'd say for me it's all about inspiration.

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I go fairly fast most of the time. Anything done in patterns I already know (granny squares, motif designs, etc.) I go really fast. New things where I have to look at the pattern a lot slows me down. I'm more in the "do it right" group.

Ellie 13

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I'm what would probably be a "medium" speed crocheter. I go for accuracy because of making too many mistakes on past projects and I get tired of frogging a piece. Also, I'm too much of a perfectionist (so I've been told)


FYI: Here's a link to the fastest crocheter on record: Crocheter

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I think I can go pretty fast. If I need to I can finish a hat in 40 min to an hour, depending on pattern. I get irritated with patterns that require to much concentration and slow me down. I want to complete things, I want to do them right, but mostly I love that feeling of having created something. To speed myself up I watched my stitches and tried to eliminate extra movements. If I need to yarn over and pull through a stitch I try to do it all in one motion instead of yo, pull up, pull through. The more extra moves I can eliminate, the faster I can go.

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Crocheting is not a speed sport, why even bother about speed? I would go for accuracy myself. Remember the tortise and the hare? Slow and steady wins the race.


I totally agree. Why bother with speed? I am sure by many standards, I am pretty slow but I don't really care. I shoot for accuracy in tension and stitches. I would much rather have an extremely nice piece crocheted at a comfortable pace with lots of love and enjoyment poured into it than one sloppily done simply because I want to crochet faster. I crochet just for the hobby and for pure pleasure and enjoyment, not to see how fast I can be. I feel like if I try to go fast, I am making more mistakes than it is actually worth :lol:lol and I am not actually enjoying what I am making even if it is one of my favorite patterns. I hate froggn'. But hey, if you can crochet fast and turn out a nice project, I commend you :clap.

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I totally agree. Why bother with speed?


I shoot for accuracy in tension and stitches. I would much rather have an extremely nice piece crocheted at a comfortable pace with lots of love and enjoyment poured into it than one sloppily done simply because I want to crochet faster.


I crochet just for the hobby and for pure pleasure and enjoyment, not to see how fast I can be. I feel like if I try to go fast, I am making more mistakes than it is actually worth :lol:lol and I am not actually enjoying what I am making even if it is one of my favorite patterns.


I hate froggn'. But hey, if you can crochet fast and turn out a nice project, I commend you :clap.


I have to tell you - I just love your post!!!:manyheart


Why do I crochet fast? cuz there's so many other things I want to make! but I never go faster than accuracy and tension allow. Sloppy work is just not acceptable for me and frogging is an awful thing!


I do agree with crazy crochet as well - it's not a speed sport (unless you have a deadline lolol) but just to sit back and relax with my yarn is a little slice of heaven to me.

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I loved what you had to share, RoseRed! I tend to do everything slooow~when I was a hairstylist I never got faster than spending one hour on a haircut. I don't see anything wrong with thinking about increasing my speed~drills are a great idea~and it's not about making it a speed sport or being sloppy! Just a fun Q to glean from everyone, so I was surprised to see a negative slant on it. (((((HUGS))))) sandi~I also have a lot of extra movements I'm sure slow me down!

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I've definitely picked up speed over the years. I didn't realize it until a couple years ago when our local Michael's had a speed crochet and knit contest. I won it, by quite a bit. I had no idea. I got a really nice bag, a couple pattern books and a set of crochet hooks, so I thought that was pretty nice!


:hook Colleen

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