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August Charity Square-A-Long! (August 10th - 13th)


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I haven't gotten started yet but I think I'll start by joining together the squares I made last month then tomorrow make more squares for the next lapghan.

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Hey everyone. I am sitting here crochet while watching a baseball game on television. I have seven squares so far. Did not have a chance today to crochet at work. During lunch I took my Friendship Rings afghan to Hospice. They were so happy to receive it. They are opening up a new in-patient facility next Friday and are going to use it there.

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Hello again! I have 12 squares done and pieced together and will probably do a few more in front of the t.v. tonight! I've been in and out of the house all day and I'm ready to be settled in for the night! :clap

Gingerbeary, tell us what a Friendship Rings Afghan is! Sounds NICE! :yes

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WTG everyone!


I got 6 twelve inch squares put together for animal snugglies!


Today I will get MUCH more done! Keep up the great work!:cheer

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I have been d r a g g i n g my butt and not getting much done....

I am hoping this isn't a slump!!!! got two 6" squares done

Hoping the mojo will kick in and I get motivated:blush

Will pick up a hook soon

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Hey everyone-I got 10 squares done last night and have 5 in process this morning in between the laundry, breakfast and cleaning. This is fun and I am enjoying it. I am revving up my crochet engine!!!!:knit:knit:knitAnd a big :wooto all of you who got some squares done!!!!! :jumpyay:jumpyay


Lavenderbear here is a the link to the picture of the Friendship Rings gan:




This was from the book "Easy Weekend Afghans" and it made up very quickly. Give it a try, you will love it.

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I got 5 squares various sizes done yesterday between my baby projects I am trying to finish and painting the house inside. Wish it was more but too many other things on the plate. Gonna try for more today. Have fun everyone.

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GOOD MORNING, everyone! :hug

CONGRATS to all of you who have made one square or more so far! Remember, even one square is a SUCCESS!! :yes

I only made one more square last night, which gave me 13 for yesterday, but I should be making a bunch of them today between our monthly crafting meeting and not having plans this evening that will keep me from crocheting away!

Gingerbeary, that pattern looks familiar! I think one of our crafting members, Rose, made that square for an exchange we had some time ago! I'll have to ask her if she's at our meeting today! Yours turned out GREAT, and I'm sure the Hospice client who received it has been blessed from having it cover them! ;)

Ok, I need to get myself into the shower, dressed, finish gathering my supplies for the meeting, and head on out the door! I'll be back later to give my update and read all of yours! Keep on square making and posting! :cheer

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I was able to get 10 squares finished yesterday. Don't know if I'll be as productive the next two days, but will keep picking up my squares in between other activities.


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I got 21 squares done today. Considering we had septic tank problems and we lost power....I think I did good. It has been soooooo hot here in Georgia the last few days my crochet hook was squeaking while I crochet. It's from the moisture on my hands. lol I went in the pool today, but the water is so hot, you don't cool off. If it gets any hotter, I'll be able to boil eggs in the pool. :night Goodnight all. Will check in tomorrow morning

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Hello! I made another 12 squares today, so that gives me 25 for the two day total so far! :hook I think I will shoot for another 25 between Sunday and Monday and see how that goes!

For now, however, I am heading for the sheets early tonight! It's been a long week, and day, and I'm SO ready for some snoozing!

I'll be back tomorrow to check in and see how everyone is coming along!

Sweet dreams, everyone! :manyheart

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I got 25 squares from last month into a lapghan and made 2 little 2 inch squares for the next lapghan and granny's daughter. Hopefully I'll get more this next 2 days but I'm so burned out on the little squares :)

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I got 2 doggie snugglies put together so far with a totall of 8 12 inch sqpares each, so that's 16 squares put together. Today I have to do some big time cleaning so i don't know how many I'll get together!

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Hello! It's GOOD to see some of you posting how you are coming along in square making and/or square piecing! We have today and tomorrow for this round, so keep on working away!

I have had a BUSY morning and afternoon, so I have only gotten 3 squares done for today! But that's okay! I am able to sit down for a little bit here and will make some more. And I'll be back tonight to post my total!

Keep on going and keep on posting, everyone! Go, team, go!! :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Sorry I haven't posted sooner, had lots of other stuff going on too :blink


Anyway, between yesterday evening and throughout today I've finished 30 grannies daughters, 13 - 3", 9 - 4", 4 - 5½", 4 - 7" & 4 - 8"


For a toal of 36 squares so far (not counting the daughters) :lol

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Between painting and house cleaning and everything else going on yesterday and today I didnt get too many done so far I have 10 total.

Two 2 inch - no specific project yet - :think Hummmmmmm

One 2 1/2 inch -Practicing a new pattern :no

Six 4 1/2 inch - for baby blanket - going to new teen moms

One 7 inch daisy Pattern - Supposed to be 8 inch (crocheted too tight)

One 8 inch daisy Pattern - Not sure what charity yet

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:hug Hello again! I almost forgot to post tonight as I am SUPER tired and am planning to hit the sheets earlier than usual tonight!

Anyway, I was able to make 13 squares today, so that gives me 38 squares so far! I haven't been hiding the ends as planned, but I have crocheted them altogether into 3 different afghans tonight!

WTG to everyone who is participating, and THANKS to those of you who have posted! Not only does it encourage us to keep making squares, but it also helps me to know that this CAL is helpful for you guys!

I'll be back tomorrow! Keep up the GREAT work! :yay:clap:yay:cheer:yay

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I was able to do 30 squares yesterday between ironing & starching 9 shirts and cooking. So far I have done 61 squares. Not bad out of the 175 I need for my afghan. I have my fingers crossed that I will be able to do some today during lunch and after work. I would like to report back tonight that I did 14....that way I would only ("only" notice I am thinking that he he) 100 squares more!!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer Hope ya'll have a productive day making squares

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Before I went to bed last night I sat down and put together 8 more square to make another doggy blanket. So far that's 24 square put together!


I will get at LEAST one more blanket put together today!


Keep up the good work everyone!:cheer

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