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A Crochet Obsession?

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great job on it :clap The ideas that come to me are very random(I've always said its scary in my world lol) I keep a small notebook w/me and whenever I'm out an idea will come to me so I write it down, or I'll forget it. . I've always been very crafty and creative. (so was my dm rest her soul) But I'm the only one it my family, my dsis thinks its silly. Thats why I like posting here everyone is enthusiastic about it.


I am quoting coffeeandcrochet from another thread - I did not wish to hijack the current thread.


I was warned when I signed in with my first post that Crochetville is addictive. And you were all right! But I think we need a place like this, where those of like mind can all get together. I know that my friends must be tired of looking at my projects. I'm really the only one in my small circle of friends who spends time crocheting. How is it that people can get together and discuss baseball play-by-play, or football, or reality TV or soap operas and no one thinks it's strange or silly? But talk crochet and you can see their eyes glaze over...


I guess I'm obsessed with yarn and hook. My mother-in-law (dear wonderful woman - I miss her a lot) taught me how to crochet when my husband and I were dating. She crocheted quite a bit, and it was a way to "break the ice" with her. She was a bit intimidating ;) . But I credit her with giving my all of my loves - my husband and from him, my sons, and my love of crochet. :heart


I have been down in the dumps for a long time due to circumstances at work and at home. And for a long time, I lost my "mojo" - I had no inclination or desire to crochet. That's how I knew that something was seriously wrong. I'm getting better again (the home situation has gotten a lot better - ds met an evil girl and had to find out on his own how bad she was). She's history:yay , and now I'm back in crochet mode and lovin' it! :hook And each day I feel better than ever. The work situation? Well, I'm putting up with that a lot better than before.


Sorry to ramble on. The point of this post is that Crochetville is a wonderful place for all of us "yarnies" to gather and post. I love looking at everyone else's projects - keep 'em coming!


Thanks for "listening"!:yes And thanks to the people who put this site together!

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I'm glad you are feeling better and raring to go! I totally understand what you are saying. I know things are right with me when I don't feel like working on my projects. And yes, this site is addictive!


I both knit and crochet, but lately my crochet "bug" has really bitten me! This site has really gotten me excited and all I want to do is crochet right now!


Glad you're here! :yay

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Oh, I love this place too! I had been long term ill and couldn't crochet because I was shaking too much. I just came here and read for months. Once I could begin to crochet again, I have enjoyed it so very, very much. I spent all last summer making rainbow items and had such fun! That's when I decided I will never crochet anything I don't really want to do again.


Crochet has been a help to so many of us in different ways that it can't be called "just a hobby" anymore. It's very calming to many. It has encouraged many to go beyond their current skills and try the new and unexplored. Of course, it's a passion for a lot of us. I even used crochet as my "official" physical therapy for a damaged finger.


Crochetville IS a place to come to discuss your crochet. Lots of us have family members and friends who can only take 5 minutes of listening to crochet talk, then they spend hours discussing what the neighbors are doing, or what's happening on TV. Ha, ha, ha! You come here instead.


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Think about it...your friends or the next-door neighbors are just NOT going to get excited over a completed project. My friends try, but as none of them knit or crochet, they don't have the same enthusiasm about it--unless it's a present for them <g>. At least here, you get encouragement and support. People here understand things like the need to race to AC Moore on one's lunch hour (breaking several speed limits in the process) to get the last few skeins of Patons Classic Merino Yarn in "Palais" before they sell out, because the saleswoman can only hold them for so long. Not that I've ever done anything like this... <LOL>...

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