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Ripples going vertically

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How do you feel about ripple blankets with verticle ripples?


I started a ripple blanket wih teh intention of it fitting our queen bed, but it's taking too long AND we're getting a King bed soon.


So I'm considering just making until it's throw blanket size, so that when it's used the ripples will be up and down instead of across.


That bugs me for some reason, but I guess since it's just folded over the back of the chair when not in se and can be displayed with the stripes going anyway I want... well, I guess it's a non issue.


So why does it bug me?

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I have no idea WHY it bugs you, but I think it is a neat idea. Something a little different and if you can turn a UFO into an FO but changing the definition a little, I say go for it. :P Post pictures when you get it done so we can all "ooooh" and "ahhhhh"!



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Funny thing, that happened to me too. I started to make one big enough for the bed and got tired so I stopped. It looks good either way and it is still warm. Just makes it unique~

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Ha, ha, ha! If you think that's bad, years ago I started a blanket in single crochet for a double bed. I had bags of small balls of leftover yarn and I thought this would be a great way to use it up. NOT!


I started out with a few rows of a solid color, then did a few rows using yarn from the small balls. I would crochet anywhere from 3" to 1' with yarn from a ball, change to another ball, do a bit from that one, change to another one, etc.


Then I crocheted the next few rows with a different solid color, and went back to a few more rows using the small balls.


Then I went to a 3rd solid color section, followed by one with the small balls.


On I went like this, then I thought I should start tying off and weaving in the ends. Ugh! UGH! I have never faced anything so horrible! This blanket was coming out so cute, but the time it was going to take to do those ends was horrifying, and it had to be done. I had done far too much of the blanket to rip it out.


I went ahead and started tying off and weaving in, and cursing myself for not having realized this. When that was done, I spread it side to side across the bed to get a good look at it. It was certainly wide enough, hanging over the side edges a little, but was only about one third the length I wanted. I stood there looking at it, just wanting to cry because I had put so much work into it already, and it was nowhere near done.


Then, like you, I picked it up and turned it the other way. I have no idea what made me do it, but I put one side edge right up against the headboard and smoothed it down toward the footboard. A-a-a-a-a-h! It nearly filled up the bed! How could this be? What a different perspective. I was in heaven!


I left it right there and went in the kitchen for some fresh coffee and think about the fact that I already had this blanket up to an adult personal sized afghan. Wow! Now all my hard work was really evident. It's just that I was so used to thinking the stripes "should" go side to side.


All I really needed to do was put a few more rows of a solid, then edge it. So that's what I did. And for the last 2 rows of edging, I did a shell st that I crammed a little bit to make it ruffle just a little.


That blanket turned afghan has seen about 20 years of use and I still have it.

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Ha, ha, ha! If you think that's bad, years ago I started a blanket in single crochet for a double bed. I had bags of small balls of leftover yarn and I thought this would be a great way to use it up. NOT!


I started out with a few rows of a solid color, then did a few rows using yarn from the small balls. I would crochet anywhere from 3" to 1' with yarn from a ball, change to another ball, do a bit from that one, change to another one, etc.


Then I crocheted the next few rows with a different solid color, and went back to a few more rows using the small balls.


Then I went to a 3rd solid color section, followed by one with the small balls.


On I went like this, then I thought I should start tying off and weaving in the ends. Ugh! UGH! I have never faced anything so horrible! This blanket was coming out so cute, but the time it was going to take to do those ends was horrifying, and it had to be done. I had done far too much of the blanket to rip it out.


I went ahead and started tying off and weaving in, and cursing myself for not having realized this. When that was done, I spread it side to side across the bed to get a good look at it. It was certainly wide enough, hanging over the side edges a little, but was only about one third the length I wanted. I stood there looking at it, just wanting to cry because I had put so much work into it already, and it was nowhere near done.


Then, like you, I picked it up and turned it the other way. I have no idea what made me do it, but I put one side edge right up against the headboard and smoothed it down toward the footboard. A-a-a-a-a-h! It nearly filled up the bed! How could this be? What a different perspective. I was in heaven!


I left it right there and went in the kitchen for some fresh coffee and think about the fact that I already had this blanket up to an adult personal sized afghan. Wow! Now all my hard work was really evident. It's just that I was so used to thinking the stripes "should" go side to side.


All I really needed to do was put a few more rows of a solid, then edge it. So that's what I did. And for the last 2 rows of edging, I did a shell st that I crammed a little bit to make it ruffle just a little.


That blanket turned afghan has seen about 20 years of use and I still have it.


I love this story... especially the part about having a coffee to consider your options :hug


Good one!!

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