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Your Copyrights Are Threatened: Don't Let Congress Orphan Your Work

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I received an e-mail from Sandie at [crochetcabana] about the Orphan Works Bill. I recommend we all be aware of what is going on with this.




Follow the link and at the bottom of the page it has Bill Name/Description which will take you to a page that explains what these bills actually mean.


I have myself sent opposition letters to both congressman and senator earlier today.


There is also a sample letter and where to send them for non-U.S. residents. At the top of the page on the above link, click where it says special link in blue.

I tried to post the link but I couldn't get it to work.

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I got this as well.


I am guessing that I wouldn't have any protection and no one is going to listen to what a Canuck has to say on this issue. All of my postings are to American sites.

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Thank you for pointing this out. I had not hear about it so I am very greatful. Supposedly New Mexico has more artist per capita than anyother state so it is scary to think that my entire state could be devistated legaly and financaly if this is passed. I have contacted both my congresswoman and senator about this.

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I haven't been very familiar with this bill, but have been doing some research online. Here are a couple of links that include opinions from both sides of the issue, so you can understand the problem they are trying to address.






Personally, I wouldn't write letters to my representatives from either position until I was sure I understood the discussion well enough to have an informed opinion. (At this point, I don't.)

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I have had to delete several statements and posts from this thread that were not in keeping with our forum guidelines for various reasons (hostile, inflammatory, causing drama, etc.).


Not everyone is going to agree on this issue. Please keep our forum guidelines in mind when posting responses. You may discuss the issues involved, but you may NOT attack another member or post hostile, inflammatory statements about others who don't agree with your position on this issue.


If there are any more personal attacks or a feeling of just general nastiness towards others in this thread, I'm going to close it. I really don't want to do that.

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I want to apologize to anyone I offended :hug. I was by no means saying that handmade jewelry is not art, next to painting jewelry is one of the oldest recorded art forms. My senior class ring is handmade as is the silver and turquoise necklace that my sister had made for me when I found out I was pregnant. My wording was wrong I was trying to talk about the people that would buy something and then sell the item as their own work. I know several designers here have had this happen and I have read the frustration and saddness in their posts.

Arts and crafts are in my blood, my mom and grandmother are writers, my stepsister is an artist of many mediums, my brother is a metal artist and my stepfather was a master carpenter and my sister sings. My DD is showing a great ability with pen drawings already.

Just being here I am in constant awe of the work I see not to mention the desire to pass crafting traditions down to younger generations. I hope that you will forgive me for causing offence to anyone or sounding flat out mean that was not my intention at all. :hug

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I want to apologize to anyone I offended :hug. I was by no means saying that handmade jewelry is not art, next to painting jewelry is one of the oldest recorded art forms. My senior class ring is handmade as is the silver and turquoise necklace that my sister had made for me when I found out I was pregnant. My wording was wrong I was trying to talk about the people that would buy something and then sell the item as their own work. I know several designers here have had this happen and I have read the frustration and saddness in their posts.

Arts and crafts are in my blood, my mom and grandmother are writers, my stepsister is an artist of many mediums, my brother is a metal artist and my stepfather was a master carpenter and my sister sings. My DD is showing a great ability with pen drawings already.

Just being here I am in constant awe of the work I see not to mention the desire to pass crafting traditions down to younger generations. I hope that you will forgive me for causing offence to anyone or sounding flat out mean that was not my intention at all. :hug


I will admit that when I read your post last night I was extremely upset by that particular statement. I thought about it for a minute, then clicked the back button instead of the reply button, because I knew if I replied, I would have said something I shouldn't have. Being a jewelry maker, that really ticked me off.


You may want to go into your post and edit it.....explain in it what you meant. Once that statement is read, they may not read further to see your apology. They may read it and fire back at you and start another round of posts that Amy will have to delete and then close the thread, and I know she doesn't like to have to close threads.

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