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Disgusted and a bit discouraged

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She's ungrateful obviously. Those dresses are beautiful! I have a simliar issue with my daughter and her boy. I make him things and she never lets him use them. I am sorry that she's not using those dresses because you did excellent work on it. You are quite talented.

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I agree she should have told you before you made the second set, and watched you measure them..........but i'm one that will not put my babies in crochet or knit clothing. They make me HOT looking at them wearing all that warm yarn....and since i dont' put my babies in them, i won't make any for anyone else.....I keep it safe and make blankets and I have yet heard someone say they did not like them. I Have a friend who is very picky about homemade stuff so instead of surpriseing her i consult with her and make sure i dont' make something that will not be used.


I am truly sorry you had to find out after making a SECOND set.....that was very rude.

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Thank you all so much for the encouragement, I guess I have been spoiled since everyone has liked and appreciated what I have done. The girl in question is only 16 and I guess has some more growing up to do. She loves girly things, just not homemade girly. Its quite ironic because my cousin in LA saw them and said she would find something like that in a designer boutique. lol


I do wish she had told me and no, she doesn't have trouble with her opinion normally. lol


I am working right now on the six year old size but will post the 12-24 month after one more draft if everyone doesn't want to wait for the rest of the sizes.


I intend to make a layette for a newborn-3 month based on this design after I am done with the 12/24, 4 yr and 6 yr size. I kinda envision these being something you make for a new baby and any sisters she has.


Anyway, thanks again and let me know if you want the one I have done now. :)

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Your little dresses are darling so don't get discouraged. I think small baby girls should wear dresses I always had my daughter wear them until she was about 8 years old. Back then jeans weren't as popular as now.

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What a mean girl. Your dresses are lovely!!!! If I ever have a baby girl I'd love to dress her in those. I still have a dress my mom crocheted for me when I was a tot. I have anything anyone ever crocheted me. They're personal! You know where that mother would go if she were here? The hall of shame. ;) Keep doing your lovely designs!!!!!

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I, for one, definitely don't want to have to wait for the bigger size pattern (all of my goddaughters are under 2) but if I must, I will be patient.


I'm not that big a fan of the sleeves on the first set, mostly because in my opinion puffy sleeves just get in the way, but I would still have occasionally put kids in the outfit on a day they were going to see you, to show appreciation, and to get use out of them. And I also think that they would look better on kids (well, it's really hard to make a baby look not cute) than they do laid out flat. And I LOVE your second set of dresses. So much that once you have the pattern available, I plan to make at least 8.

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Shellie, I think both sets of dresses are really beautiful. It was rude of her not to say anything, but I've found that people who don't craft, often don't realize how much time and effort goes into hand crafted gifts. Don't let one person discourage you.

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Your dresses are lovely. Is there a way you can ask her for them back. It sheems a shame for them to be stored away. Maybe, "I understand that this is something not to your taste. Can I possibly have them back? They can be donated in your name to a worthwhile charity."


Then give her a gift certificate so she can get something she likes. Or, if you have a better idea now of what she will use give her that.

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