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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Ilene, that's grand! :manyheart


I hope I have grandbabies some day who love my work so much that they can't wait for me to finish it!:c9


I had to stop after doing row #5 of my afghan. My daughter and granddaughter came in and Giana (the grandbaby) had to cuddle in my chair with it till bedtime.
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Hey there cdgayer. :hi


I like Red Heart Super Saver. The colors are usually the same no matter the skein, and once I wash the FO, it turns out relatively soft. :c9 And like JulieKay said, it's a hardy yarn. I like a yarn that has staying power. :lol


Texapan, I haven't heard in the news, how's Amarillo doing? & I hope last night wasn't too painful.

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Just an update friends:


I completed squares 1,3,4, and I'm finishing up #5 tonight. I'm using a notebook to write down the details of every square, just in case I decide to do this afghan again. :eek If so, I won't have to guess at which hook to use, etc. Squares 1,3, and 4 took the I hook and they came out to be about 9 inches. My problem square so far is #5-front and back loop HDC. I started off with an I hook, but about halfway through, I decided a 7 inch square would be too small, so I switched to a J hook. This hook rendered the square about 9.5 inches before edging! So I went back to the I hook and put 2 extra rows of edging on it.


I actually do like this afghan. Every square is something different, so I don't get bored as easily. I decided to use 1 skein each of dark orchid, orchid and lavender, and the rest of the squares with whatever yarn I have around here. I'll trim it all in white. I really can't justify buying more yarn when I already have enough for my own yarn store, and husband just got laid off 2 weeks ago.


I hope to finish 4-5 more squares this week.

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Thank You ladies very much, I hope that me finishing will help give encouragement to those working on theirs. It ment a lot to me to finish the project because I usually don't finish a lot of what I start.


The afghan made the rounds of everyone in the family last night, from my husband who had a tooth pulled to my daughter who was working on a painting. Our cat, Milo even gave his seal of approval.

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Well the afghan is done! The final row of edging took hours!!!!!!!!! I think I'll take a few days, clean my neglected house and then see what other trouble I can get into.


Congrats, Ilene! I know the assembly part was my least favorite. Cute granddaughter, and who doesn't love a cute orange tabby? ;)

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That is gorgeous! I'm humbly still only on the 18th square. Thankfully this one is easier than the earlier ones. I had the most horrible time getting square #17 to be in gauge. I finally had to add an extra row of sc just to get it to 7".

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How's everyone doing? i got a couple more done last night, i stopped going in order and am now randomly choosing squares to do :clap I'm having problems with #7 Alternate Puff Stitch....after every row it's getting bigger:think looks like a triangle sort of, i'm going to come back to that one in a couple days when i have patients again LOL i ripped that thing out and started it over about 12 times last night

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:hi I'm on my 15th square. Sounds like a lot until I subtract that from 63 :blink.

It won't be long until my pay day and I can buy the other two colors of yarn and add a little variety into my life. I'm tired of crocheting with only the Country Blue - - going nutty :shrug I'm hangin' in there though :hook


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I'm on my 26th square! This is so exciting. The thing I'm really liking about this afghan is that I'm learning that I can follow just about any crochet directions. Before, I used to look at certain patterns and immediately dismiss them as being something I couldn't possibly ever follow...I'm getting such confidence being able to do each of these squares.

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hurrah for Friday, pay day and the rest of the yarn = = the two more colors for help stop boredom. :sigh I love this afghan. I've finished 15 squares but I've taken time out to buy a new bird. Yes, a bird, a Pearl Cockatfiel and cage. I get him on Friday when the cage comes in for him. :heart He's just gorgeous! He's tame, hand-fed, too. A good deal because I go to church with the pet store owners! :applause (I also bought my Min. Schnauzer there and they groomed my toy poodle, Peppi for 13 years until he died last August). That always helps. :clap.

In the meantime, back to making squares :D. I'm off to bed :night



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I began another square last night but ended up going to bed :oops. I'm also working on my first pair of crocheted socks. :waving.


BTW: Amarillo is on fire again! This time right in the city itself :fire. This is so awful - - black smoke in the sky and red at night. Pray for :rain.


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I found my copy at Michaels...


Well, I'm on the 27th square. I'm finding that I have better luck working on the squares in the morning with my coffee and the dozing kitty, when there are few distractions. When I try to work on it at night in front of the TV, my kitty becomes frisky and wants to play--that's usually a better time to work on a crocheting project that requires much less thought <g>.

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I'm at a stand still. I bought a new Cockatiel, cage and all the goodies for him. He's driving me NUTS! He's already learning to immitate sounds I make to him. He's a doll. I named him "Phillip" after my friend and pet store owner. Wish me luck. :sigh

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