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Laughing at myself

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Ok, I am one of those people that if something major is going on, something else will go wrong with me :D I am sitting here 9 months pregnant, they are going to induce me on Thrusday (hopefully).


Over last weekend I caught a mild cold with a pretty bad cough, not to big a deal right? Other then now I sound like a heavy smoker and could send myself into labor with the coughing.


But the kicker is last night the kids were outside playing and I wanted to sit out with them. There were bird sized bugs flying around, so I brought out the bug spray and protected myself and the kids. Well last night about 9ish, my right eye lid felt funny and kinda itchy, I look in the mirror and lo it is swollen to 2 or 3 times is size!! At first i thought maybe I got some of the bug spray in it, but looking at it, a stupid sketter bit me right next to the lid. Now the whole darn thing is so big I can hardly keep it open. Doc say not a whole lot to do about it, just grin and bear it.


Hubby laughs at me, give me this picture of a very pregnant women, who sounds like a chain smoker and now looks drunk with a droopy eye. Geez, I can't wait for this week to be over!!! :lol:lol:lol


Thanks for letting me vent!

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I am so glad that I am not the only one that has the when it rains it pours thing going on. I hope that you week gets better and that the delivery goes well. I am sending you big hugs. You are welcome to vent any time you need to.

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I am so sorry for laughing,:roflbut how I remember swollen eyes from bug bites. They seem to always, no matter how many people were out, they always found me, and my eyes.

Many a times I came home from camping with swollen eyes.

Ah you week has to get better and just think, soon you will have a little one to hold. Take care and I will be anxiously waiting to see a picture of the little one.:hug

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You poor thing! As if being 9 months pregnant isn't uncomfortable enough! At least it seems that you are keeping a sense of humor - you should have your husband take a picture, you can laugh at it later....

I hope you are feeling better and your delivery will go well. (Congratulations!)

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Sorry about the eye! But you will have a precious gift on Thurs. and we will be celebrating my precious gift's second birthday. I want to see pictures when the baby gets here. :hug

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Thanks ladies :) I will post pictures as soon as I can. This whole pregnancy has been a good laughing matter from the get go. You know when you tell God that you are done and He says "oh really???" That is what this baby has been. He will be a huge blessing in our life, and other then little things going on with me, our lives are coming together nicely. (like, we just bought our house, and I get to be a stay at home mommy) So I can laugh at the little things (and maybe cry a little too, after all I AM pregnant lol) and count our blessings.

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Sorry to hear about your eye. I wish I could be the one with the 9 month baby bump but don't look like it'll happen for me. Take a pic and show it to the when he grows up. It's a boy right?

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You poor love! You must feel a right mess at the moment. I'm due in 8 weeks with my first and already feel like a lumbering idiot....and I keep seeming to knock things over...I thought it was just me that these things happen to.


Glad you can keep a sense of humour about it, and congratulations on little Caiden arriving soon.

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