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Feet Need Socks Crochet-along


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two circs were too confusing to me as I kept getting them confused. I am going to be bold and do two socks on the same magic loop circ. Less pulling of the cable :)


And I am such a visual person I just ain't getting the concept so well on the short row. I mean I understand the wrap part and the decrease, it's the picking the stitches back up. :eek



magic loop drives me crazy with all of the pulling the loop around stuff, heh. I learned how to do it so I could do it on the plane and then I just used my dpns anyway! ah well. I might try two circulars, but I think I might just be a dpn person (taught a friend how to knit on dpns while I was on vacation, too -- I may be a new knitter, but I sure have knit a lot of socks).
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try that website Anne. It was really detailed with her "aloha cast on"




I got a sock knitting book yesterday, and I tried it out last night, but I had so much trouble figuring out the cast on that I gave up and started to crochet them... they were my #@&$ socks actually :lol


I'll have to try again later... I want to learn to do them toe up too.

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I wasn't able to do my socks with dpn's or the magic loop, so I did the

two needle socks from this site.

They work pretty well, but they are taking me forever! I finished one, but I"m still working on the cuff of the other. I think I could have crocheted at least two pairs in the time it's taking me to do this one, so I'm going back to crocheting after these.

I missed the sock swap too. I better mark my calender so I don't miss the signups!

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try that website Anne. It was really detailed with her "aloha cast on"


We're headed out to Joann's so maybe I'll pick up some circs. I wanted to do them on dpns, but alas, if circs it must be ;)


Thanks for the site, it's hard to tell without needles in hand but it looks really good! :D

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WAAAAHHHH I so miss JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby. At least when we move there will be a Hobby Lobby in the very next town. I am sooooo excited. hubby is dreading it :devil




We're headed out to Joann's so maybe I'll pick up some circs. I wanted to do them on dpns, but alas, if circs it must be ;)


Thanks for the site, it's hard to tell without needles in hand but it looks really good! :D

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don't worry about the chance of missing the swap guys -- we'll be publicizing it when the time comes around like we always do. ;)


and your joann's has circs? meh. I can't get circs anywhere except ac moore (and they don't go down to US0/1/2/3/4, so those I get at one of the LYSes).

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nooooo. I had to snail mail the order as my pay pal account wasn't working. i am sure she hasn't even gotten the order yet. :(




did your book come in yet?????
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Will do, I can't wait for it to get here.


As of 7-8

My book is now on it's way. I hope to have it by Monday. wwweeeeeee...can't wait to get it. I shall celebrate by starting a pair of socks and waiting for the book to do the heel. Sound like a plan to you? Does to me. :socks



awww - bummer!:( let us know what you think of it when it comes in
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I didn't join this crochet along but I have been steadily reading Yarngirls Blog and saw her socks and the toe up in your shoe sock daybefore yesterday.

Guess what I made one sock. I didn't have any sock yarn but I used som Caron simply soft and I forgot what size hook. I think it was an F or G.

Any way I followed the pattern and made the sock. That is so cool. The Simply Soft baby yarn was thin enough taht the sock made that way would make a nice sock to wear around the house.

I found the yarn was also thinner then 4 ply.

I just had to share this bit of info.

Now I can not for the life of me follow the other toe up sock pattern at all.

I don't know what the difference is.

Mary Ann

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Will do, I can't wait for it to get here.


As of 7-8

My book is now on it's way. I hope to have it by Monday. wwweeeeeee...can't wait to get it. I shall celebrate by starting a pair of socks and waiting for the book to do the heel. Sound like a plan to you? Does to me. :socks


Sounds like a plan to me!


I picked up a couple of circs at Joann's (yes, they do have them at mine, bwahaha) and I have the yarn all ready. I just need to get the motivation to cast them on. I was lucky and managed to get two different color circs, so hopefully I'll be able to tell them apart!


I probably ought to finish the socks I started for my friend, especially since they're so close to being finished. I guess we'll see how things go.

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The book arrived...the book arrived....the book arrived. (she says running around the house trying to get everything done so I can sit and read it and figure out the heel of my socks.


So far I am well pleased with what I have been able to skim through.


As a side note, the book came in a cute (easy no frills) fabric bag with ribbon handles. Would make a great sock project bag :)


now...if the camper tech would only show up and fix the spring that sprang from our pop up so I can get the camper put back together.

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I didn't know you ordered it too. What color was your bag?

Now the cast on she went into GREAT detail in the book (all that info wasn't on her website) I didn't do, but can't wait to try that on my next. I need to run to Wal Mart and pick up 300 rubber bands though :) This would be a great day to have hubby home.

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I see some of you discussing sock knitting methods. I'm not sure if you've seen these sites yet, but they are helpful for learning new methods.


Personally, I LOVE the magic loop (one sock at a time) method! I've done the dpns -- too much laddering. I've also tried the two socks on two circulars, but the yarn would get tangled, and I would use the wrong needle on the wrong side. I know there tips to avoid tangled yarn, but I always forgot which way I turned the time before.


These sites are helpful to show how the processes work.




This site shows (not video) how to knit TWO socks on ONE circular. (I've never tried this beyond the cast on and a few rounds -- but it looks cool!)

http://www.knitaddicted.com/html/ Click on knitting lesson to get there.


This site has a very detailed tutorial on knitting TWO socks on TWO circulars. http://socknitters.com/2circs/index.htm


Happy sock making!! :socks


One more thing: If it were me, I would make at least one sock on dpn's to figure out the process of sock making and understand how the stitches are separated and all that jazz. Just to get comfortable with making the sock exactly how it's written, because most pattern I've seen have the method as dpn. That helped me before I moved on to the other methods.

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Personally, I LOVE the magic loop (one sock at a time) method! I've done the dpns -- too much laddering. I've also tried the two socks on two circulars, but the yarn would get tangled, and I would use the wrong needle on the wrong side. I know there tips to avoid tangled yarn, but I always forgot which way I turned the time before.


With magic loop I feel like I am spending too much time pulling the loop back out after finishing the half-round. I haven't tried the two circs method yet though I probably will. I don't get ladders with my dpns at all, though I did at first. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys! I've updated the feet need socks site and actually moved its location as well (the old page is still up at the previous address, I will be setting up a forward there shortly).


I have a few other things still in the works on the page, so more changes will be coming!



I do need your help -- if you're not listed and would like to be, please send me a PM here or email me. I need a few pieces of information (let me know what you do/don't want listed):



  • real first name
  • crochetville handle
  • blog address
  • pairs of crocheted socks complete
  • links to any pictures that you would like me to add to the gallery

Also, if you are listed and the information isn't up to date, please PM/email me with the updated information!


Thanks so much! :manyheart

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Hi Everyone!


Joined you all so I can make my very first pair of crocheted socks. At the beginning of the year I made a knitted pair of socks and they were very ugly so I am hoping my first pair of crocheted socks will come out better.



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Hi, is it too late to join the socks crochet-a-long? And is there an ending date for this project?


I bought Wool Ease and Magic Stripes yarn on clearance, and am dying to use them even though I have never made socks before.

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Hi, is it too late to join the socks crochet-a-long? And is there an ending date for this project?


It's not too late! This is an ongoing CAL, and we have no ending date. :)

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Hi, is it too late to join the socks crochet-a-long? And is there an ending date for this project?


I bought Wool Ease and Magic Stripes yarn on clearance, and am dying to use them even though I have never made socks before.


do you know what pattern u r going to use?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I just finally decided that I would join the feet need socks C-A-L. I started one last year, but I didn't like the heel for some reason and I *set it down*


Unfortunately, what happened then happens to most projects that get *set down* It's still waiting! Well, I'm leaving it still there with a half-done heal, but that's because I picked up 2 balls of LB "Magic Stripes" and I'm working the two socks at the same time!! Woohoo!! I wont end up with some poor alien lonely sock because I wont make the second after the first is done - I'll have two (count 'em 2) completed wearable socks.. *at the same time!!!*


(If you didn't notice, this is a big thing for me)


I haven't taken a pic yet, but I'm about a third finished with the foot sections. I'll hopefully remember to post updates on my blog as I go.


thanks for the encouragement!



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