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New Hook Maker on eBay

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These are some of the classiest hooks I've ever seen. :hook I've already won two hooks and am drooling over every one she posts.


I was going to keep this my little secret :D but, since I've already won two hooks, I thought I 'd share.:lol The link to her current auctions is at the top of this message.

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Those are nice but there is another seller who has even MORE beautiful hooks! They are all handmade from the state of Vermont. I won one that I bid on and lost one. The one that I got is an "H" and let me tell you, it is the smoothest hook I have EVER used! This is the address of his website: http://rparish0.tripod.com He seems like a good guy too! When I was bidding on the second hook he emailed me that he would wait and save me shipping if I won it and mail them both together. I thought that was pretty nice!


Check out the site and let me know what y'all think! :yes

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They are beautiful hook, however, I noticed they don't have a thumb rest/fingerrest, so therefore, the hook would not be useful to me...but they are pretty, I just don't collect hooks to look at, I wanna use them..lol...and with my arthritis, I have to have the thumb rest...

thanks for the link though!!

Hugs and Bugs


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I'm with Jobug here. I tried a Surina hook and I just HATE the head on it. It's too shallow and too thin.


I think I'll stick with my jimbo hooks! They fit like they were made for my hands.

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Those are nice but there is another seller who has even MORE beautiful hooks! They are all handmade from the state of Vermont. The one that I got is an "H" and let me tell you, it is the smoothest hook I have EVER used! This is the address of his website: http://rparish0.tripod.com Check out the site and let me know what y'all think! :yes


Yes, he has gorgeous hooks and I've bid on quite a few of them....lost all the auctions. That won't stop me from trying again and again! But since he also sells directly from his website, I may bypass the auction route this time around!


But I figured that since daystar07 is new to eBay, her hooks will be less expensive for a while until bidders see some feedback accumulated first. But she's in Wyoming, so she can't be all that bad!


I won my first Jimbo hook (one of his egg hooks) and am anxious to receive it and work with it!

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I received and tested the hooks (making a small swatch) from eBay seller daystar07 and am impressed with the quality. I suggested that she add a thumbrest to future carvings and she was very open to the idea.


I need more hooks like a hole in a head, but I've bookmarked her auctions for future bidding.


I also received my first Jimbo hook, which I just adore. It's one of his egg hooks so it'll take some getting used to but I suspect it'll be one of my favs!

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