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Got to share this. You will not believe what my hubby has done. He came in with 4 big shelf units (got to put together). Guess what he said they were for? ME! He is wanting to set me up a crochet room. He said that as much as I love to crochet, that he thought it was about time that he did so. Wasn't that the sweetest thing?

It sure was a nice surprise. He has got all these plans he is going on and on telling me about what he has in mind. I told to to slow down. Then I ask him, oh oh, what have you done? He laughed and said, nothing, that he just wanted to do this for his sweatie.

Sure was a kick in the head.


P.S. What was so ironic, Amber just put something on the forum today about setting up a room. Made me wish, then he came in with this surprise, what a kick in the head.

Amber's post: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7440

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Congrats, Kahud!! My hubby did a similar thing for me about a month ago. I've been promising pictures but keep forgetting or I get caught up in my crocheting or daily life. Tomorrow I promise to show my Yarn Furniture even tho it's now an unorganized mess again. :blush

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