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Getting to know the stitches



can someone help me please I have only just started to crochet and understand and have learnt all the different stitches so now I am atempting to make a baby's matinee coat.My problem is trying to understand the patteren for the foundation row it say's


1 tr into 4th ch.from hook *2 tr into next ch,1 tr into each of the next 2 ch,rep from * to end


I understand what it say's except the 2 tr into next chain how can you do 2 tr into 1 stitch ,also as the rows go on it often say's work 1tr into next 4 tr and 1tr into the next 3 tr


am I just being thick I thought you just did a certain type of stitch into a chain I can't get my head around this please help:eek

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10 answers to this question

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it is quite common to work several stitches into one stitch. I was just working a pattern test where I had to put 9 Double Crochet into one ch stitch. it is not hard to do. Now if you crochet so tightly that you can't get another stitch in there, then you need to relax your tension so that you can do so.


When a pattern says, Tr in next 4 treble, that means that you will work a treble stitch into each of the next 4 stitches, after that they will have you do something different.


One question I am wondering about just for the sake of being able to help... are you in the UK or using a pattern from the UK.


just coincidentally, have you been to the various sites which show you the basic stitches and how to work simple parts of patterns










And you can never go wrong if you start at Crochet Pattern Central. here is the link to her page of instructional sites



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Thankyou so much for your help

I am in the uk I am emotionly stressed out at the moment due to my son dying on christmas eve 7 months ago,so I thought I would learn to crochet to help relax myself so far so good until I went to start this patteren I have had another practice and I think I am doing it right although the work so far looks a little odd ,I am asuming the more I do the more the patteren will take affect

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Yes, the more you do the better things will look. Everything will just come naturally; it really just sort of falls into a rhythm.


Welcome from Chicago!


I'm sorry about your son; I'll hold him and your family in the Light.

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Darski, you do a great job explaining things. I just want to add that somtimes a pattern migh just say increase or inc in the next so many stitches. That is the same thing as working several stiches in one stich.

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im from the uk too! it looks like you have choosen a lovely thing to make! I hope to see pictures of it when you finish it! crochet pattern central is one of my favouite sites, deffo one to bookmark! :) sorry to hear of your loss, sending cyber hugs and a little prayer for you and your family.

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Thankyou so much for your help

I am in the uk I am emotionly stressed out at the moment due to my son dying on christmas eve 7 months ago,so I thought I would learn to crochet to help relax myself so far so good until I went to start this patteren I have had another practice and I think I am doing it right although the work so far looks a little odd ,I am asuming the more I do the more the patteren will take affect


I will pray for you in this time of such great loss. You may find this hard to believe now, but down the road, you will be able to bless others through your crochet so that they will know that love covered them in times of sorrow. God can use great sorrow in some to relieve sorrow in others.


I would guess that you will have a heart to give so others will be less pained in these times. you will know without question how it hurts and you will know how a little token of loving care can ease that pain.

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:cheer Nicola,

A Treble in the UK is a DC in the US.

You need to learn this fact too because a you may have learned the UK way and now be trying to use a US pattern.

So many pitfalls but you will get there.


Remember, when following a pattern, dont have any pre-conceived ideas on how it is going to go. Just read and do what the pattern says.

It is the different arrangements of the stitches which forms the shape and the pattern design.

If you just put 1 stitch into each chain, you would only get plain crochet but is you do several into one stitch then skip a few, then do several into the next, you get a lacy design.

You are still forming each stitch in the same way, just arranging them differently.


Here are a couple of conversions for you to start with.




Chain and SL ST are the same in both.


Hope this helps.

Have fun.


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Thankyou for all your support It feels good to know other people are thinking about me and my beautiful little boy.


I started doing the coat but when I finished the first 3 rows it looks nothing like the picture ,I am getting into a right pickle how can you tell which stitch is the one that needs 2 or 3 trebles into it,once I have done 1 treble into the stitch ,I can't figure out where the stitch is to start doing another treble into it and so on .


Then the 4th row say's 3 ch then miss first tr .

could someone explain what the miss first tr means If I did a 3 ch then where do I start the 1 tr into the next 2 tr from.


sorry guys if I am asking too much but the thing is you know when you are determined to try somthing new and do well it's a bit like that, I will sucseed and make this coat before my daughter turns 1 hopefully that gives me 5 months ,except at this rate it will take me a year


would a picture of the coat help anyone ,to see what I am trying to make


thankyou for your help...

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:cheer The stitch they are telling you to miss is the one the CH sits on. (If you work into the stitch under the CH, you would be adding a stitch.)

Yes, a picture would be very handy.

Are you doing UK Trebles?

What colour are you using? A light colour is best when starting out because you can see the stitches easier.

Are you sure you are doing UK Trebles? (US DCs)

I think it is a mistake to start on a pattern before you know the basics of crochet so, how about forgetting the pattern for a while and working some smaller bits in the basic stitches such as Trebles on top of Trebles in straight lines.

You only need about 10 or 15 stitches to practice on.

When you have 30 rows of Trebles (US DCs) done with nice straight sides, then you can start working out how to do more than one stitch into each stitch along you row.

It doesnt matter how it looks as long as you can see where to put the stitches.

Practice, Practice, Practice should be your Mantra.

Hope this helps.

Have fun.


PS, Remember, some of us here have been crocheting for 50 squillion years so dont give up. We all started at the bottom too.

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