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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I am goign to buy tis book rom leisure arts today. Can someone tell me the exact yarn I neeed to do this project? I a I love the way it looks on the cover, and would like to use an exact match. I also wonder, do you think doing a project like this will help me learn stitching? Like I would become more adept at other patterns? Thank you or your help in advance.




I use Red Heart. However I don't use the colors they show, I just pick random colors. Yes, this prjoect is GREAT for learning stitch, also good for learn gauge, so far all of the squares I've done I've used a different hook size than the one listed!


Glad you joined the group!:clap:yay

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Well I am back at it and have completed 5 more squares since the weekend, I started working on the Crossed Ripple Square #45 but I hated the way it looked so I ripped it out and started over, we will have to see on that one.


Wow. Crochet_Gram, that sounds traumatic! Yeah I'd totally work on the edgings as I was laying the squares out, if I were you. Otherwise it'd feel kinda frustrating. At least doing the edging I'd feel like I was making some progress. :hook
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Gram that does look good. I notice you numbered them. Silly me didnt think of that and will need to number match them.


I have now finished 27 squares.

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I bought a pack of tags (the type with a string) and when I finished each square I would attach in the lower right hand corner. I wrote the number and the color. Why the color? When I was looking for the right square, in a big stack, sometimes it was easier to see the color first and then the number and pull out the square by the tag :U

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Thanks for the labeling tip.

Mine are all turning out different sizes. Some of them are a curled up bunch that I can see a lot of blocking is going to be needed.

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WRONG!!!! That book has totally diasppeared. I mean vanished off the face of the planet GONE.:eek


Now by Sunday afternoon I am in a panic, the afghan is for my MIL, I have 42 squares done and no pattern!!! So I run by Walmart thinking they won't have it and wonder of wonders the DO!:cheer


I am just now catching up with the posts because the 'ville was down, etc. But I wish I had known that you needed the pattern book earlier... I have an extra leaflet. We could have done a trade. Glad to hear that everything worked out okay.

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Hello all! A newbie here; I was wondering if I could join this croceht-a-long? I already have the book and the first three squares done. I do the squares while my daughter is having PT/OT and speech, so I have a few hours a week to work on it exclusively.


Right now, I'm stuck on #7 - Alternate Puff Stitch. My puffs just aren't puffy. I'm using Red Heart SS yarn in a variegated color and a size G hook (I crochet loose). My gauge is good and right on target. My puffs are just sort of flat and formless. Any tips?

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Hi Tiga! Yup you sure can join this CAL. Welcome!!


As for puff stitch help, perhaps if you stick your fingers into the back side of the square, you can fluff out your puffs a little. I know I had to do that for some of mine that seemed a little flat. :hook

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Hi Tiga! Yup you sure can join this CAL. Welcome!!


As for puff stitch help, perhaps if you stick your fingers into the back side of the square, you can fluff out your puffs a little. I know I had to do that for some of mine that seemed a little flat. :hook


Thanks for the advice! I just finished another square today (the front and back loop HDC).


I've decided that from now on, I'm going to do the squares in the order they are assembled, so my next square will be number 26 - the simple shell stitch. I already know how to do that stitch, so I should get that one done pretty quickly.


But I'm going to keep working on that evil puff stitch.

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I have been working solidly on this one and have now labeled my blocks. I have laid them out on the floor. I have done the 21 of the "green", 8 of the "pink", and 7 of the "ecru" so I am about half way. Silly me didn't use those colours and I am thinking it is looking a bit yuck with what I have done.


I am at the point where I am wondering if I should change one of the colours to something else..


Is there any reason in the block placement? Does this make an over all effect? maybe it will look better in the morning.

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Cupcake, as I am putting it together, it appears the colors line up on the diagonal. what colors of what yarn did you use.


I have been working solidly on this one and have now labeled my blocks. I have laid them out on the floor. I have done the 21 of the "green", 8 of the "pink", and 7 of the "ecru" so I am about half way. Silly me didn't use those colours and I am thinking it is looking a bit yuck with what I have done.


I am at the point where I am wondering if I should change one of the colours to something else..


Is there any reason in the block placement? Does this make an over all effect? maybe it will look better in the morning.

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Got the 5th square done yesterday, so far I'm doing each square in a different verigated yarn. I'm sure it will be tacky when finished but I LOVE verigated yarns, so I don't care. I've been going in order so far, but once I hit one that confuses me I'm sure I'll skip that one and go back to it later!

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Thanks gram for your response. I understand the colours line up on the diagonal. What I cant figure is if the textures/patterns on the blocks are placed in a particular way seeing as they are all different.

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Um, can I just say that the crossed puff stitch square (I forget the number, maybe #54?) was SO rough to get through. I was actually tired of crocheting when I finished it. :lol And my fingers/hands were plain tired as well. Wow.


It turned out pretty though; I'll admit that.

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Breger3 -


I was doing that, too (doing the squares in order), but now that I'm really comfortable with the basic stitches, I'm going to start doing them in the order they are put together, so I can keep them all in order before I assemble.


Theoretically, I'm also going to assemble them in rows as I do them, but I may just be whistling Dixie on that one, lol!

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