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anyone use freecycle

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I belong to our local one and I love it. I have been able to get all kinds stuff taken so I don't have to trash it and have been able to find a few great finds. Plus, I found a couple of classmates that had moved away and that have moved back. Plus, strange but I meet my b/f thru free cycle, lol that wasn't expected. An awesome find for me

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I have given away several things and found what works best is to just tell the person who wants it that the item will be outside and they can pick it up on a specific day. If they don't come then I let the next person know they can pick it up. Then I don't have to wait around wondering if they will show up.


One person posted about a toddler bed rail and unfortunately I was not the first responder so I didn't get it. But then I posted a Want ad for one and sure enough a nice lady had a spare one and I was able to get it.


I have heard quite a few stories of people getting items for free and then selling them on Craigslist.


If you are truly interested in your items going to people who really need things but you don't feel like "screening" freecyclers for their intentions.....you might be happier donating your items to a family shelter, homeless shelter, eldery home, etc.

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I belong to our towns freecycle, BUT, my town is not that big, and we have the GREEDY who snap up everything that is posted. I DID ask for yarn once, never got a reply. To be honest, I dont really have anything to GIVE, so I would feel to bad asking for anything much. I DO visit the local GoodWill however. Because that moeny they make goes to training the diasabled in our town, so I like that and don't mind paying for used stuff, in fact, its the only way I can afford clothes, anyone that is "fluffy" like me, KNOWS clothes in our sizes are EXPENSIVE to say the leaste, so occationally I find something at the Goodwill, not often, but I look : )

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I use my local Freecycle often to give stuff away and to post wanted ads. I have posted wanted ads before for yarn and patterns and have received both but its not real common to get yarn- at least not in my area.

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