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Member of my Crochet Group Got Hurt Today.

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I went to my knit/crochet group this afternoon, as I do every Wednesday. It's really one of my fav places to be. We chit chat, have coffee and cookies, knit, crochet and play cards. Well of the the young ladies (a lovely 79) tripped and smashed straight into a wall. She hit her head and we are quite sure dislocated her hip or worse. We had to call the ambulance. All of us just kinda hung around afterwards, trying to digest. I admit I am very worried about her. I think I am going to make her some nice slippers to keep her feet warm. I doubt she will be out of the hospital right away, but you never know.


I just needed to air it out as it's really bugging me. She is a lovely woman and seeing her getting hurt this badly was very disturbing. I won't get anymore news on her condition till Friday, so if I don't talk about this I think I'll explode.



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Thanks ladies. It's nice just to be able to have talked about it a bit and know that I was heard. I really appreciate it. I will let you guys know how she's doing as soon as I know.





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So sorry to hear of her accident. At least she was where people could react quickly. The slippers will keep her in your thoughts and let her know you were caring about her when she was in the hospital.

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How awful!! I hope she has a speedy recovery with no lasting ill effects from her fall. Poor thing, I feel so badly for her! It's so difficult many times for an older person to bounce back from an injury like that, I will keep her in my thoughts.

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Thanks everyone. I thought about the lapghan also, but I want to wait and see if she is stuck in the hospital or a chair first. If she is I'm pretty sure I could sway them to make squares. Meanwhile I have the perfect yarn picked out for her slippers and I will be starting those tomorrow.


I'm off to read and relax before bed. Have a good night ladies and again, thank you so much for the support.



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Well I just got the update. She broke her hip and is in surgery as we speak. I think we are all kinda still reeling from the shock right now. All of us were very twitchy whenever someone so much as coughed today. On Wednesday I will bring up the lapghan as an idea for her. She will be in the hospital for at least the next six weeks, maybe even longer. I'm not sure how I feel right now. I just kinda feel.. lost I think.



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So sorry to hear about your friend. If they replace her hip, you will likely be amazed at how quickly she will be up and about. I am a physical therapist (my "real" job) and we usually get the folks with new hips out of bed the next day and get them walking. She will likely be on a walker for awhile, though. My thoughts and prayers go out to your friend, and I know she would love whatever you and the group decide to make for her. I am sure she will feel the love in every stitch! :hug

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They will probably move her from the hospital to a rehab center as soon as possible, when my aunt had her hips both replaced at the same time, they had her in rehab at a nursing home/rehab center very quickly. Better to be away from hospitals and all the germs while doing PT and recovering.

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Well I just got the update. She broke her hip and is in surgery as we speak. I think we are all kinda still reeling from the shock right now. All of us were very twitchy whenever someone so much as coughed today. On Wednesday I will bring up the lapghan as an idea for her. She will be in the hospital for at least the next six weeks, maybe even longer. I'm not sure how I feel right now. I just kinda feel.. lost I think.





Oh, Sore, I'm SO sorry to hear about your friend! It's often very difficult for older people to recuperate from this type of surgery, especially when the surgery is necessitated by an injury. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers, that she has a speedy, uneventful recovery and is back with your crochet group soon.


Try to keep her "up" mentally. Perhaps once she gets past the first couple of painful weeks after the surgery you can start visiting her in the hospital and take your crocheting with you. Maybe you can get her to crochet while she's there, it would certainly make her stay less boring and it would keep her mind occupied. And that way you could still have your crochet meetings and she would be able to attend, because the meetings would come to her. Her mental outlook is going to be as important as her physical health at this time, and you ladies can help her through that.

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Thanks for all the suggestions and support everyone. I love the idea of going to crochet with her! An excellent idea. We have postponed a charity crochet we were going to do, as my injured friend was one of our main ladies for it and none of us want to do it without her. Our rehab is in our hospital so we know she won't be moved.


I've had a tough time dealing with this. Lucky me, I have a severe stress disorder and this just amped up my symptoms. So I've been spending a lot of time with the therapist on this to try to keep my symptoms in control. I'm behind on my crochet rows, my house is in disorder etc.. So the next few days I'm going to try to catch myself back up and get some normalcy going again. It's funny too, crocheting helps me relax and keep symptoms at bay and what do I do when I'm stressed? Stop crocheting. Sometimes I wonder about myself.


So I'm off to get rows done before I get Krystal's mojo bat chasing me down. :crocheting



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This is a sad story! If she is like my boss, a hip replacement will be a good thing, and she'll be up moving around soon. It's so frightening when a friend has an accident like that which could happen to any of us. (My boss was in a car wreck...)


So your house is a mess - it's not going anywhere, it will wait until you are ready to deal with it. ;) Fix a cup of tea, crochet a bit, say a prayer for your friend.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well I got a very sad update. My lovely crochet buddy died from complications of the surgery. I missed the funeral as it was last week. I'm still in shock a bit I think. I really wasn't expecting this. We were all looking forward to her coming back. I signed the condolences card for her family and decided to go home. I just want to have some quiet time and process this. :(



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