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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I would like to be counted in too! I have the book and have been wanting to make it. I think I will make this to use up my stash, so who knows what colors will turn up.


I will be working on a page to add to my page today. Do I need to do anything else this is my first crochet a long, I'm excited!

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Hello, everybody! Long time no see! :wink


I have done a major update of the 63 Squares site. :dance All of the participants have been added on a new members page. I double checked to make sure I included everyone who has asked to join, but if by some chance I missed you, please let me know!


Additionally I now have join and update forms. Everyone who wants to join or who needs to update their info will need to use these forms. I needed some way to better keep up with so many members--137 and growing!


I have a few photos to add to the gallery, but other than that, everything should be squared away. :c9

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Looks great Donna! I'm all proud of myself today for working on it without prompting (i.e. Rick looking at the squares saying how pretty they are hint hint hint) I'm up to 39½ right now. 40 is fun! :hook

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I need to get off my behind and work on this. I think I'm avoiding it because I realized I was bordering the squares all wrong... but all that means is I frog the borders and get moving. I actually had to pull the yarn for this out of my stash basket and DUST IT! When yarn gets dusty, you know the WIP's been IP for too long. So it's now third on my WIPs to finish. Which is not a terrible ranking.

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Donna, the page looks great!



I too will be back to stitching on my squares at the end of June. Fair time has me crunching with other crochet projects! :2eek

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Count me in too. I already bought the book because I was going to do this anyway as my next project! As soon as I finish the scarf I started, I am going to alternate between another afghan that is nearing completion (just 24 rows to go). Then when I am finished with that one I will make the 63 squares my main project and probably start another side project, lol!

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Ya still have this project but it has been set aside so I can finish Christmas gifts when they are done Ill start this again. :lol


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Ya still have this project but it has been set aside so I can finish Christmas gifts when they are done Ill start this again. :lol



That was me last year. Now I'm trying my best to keep working on it since I've started again. If I put it off for another year ya'll can line up to kick me. I promise. :kick

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Hello! I've been working on this afghan for a little while. I've run into a couple problems, namely with the trinity and picot stiches. In both cases, this site and YarnTomato's tutorials helped me out. It would be a real pleasure to join this crochet-along. I tried to fill out the "join" form, but when I hit the "submit" button, nothing happened.


I'm using Caron "Simply Soft" yarn, in colors Dark Country Blue, 9711 Country Blue 9710, and Light Country Blue 9709 for the Green, Rose, and Ecru, respectively.


I'm currently on Square 36, "Little Crowns." That picot stitch was a bear for me...I'm an extremely inexperienced crocheter. It took me hours to figure out which direction to insert the hook from in the "third chain from the hook." I still don't know if I'm doing it right, but at least the pip lays flat now. (Chain 3, insert hook from right side, 'splitting' the chain so that the 'front' loop of the chain is the one on the hook, with the bottom and back loops of the chain kept to the back. Sc in front, picot in back at all times. If there is a better way, please feel free to extrapolate!)


I'm very much looking forward to crocheting with all of you! :manyheart



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Hm, not a lot of traffic on this thread! I do have a question, though.


This is my first crochet project, and I wondered how O.K. it is to alter the pattern. My square 40, the fan stitch, ended on a row 4 (12 rows) and so had three fans that protruded out the top. I really didn't care for the way that looked, especially when I've been so obsessive about trying to make my squares exactly 7". When the top was 7", and the low points were 6 1/2", I made my last row:


chain 2, hdc, 3 sc, hdc, 3 dc, 2 hdc, 3 sc, 2 hdc, 3 dc, hdc, 3 sc, 2 hdc.


What I'm wondering is, is that ok, or when a pattern is given, are we supposed to follow it exactly, due to some kind of copywrite laws, or something? Again, I'm very, very new to this and was extremely hesistant about changing anything at all. I couldn't see in the finished product where there might be 2 down-points from the square above it, where the squares themselves would even everything out.


Any thoughts would be very helpful, thank you.



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I've only made square one in this afghan, I plan on getting more of it made after I finish a rose one for a lady who asked me to make her another one. She's recently moved so I'll have to send it to her. That's my next project then I'm going to do some stuff for me.


Patterns are just a guide and we modify them all the time to suit ourselves. I had to modify the pillowghan I made for the pillowghan CAL because the squares weren't turning out to be 12".



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I see no reason why you couldn't change it to suit yourself. Those copyrights are only for selling purposes. I haven't tried this square yet so I'm not sure how it will turn out for me, but I've always changed things to suit the way I want them to look.:D

Hm, not a lot of traffic on this thread! I do have a question, though.


This is my first crochet project, and I wondered how O.K. it is to alter the pattern. My square 40, the fan stitch, ended on a row 4 (12 rows) and so had three fans that protruded out the top. I really didn't care for the way that looked, especially when I've been so obsessive about trying to make my squares exactly 7". When the top was 7", and the low points were 6 1/2", I made my last row:


chain 2, hdc, 3 sc, hdc, 3 dc, 2 hdc, 3 sc, 2 hdc, 3 dc, hdc, 3 sc, 2 hdc.


What I'm wondering is, is that ok, or when a pattern is given, are we supposed to follow it exactly, due to some kind of copywrite laws, or something? Again, I'm very, very new to this and was extremely hesistant about changing anything at all. I couldn't see in the finished product where there might be 2 down-points from the square above it, where the squares themselves would even everything out.


Any thoughts would be very helpful, thank you.



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That sounds about like what I did too, see. However, I'll give you warning now. ;) If #40 drove you nuts, wait until you do #41! It's even more uneven. I'm praying like crazy that whatever it is joined with it will straighten up a bit more, but even the one on the back of the leaflet isn't very straight.

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Sounds like this afghan will be an adventure, I should be starting mine back up in a couple of weeks when I finish the one I'm working on now, or I might work on them both simultaneously to prevent boredom ;)



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Well, I scrapped the scrap afgan idea. I had made about 9 or 10 squares and I just could't get into the color scheme. So I rekitted this out of my stash and now will be starting over again. My colors now will be


Lt. Blue - as the joining color too


Lt. Purple


They look good sitting in the box so I'm hoping they'll look good together :)

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They sound pretty together! I like the blue/purple combination :D


Gotta go to it so we can see them! I, on the other hand, have enough done so you can see the colors, and have come to a screeching halt when further progress is concerned. Oh yeah, I'm a hypocrite!

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That sounds about like what I did too, see. However, I'll give you warning now. ;) If #40 drove you nuts, wait until you do #41! It's even more uneven. I'm praying like crazy that whatever it is joined with it will straighten up a bit more, but even the one on the back of the leaflet isn't very straight.


I feel much better now, thank you! Just finished up #41, and I agree, that was going to drive me berzerk, too. Altered that one a bit too: after a sc row - chain 3, dc, popcorn, ch 3, skip next 3 tr, sc in each of next 3 tr, chain 3, skip next 3 tr, popcorn, ch 3, skip next 3 tr, sc in each of next 3 tr, chain 3, skip next 3 tr, popcorn, dc in last 2 dc. And, voila~! 7" sqaure.


Thank you guys so much for that support, I was so sure I was doing something wrong!



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I'm pretty new to Crochetville but have been working on this afghan since March. I've made progress in spurts and have less than 20 squares to go (that's such a nice low number now!). My progress is slowed by people who keep having babies at times other than their due dates. I then drop everything and make something for the new baby. This last week I made 6 preemie hats and 2 sets of booties for a pair of preemie twins. So I will again be picking up my basket for the 63-square afghan. I look forward to having it completed but have no idea what I'll do with it. It'll be the rose, ivory and sage green that the book suggested. Anyway, maybe if I report my progress here I will be more encouraged to keep going.



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