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Candy Corn 12" square---NEW


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Here is the new square I just made up for the Monthly CAL.....It is a candy corn,,,,,,,,duh!! I stayed up till midnight :eek last night making, frogging and getting this done...(I never stay up late) It turned out pretty cute, I did revise the pattern somewhat...haven't gotten the newer version done yet....


Whatcha Think?? Can you tell it is a Candy Corn????



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Ooooo that looks so yummy! Good enough to eat. I do have a suggestion though, I don't know if it can be done. Maybe round off the corners, instead of having them pointy, make them more circular. :::tummy grumbles::: Maybe I'll go to the store and buy some of those pumpkin type candies. The ones that taste like candy corn but are in pumpkin shapes. I loooooove those.

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