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What does a crocheter/knitter look like?

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I've never been asked if I were a crocheter, but I have seen the bewildered DH in the aisle before hehe. The other day, I was walking out of Wal-Mart with my son, who is 15 months old. A clown who had been face painting in the store, came up behind me, and said "Ah! What a cute breastfed baby you've got there" and smiled! I stopped and must have looked bewildered, and she said simply that she was a nurse at a pediatric ward of the local hospital, and that he looks healthy like a breastfed baby. She was right though. He's almost weaned, but still nurses a couple times a day. It's not like I had a breastfeeding awareness sticker on my forehead or something. I took it as a compliment though, that you could tell by looking at how healthy my baby was, that I breastfed him. I'm not saying that if you don't breastfeed, that your baby looks unhealthy, so please don't take it that way! Anyway, it's along the same lines. :)


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lol, well on the bright side, at least you got confused for what you are. I go in stores and just get confused for employees. That confuses ME, since I don't wear red smocks and do wear scrub outfits for my work (tho has happened when I was in just plain clothes also). I take it that I look "smarts" :D



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Interesting. Maybe you seemed comfortable with your surroundings and familiar with where everything was.


My husband thinks crochet is kinda matronly. I used to have a vanity plate that said "bad girl" but we carpool a lot with him driving. He said people would pull up beside us looking for the bad girl, see me crocheting and do a double take.

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yep! i have a bun and i have glasses hanging on the tip of my nose and always in a stew thinking and looking patterns and yarn.one day-i looked all day long and everywhere for my crochet hook and at the end of the day i went to brush my teeth and there up in my bun-was my crochet hook poking out. i had pulled out my lazy girl chair and felt way down in the sides and looked thru all the rooms and thru all the yarn.finally there is was. maybe we have a glazed over look...thinking of yarn we want to buy!! hee hee.rae-dean

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I think it was the look of knowing what you were going to be doing on the aisle. You have been there or some place like it many times before, and that confidence showed in your face. I use to knit, but tend to stick to crochet now. With crochet hook in hand, working on a project at work, I will be asked what I am knitting. I get asked all sorts of things in store I go to regularly, not just in the yarn section either.

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The guy probably didn't know how to ask for help and that was his line. Guys can sometimes come up with whoppers. That's pretty tame considering the ones I heard in the "old days" when I was dating! :)

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I'd rather have someone say that then have the owner of the LYS ask me if I knit or crochet when I'm standing there wearing a crochet top, in her defense she was about 8 mo pg so maybe that was effecting her brain

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