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Alittle Something For Myself

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Hi everyone. Thought I would check in, lately it's been hard getting anything done with the holidays, work and everything else. DH goes back to work tomorrow after an 11 day break (THANK GOD, lol) and by the looks of it outside, school may be closed tomorrow. I have so much cleaning and catching up to do. I fell way behind. Been bumming lately and I think I'm going to make me some jewelry bags. I saved the pattern that was shared by someone, just can't recall who, but I think I need to do something for me, just for a little bit. I did however make some candle cozies. Nine of them. I did try a pattern for tealite candles that turned out way too huge, lol. So I figured I would try to make some on my own. I have to get pictures of them yet and I think there were others I owed pics for too. My blog is way behind too. Anyway I am excited to make the little jewelry bags for me and I know I'll end up making some for others too. Hopefully that will boost my mood some, lol.

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and I hope also that everyone has a great new year. I'm hoping for the best and I'm working on a list of new years resolutions. (not knowing if they'll work of course, lol.)

Hope you all have a wonderful day!:hug

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This is the time of year when many people get depressed so don't feel like you're the only one. Sounds like fun, making the bags. I hope it picks your spirits up. Happy New Year! I'm off to do gift exchanges and check out the sales to see if there is anything good left. My project, to start with this year, is a filet crochet sweater to challenge myself. It is quite a challenge since I'm still trying to figure out how to read the pattern and what yarn I can substitute. It is worked as one piece but does seem a little tricky. Wish me luck on that and I hope your bags come out great.

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I never make anything for myself, either. I just recently bought a pattern for the Central Park Hoodie and got some yarn for it. I want to start that soon. You just gotta make something for you once in a while. :hook:yes



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You go girl! Recently I realized I've been crocheting for 30 years and have kept 3 items. 3. That's it. Now why did I learn to crochet? H-m-m-m-m.


I was very, very ill for 4 years, and when I became well enough to crochet again, I had already decided I would never again make something I didn't like making, and I would never again make something for someone I don't like. Now every bit of my crochet is "happy crochet." If it isn't, I don't do it.


I spent last summer making (I know this sounnds silly) rainbow items. I loved it. I made a rainbow mat to fit a side table for my Aunt next door. She liked it so much, she won't put it on the table, but hung it over her bed. It is so pretty there actually. I made rainbow coasters and baby blankets.


A couple months ago, I decided this is going to be a ME year, but it really should be an US year for us at Crochetville. We have gifted and gifted, now what is wrong with gifting ourselves for a change? I am following through on this.


I have in the works a shrug, a shawl, and I just began a pair of socks.


I challenged one of my sisters to a "Sock Off." Neither of us have ever made any mind you, but she kept saying she wanted to knit a pair. I finally said "OK, put your needles where your mouth is. Get your needles, pattern and yarn, and be ready. You knit a pair and I'll crochet a pair. Choose any pattern you like and lets go. I know I'll finish before you do. There's a reason I don't knit!"


So we started. I'm crocheting toe-up socks with a variegated acrylic worsted weight from Red Heart. I'm doing both socks at the same time ~ 2 or 3 rounds on one, then do the same on the other. So far so good. They're cute and they fit. They're heavy like a slipper sock though. I'm up to round 22 now.


My sister is knitting from the cuff down with a variegated worsted weight wool. She's doing one sock at a time on 4 needles, and is on round 4.


I can't help myself ~ I keep cracking up laughing because I warned her there's a reason I don't knit: drop a stitch, extra stitch, count, count, count, rip it out over and over. I can't stand it. But she is persevering. I give her a lot of credit for that. And we WILL have socks of some sort when we are finished! And we are having a lot of fun!


What also prompted me into making more for myself is that I made a listing of the items I really want to make. All the things for me keep ending up at the bottom of the list, never to be even started. I kept looking at the list and thinking "What is wrong with this picture?" Yes, I want to make items for other people and for charity, but why am I always left out. So I decided I am just as important. After all, I am the creator of the items! You are too!


I know that I have certainly been having a change in perspective, but I'm not trying to be selfish either. I just finished some Christmas items, and I have one more item to make that I volunteered to do. I just think we need to remember to pamper ourselves with our yarn too.

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This is the time of year when many people get depressed so don't feel like you're the only one. Sounds like fun, making the bags. I hope it picks your spirits up. Happy New Year! I'm off to do gift exchanges and check out the sales to see if there is anything good left. My project, to start with this year, is a filet crochet sweater to challenge myself. It is quite a challenge since I'm still trying to figure out how to read the pattern and what yarn I can substitute. It is worked as one piece but does seem a little tricky. Wish me luck on that and I hope your bags come out great.

Your right it is another depressing time of year. Kinda hard to kick at times, but like everyone else I'm working thru it. Making new friends and trying to keep in touch works good too. Happy New Year to you as well! Hope it's a good one for all. I have some resolutions on my mind that I need to put on paper. I want to try that this year, lol. Good luck on your search for good deals. I came across some pretty picture frames for a dollar each, so I bought 3. Wow a filet crochet sweater. Sounds pretty. I made my parents one of flowers that I made with thread and put it in a frame. Filet is so pretty. Sweaters are a real challenge for me, lol. I'm enjoying the bags, lol. Their cute and tine. I posted them in my blog too.

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happy new year to you. things will get better the coming yr.



That is what I am hoping for. These past couple years were very difficult. I'm trying to think more possitive. :)

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I hope the jewelry bags do the trick! :hug to you and hang in there :)

Thank you:hug I still can't believe how cute the bags are, lol. I was thinking of some how working those into the christmas decorating. Maybe putting a little something in them and putting them on the tree next year, meaning this year, lol. :thinkStill working on some ideas, lol.

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I never make anything for myself, either. I just recently bought a pattern for the Central Park Hoodie and got some yarn for it. I want to start that soon. You just gotta make something for you once in a while. :hook:yes



Your right, you do have to treat yourself once in a while with crochet. I have yet to write it out and make it more organized but I'd like to crochet for charities and others. Just little special gifts, to let others know their thought of.:)

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You go girl! Recently I realized I've been crocheting for 30 years and have kept 3 items. 3. That's it. Now why did I learn to crochet? H-m-m-m-m.


I was very, very ill for 4 years, and when I became well enough to crochet again, I had already decided I would never again make something I didn't like making, and I would never again make something for someone I don't like. Now every bit of my crochet is "happy crochet." If it isn't, I don't do it.


I spent last summer making (I know this sounnds silly) rainbow items. I loved it. I made a rainbow mat to fit a side table for my Aunt next door. She liked it so much, she won't put it on the table, but hung it over her bed. It is so pretty there actually. I made rainbow coasters and baby blankets.


A couple months ago, I decided this is going to be a ME year, but it really should be an US year for us at Crochetville. We have gifted and gifted, now what is wrong with gifting ourselves for a change? I am following through on this.


I have in the works a shrug, a shawl, and I just began a pair of socks.


I challenged one of my sisters to a "Sock Off." Neither of us have ever made any mind you, but she kept saying she wanted to knit a pair. I finally said "OK, put your needles where your mouth is. Get your needles, pattern and yarn, and be ready. You knit a pair and I'll crochet a pair. Choose any pattern you like and lets go. I know I'll finish before you do. There's a reason I don't knit!"


So we started. I'm crocheting toe-up socks with a variegated acrylic worsted weight from Red Heart. I'm doing both socks at the same time ~ 2 or 3 rounds on one, then do the same on the other. So far so good. They're cute and they fit. They're heavy like a slipper sock though. I'm up to round 22 now.


My sister is knitting from the cuff down with a variegated worsted weight wool. She's doing one sock at a time on 4 needles, and is on round 4.


I can't help myself ~ I keep cracking up laughing because I warned her there's a reason I don't knit: drop a stitch, extra stitch, count, count, count, rip it out over and over. I can't stand it. But she is persevering. I give her a lot of credit for that. And we WILL have socks of some sort when we are finished! And we are having a lot of fun!


What also prompted me into making more for myself is that I made a listing of the items I really want to make. All the things for me keep ending up at the bottom of the list, never to be even started. I kept looking at the list and thinking "What is wrong with this picture?" Yes, I want to make items for other people and for charity, but why am I always left out. So I decided I am just as important. After all, I am the creator of the items! You are too!


I know that I have certainly been having a change in perspective, but I'm not trying to be selfish either. I just finished some Christmas items, and I have one more item to make that I volunteered to do. I just think we need to remember to pamper ourselves with our yarn too.


:)Wow 30 years and only kept 3 projects. You’re a very giving person for that, yet I wonder how could you let go of all that, lol. My mother-in-law (the one who taught me how to crochet) always told me to keep one of everything I made. Granted a lot of my project woren’t to good to look at, lol. But I did give alittle and sold a couple. I’ve been crocheting now for about 13 years.

I understand by what you said about not making something you don’t like. (the mood to do that is difficult to gather) and also never again make something for someone I don’t like. I came across a situation like that not too long ago and it bothered me that I kinda wasted my time, lol. “Happy Crochet” sounds great!

Actually rainbow items sound pretty. I still some day want to make snowman scarves for myself and all those fun looking ones. Knowing my luck some people will laugh, but then I enjoy thinks like that and I can’t help it, lol. Some things will be for me this year probably, like the jewelry bags but I also need to make the Christmas gifts I’m hoping to accomplish. I want to be able to gift others here, especially when others have helped me out and are going to help me make a comgort ghan for a dear friend of mine. Which I really need to get my bum moving on. I have a square pattern all picked out, just need to get started and get the ghan made.

I love shawls. I had made one shrug sofar, no maybe 2, but one of them turned out really, really big. I think I figured out the sizing wrong or used the wrong kind of yarn. So I pulled it out, lol. Good luck with your “sock off”. I knitted mini socks before but I’m not good enough at it to make our size socks. I’m still pretty new to knitting. I have how ever made crocheted socks and slippers. I still enjoy them.

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I feel like we all put a part of ourselves into the things we make, so when we make something for ourselves, it is a comfort thing. I also agree with not making things for people who don't appreciate your efforts or you don't really like. It is a drain. I also love the things my darling husband has knit for me. They are special and I treasure them.



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I feel like we all put a part of ourselves into the things we make, so when we make something for ourselves, it is a comfort thing. I also agree with not making things for people who don't appreciate your efforts or you don't really like. It is a drain. I also love the things my darling husband has knit for me. They are special and I treasure them.



Cool your husband knits! I tried to teach my husband how to crochet and he couldn't get it to work out to good, lol. It was a very funny moment for us. I don't think he would try it again though, lol. :lol

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