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Crochet World April 2008-what do you think?


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Hello all:)


I just received my subscription to CW April 2008 and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Not to impressed with the patterns offered, it seems as if the last few issues have been that way. Thinking about not renewing,how about you?

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I get it too. What makes me angry is that I was subscribed to a plastic canvas magazine and crochet world. Well, the plastic canvas magazine stopped being made and so they switched my subscription to crochet world! I already had one! I should have been given some other option.


The only thing I kind of liked was the blanket and bear which I am actually working on. The blanket is so small though. I made it a little bigger-or I am anyway. But only by a few inches. I am making it for my new grand nephew who will be joining us in May. I agree that the patterns haven't been so great lately. You are not alone.

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I get it too. What makes me angry is that I was subscribed to a plastic canvas magazine and crochet world. Well, the plastic canvas magazine stopped being made and so they switched my subscription to crochet world! I already had one! I should have been given some other option.


The only thing I kind of liked was the blanket and bear which I am actually working on. The blanket is so small though. I made it a little bigger-or I am anyway. But only by a few inches. I am making it for my new grand nephew who will be joining us in May. I agree that the patterns haven't been so great lately. You are not alone.


I liked the blanket and bear too, I'll go ahead and renew it, but if the choice of pattens continues in the same mode, I'll have to think about it.

Think you should've had a different option too---hope they gave you credit and that you ended up with one magazine:) congrats on your new nephew:)

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I loved the pajama bear in Feb :manyheart, but I have to admit, April's issue was a huge disappointment,:( esp for an anniversary issue. :think I was underwhelmed. I've been getting this mag for a few years, and almost every issue has had at least a couple patterns I'd like to do, but this one, not so much. My subscription is renewed out a few years, so they have time to improve for me, we'll have to see. I've always liked the variety in this one, not all fashion focused, or other "one-theme" like so many other mags seem (at least, the ones I can find) the potpourri and Q&A type sections are nice too, generally.

Okay, that's my :2c

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I've been debating renewing, and leaning toward not, and will let them know why. I've had to contact them the last 3 issues because I did not receive. This last time, I listed each issue I'd missed, had to call after a month and have re-sent, when a subscription should get to you automatically.

I got an email today letting me know they're changing distributors in Canada, and that should smooth things out...fine.

BUT, not a single apology, which surprised me, because businesses usually do apologize for stuff like that.

On the up-side, they're not waiting till I contact them next month about March/April's issue (I JUST TODAY got Jan/Feb's issue!!! out in December), but are re-sending this one already.

As for the patterns, I haven't had a chance to look through the last issue yet, but I'm thinking there are so many cute patterns online, and most designers selling their patterns have wonderful customer service, I just might not renew.

Pateeater, congrats on your soon to arrive grand nephew!


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I've been debating renewing, and leaning toward not, and will let them know why. I've had to contact them the last 3 issues because I did not receive. This last time, I listed each issue I'd missed, had to call after a month and have re-sent, when a subscription should get to you automatically.

I got an email today letting me know they're changing distributors in Canada, and that should smooth things out...fine.

BUT, not a single apology, which surprised me, because businesses usually do apologize for stuff like that.

On the up-side, they're not waiting till I contact them next month about March/April's issue (I JUST TODAY got Jan/Feb's issue!!! out in December), but are re-sending this one already.

As for the patterns, I haven't had a chance to look through the last issue yet, but I'm thinking there are so many cute patterns online, and most designers selling their patterns have wonderful customer service, I just might not renew.

Pateeater, congrats on your soon to arrive grand nephew!



Crochetsal: sorry you've had such bad service--you're right about the patterns online, there are so many cute ones and I'm looking at the invoice now for CW and I just cannot make my mind up:think I usually find several patterns I like in the mag, but the last few issues just didn't work for me, I keep renewing thinking it'll change.

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I loved the pajama bear in Feb :manyheart, but I have to admit, April's issue was a huge disappointment,:( esp for an anniversary issue. :think I was underwhelmed. I've been getting this mag for a few years, and almost every issue has had at least a couple patterns I'd like to do, but this one, not so much. My subscription is renewed out a few years, so they have time to improve for me, we'll have to see. I've always liked the variety in this one, not all fashion focused, or other "one-theme" like so many other mags seem (at least, the ones I can find) the potpourri and Q&A type sections are nice too, generally.

Okay, that's my :2c


I like the Q&A sections too---it's always interesting:)

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I used to always buy Crochet World on the newsstand but for about the past year or so I've noticed that the quality of patterns offered weren't worth the price. I always check out each issue and hope it'll turn around but it never seems to. I have several older issues and love them but these newer ones just aren't all that great IMO.


I really like Crochet Today. Usually they have at least 4-5 patterns in each issue that I end up making which is incredible and as always I love Crochet! Mag even though I read that more for inspiration than for pattern making.


I wish there were more options for us crocheters!

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I used to always buy Crochet World on the newsstand but for about the past year or so I've noticed that the quality of patterns offered weren't worth the price. I always check out each issue and hope it'll turn around but it never seems to. I have several older issues and love them but these newer ones just aren't all that great IMO.


I really like Crochet Today. Usually they have at least 4-5 patterns in each issue that I end up making which is incredible and as always I love Crochet! Mag even though I read that more for inspiration than for pattern making.


I wish there were more options for us crocheters!


More options would be nice:) I've haven't tried Crochet Today, what type of patterns do they seem to lean towards?

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Well, I've finally decided NOT to re-subscribe to CW.

There are so many designers with better patterns, plus, thanks to this forum, I've found many patterns that I'd like to try---I couldn't justify re-subscribing:) SO, now, I'll just check the mag on the stand when its issued, and if I like it, I'll buy it, if not----

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A long time ago I really loved Crochet World, bought every issue. Now, the patterns to me are not worth the price of the magazine. They usually have maybe one good pattern such as the bear blanket in the current issue, but most of the rest range from uninspired to downright useless. I do still buy it once in a while, but Crochet Today, in my opinion is so much nicer and has a wide variety of patterns geared to many interests. Its too bad about Crochet World as it was one of the pioneer crochet magazines.

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