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Mini felted tote


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I made this for my daughter to give away in a gift exchange. I followed an online pattern pretty closely, although not exactly. I do think it's called "Felted mini tote" or something pretty close to that, and you can find it crochet pattern central, too.


Before felting:



After felting:



I understand the recipient was pleased, so that's really all I care about!

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Your bag is really awesome!

Can you please convince me that those handles are strong enough to carry the purse with something in it? I've been wanting to make one since I learned about felting, but have hesitated for that reason.

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Your bag is really awesome!

Can you please convince me that those handles are strong enough to carry the purse with something in it? I've been wanting to make one since I learned about felting, but have hesitated for that reason.


While I can't speak for this bag in particular, since I gave it away and didn't use it, I can speak positively about another felted bag. You can look at it here:




You can see that that bag has really skinny handles (I made them by crocheting a 4-sc spiral--not particurly wide!), AND I merely bored holes in the bag (no grommets) when I attached them.


I am using that fairly large bag as a winter purse (I added a snap closure). I care books, wallet, digital camera, water bottle...it's so big I sometimes put small shopping bags in there. I've never detected a trace of weakness, and the bored holes are holding up well--no signs of tearing or strain or stretching at all.


Human hair is stronger than steel (if steel were as thin as human hair, you could demonstrate hair's superior tensile strength), and sheep hair is apparently pretty strong, too!


Don't be afraid to give felting a try, but you know, you can always use something else for handles if you want to--a leather strap, or purchased purse handles, or whatever.


BTW, the finished dimensions of the little bag were about 8 inches wide and 12 inches high, give or take. It's just a little thing--I crocheted it up in an evening. (Although, of course, it was bigger than that before I felted it.)

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