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Crochet Pattern Central???


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Nope, it's not just you.

"The page cannot be displayed"


Pinging crochetpatterncentral.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

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Whatever will I do? I live on this site. It may very well be a form of life support to me. :rant

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I just found out that they now have http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crochetpartners/ and it seems that all the info is on there. I have no idea if they are closing the site or anything alls I know is that I saw if you want anything Crochet Partners related you have to join the Yahoo group now.



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woo hoo!!!!

It's back up already.


*breathe in ----breathe out------repeat*



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Which site are we talking about - Crochet Pattern Central (mine) or Crochet Partners (I'm not affiliated)?


CPC wasn't/isn't down (that I know of) and most maintenance takes place while the site is still running. (If it is down temporarily, it is an unfortunate hosting issue.)


Hope this helps...

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Please do not panic...when you can't access the Crochet Pattern Central Website, merely type in this address:


and it will direct you to their site every time, even when you think the site is "down."

I have NO clue as to why this address works, but the address was given to me by another crocheter.

Have a GREAT THURSDAY, my fellow crafters.


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:lolI am sorry, but I am sitting here cracking up.:lol I have never seen this group panic:yell so much when a site is down, except for C'Vill.

Rachel your site is addictive, like chocolate or coffee. :morcoffee

Glad it is working, I know I use it quite a bit myself.:hook

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I think it's pretty funny, too. Whenever it goes down I check here and the Knitting Help forum for the "panic threads"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol


I wasn't aware of a "downage" last night and am glad it came back up by itself.

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Please do not panic...when you can't access the Crochet Pattern Central Website, merely type in this address:




and it will direct you to their site every time, even when you think the site is "down."


I have NO clue as to why this address works, but the address was given to me by another crocheter.


Have a GREAT THURSDAY, my fellow crafters.




Sometimes, when the site is down...and I do mean down...even its IP (the number link you gave above)...will not work.


However, when we were experiencing DNS issues (where a random 50% of us could get to CPC and another random 50% couldn't) the IP address will work for anyone. Thankfully, I was able to change web domain providers (or whatever it's called...not be confused with my ISP/hosting) and we no longer have that problem.

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