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Feet Need Socks Crochet-along


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Thank you Leanna! :)) I love those socks you made, especially the ones for your hobby! The color is nice and manly. :clap



Thank you Rebecca. :)) Yes these socks are really warm. My first pair is the same sock with different color, and I am so happy the weather is chilly now and I can finally get to wear them. I just love these socks, they are really soft and warm.

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You're welcome...need to make more socks, definately...my socks are waiting to go into the dryer at the moment...so I think for today, I'll just have to wear my own "knitted" socks...


Meanwhile...I've been checking out The Crochet Club and posting in there as well...look for the thread about 100 crochet projects...that's me..totally insane!


Love this place and that place...nice to have a comfy crochet nest or two on line to visit!:wangel

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You know what came in my email inbox yesterday or was it the day before???? Anyway, it was Knitting Lessons from House of White Birch I think...and the whole thing was on spinning pet fur (I'm sure without pet attached of course...:)) ) and it included a knitting pattern for Toe Up Socks...might give that consideration some day...although when I posted in one of my on-line journals about that...one of my journal buddies said, "Sounds like an allergy attach waiting to happen..."

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you might not want to do that. I've seen a website about that and asked the girls at my monthly knit/crochet group if they had ever tried it. Several of them knew someone who had and whenever the project got wet, it had that icky wet dog smell no matter what they washed it in. YUCK!!!



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it depends on the fur...I've know people who have done it too and that's what I've heard from them..but Yoda's a cat (not that that makes much difference) and this email covered that issue as well and admitted that some breeds smell less than others...

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besides that...she's in the states, I'm in Germany and I can just see customs looking at the customs form on the box of fur and going, what in God's name?

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I finally finished typing up my toe up sock yarn pattern. It's on my blog :) if anyone would like to try them. The link to the pattern is here:




(it'll get moved to a permanent site soon - Kim, do you want it for crochetme?)


and photos of the sock in progress were posted earlier, or you can check them out here:


:( very sad indeed!

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Thank you for sharing your sock pattern, Anastacia! :hug It's doubtful Kim will see your post here. This board has become so busy and Kim pops in occasionally when she can, but there are so many posts now! :eek2

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I haven't taken a picture yet, but wanted to let you know that last weekend I was in Nueremberg and stumbled across a small yarn shop, with the nicest man who runs the place...he asked me what I was looking for and I said yarn for socks (in limited German) and he asked for "knitting" and I said, "no for crocheting" and I wish you could have seen his face...he showed me what he had, I bought two skeins of a beautiful blue and by the time I got home to Leimen, I had 3/4 of a pair of socks finished. They were completely finished and on hubby's feet the next day...On Monday he wore them to work and is sort of getting used to the cuffs with no elastic...he really liked this pair of socks...I had adjusted the pattern a little bit and they fit him better...


So pictures soon I promise...using the same Socks in Shoes pattern...

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I was so proud of myself though in that yarn shop 'cause I managed to basically carry on 99% of the conversation in German...and do you know how hard it is to properly pronounce the German word for "crochet?" Haekelen...I never say it right.

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<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>and do you know how hard it is to properly pronounce the German word for "crochet?" Haekelen...I never say it right. <hr></blockquote>


Yes, I do and neither do I! <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/ha.gif" />


Sometimes I wonder why the people in the stores don't just put 2 and 2 together and not ask me to repeat the word over and over, as if they don't understand what I mean. Oh well. We'll get it right eventually, won't we?


Oh, when I bought sock yarn for the first time, I also wanted to buy a crochet hook. The woman was like, "Oh no! You aren't going to crochet the socks, are you!?" I know the face eurolyons is talking about. However, at that time, my German wasn't that great and my confidence quite low; so, I lied and said the hook was for another project.


What was the name of the shop in Nuerenberg?

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My sister's birthday socks. :danc They're done, they're done!!




Details are on my blog, and I can't think right now because of a headache so my apologies for making folks look. I need more caffeine! :coffee

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