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Forgive me, for I know not what I do....*UPDATE*

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Okay, i've figured out what i'm doing with this beautiful yarn....





please forgive the yuckiness of the pic (it's cell) It really doesnt do the pattern justice, but my teenager has taken my camera again! hah


It is something I came up with myself and am considering writing a pattern IF I can get a few more kinks worked out...I WILL post a better pic soon


Thanks everyone! :manyheart




Is there an AA for yarnaholics??


My DH has been asking me to make him a blanket since well, since I made my very first square...

YEARS ago I bought a LOAD of yarn - I was very inexperienced and just winging it and thought I knew all about what I was doing and just started willy-nilly making these 7 ft long strips in a granny stitch..

I quickly ran out of yarn and now have these gigantor strips that I can't figure what ever to do with them and they've been sitting in a bin in my basement for -no joke - like 8 years


Anywho, since the demise of the afghan-to-nowhere, I have practiced, greatly improved my work, made oodles of things for people - the kids - scarves galore - baby blankets etc etc and so on and narry a stitch for him

(and he has reminded me EVERY time I sit down to work on ANYTHING that he wished he had a blanket to curl up in ...yadda yadda yadda)


SO - sorry this is soo long winded, I wanna get it all out already...it's therapeutic - I go to AC Moore two weeks ago and LO and BEHOLD there's the elusive Bernat "Great Value" Chunky (not the aran i've been looking for for MONTHS to finish ANOTHER baby blanket, but thats another story) In ALL boyish colors - well, I all but flopped! I started grabbing skeins (and they are NOT small) and tossing them in my cart with no care as to what I would be making or what the pattern would be - I just knew it would be for him and the Bernat "Great Value" chunky dissapears without a trace so I'd better grab what I could...


I now have this...





These are 400g each solid color. 300g for the varigated @ $7.99 a skein

I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do and I'm starting to feel like the 7 ft strips are mocking me from all the way down in the bottom of that storage bin in the basement...



thanks for listening....


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:hugs You could make a ghan out of the yarn you just purchased and join the gi-ganto strips to make another. If that is too much, just make a ghan out of the chunky that followed you home :lol and give it to DH. :)

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You have the yarn I'm looking for but I need it in hot pink. You say you got that yarn 2 weeks ago? I bought that yarn last yr. I believe and it's been discontinued and can't find it anywhere.




I've been looking high and low for the aran


I think it's a special "once in a while" thing - they had two color schemes this time...one was the blues and the other was pinks and both end boxes had tear off free patterns with afghans in each color scheme.....


If anyone has or can get the Aran, I'd love to get my hands on some!! I have a baby blanket I started LAST time I saw this yarn - it is WONDERFUL to work with - ALSO a big reason why I just started grabbing skeins up...I know they're going to dissappear again!!!


Here's the other problem....I kinda wanna keep it a surprise...so I was thinking maybe 12 in squares or something...


Oh and the strips are OUT...i'm not using them.....they're too stressful!...haha ( plus they're black and white - both speckled - wouldn't work

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love the colors. you could make a really neat looking color sequence in a round ripple with those colors for hubby.

That was my original thought, too! I saw those, and immediately a beautiful round ripple image came to mind.


But then I saw where you want to keep it a surprise. 12-inch squares would definitely be easier to do in order to KEEP it a surprise (but you'd have to get rid of him for a good while in order to assemble them all).


I'm seriously thinking of using The Crochet Dude's Cat Tracks pattern to make an afghan for our bed. This one seems really simple, and would look good all in one color OR with multiple colors. This one's good too. CPC has a huge list of 12" square patterns, so I'd suggest starting there. I'm sure something will jump out of your screen screaming "make me!! make me!!":hook

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How tall is your hubby? a 7foot ghan might just be perfect.


When I made Jimbo's flannelghan he asked for a 7 footer! IT's huge but perfect!



Well, he's like 6'5"? 6'7"?


but now i'm wondering if I'll have enough?!?!?

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I still pull out old ghan's I started years ago and frog them for something new. I ripped apart one I made 7 years ago because I lost the pattern and didn't know the hook I'd used either. That's still sitting in a ball in the living room.


Those colors are fun, I'd say a ripple if you can. It may be iffy as to the length because he's so tall. Those are hard ones to make! I did a 7ft one last year in the thermal stitch for hubby's Christmas gift. I had to pull a few all nighters to finish that one!

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What if you made some complementary solid color 7' granny strips, and then just join them with the other ones that you have? Alternate 1 solid, and then 1 of the ones that you already have.

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