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63 Squares Crochet Along


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hehehe... you're welcome, MDS :D!

Your squares look great... especially the arch one... Love it.:clap

I had a very productive weekend. I finished at least 5 squares. I'm working on my 20th now :cheer2


Happy valentine's day all :h-val

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Wow ... t1nk, you're working as hard as if you were paid for it!<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/veryhappy.gif" />


I finished my square #5 the last weekend, just when I was feeling I could do more, I went into a bump with #8. My pattern didn't turn out right. Will have to frog it and study the pattern more carefully to see what I have done wrong!<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/banghead.gif" />


Happy Valentine's Day to you all.<img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/hapvalsmile.gif" />

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My booklet came today....have NO idea where my original one is in my garage....so I'm happy!!! I will get started on my first square tonight! Got me some catching up to do! :hi

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ugh....i havent worked on mine in a week now and the last time was only for about an hour and another week before that. this stupid triples square....i try and try, use different size hooks, lessen the chain, i dont know what else to do but its either too big, or too small, or just right and i have a bunch of extra chs left over. its really frustrating to finish a row and have to rip it all out, try again, rip again, try again, rip again. i think i'm going to skip this one for now cause i really want to start on this again.

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I got the first 3 squares done on Wednesday night. I'll try to get a couple more done tonight. I'll take digi pics later today and post them. I am already loving this afghan!! :)h


Edited to say that pics are in my blog now!

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Donna, thank you very much for your comment in my blog, especially for pointing out what was wrong with my square. With your help and after reading the instructions very carefully, I still had to struggle for a while, <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/frog1.gif" /> 3 times again before I can get it right!<img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/hyper.gif" /> But still the size is a bit off ... just hope blocking it later would help.


Now I am on Square #9. I will take pictures when I finish Square #10.<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/photos.gif" />


Have a nice Presidents' Day weekend, everybody.

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I'm seriously tempted to join this CAL, figuring that it'll give me enough variation to keep me happy and a long-term ongoing project to work on between littler projects... problem is that I really need to get the yarn for a blanket for my best friend's wedding, and I don't know how well working on all those blocks at once will do. Though I suppose I can work on this between blocks for hers, since it's the same square over and over and over and over and... yeah. Might help a little with the sanity issue, eh? Okay, sign me up... lol


Anne <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/bounce012.gif" />

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I just got this pattern book at Walmart last night -- the patterns looked so pretty that I couldn't pass it up!! Can I jump in right in the middle and join everyone making this afghan??


Not sure how crochetalongs work here as I haven't been in the group long.


Can I play too??? Pretty please?? :angel





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I just got my book and yarn today! <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/cheer.gif" /> I even took a pic of it all to put on my blog. I don't know what kind it is right off the bat, so you'll have to look there to see, I'll post it later tonight. I did decide to do the blocks a shade of sage green though, and for the sc around the edges and joining them all I have a darker shade. I thought it'd be cool looking and I haven't seen any like that yet. It'll be a while before I start on it since I don't think I'm going to take it on vacation, but I'll let y'all know how it goes once I do! <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/dance.gif" />




Edited to correct the color!

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Ok, so I did a couple of blocks when I first bought the book...then I joined the cal...and read the posts....and eh hem...measured my blocks....


Yesterday I started over. I paid attention to guage. I swatched. I switched hooks and my blocks still aren't the same size...:bang . I did block number 1 and number 19. When I tried 1 with a g it was too small...with an h, it's too big... Oh and just for fun, #19 was the exact opposite. Too big with the H I started with and a little small with the G. I even tried switching hooks on the edging to adjust it.


So my question is... how close are they supposed to be. Is it even realistic to have them the same size??????


I can see this project taking a VERY long time....




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I just finished two blocks tonight. I should have finished three, but I realized after it was too late that the first block was a half inch short in height. So my mom has a new washcloth now!


I did get lucky though... with an I hook both of them have turned out to be right on size-wise. *knocks on wood*




Wrapped in Chains

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Bought my yarn this morning. I really don't care for pink, but I did like the sage green and ecru. So, I subbed in burgundy to replace the pink.


I can't wait to start on square #1! : ) Tonight after the baby goes to bed, I'll get started.





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Wow--T1nk—20! Really? I’m ready to start #12. I might be further along if I actually knew what I was doing. So far, I have 3 “this just isn’t going to make it†squares that I’m keeping just to show how wrong things can go. :rip


Agnes—my ride has been so bumpy I think I’m driving a jeep :bump . I don’t know if you are making the same mistake(s) that I was, but you might look at T1nk’s advice to me on page 51 (50?) because she explained it so well that I immediately saw how I was reading the pattern wrong and was able to successfully complete the square.


(hugs) Chelsea


Deneed & Anne & Craftimama—:welcome ! This is my first CAL, and I am loving it! I got started here at the tail end (I think the first date was last year-maybe longer) and have found that those further along are ready with really great advice—sometimes it pays to be late :D! .


Dawn—I had so much trouble with the gauge that when my daughter wanted to CAL with me I suggested that she use her favorite hook and largest yarn to crochet square #1, the sc; then measure that for her go-by square. It came out to 8†before edging and 9†with edging. The good news is that she is having much less trouble with gauge and only having to adjust her hook one size up or down for the different yarn textures. Sure, her afghan will be a bit larger than the pattern’s, but that’s no big deal—hope this helps.


Check you later.



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<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:purple;">Aw Deneen, I think that this afghan would make a really lovely birthday present!


I finished square #7 last night. I'm going in order and I think it's really helping a lot because the stitches get more difficult as you go (from what I'm finding out!)


I had a little problem with #6 (the trinity stitch) I loved making it and it worked up very fast, but it seems to be narrower at the beginning and wider at the end. I measured it and it's all 7 inches, but it still looks funny to me. Oh well. Maybe it'll look better once I block it.


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:sheepjump Jumping in here to say I want to join! Actually, I joined at the site a few days ago so now I'm coming over here to say hello and to report some progress.


I used to crochet as a kid and recently returned to crocheting last May. The first book I bought was the 63 squares book. I was thinking I would be able to learn a whole lot of stitches and come out ahead with such a pretty ghan. Well....I could not get not one square to be 7inches! (Now I understand why gauge is a bad word in the world of crochet! ;) ) I tried and tried but then gave up and went on to learn and complete other projects.


Well, I recently stumbled into Crochetville and saw this CAL and I knew I had to join. I hate to have a project defeat me! Since I joined, I have made 3 squares and they are a perfect 7 inches! :yay Mind you they are the easiest ones (#15 Afghan Granny, #16 Granny, #21 Flower Square) and I had to use a J hook to make the gauge.


I guess I'm now officially on my way to getting my 63 squares completed. I can't wait till mine is done. I really look forward to getting to know everyone and to seeing your completed ghans as a motivator.

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well I picked my 63 squares back up again..and i'm halfway through the 1st square (and after i got there, a friend at work asked me to do a hat for him and i started on that i'm so fickle sometimes haha!) I'm doing mine in RHSS and didn't someone say that the squares turn out bigger with that yarn?? because my sc one (after going up one hook size) is 7.5 inches....with the correct hook size it was 6 inches!! I think perhaps I crochet a bit tightly :blush So I'm debating weather or not I should go with the current hook or go back down and try to crochet a bit looser LOL


:f-1 spring is here, i saw my first wasp yesterday :clap

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Well, I decided to stop at 29 squares (I know, not exactly 63/2, but oh well), and I edged them all in black and stitched them together. I had 4 extras, which I made into little totes for my toddlers.


I call it my stained glass love seat blanket:

<a href=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/shelbyro/crochet/25sqcloseup.jpg target=_blank>

<img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/shelbyro/crochet/th_25sqcloseup.jpg></a>

<a href=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/shelbyro/crochet/25sqblanket.jpg target=_blank>

<img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/shelbyro/crochet/th_25sqblanket.jpg></a>


I couldn't handle the pile of squares sitting there mocking me. I had to make them into something~

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Sorry, ladies, for being absent from this group for the past week or so. I beg your forgiveness! :not I'm here now and catching up!



MDS, I am thoroughly enjoying your descriptions of making these squares! :clap I'm sorry you're having to rip so much but it makes for great stories which you tell in a very entertaining way! :bow Your squares are looking great!



Nancy, I'm so glad your booklet arrived! Congrats on getting eight squares done! :cheer2



Chelsea, when you say the triples square, do you mean the trinity stitch? I have a Trinity Stitch Tutorial with lots of photos.



Agnes, you're welcome! :hug I'm glad I could help and glad that you figured out that pesky square! Blocking will help it straighten out.



Deneen, I'm glad you decided to join us! :woohoo I've added you to the list. Hooray for getting your yarn! :clap



Anne, I'm glad you decided to join us, too! :woohoo You're also on the list now. Yay for getting your book and yarn! The greens you chose are beautiful. :clap



Juli, oh, yes, please do jump right in and join us! :woohoo You're on the list! :clap



Dawn, my squares are all quite similar in size. Julie (yarngirl) and I have been recording the hook size we use in our photo albums, so that might give you a guide in choosing hook size. Here is Julie's album and my album.



Go, Christine! :cheer2 You're doing great! Since your trinity stitch square measures out correctly, it will be fine when you block it and even better when it's joined up with all the other squares.



Gina, I've already connected with you via e-mail, but wanted to say here, too, that I'm glad you're joining us and I've added you to the list. :woohoo Congrats on getting three squares done and being on gauge! :cheer2



Sherry, go! :cheer2 Yes, Red Heart Super Saver will make the squares come out a bit bigger, so it does sound like you crochet tightly. You should always do your gauge naturally. If you concentrate on trying to crochet looser, you'll have a hard time keeping that up. Just choose which ever hook size you are more comfortable with for the sc square and the resulting square size will be the gauge for all of your squares. Keep in mind, though, that you will likely have to go up and down hook sizes for other squares.

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