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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Ok Elizabeth, but did you finish it and did it look like the book and how many times did you frog it and how much did you cuss it. LOL Oh and don't as me to answer those questions cause most of the answers are not repeatable here. LOL congratulations on doing so well.


I spent most of the night weaving in the ends of my MAM baby ghan for the MAM CAL. Then this morning I picked up the cross stitch square I was working on and had to frog back to the third row (I had about 6" done) because I had a majow mistake in it. Oh well at least it is an easy pattern, I just wasn't paying attention and only had 9 crosses instead of 11. Can we all tell Paula to remember to COUNT!!!!! LOL I should finish that one and one or two more tonight though so I'll be back on track. Have a good day all.

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Well, I'm now on #44, the braid cluster thingy...I'm finding that the only way to keep track of what stitch I'm supposed to do a post or cluster in is to put safety pins in the specific stitches when I begin the row, and take them out as I go along.

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Ok Elizabeth, but did you finish it and did it look like the book and how many times did you frog it and how much did you cuss it. LOL Oh and don't as me to answer those questions cause most of the answers are not repeatable here. LOL congratulations on doing so well.


Lol yeah I just finished it today and it looks like it supposed to :D, I'm going to try # 17 next

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Proud to report I finished 13 squares last week.... I bought the yarn before Easter and then went out of town and took the preemie blanket stuff with me not the squares to work on....


I do have a questiona bout ##6... does the first loop of the next "trinity" come from the trinity you just made or are you suppose to move over a stitch....might seem like a silly question but the directions are confusing me for some reason....

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Lol yeah I just finished it today and it looks like it supposed to :D, I'm going to try # 17 next

Man I wish I could say that, I fineshed the blessed thing but I sure don't like the way it looks. I am working on 22 (cross stitch) now but 17 is next on my list.

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Well I finally got enough of my "To Do's" done that I got around to picking up this CAL again. I managed to knock out 3 squares yesterday and today, bringing me a grand total of 4 done! Man and I did buy the book and yarn like a year ago. I hope to get it finished some time this year =)

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Proud to report I finished 13 squares last week.... I bought the yarn before Easter and then went out of town and took the preemie blanket stuff with me not the squares to work on....


I do have a questiona bout ##6... does the first loop of the next "trinity" come from the trinity you just made or are you suppose to move over a stitch....might seem like a silly question but the directions are confusing me for some reason....

Wow! way to go - 13 squares :woo


I've only finished 7, but #6 is fresh in my mind - and the answer is, stick your hook into the space where you picked up the last loop for the previous trinity. Coincidentally, I was teaching a young friend to do this stitch only this afternoon. Think of it this way; the trinity is made by pulling a YO through 4 loops on the hook, right? Loop 1 is the one already on the hook; Loop 2 is one you pull up in the space with the previous stitch, and Loops 3 and 4 involve the next two stitches from the previous row. Then, the chain 1 secures the stitch. So I told her: Share with the last stitch, pick up two more friends, pull them together (the YO through 4 loops), and close.


You can see that each trinity involves 2 new stitches, which makes sense with the stitch multiple given at the beginning (multiple of 2). that was probably much more than you needed, hope it helped, though.


The place that stumped me the first time was the (insert hook into next stitch, pull up a loop) twice - the first time I tried it, I used the same stitch twice, instead of moving to the next stitch twice. Made it look like I'd YO'd as for a dc. didn't work, of course. (edited: I used the next stitch, then used it again, instead of moving to the next stitch (relative to what I'd last done) each time through the parentheses. ended up trying to pick two loops in the same space; oops!)

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I'm blonde, too - took me a minute, but try it this way:

Ribbit, Ribbit vs Rip it (out) Rip it (out) aka my dh gasping in horror (he hates it when I frog a mistake) as I ruthlessly remove the last 3 inches of work in progress, yanking on the yarn with vigor and grace....

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Wow! way to go - 13 squares :woo


I've only finished 7, but #6 is fresh in my mind - and the answer is, stick your hook into the space where you picked up the last loop for the previous trinity. Coincidentally, I was teaching a young friend to do this stitch only this afternoon. Think of it this way; the trinity is made by pulling a YO through 4 loops on the hook, right? Loop 1 is the one already on the hook; Loop 2 is one you pull up in the space with the previous stitch, and Loops 3 and 4 involve the next two stitches from the previous row. Then, the chain 1 secures the stitch. So I told her: Share with the last stitch, pick up two more friends, pull them together (the YO through 4 loops), and close.


You can see that each trinity involves 2 new stitches, which makes sense with the stitch multiple given at the beginning (multiple of 2). that was probably much more than you needed, hope it helped, though.


The place that stumped me the first time was the (insert hook into next stitch, pull up a loop) twice - the first time I tried it, I used the same stitch twice, instead of moving to the next stitch twice. Made it look like I'd YO'd as for a dc. didn't work, of course.


Thanks Patricia.... moving forward to try the square today....I'll let you know how it comes out!

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Ok I am up to 16 squares complete. I did 17 and breezed through it, but 18 has me pulling my hair out. I finally put it down and started a different square and will go back to 18 later. It is funny, but it seems likethe ones that should be easey are giving me fits.

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#5 Done! Trinity Stitch here I come *uh oh!* I think I am doing it right. It sounds like I am, especially after reading what Patricia posted about it =)


Some of my squares are very large and some smaller. I have to remember to measure after the first 3 rows or so to be sure it's the correct size. They are fun to make, though :yay

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Thanks Patricia.... moving forward to try the square today....I'll let you know how it comes out!
Hi, Lea! hope better than the first time I worked through mine :lol


I'm writing out notes on what I encountered, and they get kind of lengthy - so feel free to skip. Cliff Notes version: gonna try doing the FPdc differently to make the chevron look like one.


I'm on #8, the dreaded "preachercuss" square, and I can see where this one might cause even a preacher to lose their cool. I'm halfway through and have to start over now that I've tried working the backwards slanting parts of the chevron, and they look terrible. I think I know what to do better on the slanting forwards (bottom) half so the upper half looks like it belongs (doesn't now!)


Let's see: first, I couldn't figure out what sc's to skip behind (?) until I actually did the first front post dc - then it was much clearer. In doing the FPdc, the resulting stitch ends up on the surface of the work (right side, can't be seen from the wrong side), so there is a (unused) sc stitch behind it. So, the stitches you skip are the ones in line with the FPdc's you've just done. To make sure I skipped the correct ones, I'd look down from the top of the work to see last sc used for a hdc, then count two sc's matching the two fpdc's, thus pinpointing the next sc to use.


Next (huh? what on earth?): FPdc around the stitch below the next sc? Well, that made much more sense when working the square, too. Since all of the wrong side rows are sc, when working a right side row, the previous row doesn't have any posts to work with; they're sc's. So, to find a post to go around, you have to go to the last right side row of hdc's, which are below the last (wrong side) row's single crochet stitches.


Here's where I think I messed up the bottom half of the chevrons: they are in the right place, but too extended from one RS row up to the next. Here's what I tried to do. In the FPdc illustration, the post to be worked around is nice and tight - no messy strand reaching down from the top loop of the stitch, etc. But on my work, I'm using a K (trying to make the square as big as my others) and my hdc's are not nearly as neat as shown in the pic. I had to choose either to go around the post as high up as possible (involving the top of the stitch), or where I could make sure that a stitch post was all I was working with (much lower in the row). I did the second, trying to involve only the hdc's post. The effect was pretty cool; the chevrons became continuous lines, not offset like in the sample square. But! when it came time to work the backslant - the top of the previous row's chevron was too far to the left to connect to. Looked terrible and sloppy. So, if I wanted diagonal lines slanting leftward across a square, I'd do it again this way. But to make a backslant, what I'm going to try is working more tightly, and going around the post near the top of the hdc stitch. I think for the chevron to look like one in the backslant portion, each row of hdc's/FPdc's has to be relatively short in height, or the leftward slant of the stitch will visually overcome the effect of placing the FPdc's further and further to the right.


That's my plan - we'll see how it works out tonight.


I also noticed the same slanting effect others reported; the whole square slants in one direction. Edges line up, though. Others reported that after they put on the border, this improved. Hoping this'll work for me, too. 'Course, I have to finish the dratted thing to put on a border.....

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Some of my squares are very large and some smaller. I have to remember to measure after the first 3 rows or so to be sure it's the correct size. They are fun to make, though :yay
Yeah, mine are all different, too. I'm settling for 8" plus/minus 1/4" - (before border), hopefully will be able to even everything out when joining.....


The up side of all this is that I get a lot of info about how hook size and stitch relate - I'm no longer having to make each square 3 separate times (trying out hook sizes h - k) - I'm down to about 2 times each:laughroll

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I really bombed sq #8..... so much so I stuck the whole 63sq bag in the closet for a couple of days.... my Chevron kept getting closer to the edge on one side...grrr....


Anyhow.. I'll try some of Patricia's tricks...


BUT....I really really can't figure out the BpDC.... no matter how many times I look at the darn thing and try... it doesn't work!



Now whose house can I fly to so they can hands on show me this stitich LOL

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Woot managed to get 8 and 9 done yesterday. I did find 8 (Chevron Relief) directions to be a bit confusing, so I used the picture a lot as a guide and some how it managed to come out, it's about 1/4" shorter than it should be (not enough 1/4" slightly less than that really), but I crochet lose enough that it could be stretched without looking distorted so I decided to just let it be. The instructions all say to get them approximately 7" so I figured it is as close as it's going to get :P I will hopefully remember to charge my camera batteries so I can get some pics posted. I can't wait to get this blanket finished up, it's going to be amazing and what a feeling of accomplishment =)

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I saw this book at the store I may pick it up and join you if its not to late. Some one let me know please.:devil

Hi, Kristen! :hi:welcome I'm no official, just another person doing this CAL, but to the best of my knowledge, by posting that you'd like to join, you HAVE! (the signup form discussed in the first post is pretty much OBE) And you can tell by the single digit squares being recently discussed that we're (the current group posting) still in the beginning stages, so come on in!


I think this CAL is pretty much continuous as people finish up, and others find it. Great project to develop your stitch repertoire! Feel free to ask questions - anybody who has an insight will try to answer. It might take a day to get an answer, though; never know when someone will drop by that has an answer. Or you could PM someone whose posts look like they've been working on a similar issue....


Have fun!

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